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Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Agent Spotlight: Sara Crowe

This week's Agent Spotlight features Sara Crowe of Sara Crowe Literary.
Status: As of 9/14/2024, Sara is closed to queries. Please check the agency website to find out when she reopens to queries.
Sara CroweAbout: "Sara always had a book in her hand, and is still amazed that she gets to help make them. She has 25 years of experience in the publishing world, with 8 in foreign rights, and 20 representing clients.  After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania and the Radcliffe Publishing course, she started her career at The Wylie Agency, where she went on to sell foreign rights in Wylie’s London office. She was a foreign rights manager at Trident Media Group, and an agent and foreign rights manager at Harvey Klinger, before becoming a senior agent at Pippin Properties.  
She represents a diverse group of children's and adult fiction and nonfiction; everything from picture books to graphic novels to literary fiction and adult romcoms.  Her clients include Newbery and Printz medalists and honorees, National Book Award Finalists, Lambda award winners and finalists, and NYT Bestsellers."
(From the agency website)
Status: Update on 11/10/2023: Sara is currently closed to submissions. Please check the agency website to find out when she will reopen to queries.
What She’s Looking For:
Genres of interest: Author-illustrated picture books and graphic novels, MG and YA fiction and nonfiction, and select adult fiction, specifically rom-coms and literary fiction. She is especially interested in underrepresented voices. (From the agency website.)
What She Isn't Looking For:
Picture book text and adult Sci-Fi/fantasy, or commercial thrillers (From the agency website)
Editorial Agent?
About the agency:
"Sara Crowe Literary is dedicated to nurturing and developing careers, championing new talent, and representing works from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
We are committed to inclusive practices that value richness in diversity and create spaces for creativity and innovation that enrich the lives of our agents, clients, and communities." (From the agency website)
Web Presence:
Sara Crow Literary.
Publisher’s Marketplace page.
AgentQuery, QueryTracker.
Check the agency website for a list of her clients.
Query Methods:
Email her at submissions@saracrowelit.com with a query and 10 pages of text
Check the agency website for up-to-date submission guidelines.
What’s the buzz?
Sara Crowe is a highly sought after agent who is very polite and professional. She has great experience in the industry, fabulous clients, and impressive sales. Her clients seem extremely pleased with her representation. Definitely follower her on twitter.
Worth Your Time:
7 Questions with Literary Agent Sara Crowe at Middle Grade Ninja (04/2011)
Interview with Sara Crowe at Laurie Thompason's blog (03/2010)
Please see  Sara Crowe Literary's website for contact and query information.
Profile Details:
Last updated: 4/25/2023
Agent Contacted For Review? Yes
Last Reviewed By Agent 5/22/2019
Have any experience with this agent? See something that needs updating? Please leave a comment or e-mail me at natalieiaguirre7(at)gmail(dot)com.

Note: These agent profiles presently focus on agents who accept children's fiction. They are not interviews. Please take the time to verify anything you might use here before querying an agent. The information found herein is subject to change.


Anonymous said...

Sara's the best agent in the biz. Since 2005 she's sold seven novels for me, five nonfiction books, and a number of comic book scripts, all to major houses. Our most recent release is PATIENT ZERO, a thriller from St. Martins Griffin.

She absolutely rocks. She's also a great source for up-to-the-minute info on shifts and changes in publishing.

Casey Something said...

Thank you so much for chiming in, Jonathan. Your feed back is invaluable.

Ms. Crowe sounds like a fabulous agent!

PJ Hoover said...

She came and spoke at our SCBWI conference a couple years ago and was super nice!

Angela Ackerman said...

Great job here with this--thanks so much for putting it all together. I predict this will be very popular with writers!

Casey Something said...

Thanks for your input, PJ!

Glad you like it Angela!

Casey McCormick said...

Updated with latest info and interviews 05/17/2010.

Annalisa said...

Do you have any idea what Sara's response time is on requested material?

By the way, I love this feature. I never query an agent without first coming here. It's such a wealth of information that's hard, or at least time consuming, to track down on your own.

Annalisa said...

Do you have any idea what Sara's response time is on requested material?

By the way, I love this feature. I never query an agent without checking here first. It's such a wealth of information that's hard, or at least time consuming, to find out on your own. It's such a great service you provide.

Casey McCormick said...

Hi Emily,

I'm not sure, but I've seen some stats that suggest about a month.

Thanks and good luck! Please consider coming back to let us know when you get your response.

Annalisa said...

Thanks for the info. I'll keep you updated about her response time. Crossing my fingers.

Sorry about the double post. I wasn't sure I'd hit the send button so I figured better safe than sorry.

Annalisa said...

Sara's response time on a full was 6 weeks. I'm not sure on partials since she didn't request one from me, but that seems pretty quick and she was very nice.
Thanks for this series. I'd be in the dark without it.

Casey McCormick said...

Thanks for the update, Emily! Helpful to know. Good luck out there. I hope you're getting other requests!

Martha Ramirez said...

Awesome post. Great info as always. Thanks again, Casey! Also, thanks for the comments as well. Good to know:)

Becky Mahoney said...

Hey Casey! Just so you know, the "Queries That Worked" link leads to the blog post about revisions.

jmartinlibrary said...

I am also a client of Sara Crowe. And she is indeed AWESOME--a capable pro, in every way. :)

Casey McCormick said...

Thank you for the feedback, Jenny. She really does seem awesome!

Rebecca, I fixed the link. Thank you!

Becky Mahoney said...

Thanks Casey! And by the way, thanks to this post, I queried Sara and got a full request within four hours. OMG.

Casey McCormick said...

Yay! Good luck, Rebecca!

Chris Kreie said...

I queried Sara and, though I didn't get the answer I was hoping for, she did get back to me within hours. It was a bit humbling but at least she didn't keep me waiting.

Unknown said...

I queried Sara because of her track record and because her projects have a quirkiness that appealed to me. She requested a full very quickly and even read the manuscript while in the middle of moving! I signed with her last week because she GOT my manuscript. it was like she was the perfect reader -- one that understands my sense of humor but also has no problem expressing her appreciation of the little things. Made me feel very good on the phone. Very kind, down to earth personality; I look forward to working with her forever!

Casey McCormick said...

Congratulations, Evan! That's fantastic news, and I so appreciate the feedback. Wishing you both the best on the next leg of your journey.

kathrynjankowski said...

Sara is now a Senior Agent with Pippin Properties.