I'm always discovering great new blogs (despite the groans of my reader), and I'm sure you are too. I was thinking it'd be fun if everyone piped in and promoted their blog a bit. I try to visit the blogs of everyone that comments, but I don't always have enough time to get a feel for what's all there. I'm sure I miss out on a lot.
So tell me, what do you blog about? Is there a focus? Do you have any regular features?
Please share, and make sure to keep an eye out for new blogs that might interest you. You never know what you'll find, and I'm sure everyone would like some new readers and friends!
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- Shari Maurer Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/17/2025
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- Sally Kim Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/26/2025
- Etsy Loveing-Downes Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/7/2025
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- Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.
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Well, I just ran across your blog tonight, but I've bookmarked it and will definitely be following it.
I blog about children and nature, specifically my nature in our corner of hot-as-hell but still pretty awesome Arizona desert, and specifically my animal-obsessed, scatologically inclined, overly eloquent and underly tactful child. These are a few of my favorite posts, but some of my less sentimental stuff is pretty OK too. Even my husband makes it in from time to time, particularly when I get to make fun of him.
I'm actually about to start a weekly Arizona Arthropod feature, owing to my and my son's obsession with all things with exoskeletons. I also regularly feature conversation and life snippets.
Nice blog; I look forward to getting to know you and your work even better!
Um, duh. Sorry. My blog's url:
It's called AZ Writer, short for Arizona Writer. But if you find it online via some "Writing A to Z" mishap, I still love you and your traffic. :-)
I'm a British-born screenwriter, based in Yokohama, Japan.
I blog about working in the Japanese film industry on both sides of the camera (last year I was in a film with Steve McQueen's son) and also about Japanese pop culture in general - with a current emphasis on Okinawa... Past posts have covered searching (and hooking) an agent, film premiers and run-ins with various low-lifes...
You can follow my adventures at onliesforlonelies.blogspot.com
I'm a South African writer living in Germany. I blog about writing, South Africa, the deep weirdness that is Deutschland, books, children and cake.
Thanks for the invite, Casey!
By the way, I'm so pleased to see your blog becoming so popular--go you!
My blog is called Critically-Yours and can be found at critically-yours.blogspot.com. It's supposed to be following my journey as a writer completing an MA in writing for young people, but my program won't start for another two weeks. So for now I'm blogging mostly about writing, but also about life as an American ex-pat in the UK, books, and anything else that strikes my fancy.
I'm an Australian writer, based in Brisbane, Queensland. I blog about writing and life and try to focus on what others would find engaging, amusing or interesting. For me, it's a change of register from novel writing, which is all about delayed gratification. The instant feedback from the blogosphere puts a skip in my step when I'm doing the hard yards on my novel.
Casey, on my blog, Geoffrey Philp's Blog Spot I publish my poems and short fiction and I feature the work of writers from South Florida and the Caribbean.
I've been reading your blog regularly through rss and enjoy the posts.
Much success!
Casey, your site is absolutely brilliant - Congratulations!
I muse on writing, being a pre-pub writer and preparing to query for the first time. I also have an informal weekly book review column called, Read it! Each Tuesday I feature one book that has in some way affected my life - everything from literary fiction to humor to YA and beyond.
Hi, Casey--
Thanks for your reply to my comments on your earlier thread-it's a tough business, so I hope I'm as successful as I'd like to be!
My blog...hmm...hard to describe, mainly about things that catch my interest. I have a grad degree in Religion and Psychology, so I end up touching on those subjects a lot. Often I start a post after reading something on a blog, or after a conversation with someone, that gets me thinking about a particular subject rather deeply.
I also blog about events I've attended--concerts, art exhibits, and films. When I travel, I'll usually post an account of my journeys. I'm a huge admirer of John Foxx, so I post a lot about what he's up to, which gets me a lot of readership in Europe and Asia (or so says Google Analytics). So, it's a bit of a mish-mash. :)
hey Casey,
congrats on the shout out on janet reid's blog!! Wahoo!!
Anyhoo, myself and some friends run a book review site: http://thebookbundle.blogspot.com/
recently we've gotten some great interviews with a variety of authors (with more to come!!)
Im an Aussie, I write YA and I hear voices.
