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Wednesday's Word Count

Wow. Wednesday really snuck up on me this week.

(Does anyone else have a hard time using the word "sneaked"?)

Prior Goal: 8-10 revised pages a day and swap with Heather.

Accomplished: 50ish.

Goal for new week: 10 revised pages a day.

Excuses / comments: Still doing good. I've reached 100 pages in my MS. Things are slowing down though. I've reached the quagmire of my novel so revisions are taking longer. I think I have to do approximately 10 pages a day to meet my (current) goal. There are only 14 days left this month!

How are you doing? What writing goals are you tackling this summer? Virtual cookies and confetti for everyone making progress despite the call of summer!


Stephanie J said...

I've fallen off the word count wagon! Yep, I've been at 0 w/c for several weeks now. It's pretty pathetic...especially since I need to have a complete MS before July 14th. I haven't worked out my goals but I need to hunker down.

Great job on the revisions!

Casey -- maybe I need to get with you and talk about your process, sticking with your goals, etc. I'm always interested in hearing how others crank out words and meet their goals since it's so difficult for me.

Casey Something said...

You just gotta jump back on the wagon, Stephanie. Eliminate any distractions and practice butt in chair. Once you get going, you'll probably find yourself wondering why you've been putting it off!

I'd be happy to talk to you about what works for me, but the key will be finding out what works for you. It really took me awhile. I had to try a lot of different things.

You can do it!

Keri Mikulski said...

Good stuff.

I've been right there with you. About 10 - 20 pages a day of revisions. :)

Casey Something said...

Awesome Keri! Keep up the great progress.

PJ Hoover said...

Ooh, great writing week here. I'm starting to get into the ms now. Probably got 9K words written.

Heather Hansen said...

I'm doing really, really bad.

Nuff said. :(

Casey Something said...

You are such a producer, PJ. You were meant for this! I can't wait to hear about your new MS.

You're doing fine, Heather! You just got hung up a bit. Just push through. You're nearly done rewriting the beginning. You'll have a nice break with small revisions for awhile after this next scene.

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

loosk like you are cranking along.

Casey Something said...

Thanks Shelli! I hope you were able to make your first deadline with your fab new agent!