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  • Jim Averbeck Agent Spotlight Interview on 2/17/2025
  • Reiko Davis Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 2/24/2025
  • Shari Maurer Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/17/2025
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Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Wednesday's Word Count - Nano Style

I haven't done my NaNoWriMo words for today yet, but here's my Wednesday update, as promised:

Current word count: 5,043.

Goal last week:


Words 'til finish: 44,957/1729 words a day until Nov 30th.

Goal this week: 11,670.

Comments: I'm writing! I'm writing! And so far I'm staying on track. Now, what I've written royally sucks as far as I'm concerned, but I mainly wanted to push myself to let go and stop being overcritical. I think I've managed that. I'm tempted to slow down now and put more quality into what I'm writing but I'm not sure I should. We're only four days in. Might be better to keep pushing myself until I've gotten a good lead on Inner Editor, if ya know what I mean.

And for you curious souls, I'm writing an MG fantasy for NaNo this time around. Fun, fun!

Your turn! Post your word count (NaNo or normal) updates in the comments!


Elise Hepner said...

Only 3,000 I'm behind :(

Natalie said...

You're doing awesome! I'm at 6500, but I'm trying not to stay ahead so I can take weekends off--we'll see.

Kristi Faith said...

I'm glad to see you're writing! I'm at 7410 as of today. I'm loving how I can't delete any sentences and rewrite them. I keep telling myself..next month. Then I get excited about everything all over again and keep writing. I'm learning a lot :)

Mame said...

I feel embarrassed admitting I'm over 18K on my nanovel.

Unknown said...

I'm at about 4k... but I do spurts.

way to go!!!!!!!!! Great job turning off that internal editor!

IanBontems said...

6900 for me.
I keep seeing people flying away (Aimee, I'm looking at you here!), and feel like I'm being lazy or failing somehow.
It's going to be interesting to see if I can keep the pace up.

Buffy Andrews said...

I admire all of you. Keep up the great work and good luck. CHEER!

Heather Kelly said...

I'm at 8500 and I have to say I sometimes do a little editing. I know that is a no-no, but it's just little things. I'm having a great time!

Tabitha said...

Yay Casey! So glad you're writing again! Letting go of your inner editor is liberating once you get into a flow.

I am at about 7500 words so far. And happy about it. :)

kathrynjankowski said...

MG fantasy, what fun! Keep it up!

Not participating in NaNo, but happy to cheer you on.

K. M. Walton said...

That's great that you've broken through the dry spell.

I'm only at 978 words for NaNo, but I have BIG plans for this weekend. Big I tell you.

Jenna Wallace said...

Well done! Keep it up!

I'm not writing...it's NaNoPloMo for me (National Novel Plotting Month). But I've got POV sorted so far...YAY!

Anonymous said...

3826 as of right now... Good thing I have off tomorrow! IDK how people have so much already! It's only the 4th day!

Lisa Nowak said...

I think you should ignore your inner editor for now. If you must edit, don't fix things, just put a note in parenthesis within the text so you don't forget your idea. The goal is to get through your block, and you're doing that, so don't mess with what's working! Of course your inner editor is itching to get it's greedy little hands on that manuscript. Don't listen to it. Stay away from the Dark Side!

Unknown said...

I am the exact same way. NaNo has been so good for me in this way. It's a craptastic 6200 words so far, but it's out of my brain and on the paper (well, computer). That's the important part!


Fantastic pace!
..your success is our success, so keep it up.

Me, I am failing straight out of the gate but, I am still running, and that is fine.

Rebecca Gomez said...

Yay! Hooray for your progress! I started on Nov. 1st, but I couldn't get into my story. So today I started over. I'm behind on my word count, but 2015 words in one day isn't bad!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

WTG! Remember December is for editing....

Anonymous said...

I've just cracked 20,000 words so I'm more than a little happy, especially since I changed stories completely on day 3! Oh well, for now I'm including the 7,500 words of the original story I wrote on Nov 1 & 2 - I figure they are still words I wrote in November :) NaNo was the single most powerful tool to silence my inner editor. I did my first NaNo last year and she hasn't returned with the same relentlessness since then. I hope you experience the same! Happy writing (not editing :P).

Anna said...

You're doing great, Casey, congrats! I'm at 2899. I would be higher had I not become sick. :-P Too tired to write.

Rebecca said...

6825 baby! 14% according to my handy-dandy-NaNo meter- thanks to you!
My writing is complete drivel, but I think I have a solid story there somewhere. I do edit a word here or there- I can't leave total gobbly-gook on the page :)

J.Tuttle said...

I've surprised myself with a stunning 15,011 words so far and am enjoying every minute of the sucky writing. It's nice to kick that inner editor out the door for a month,anyway. Congratulations to us all!

Unknown said...

6735 and I haven't completed my writing for today yet. The best pace I've had on any NaNoWriMo year for me yet. Inner editor - bye bye for another 25 more days! And I've gone cold turkey on reading too so that I don't get tempted to hunker into a novel instead of my own writing. Good luck everyone!

Mame said...

WOW~ great job everyone! I love seeing the writers out in droves.

Sherrie Petersen said...

The overcritical thing is so hard. It's the hardest thing for me. I can't not edit as I write. It's killing me!!!

Anonymous said...

7145. Yahoo! And I'm ignoring the atrociousness of some of it, even if it kills me.

pj schnyder said...

I'm behind but catching up - hitting 8000 today. :)

Casey Something said...

There is an awesome amount of writing going on this month! Great job, everyone! I'm getting rather behind, but your progress is amping me up for a weekend of catch up.

Keep it up!