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Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Agent Spotlight: Rosemary Stimola

This week's Agent Spotlight features Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio, Inc.
Status: Closed to submissions. Please check the agency website to check on Ms. Stimola's submission status.
rosemary-stimola About: "In more than thirty years of professional life, Rosemary Stimola has worn many hats, all of them centered on books for children and young adults. Her first work life as a PH.D linguist, teaching language and literature at the City University of New York, with a specialization in children’s literature, steeped her in the aesthetics of narrative, the power of the written word, and the nuanced partnership of word and art in the telling of story. Her second work life, as owner of A Child’s Story, an independent bookstore of national reputation in Teaneck, NJ, educated her in the business of children’s publishing, and brought her the Lucile Micheels Pannell Award, given by the National Women’s Book Association, for bringing children and books together. Given her experience and reputation as an educator, bookseller and literary agent, Rosemary has become one of the most sought after speakers at writer and illustrator conferences throughout the United States and abroad.” (Link)
About the Agency:
“The Stimola Literary Studio is a boutique literary agency founded in 1997. Through the years, it has established a stellar reputation in children’s publishing, respected for the contributions it has made to the body of literature for young people of all ages, cultures and ethnicities, across all genres and formats. Eclectic in taste but not in standards, we have helped to build careers for writers and artists from picture books through young adult novels with crossover appeal into the adult market. We are proud to count many NYT Bestselling and award-winning authors and illustrators among our clients, including the National Book Award, the Edgar Award, the Caldecott Medal, the Caldecott Honor Medal, the Coretta Scott King Author Medal, the Sibert Medal, two Newbery Honor Medals, and the Pura Belpre Honor Medal.
"At the Studio, no matter the project, our goal is not just to sell that first book, but to build careers and strategize how, hand-in-hand, to walk a path of successful publication in the long term and achieve success in the marketplace. Our representation is based not only on a professional skill set, but on a personal passion and a relationship of mutual respect and compatibility. Whether it is a debut or the next in a long line of successes, we work to tap and stretch the talents of each author and illustrator, bringing out the best each has to offer with a sense of timing, publisher insights and market awareness that will serve them well." (Link)
What She's Looking For:
From the Website:
"Eclectic in taste but not in standards, we have helped to build careers for writers and artists from picture books through young adult novels with crossover appeal into the adult market. 
"And now, expanding our own horizons, our client list has now grown to include graphic novels for both young and adult readers, and projects in parenting, lifestyle, food culture, cookbooks, health and wellness, and green and sustainable eating." (Link)
There is more information on what the agency is looking for on the Submission page and the individual agent biographies on the website.
What She Isn't Looking For:
We are NOT interested in:
Picture book texts of 1000 words or more
Fables, folklore or traditional fairytales
"Mood pieces"
Stories for "all ages"
Educational workbooks/activity books
Nonfiction for institutional markets (Link)
Editorial Agent?
Web Presence:
Stimola Literary website.
AgentQuery, QueryTracker.
A list of Stimola Literary clients can be found on the website.
Clients include Suzanne Collins, Matthew Cordell, Mary GrandPre, Thanhha Lai, Karen M. McManus, Lesa Cline-Ransome, Renee Watson, Mary Pearson, among many others
Query Methods:
E-mail: No.
Snail-Mail: Yes.
Online-Form: Yes.
Submission Guidelines (always verify): Ms. Stimola is closed to queries.
Send a query letter only if you are querying a novel. You can attach a pdf dummy or sample illustrations if you are submitting a picture book.
See the Stimola Literary website for complete, up-to-date submission guidelines.
Response Times:
They will respond if interested within two weeks.
What's the Buzz?
Rosemary Stimola has incredible buzz! In my research I came across more than one mention that Ms. Stimola is a "rockstar" or "superstar” agent, and from what I can tell, this seems very apt. She has the experience, reputation, clientele, and sales to warrant the praise, certainly. She’s a top dealmaker, highly respected, and her clients seem extremely happy with her. If you can peak her interest, you’re sure to be in good hands. 5/21/2020. I attended a conference where she was a speaker about 15 years ago. She is a creative, entertaining speaker too.
Worth Your Time:
Interviews and Guest Posts:
Bologna 2017: Agents Talk Children's and YA Trends at Publishers Weekly (03/2017).
Rosemary Stimola and Celeste Lin Guest Post at Literary Rambles (02/2017).
Agent Rosemary Stimola and the Changing World of Children's Books at Publishing Perspectives (05/2012)
SCBWI Bologna 2010 Agent Interview: Rosemary Stimola at Cynsations (02/2011).
Please see the Stimola Literary website for contact and query information.
Profile Details:
Last updated: 6/2/2020
Agent Contacted For Review? Yes
Last Reviewed by Agent: 6/3/2020
Have any experience with this agent? See something that needs updating? Please leave a comment or e-mail me at natalieiguirre7(at)gmail(dot)com

Note: These agent profiles presently focus on agents who accept children's fiction. They are not interviews. Please take the time to verify anything you might use here before querying an agent. The information found herein is subject to change.


