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Wednesday's Word Count

Happy Wednesday! Can you beleive January is almost over already? Yikes!

Prior Goal:
Smooth out plot issues. Write a chapter.

Achieved: Plot issues resolved. Tweaked chapter one.

Goal for new week:
Write a chapter.

Excuses / comments:
I think I have my plot mostly figured out, but I fidgeted with chapter one so much I didn't end up writing a new one. Like with NaNo, I need to turn off my inner editor and just push forward - get it written. Erg. I'm certainly starting off slower than I had planned, but I thought I would have my story all figured out by now too. Ideas keep swimming around my brain and I can't figure out which direction to go!

Your turn! Time to spill your goals and accomplishments for the week.


PJ Hoover said...

Revision done. Now it's time to brainstorm something new.

Heather Hansen said...

Maybe you should start writing by hand and then not type it in until you get into at least the next chapter. I do that often when my inner editor is particularly pesky.

Can I read ch 1?

Casey Something said...

Have fun PJ!

Casey Something said...


Longhand?!?!? You mean, without my backspace and delete? Are you crazy?


Might not be a bad idea but it would be pretty slow-going.

I sent you the chapter this morning.

Rhonda Helms said...

Rock on--that's awesome.

My goal has been 6 pages a day every day this week. Made it so far! :D