I blog mainly about said voices, editing hell and hiding in fire cupboards.
P.S. Your blog's cool.
I have a fantasy news and reviews site that I started a few weeks ago called "The Intelli-Gent Reviews:" I'm actually looking for a few other people that are into Sci-Fi and Fantasy to join up with and let them co-author my blog. I guess if anyone's interested they can just leave me a comment on the blog somewhere. it's at http://theintelli-gent.blogspot.com
Hi Casey!
I write at http://mariazannini.blogspot.com/
On Mondays, I post writing markets.
On Thursdays and Fridays, I talk about homesteading and frugal living.
And in between, I talk about writing.
You're on my reader. Glad I found you!
I have Clothdragon as a wanna-be (or wanna-be-published) writer blog. My attempts at planning include Tuesday Character Sketches and Thursday Random Writing shorts. Wednesday Where-Am-I and like so many others, Friday links.
Right now I'm switching stories since I have (for now) finished editing the last one, so I have to decide whether I have it clear enough in my head to start with the new characters or if I should do one more week on those from the last novel.
Hi Casey,
I found your blog via Janet Reid's well-deserved recommendation!
I am South African and live in Johannesburg. My blog is called "On the Prowl" and can be found at http://annvictor.blogspot.com/.
I blog twice a month as my main focus is writing stories, and blogging - as delightful as it is -can be a dangerous time thief! Regular features include writing tips and book reviews, with random posts on a variety of subjects.
Thanks for the opportunity. It was kind of you to share your blog with us! :)
Because I'm a very young, first-time novelist, I blog about my discoveries, struggles, triumphs, you name it with what it's like to be working with a novel for the first time and approaching the point where I'm getting ready to query. The process has been insanely eye-opening; keeping track of it has taught me so much about the way I view my own writing, and reading back over my decisions and emotions at a given time has allowed me to grow immensely.
I'm also a native New Yorker, whose novel is very directly tied into New York, so occasionally, I also blog about my city. Words and New York are my two deepest loves.
Hi Casey! Ditto from Janet's blog - glad I found you! And thanks for the invite.
I'm at Beth's Adventures and blog about writing, traveling, and any other deep thoughts that occur to me (and sometimes not so deep). I'm in the midst of the querying process, and continuing to write novels on the side.
Looking forward to finding new blogs to follow from this post - thanks again!
Hi Casey,
Thanks for a chance to share. I'm a former teacher who's quit the day job in order to write full-time.
My blog focuses on the writing process, reading, and teaching, via the after-school bookclubs my fabulous principal has allowed me to continue.
Anyone involved in grades 3-7, anyone curious about how their mid-grade/YA titles are received by kids, anyone who loves to read across a broad spectrum, anyone somewhere in the long journey called writing, stop by!
I found your blog at the advice of Janet Reid. I have to agree-your blog contains all the great elements a blog should. I'm relatively new to this blogging world, but I started one anyway. It's called R.A.W. (Random Acts of Writing) and I write about the aspects of following long lost dreams with the reality of three children and a disabled husband. Sometimes it is goofy-sometimes serious. I haven't gotten to know anyone well enough to do interviews and such. **hanging head in shame** But I'm still learning....I welcome comments and new readers!! http://kristifaith.blogspot.com
Hi Casey -
What a great international response to your request. I was born in England, grew up in Australia, and now live in the U.S., so I love it.
I share a group blog with four other women writers in which we explore the process of "birthing" a novel.
Thanks for the wonderful service you provide with your blog, and congratulations on the well-deserved recognition.
Hi Casey,
Thanks for letting us go on about ourselves. :-)
I'm an agented, as-yet-unpublished author living outside of Boston, Mass. While I wait to hear back about submissions, I try to keep sane by blogging about the writing process and books I've read (and what makes them work). I do a weekly WIP Update where I check in with readers to see how they're doing. And I assign weekly writing prompts to keep everyone's creative juices flowing.
You can find my blog at www.annastan.com
Hi Casey,
I just discovered your blog this week and have enjoyed reading it. Thanks for the opportunity to share!
My blog is swimagainstthegrain.blogspot.com and I blog about writing, books and other random things. Currently, I'm a second year student in an M.F.A. program and I write middle grade and teen fiction.
