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I'm Not At SCBWI But...

Originally, I planned on having a pity party on the blog today complete with pity party poppers and chocolate--lots of chocolate. One for those of us who are not attending the SCBWI-LA conference but really (really, really) wish we were.

But, when I sat down to get the party goin', all I could think was, "I'm not at SCBWI BUT..."

I would have missed finding a "tree star" with my daughter.
I would have missed the huge smile my boy gave me when I got him out of his crib.
I don't have to miss my family or wonder if my kids are getting along okay without me.
I can follow along via Twitter (#scbwi09) and on blogs.
I saved a lot of money by not going.
I'm not a wreck of nerves and panic (first timer).
I won't be tired as a mule by the end of the day.

So, maybe we can have some pity at the party (and yes, chocolate and poppers) but mostly, I want to see your BUTs (not the bodily kind, please), the positive "I'm not at SCBWI buts..."

Feel free to leave em' in the comments for the entirety of the conference.

I probably will!

(Note: I'm not saying it's better I didn't go, but I'm trying to be positive!)


Mame said...

I not at SCBWI BUT, I just finished reading The First Five Pages and it felt like convention advice all wrapped up in a neat $14 package.

Unknown said...

I actually want the first conference I attend to be smaller than that - I'm an SCBWI member but want to get my feet wet at local conferences first. I'm going to my first one in the Fall but it only involves two editors and one agent, so we'll see how that goes. Plus, my son's first day of Kindergarten was today (don't ask me why they start on a Friday), and there was no way in the world I'd miss out on that! Happy Friday:)

Samantha Clark said...

I'm not at SCBWI but, I went a few years ago. And although it was a fantastic experience, and I'd love to go again one of these years, I parrot your saved money but, Casey. Just the conference itself has gotten so much more expensive since a few years ago, plus there's the hotel and airfare. It's not cheap. Another but: I went to my local Houston conference in February and had a great time. It was a lot smaller, just one day, but it was must less expensive, we heard five editors talking and there was much more opportunity to meet the editors on their own, which is hard at the LA conference because it's so huge.

And another but, I wouldn't have finished my first novel revision today.

And I wouldn't be spending the weekend with my husband and beautiful dog.

Oh, and I'm registered for another semi-local conference in October and know of one in November, again, smaller, more intimate ones. Altogether the three are less than the LA one.

I'd love to follow along, but I'm satisfied.

Casey Something said...

So true, Aimee. I remember the first time I read it!

That's probably a good idea, Kristi. I'm keeping my eye on other Cali conferences and on a workshop with Jill Corcoran (not too far from me) that's coming up in Nov. And wow, first day of kindergarten! Definitely don't want to miss that.

Samantha, thanks so much for your insight. It is very expensive. I live in Cali, which cuts out airfare but it's still a lot of money.

Congrats on finishing your revision. I wish I was finishing mine up but I'm pretty much back where I started. Though, I'm reading through my first draft right now, trying to see if I should have stuck with revising that one all along. The jury is out.

Keri Mikulski said...

Love your positive spin.. :) Have a great weekend. :)

Wish I was there too.

storyqueen said...

Casey, I'm in Cali, too! I'm not at SCBWI, but I did get to take my daughters to lunch today to have shrimp tempura California rolls and I AM going to write for a couple of hours, which I wouldn't get to do if I was there.

And really, writing is so much better than not writing, don't you think?


Corey Schwartz said...

I didn't go to LA, but.. i got to network via Lisa and Laura!

Rebecca said...

I'm not there BUT...
My daughter is turning 6, and we are celebrating by having a jungle safari in the backyard. My books from Amazon arrived today, so I have reading material about improving my writing. Lastly, I was able to spend what little extra money I have at The World's Longest Yard Sale :) !

Casey Something said...

Thanks Keri. You have a great weekend too!

Shelley, it sounds like you've had a lovely day. And yes! Writing. We do have that!

Awesome, Corey!

Happy Birthday to your daughter, Rebecca! It sounds like you'll have a great weekend as well.

K. M. Walton said...

I'm not there either - BUT, I'm going to the Fall Philly conference.

p.s. I totaly agree with Storyqueen when she says writing is better than no writing. Amen, Storyqueen.

How about all of us 'non-goers' make a pact to do some substantial writing during the conference days? Takers?

Rebecca Gomez said...

I'm too terrified to go to any conference, so it's kind of a blessing that I can't afford it anyway. Ha ha.

