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Interview with Author Suzanne Young

Hey all-

Today I have a special treat for you.  An interview with author Suzanne Young!  I think Suzanne is best known for writing at warp speed and producing more books than all of us have written collectively (okay, that might be an exaggeration) but there's so much more to love and envy!  Let's check it out.

Sue's Author Photos 2To get us started, here's the bio blurb from Suzanne's web site:   

Originally from Utica, NY, I moved to Arizona to pursue my dream of not freezing to death. My debut novel THE NAUGHTY LIST will be released from Razorbill/Penguin in 2010 so stay tuned for more details! Basically I'm living a completely random life.

I channel my obsessive-compulsive nature into writing books for teens, or occasionally cleaning my house. My website is just getting started, so keep coming back for all the goodies. In the meantime, if you want the real dirt, it's all on my Blog. See you there.

(Note: She now lives in Oregon.) And here's the interview!

Your upcoming debut novel THE NAUGHTY LIST is part of a four-book series with Razorbill. Can you tell us about the series?

I’d love to! The Naughty List is about a group of cheerleaders who track down and investigate cheating boyfriends. Everything is strawberry smoothie perfect until one of their own boyfriends is implicated in a cheat. Is he as naughty as all the rest?

The series will follow the squad—The Smitten Kittens—as they cheer for the Wildcats and make high school a safer place for hearts.

Naughty List final cover!Which character in THE NAUGHTY LIST do you relate to the most? How much teenaged-Suzanne went into the book(s)?

These characters were so fun to write, especially the main character Tessa Crimson. She’s sweet, smart, perky and completely different than you would expect. But I think I have to identify with one of her tell-it-like-it-is sidekicks, Leona. I sort of have a big mouth too.

To be honest, my high school experience wasn’t nearly as well organized as Tessa’s. But maybe some of the tears could be close to what I’d experienced… if I talked about that sort of thing.

Are you cooking up some “naughty” release day fun? Where can readers stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest?

Well, right now I’m trying to plan a launch party in NYC, but see there’s this thing… it’s called money. And I don’t have any. But I will have contests and all sorts of online bloggy fun!

You can come visit me at www.suzanne-young.blogspot.com

Melissa Sarver at Elizabeth Kaplan Agency represents you, but you didn’t gain representation by any normal means. Care to share the story there? It’s always fun to hear (even if it makes me a little green).

Well, I’d had an agent for about nine months when the relationship ended. At that point, I was a bit distraught. But then with the help of some great friends, I decided to keep sending out my work without an agent. A few weeks later, I got an email from Melissa. She’d been reading my blog and loved my voice. She asked if I needed representation! I think I gave her a hard time at first, but eventually I signed with her and Razorbill within the month!

Note:  Since this interview was posted, Suzanne has changed representation and is now repped by Jim McCarthy

You’re currently a full-time author. What’s an average work day like for you?

Right now? Revise, rinse, repeat. I wake up and immediately have coffee and feed my two kids and two dogs. As soon as they’re distracted I check my email and surf the net for a few hours. Haha. Then I get to work! When I’m in the middle of something, I can work up to ten hours a day. In between projects I tend to dabble with several things. Like, start stories, but not finish them. I have commitment issues.

What advice would you give for aspiring authors?

Keep writing. It wasn’t my first book that sold. My second. Not my third or fourth. It was my fifth. I just kept writing books. So if I could suggest something, it’s that. Keep going and love what you write!

You have a fabulous on-going story on your blog called GOING GREEN. How can readers catch up on the story?

Casey, you just reminded me that I need to update it!!!! Going Green was something I started while in between projects. If you go to my blog at www.suzanne-young.blogspot.com and go to the labels on the side, you’ll find it under Going Green. But make sure you start from the earliest post! It’s not the same if you miss the Frisbee smack.

What have you read recently and loved? Any books you want to plug?

Well, I was a HUGE fan of The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. I also can’t wait to get my hands on Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard.

LA09-BlogLogo3[1]You’re an official blogger for the SCBWI-LA summer conference this year. What does that entail? For those unfortunate souls not attending (me!), where should we keep our eyes peeled for updates?

Well, I like to think of myself as a red carpet diva—like a young Joan Rivers. But really I’ll be tweeting and blogging about the conference as it happens. Workshops and panel updates, interviews, and yes, maybe a few “Who are you wearing” questions.

You can keep up to date on my blog, tweets or most importantly, the official SCBWI Conference Blog at www.scbwiconference.blogspot.com

You currently live in Oregon and really seem to love it. What’s your favorite thing about living there?

The trees. Plus, I love camping so Oregon was the perfect place for us.

You’re pretty good at being totally random and fun. Tell us something completely random about yourself.

I’ve always wanted to be pierced and tattooed all over. I’ve pierced my tongue and nose (both gone) and gotten two tattoos. But in a past life, I was one of those Bad ass chicks with a tattoo sleeve.

Finally, what’s one interview question you haven’t been asked and wish you would be? And please, answer it!

Is there a talent or skill you wish you had?

I wish I could dance. Like, breakdance. My husband used to be a DJ and I was fascinated with the world. So yeah, I wish I were a super cute breaker. Lol.

Thanks, Casey. These were great questions!!!!!!

Thank YOU, Suz!  I'm sure everyone will be on the lookout for THE NAUGHTY LIST when it debuts 02/04/2010 (or heading over to preorder it right now!).  I can't wait to read about Tessa and The Smitten Kittens! 


Mame said...

I was SO relived to read this...

"I wake up and immediately have coffee and feed my two kids and two dogs. As soon as they’re distracted I check my email and surf the net for a few hours. Haha. Then I get to work!"

She cured me of feeling like a slacker, I do the same thing!

Rebecca said...

Thanks Casey and Suzanne for the fun, light-hearted interview!

Christina Farley said...

Fun interview! So interesting how Suzanne got her agent.

jberk said...

Great interview! Suz would be a super cute breaker. Let's not stop harassing her until she learns to breakdance.

Suzanne Young said...

Thanks, Casey! I was so happy to be interviewed!

And shut up, Josh Berk!!!

Casey Something said...

Glad you enjoyed the interview everyone!

And Josh, I'm all for the harassing. You could totally be a super cute break dancer Suz!

: )

BJW said...

Great interview. Thanks to both of you for sharing it with us.

Tara McClendon said...

Yeah, go wildcats! Great interview.

Tanya Seal Grant said...

Thanks for sharing - this was super fun to read!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having Suzanne Young on your Blog. I am looking forward to The Naughty List books.
I didn't know she was a full-time author now, that's terrific!
Great advice given in this interview.
Love from Canada

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

great and fun interview. we love suzanne.

Kelly Polark said...

Fabulous interview with Suzanne!

Casey Something said...

Thanks for commenting everyone. I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview!

Keri Mikulski said...

Love, love, love Suzanne!! Great interview, Casey! ;)