I guess I'd have to say I have 4 blogs that I'm active in --
one hundred books, one year is a blog where I keep track of all the books I'm reading and write mini-reviews of each of them.
I write is my writing blog, where I talk about the struggles of it and the successes and really just anything else I can come up with.
I am a contributor to Every Girl Blog which is a blogzine for girls by girls. We do book reviews, soundoff questions, music recs, etc. etc. It's pretty fabulous. I have a post on writer's block coming up and several interviews with YA women authors scheduled.
And finally, I edit Litterbox Magazine, an online literary and lfiestyle magazine. We have a lot of fun doing it and have the pleasure of working with some great writers and artists.
Gosh, Casey, if you keep this up I'm just going to cry in my tea every morning! Your roll-call post a few days ago had me near to weeping at the feeling of community you fostered and you've kept it going here. Writing can be such a lonely business and it felt great to be connected to all these fantastic writers. Thanks!
My blog, Writing in the Dreamstate, just started a few weeks ago, almost more like a journal because I didn't think anyone would read it. At the moment it is just a few thoughts and ramblings on the process of writing, and soon, querying. But I plan to feature a different 'Original Source' each week, an interesting digitized book from centuries and cultures past.
Thanks again for this!
My name is Levi Montgomery, and I blog at (get your pen and paper out -- this is kinda hard to remember) www.levimontgomery.com
No particular focus, other than writing in general, fiction in particular, and the coming revolution of self-publishing.
Thanks for listening!
Read. Write. Repeat.
What a great idea! I subscribed to your blog about a month ago and it's proven indispensable for finding potential agents.
I blog at christinacann.com, where I mostly muse about writing. I've been doing badly at posting, so I just came up with a weekly schedule to keep me on track and motivated to blog.
I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog, but I've been following you for awhile now.
I blog about YA--what I read, what I write, what I love and love less. I have tons of notes posted from SCBWI LA this year, And I recently started having contests. Stop by some time to see if you're in anything.:)
Hey Casey,
I found your blog via Janet Reid. I recently discovered her blog, and I learned a lot from it. I have to say that I learned a lot from reading yours, too, this morning. I've put a link to your blog on my own, because I think people can certainly benefit from it.
My blog is a hodgepodge of things; it's big heaping spoonfuls of whatever's on my mind. Sometimes, I talk about writing gripes, writing tips, what I've learned about the literary world, or a great book I've read. Other times, I'm snarky and sarcastic about irritating phone calls, stupid things people have said to me, or running into to creepy guys at the supermarket. I also share the occasional bit of prose (usually thoughtful and contemplative; nothing miraculous) or piece of poetry. I like to think it's all held together by mass quantities of coffee; without it, I cease to exist.
Here's the url:
It's nice to meet you. :-)
Ooh, hey, there are some interesting blogs linked in these comments...*Goes to check them out.*
I have six blogs, actually. Three of them are completely mine, and the other three are team blogs. One of the completely-mine blogs is invite-only. The two completely-mine blogs that are public are way different from each other. There's http://www.thedelusional.blogspot.com, where I rant and rave and discuss life in general, and then there's www.astheplotthickens.blogspot.com, which is focused on writing. My writing, writing in general, and pretty much whatever I can think of that relates to words. :D
Yay for blogs! :D
Look at all your awesome blogs! Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing.
For the sake of time, I'm not going to reply to everyone individually like I did on Friday, but I'll be checking out each of your blogs over the next couple days. Keep em' coming, and I hope everyone is clicking around and finding some new peeps to follow!
Usually, I blog about writing. Sometimes mine and my progress, other times about things I've learned about writing along the way that I'd like to share. The occasional opinion. Lately, I've been picking up writing techniques in movies and blogging about those.
My URL is mavieenviolet.blogpsot.com
Fantastic idea Casey to get a list of blogs. You rock.
I began blogging when I was shamed into it by my friend..."what? you call yourself a writer and you don't blog? get with it"
Now, of course I'm obsessed by blogs and love reading them too. Mine is sort of personal. Mostly my outdoor adventures kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing. All in my wild area of the world - Northern Ontario, Canada. Also my writing adventures, acceptances, rejections and waiting...
