So what now? I guess there's a small chance I'll add to my 50k total by tomorrow night, but it's a pretty slim chance with it being the weekend and all. I'm feeling creatively spent at the moment. December is probably going to be a pretty low-key month for me too. I'm roughly four weeks shy of having this baby and generally just exhausted. I definitely plan to keep writing and doing Wednesday's Words. I don't want to lose the awesome drive that I discovered doing NaNo, but I'm not planning on challenging myself with large word count goals or anything of that sort.
I know I've said it before, but I hope everyone who took part in NaNo was able to draw something positive from it, and if you're still racing to that 50k finish line tomorrow, I wish you speedy fingers and the best of luck!
Woohoo! Congratulations!!
I'm so happy for you! Congratulations on reaching such a great goal!
Awesome! I really admire everyone who took the Nano challenge and stuck with it all the way through. Good for you!
Well, crack open the champagne! (or sparkling cider - I didn't know you were pregnant! Congratulations on that too!!)
That is awesome news, I knew you'd do it! You were like a word piranha from the getgo.
So at your final word count are you at your story's end?
Thanks everyone! I know I could have pushed myself and written more (if you compare how much I wrote in the first two weeks to the second two it's obvious) but I'm really pleased with finishing the 50k on time!
Sheri: I reached "the end" of the novel but it has HUGE holes. It's a total disaster.
I hate to say this, but I'm shelving it. For now at least. I'm going to try my hand at a MG novel again. I think I enjoy it more!
WONDERFUL! Congrats to you--go celebrate!! Even if you decide to shelve it, you can always come back to it...and you really do learn from each book.
Good luck on your new WIP!!
As I see it - you are giving birth twice this month - once to 50,000 words and another to a miracle. Congrads on both!
I am late, late, late on this but..
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS! You're such an inspiration!! I know you're shelving it for now but I can't wait to see what might come of it in the future. :)
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