
Writing / Research Tip Tuesday

Tuesday already? Another tip! Today's comes from frequent reader and commenter, Kathryn Jankowski. You're sure to have seen her in the comments if you come by often. She always has something sincere, helpful, or encouraging to say. Please take a moment or two to stop by, check out her blog, and say hi! Here's her tip:

"Your readers might enjoy, a list of character naming resources.

I actually found this via another, nearly overwhelming site that will take me ages to go through, but is so comprehensive I had to bookmark it"

Sometimes it's hard to find just the right name and these sorts of resources are the perfect place to turn to. And I agree, that second link will need some digging into. Thanks so much, Kathryn!

(Calling all readers: If you have a writing or research tip you'd like to share, please e-mail me at agentspotlight(at)gmail(dot)com.)


  1. I had fun with the baby genie site, Casey. Thanks for sharing these resources.

  2. This is really useful. Wikipedia also has some useful name information.

    Thanks, Casey

  3. Oooo, this looks like a fun one. I love playing with names!


  4. I use the Baby Name Survey Book. It gives the traditional meaning of names and the current perception of people with those names. It's fun to look at. My teen age daughter kept borrowing it when I first bought it.

  5. Great tip! Thanks Kathryn and Casey.

  6. You're welcome Kathryn, and thank you again for your tip!