Joshua McCune said...

Thanks, Casey for the continued strong work... I actually just queried her yesterday... wish she were still giving lightning fast responses to rejections, too -- but at least a week time frame is easy enough to deal with.

Elana Johnson said...

Excellent information. I've queried Ro twice. She hasn't responded to either, so she sticks with the responds only if interested motto.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your informative post. I was at a SCBWI conference where Rosemary Stimola was a speaker. She gave a very informative and creative speech totally tied to the theme of the conference, which centered around being a detective.

Casey, thank you for such a great, helpful blog. I really appreciate it.


Heather Kelly said...

Casey--thanks again for all the grunt work. You definitely help the agent's personalities shine through with these spotlights. Whenever you post one of these, (even on a week like this one, when I question my letting-go abilities) I want to have an instantly finished manuscript to query. Thanks for providing me with that motivation. It drives me forward.

David Macinnis Gill said...


Nice write up about Ro, but I need to clarify something. The three revisions I spoke about were done based on editorial feedback, not feedback from Ro. She is a very hands-*off* agent, one of the many reasons I chose--and adore--her.

Unknown said...

I second Heather - when I read about these amazing agents, it pushes me that much harder to finish my ms so I can begin the query process. Thanks Casey!

Casey Something said...

Good luck with your query, Bane. I hope you hear back!

Thanks for the info, Elana! Sorry it didn't work out with Ms. Stimola.

Natalie, sounds like she gave a great speech. Thank you for sharing that.

I'm glad it gives you motivation, Heather. Maybe one of these days you'll come around and tell me you're newly repped by one of the spotlighted agents!

Thanks so much for the information, David. That really helps clarify. I've updated the spotlight with thanks to you. Best!

Casey Something said...

We posted at the same time, Kristi! Glad the spotlights inspire, too. I'm sure I'll be hearing good news from you one day as well. : )

storyqueen said...

Thanks, Casey.

I had been waiting to hear about this one in particular.


MG Higgins said...

Another fantastic, detailed spotlight. I really appreciate the work you put into these!

kathrynjankowski said...

This site is a goldmine. Thanks for all the info.

Keri Mikulski said...

Heard she's a wonderful agent. :)

Good luck with everyone's queries. :)

Tyler said...

I'd also been looking forward to this agent spotlight, so (as always) thanks for the awesome info!

I think I may query her shortly here.

Casey Something said...

Thanks all. Best to those of you who query!

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

she is Irene's Latham agent and she loves her!

Lizzy Mason said...

Love your site, Casey! Ro Stimo read my ms recently and asked me to revise and resubmit. Her comments were thoughtful and extremely helpful--it's clear she knows what she's doing. I'm hopeful she'll like the new version! :)

Casey Something said...

Thanks, Shelley! Definitely a good sign when clients love their agents.

Hi Lizzy! What an exciting time for you. I really hope Ms. Stimola loves your revisions. Do let us know if it works out. Best!

Erin Edwards said...

There's a 2010 interview with Rosemary Stimola on Cynsations:


I've said it before, but these spotlights are great, Casey!

Remilda Graystone said...

Some of these links don't work. But thanks for the information! It's very helpful, as usual.

Casey McCormick said...

Thank you Erin and Remilda. I just did an update on everything!

Anonymous said...

A question for anyone who's had requested material with her. Her web site says she "prefers exclusives" on requested material. Has anyone had experience with her waiving exclusivity if you've already got stuff out? If not, what's the shortest amount of time she'll agree to one?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these spotlights Casey! I've been reading your webpage daily in search for lit agents and wasn't sure how to thank you for these amazing spotlights! They're really helpful!
I've queried agents and so far just a few light rejections but they've encouraged me to keep going! Thanks again Casey!

-Kayla J.

Casey McCormick said...

You're welcome, Kayla! Hang in there through the rejections, and let me know if you find an agent for your work. Wishing you the best!

Anonymous said...

Just FYI, she no longer reps R.A. Nelson

Casey McCormick said...

Thanks Stephanie!