I was tagged by Lisa Nowak yesterday (thanks Lisa!)
The rules are as follows: link to the person who tagged you; write down six things that make you happy; post the rules; tag six others and let them know you have done it; tell the person who tagged you when your entry is up.
Six things that make me happy... well, this should be easy!
1.) My darling children. I have a two-year-old daughter, Berlin, and a two-week-old son, Dresden. I've never felt so complete as I do with them in my life (and all that usual gushy, parent stuff.) I'll never understand people who don't like or want children but more power to them for recognizing that in themselves, I suppose. They truly are joyful blessings. Some days I struggle just to feel worthy of them.
2.) My fiance, Jesse, who will eventually be my husband if I can stop writing and changing diapers long enough to plan something... Er, where was I? Oh yea, he makes me happy. Very happy. He's my life partner and I couldn't be more excited about our future years together with our precious children. He's also very supportive of my writing, which just adds to his worthiness. : )
3.) Writing. Do I even need to list this one? Writing is an outlet, a hobby, a dream, and so many other things. I'll always be a writer. I love it. I just hope one day I can actually be an author, too.
4.) My camera. I bought a digital SLR camera when my daughter was about five months old. One of the best things I did in 2007, in my opinion. Like writing, I feel like I've found another piece of myself that was always waiting to be discovered. I love taking photos of my children and editing them. Someday I might even get into child photography on the side. I think I'd like that.
5.) Music definitely needs a place on this list. Music touches a place in my soul that nothing else seems to reach. I can always turn to music for whatever I'm feeling / experiencing and find a measure of peace, happiness, and/or comfort with its aide.
6) I'm going to list several other things here because I just don't want to choose between them (could, don't want to.) I think the reasoning will be obvious. Family, books, chocolate, life, love, animals, snuggly blankets, sunshine, french fries, coffee, cocoa, my laptop, wireless internet, heaters, modern toilets, and, well, I should probably just stop now....
And now I shall tag the following six:
Heather Hansen (From the Desk of...Heather)
Jill Wheeler
PJ Hoover (Roots in Myth)
Stephanie J (Musings and Scribbles)
Sheri (Diary of a Children's Book Writer)
Rhonda Stapleton (Just Your Average Crazy Writer)
If you don't already follow these blogs, make sure to take a peak! Now, I'm off to play tag.
Great list. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tag! It sounds fun!
ReplyDeleteYour list is great. And including music is a wonderful thing to do.
Thank you both! It was fun.
ReplyDeleteI love your list. Sweet.
ReplyDeleteDon't get mad at me if I don't do this...
BTW, I picked up JKR's beatle the Bard. You liked it, right? I haven't read it yet.
Okay. I did it. LOL
ReplyDeleteHeather, Beedle the Bard was good, really fun. It's not Harry Potter good, unfortunately, but I rather enjoyed it. Especially Dumbledore's extended commentary!