I'm a 25 year old, New Orleans based writer who gave up a career in PR and design to focus on writing and other miscellaneous creative projects.
I blog about the local literary scene, my writing projects, and other creative ventures. There's also a dash of Japanese fashion since I contribute material to a Lolita webzine.
Hi, Casey-
http://misfitsalon.blogspot.com is my book blog (with some tangents)
I can't wait to check out everybody else's blogs!
This is great, Casey; so many new blogs to discover. I also found your blog through Janet Reid's. My blog at http://vonnacarter.com started as a venue for older kids to recommend books to younger kids in my Book Paths section. My blog posts which I put up every Monday, focus on reading and writing. I also post a short observation on nature in my backyard in my Garden Journal section.
I find it awesome that you do agent interviews. But that you throw a party like this??? Just wow.
I am new to blogging, started in May, but I'm having a great time and meeting wonderful writers. I blog about writing. How unique is that? I admire Neil Gaiman's ability to write in many genres. For me, it is what I enjoy. I was a newspaper features writer and have been published in magazines, as well. But I write anything that fires me up--picture books, YA novels, shorts, flash, haiku. I love words, I love stories, I put them together. Who knows where it will take me? My blog address is http://triciajobrien.blogspot.com
Hi, Casey,
I've been enjoying your blog since Janet Reid told her loyal minions to wander over and check it out. Glad I did.
My blog is:
I had a character from one of my books who refused to get out of my head, so I gave him a blog. He uses it to review three of his favorite things in life: cars, fine boxed wine, and cheese Danishes. I'm not sure if giving him access to the web was such a good idea, as he's started playing games on Facebook, bidding for skin care products on eBay, and "fixing" things on Wikipedia, leaving me less time to use the computer for important things like book research and, um, that's it.
Keep up the good work. I look forward to your future posts.
I blog about music and fantasy...and, of course, cryptology. :)
Love your blog. It's extremely helpful.
What a great idea--so many interesting blogs to check out. I found your blog a few weeks ago when I was googling an agent.
I'm part of a group blog called Routines For Writers. Our tag line is "helping writers write more." For those of you who know about Flylady, we've taken her concept of routines and applied them to writing routines.
We usually have a weekly topic that the three of us discuss on M, W and F. Often we have a guest blog on Tues.
We are in the process of lining up some fun things for NaNoWriMo in November. Stop by and say hi!
Wow! A shout out from Janet Reid! Congrats. You deserve it. When she simply commented on my blog, I floated around on the high for a week.
And thanks for giving us this forum. I’m a published, out-of-print novelist, trying vainly to climb back up the publishing ladder (It’s much harder to break in a second time, no matter what the reasons for weak sales.) But I know a lot about the business, so I blog with advice for new writers, so they can benefit from my vast array of mistakes. Also, I try to deliver a laugh or two. We all need it.
It’s Anne R. Allen’s Blog at http://annerallen.blogspot.com (why is that not coming out live, while some folks are managing to post live links?)
Come on by. My latest post is “Oprah Picks a Short Story Collection…and other reasons you should be writing short fiction.” Or browse the archives for “13 reasons why your novel was rejected” or “Avoiding Bogus Agent Scams.”
I found your blog via Janet Reid, looking forward to scrolling through the archives as well as checking out the blogs listed here.
My blog is primarily a journal, a way to keep in touch with friends, and also (hopefully) to meet people:
Like many of the above posts, I'm a newbie to writing and am in the process of learning the business. In my blog I talk about writing, travel, cooking... basically whatever is on my mind that particular day.
You can find me over at The Innocent Flower and The Literary Lab.
I blog about writing from my unique perspective.
We're currently having a contest over at the Literary Lab called Genre Wars. Check it out! Because it's awesome, and we'd love to see work from everybody!
Great to see such a wide range of responses.
I blog once a week about various aspects of writing as I revise my children's fantasy.
Most recent post includes a picture of a Gypsy girl in Rome. Working on a post about fortunetelling for a scene I've just finished.
Congrats on all the new readers/followers!
Hi Casey~
Love your blog. Thanks for inviting us to share about our blogs! People can visit me at: www.amy-thewriterscloset.blogspot.com. I try to focus on the writing life/experience and throw in a little about what's going on in my life. Hope you stop by sometime!
