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  • Shari Maurer Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/17/2025
  • Amy Thrall Flynn Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/24/2025
  • Sally Kim Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/26/2025
  • Etsy Loveing-Downes Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/7/2025
  • Carey Blankenship-Kramer Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/21/2025
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Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Wednesday's Word Count

Ah, September.

The month my daughter turns three. Also the month I planned to have my revisions done by. Not happening, seeing as "revisions" turned into "rewrite" and "rewrite" turned into chaos. Chaos subdued, I'm just now picking up steam on the new draft. *Whimper* The good news? Progress!

Goal: 3k

Accomplished: 5188

Goal for new week: 5k

Excuses / comments: I didn't realize I wrote as much as I did until I checked my word count this morning. I think I may have broken through whatever was holding me back. Time will tell. I plan on giving myself as much time as the project needs, but... you know me and goals. They push me forward. So, I'm aiming to have the rewrite done in time for NaNo. Probably not going to happen (two months?!), but you never know. I will manage a good chunk, at least.

How are your goals coming along? What does September mean for you? Anything?


Heather Kelly said...

Casey--That must be a relief, to be moving forward again.
I am letting myself off the hook this week, since my middle child is starting kindergarten, and it's thrown me for more of a loop than I thought it would. But, sometimes, when I don't expect to get any writing done, I actually get more done since I've taken away the pressure. So I'm secretly hoping to make some progress.

Mame said...

I'm having one of those pathetically unfruitful writing months where I'm trying to navigate what the heck I'm doing and what ~I WANT~ from this experience beyond publishing, really thinking about my voice and the direction I need to be moving in. I'm definitely excited for NaNo though, in case nothing zaps me back into place before then.

Elana Johnson said...

Great job, Casey! I blogged about this today too. My goal to finish this draft: September 18.

Tabitha said...

That's great!! So glad to hear that. It's hard to keep going when you feel like you're banging your head against the wall. So glad you kept at it. :)

The newsletter is out, with your URL in the News Roundup column. Here's the link:

PJ Hoover said...

You've done great! I've been progressing and plan to really get a ton done in the next week!

Corey Schwartz said...

Happy birthday to your little girl!

Casey Something said...

Heather, it is a relief! So far. I'm finally feeling excited about this WIP again. I hope you get that progress you're hoping for!

Aimee, I know exactly how those months are. Figuring out why you write and want you want out of it is key in having a plan for your writing. I hope you can figure it out!

Great goal, Elana! I'll stop by your blog, too.

It is hard sometimes, Tabitha. But I know perseverance is key in this business. Thanks for linking to the article! I'm so honored to be listed on there. Thank you, thank you!

I'm hoping to get a lot done in the next week, too, PJ! I'm actually hoping to do more than my stated goal. I'll be looking forward to your update next week!

Thanks Corey! Her birthday is on Friday!

storyqueen said...

The great thing about being a writer is that you get to CHOOSE what you want to work on!! Why not work on what you want, like your new WIP, when the other will always be waiting for you when you are ready?

Good choice!

As for me.....revision awaits in two weeks....yikes!


Hilary Wagner said...

Casey!! Happy birthday to your little one!! I get pathetically sad with every birthday of my children, one more stage I'll never get to see again! I hope she has a great day! Don't get weepy like I would!!

xoxo -- Hilary

Christina Farley said...

My project is looking all sparkly right now. I've been working HARD this last week and a half on another full read through and a revision on more fine tuning stuff. I think its almost ready. Did I really say that? That's scary. I'll be using your site to help me with agents though. Yeah you!

kah said...

September meant finally creating a query letter I'm happy with. And as of today, my revisions and edits are done. My MS is ready for submission. Yay!

Casey Something said...

Good luck on your revisions, Shelley! I'm trying to crack down and get serious about my new "deadline."

Thanks, Hilary! We've had a lovely birthday weekend. I managed not to get too sad. I can't beleive my baby is three though!

YAY Christina! Sounds like you're close. Do let us know when you start querying. I'll be rooting for you!

How exciting, Karen! I SO wish I was ready like you and Christina, but hey, I can live vicariously through you two and see where your journeys take you. Keep me updated. Best to you on your quest for representation!