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  • Sally Kim Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/26/2025
  • Etsy Loveing-Downes Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/7/2025
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Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

A Writer's Lack of Confidence

This is HUGE for me. Over the last few months I've been able to pin this down as THE biggest thing that hurts my writing. Sometimes as soon as the second chapter I'm second guessing the writing or the story itself. This is exactly why I give up on my stories. If nothing more, I'm trying to overcome a measure of this lack of confidence this year. Because... even if it does suck, I'll never get good unless I practice. Right? Right.

What brought this post on? This article: How Successful Writers Keep up Their Confidence by Consulting Editor Alan Rinzler. As chagrined as I am that I have this issue, as confidence is, according to Rinzler, "...the single most essential ingredient an author needs to succeed, since good writing is never that quick or easy," I feel optimistic that I can overcome it since I'm painfully aware of it.

Nathan Bransford posted this amongst his "This Week in Publishing" bits. He has some other great articles this week, so make sure you stop by there as well.

Also, pop on over to The Crowe's Nest (Agent Sara Crowe) to read a post by Lisa Schroeder (I HEART YOU, YOU HAUNT ME) regarding her feelings on her editorial letters.

Happy Friday!


Angela Ackerman said...

I struggle with this as well. Thanks for the links--I'm checking them out now!

kathleen duey said...

I haven't read the article yet...but for me, managing the switch from writer brain to editor brain has been an ongoing adventure.

The first draft is like the first day at dance class, with everyone stumbling into each other and smiling that awkward smile.

It doesn't feel too odd if you are IN the room, laughing at yourself and with others.But if you are one of the people in the hallway, just glancing in from a distance...

If your brain slides from creative to editorial, in other words...

You see stupid-chaos, not early-rehearsals with many sparkling possibilities...

Find your own personal way of hushing the editorial department while the early fragile, creative work is ongoing....

Sheri Perl-Oshins said...

Confidence is something that comes slowly over time. Being aware of it is the first step.

I will check out those other articles as well.

How's that brandy-new, beautiful baby of yours?

PJ Hoover said...

Great links!
And I'm pretty sure many writers struggle with the confidence thing. We have to tell ourselves we are good and believe in ourselves. If we can't, then why should anyone else?
Have a great weekend!

Keri Mikulski said...

I think every writer deals with this from time to time.

I was given great advice about writing - Your writing is your craft, your product, your job, not you..

Casey Something said...

I don't think we're alone in this Angela!

Thank you for the great analogy Kathleen, and thank you for stopping by!

Baby boy is doing great Sheri, thank you for asking!

Great advice PJ. Like so many other things, I think that's easier said than done!

That's awesome advice Keri. I'll try to keep that in mind.

Thanks everyone!