Have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog last week, but it was a godsend. I felt as if you were this friend who had done reams of research on agents to make my life easier... a huge gift. Have an agent looking at a few sample chapters... used info mainly gained via your profile and links to make the query. I have a new blog called A Novel Idea (On the Road to Publication... and Beyond) accessible via www.TunieMB.com. A blog with a similar theme hosted by Michele Young-Stone whose debut adult novel will be published in 2010 was the inspiration for mine. I hope you don't mind if I put your wonderful resource on my blogroll as a recommended link. Again, I so appreciate the research you've done, Casey!
Like lots of these other folks, I just discovered this blog as well -- I see I've got lots of great reading ahead!
I'm a children's book author/illustrator, and my kids and I run a unique review blog called Bookie Woogie.
Nice to meet ya!
I blog about writing - and started because I had no writer-friends in real life. But, because of the blog and some other sites - I do have a few writer friends whom I've met!
I love to write my In Real Life series which highlights people I've met from the internet (nothing creepy and no dating). I usually just write what I'm thinking about writing and publishing, observations I've made, etc. If I "get it out" I can then move forward and actually WRITE!
(I have a separate blog for general life posts called Suburban Kvetch www.suburbankvetch.com)
What a great idea! Thanks for the opportunity.
The First Novels Club blogs about adventures in writing, reading, networking, and the rest of life from a critique group of four first-time novelists. Our primary focus is YA fiction.
What does that include? Updates on our WIP progression, information on conferences we're attending, interviews with debut and established authors, YA blogger interviews & guest posts, co-reviews of our favorite new YA novels, agent interviews, contests ... and that's just the beginning!
Hope you'll check us out.
My blog is all about books, including book reviews, interviews with authors, quotes and book collecting informations. I'm not a writer (unless you count the blog) but I love books and I enjoy promoting other authors.
I started blogging a year ago, mostly to learn more about writers and writing. It's been fun becoming a part of this online community.
I call my blogWrite About Now. I interview authors and editors, and soon some agents, too. I blog about books I like and things going on in the writing world and sometimes about things going on in my life. But the primary focus is on writing.
Hey Casey!
Like many others, I've also found you via Janet Reid. Woot!
A little about me: I'm a former bookseller and barista, and am now a teen librarian and aspiring author. Basically, I write whatever comes to mind. Reoccurring themes include coffee, zombies, and lists.
My blog: http://travailsofabuddingauthor.blogspot.com/
Hi, I'm Jo Ann from BronzeWord Latino Authors. I blog about Latino/a authors and their books. I offer Top Ten Days of (insert author's name) where in ten days they post articles, interviews and book reviews. This is a way to get readers familiar with the author. We have a lot of fun. I also offer Latino Virtual Book Tours. On Saturday, There is Blog Brag. Where a blog owner has a moment to shine and brag about their blog. Thank you for this opportunity.
Jo Ann Hernandez
BronzeWord Latino Authors
Over at The Writing Spectacle, I talk about whatever strikes my fancy, but I try to keep it mostly about writing. A few features I'm trying to keep on a regular basis are my Sunday Book Review and Friday's Weekly Updates. Most weeks I succeed; this past week was a fail. I keep a couple other blogs, too, but that's the one with the near-daily posts. Feel free to click on my name up there and follow through to my blog. The more the merrier. =o)
My blog? Well, it's about my writing journey, but it's really my little corner of the internet universe. I blog about things that effect my writing--muse, music, community, rowing, running, and kids, from time to time. I stash links there so I can find my way back to the things I love around the internet.
Hey Casey, you already know about my blog but here's an invite for everyone else. Please visit. BTW, keep up the terrific work on your blog.
Hi Casey -
I've been following all these links - this is great!
I'm a YA writer currently living in the car and driving around the country.
I try to blog 3 times a week about writing, my writing & writing journey, my trip and Excerpt Monday (another blog I run with my writing buddy Alexia Reed that allows writers to connect to one another with excerpts every month).
Basically, I try to keep my blog fun to write and for anyone who stumbles upon it!
My blog started out as just a place to track my writing progress on the project I was working on at the time. The blog somehow changed into a . . . place where I talk about the writing process, with a bunch of snark. I talk about the joys of writing, the angst, the obsession, the frustration, and everything, everything I can possibly think of about writing. In many ways, the blog is a catharsis for me.