But, I really would like to go to one some day. Someone may have to come and drag me out of my house to get me there, though.

PJ Hoover said...

I'm not there either, but I'm going to a great writing conference tomorrow!

Vonna said...

I spent the week developing my web site, so I am now ready to send out some queries on my latest MG novel. And like Samantha, I went to the terrific Houston SCBWI conference in February and will be attending an Austin SCBWI workshop in October. Tomorrow I will get up early and work for several hours on my WIP then get to spend the rest of the day with my family. Time well spent!

Sherrie Petersen said...

I'm there but I wish you were too!! (But I'm glad you're being positive about not being there.)

Ann Finkelstein said...

The SCBWI conferences in NY and LA are fantastic, but sometimes you can gain more from a small regional conference. At a conference of 1000+ people, it can be hard to network. On the flip side, there are many topics and genres covered at the big conferences.

Another note that I meant to post last week. Casey, I think you're amazing. You have two little kids, you have an extremely helpful blog, you write A LOT and you think hard about your writing. I'm sending a cyber round of applause.

Casey Something said...

K.M., I'd love to get a ton of writing done, but I've hit a road block again (is the universe telling me NOT to write this novel, or what?). *Headdesk* Maybe I can work on my other project though. Hm...

Rebecca, I'm pretty terrified myself! But, I see it as a big step in my journey, and I'd like to make that step within the next year.

Oh, have fun at your conference, PJ!!!

Hi Vonna! It sounds like you're being very productive. Best wishes on your MG submission!!

I hope you're having a blast, Sherrie! Maybe we can go to some other SCBWI-Cali event together soon? We're not very far from each other. You could hold my hand. Ha!

You're so sweet, Ann! I haven't been feeling amazing AT ALL, so I appreciate your kind words. I hope my "hard thinking" will pay off eventually! Sometimes I think I'm causing more problems for myself than I'm fixing. : p

I'll definitely look into some regional conferences. I'm mostly sad I'm missing this one because there are a lot of people I really wanted to meet! I'm making a plan to go to nationals next year though. Hopefully some of them will go again.

Anna said...

Great idea! Loved reading everyone's responses.

Here's mine: "I'm not at SCBWI, but I'm querying and planning my next story."

And I'm bringing some strawberries to the partayyyy!

Casey Something said...

Yay strawberries! Good luck with your querying, Anna. Here's to some great interest this weekend.

*raises glass*

Tana said...

I was having a flash of pity myself yesterday. But I found comfort in the fact I've already ben to a major conference and really it didn't do me that many favors. I saved ooodles of money and now I get to pick out new tile for the kitchen (and afford it) lol.

Angela Ackerman said...

I'm not there either, but at least we can hear all about it when they get back, which is the next best thing!

Stella said...

I didn't go to the big one either, but I did get some work done on my WIP, I got my garden weeded, I had a fantastic day on the boat and the beach yesterday and the money I could have spent on the conference is going to a portrait workshop with Tony Ryder next week.

Anyhow, there's always the New York conference in January and that's so much closer to home.

The Fist Five Pages is an incredibly useful book. Enjoy it.

Casey Something said...

Hope you find some really pretty tile, T. Anne!

Too true, Angela! I've been enjoying the live blogging and tweeting so much!

Sounds like you're having a lovely weekend, Stella! Have fun at your portrait workshop next weekend!

Casey Something said...

You know, after all the live blogging and tweeting, I feel like I'll be much more prepared and comfortable going next year. That's something to be happy about.

I would have been so stressed this year, not knowing what I was getting into!

Smith said...

While people may have different views still good things should always be appreciated. Yours is a nice blog. Liked it!!!

Casey Something said...

Thanks, Smith! It looks like you have a very informative blog.

Sherrie Petersen said...

Where do you live?

I'm going to Writers Day in Thousand Oaks in October. And I think Greg Trine (Melvin Beederman) is doing a workshop in San Luis that my son wants to go to (it's for adults, my son is 9, but maybe we can just be fans and then go shop at B&N!).

Email me: solvangsherrie at gmail dot com.

Casey Something said...

I'm in Santa Maria, Sherrie. I'll shoot you an e-mail!

Caroline Starr Rose said...

I didn't go but am looking forward to SCBWI-LA's novel revision weekend next month.

Casey Something said...

That sounds like fun, Caroline! Definitely something to look forward to.