I have two. One is used for writing subjects, good reads, and to solicit opinions from other members of the crime writing community, usually through Crimespace.
The other is usually whatever is on my mind, though it can run pretty political a lot of the time. I'm trying to seek a more well-rounded existence.
This is great, Casey. Thanks. Lots of great-looking blogs here.
I know you know my blog already, Casey, but for everyone else...
Like many other writers, my blog, DayByDayWriter.wordpress.com, is a writing journal. I just finished my second novel (this morning! yay!) and my first novel is doing rounds with agents. On my blog, I discuss my writing life, learning, discovering, balancing with the rest of my life.
I also post about the publishing industry (again, as I learn), query letter writing, researching agents, the craft of writing and revising, creativity and conferences -- all with a focus on children's books as that's what I write. On Fridays, I post author interviews.
Happy blogging!
I am loving that I get to learn about and visit new blogs here.
My blog is:
I'm a women's fiction writer. By day I'm a marketing/technical writer and I often can't stand it and blog during the day, just to take the edge off the need to write. I tend to focus on writing and publishing issues.
Hi, Casey! Great idea! I'm a Midwest American girl obsessed with all things Chinese. My current novel is set in 220 A.D. pseudo-China and since I had such a long slog finding research materials, I decided to create first a blog and then a Yahoo group for authors of Asian literature. There's a link to the Yahoo group on my blog if anyone's interested.
The blog has also featured me ranting on writing topics in general, agents, announcing competitions and other tidbits of news.
I'll come round and check out your site in a bit, Jon! Sounds interesting.
Equal Duh to Kim's, although you CAN select my name and go straight to my blog: http://ronempress.blogspot.com.
"Ron" is my version of the Han Dynasty. :)
What an amazing list of blogs! I still have a lot to go through. I'll get there. I hope everyone is discovering a new read or..fifty.
: )
Here's quick blurb about my blog, from the blog itself.
My Writing Life:
An effective writer does something every day to write, revise, market, or research their work. This is my place to document it all, offer some advice along the way, elicit advice from those of you who are more experienced, and hopefully inspire a few writers to keep going (even through all the rejection letters).
My blog address is: http://michellereynoso.blogspot.com
I just subscribed to your blog and think it's great that you're giving everyone the opportunity to list their own! My blog is ghenetwrites.blogspot.com and in it, I write about my experiences in the New School MFA program, my love for words, and other book-related topics.
Hey, I just found your blog too (courtesy of Janet Reid) and look forward to reading all your great posts.
I write historical fiction and blog about the genre, with a specific focus on Renaissance France, at
Writing the Renaissance
I often do reviews and book giveaways, and you're all welcome to participate in those!
A Novel Idea is a newbie... the road to publication and beyond... thoughts about the tween novel I've completed, in particular, and the writing life in general (http://www.TunieMB.com).
I'm in the query stage of the process (have some tales from the last time around to share... before I stopped querying and began writing my second novel. I am so grateful for your research and insights about agents, Casey. Finding your blog was a godsend for me. Congrats on a wonderful site.
Hi Casey!
@inkyelbows twittered your blog, and I am UBER impressed. What a wonderful resources for writers you've created!
I almost ashamed to mention my blog now; yours is so terrific.
Anyhoo, I'm a librarian, writer, baker, and certified Beatlemaniac. My blog, Book Binge, can be found at http://jmartinlibrarian.wordpress.com
I review ARCs and trade books. I almost always include a related recipe for sweet tooths.
Thanks for everything!
I've just caught up enough with your blog to get to this post and although I can see I've rather missed the boat, here goes!
My blog is here. It's essentially a blog of my triumphs and disasters at being/becoming a writer, with asides on interesting books and other book-related stuff.
I'm at www.davidrslayton.com. I post on writing, book reviews, and am starting to interview published authors when I can. A lot of what I've done lately is on the process of writing and publishing.
Wow, way late on responding to this post, but if anyone's still interested, my blog is The Writing Cave at http://sarahmullengilbert.wordpress.com. I am an aspiring young adult author working through that first stubborn novel. Stop by and say hello!
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