Upcoming Agent Spotlight Interviews & Guest Posts

  • Jim Averbeck Agent Spotlight Interview on 2/17/2025
  • Reiko Davis Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 2/24/2025
  • Shari Maurer Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/17/2025
  • Amy Thrall Flynn Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/24/2025
  • Sally Kim Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/26/2025

Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Contribute to Literary Rambles!

Hey all -

School is coming up fast for me, so I want to make sure you're all aware of the variety of ways you can contribute to Lit Rambles and help me keep it a happening place to be.  I'll still be posting Agent Spotlight profiles, Tip Tuesdays, and other writing/publishing related posts.  But if you're interested, you can help fill in the empty days in any of the following ways.

Write a Guest Post:

I'm always looking for guest posts that are on writing/publishing related topics.  Informative, educational, inspirational, etc!

Request an Interview:

Are you a published or soon-to-be published author in the children's field?  An agent?  An industry professional?  I'd love to interview you! 

Send in a Tuesday Tip:

Have a writing or research tip you'd like to share?  Send it in for a Writing / Research Tip Tuesday post!

Request a Topic / Ask a Question:

I love getting requests and questions for blog posts.  Throw 'em at me!  I'll do my best to answer, find someone who can if I can't, and post it up on the blog for everyone else to weigh in.

Request an agent for Agent Spotlight:

I'm always adding to the list, so send in your requests!  Note: I'm still working through agents that accept children's fiction, specialized or representing one or more genres therein.  For example:  If they represent mostly adult but also rep YA, as many do, I'm willing to spotlight them.  Though, I'd love spotlight more agents that are specialized in children's!

Post Feedback and/or Response Times:

The Agent Spotlights posts are always open for comments.  Feel free to leave feedback if you have experience with one or more of the spotlighted agents, or even post your response times for others to see.

Send in Updates:

It's gotten to the point that I can't possibly keep all the Agent Spotlight profiles updated on my own, which means you should always take note of the date they were posted and do a search for new content.  If you come across something new (interview, great new information, agency switch, etc) on an agent I've profiled, please feel free to e-mail this information so I can update.

If you're the agent I've spotlighted, you can ALWAYS e-mail me updates or corrections for your spotlight.

Send in For Public Critique:

Send in 1-5 lines of material, preferably first lines but I'm open to others, or your query and I'll put it up in its own post for feedback from my readers.  Comments will be moderated to maintain constructive feedback only.

Place a Wanted Ad:

Looking for a critique partner or beta reader?  No guarantees on responses, but I'm willing to post a request to see if anyone out there is interested. 

Blog Tours / Contests:

Children's authors!  Are you on or setting up a promotional blog tour or need a contest outlet?  I'd be happy to host a spot on Lit Rambles for you.  Just contact me with ideas, details, specifics, etc.


I'm always open to ideas and feedback!  Please feel free to contact me.

For all of the above, please e-mail to agentspotlight(at)gmail(dot)com.


pat said...

You've established a great place for learning and valuable resources. Thanks for offering the opportunity for your readers to help maintain the fortress you've built, (I know, a corny comparison).

I'd love to contribute and will email something on to you.

Casey Something said...

Thanks so much, Pat! It means a lot to me that you find the blog to be a valuable resource and you're willing to add to it.

Happy 2010!

Lisa Nowak said...

I'm glad to see you're finding ways to keep your blog going while taking some of the load off yourself. Though you are still doing a whole lot of it. I'll try to think of something to contribute.

Good luck with school. Did you tell us what you were studying? Am I just a lame brain who forgot? :)

Beth said...

I always enjoy reading your blog. I discovered you about six months ago when I was researching agents, and your Agent Spotlights are a feature I never miss. I keep my favorite blogs to a minimum to avoid getting distracted when I sit down to write! But yours is one I always check out. One of my resolutions is to start contributing in the New Year.

Casey Something said...

Thanks Lisa! I'll stress a lot less if I get some outside content to post, but I'd like to think it gives others the chance to gain more exposure for themselves and their blogs, too. Win-win!

I'm doing a Liberal Art degree for now but the concentration is in Writing and Literature. I'm pretty excited because I get to apply my writing and interest in YA to a lot of my studies.

Thanks so much, Beth! I just got your e-mail and will get back to you in a moment. I really appreciate the feedback and the help!

Unknown said...

Casey - I'd be happy to guest post. Best of luck w/ school and thanks again for all you do with this blog. Happy 2010! :) Kristi

Natalie Aguirre said...

Good luck with school. And thanks for keeping up your blog. It's so helpful. I just finished my manuscript and wanted to be sure it's formatted correctly before I submit it. And all I had to do was check your old posts to find the answer. If I can think of something to contribute, I'll e-mail it to you.

Corey Schwartz said...

Oh, what great ideas, Casey! I'll give it some thought. I'm sure I could come up with a guest post or something :)

storyqueen said...

I love the idea of a "wanted" post...maybe one day a week (or month) where people can post if they need a beta reader, or want an opinion about something...

Whenever I need one, I can't find one, and am too shy to just ask.....

Yeah, I know. Weenie.

Keri Mikulski said...

Love it!! :) Great ideas. :)

Laura Pauling said...

I just entered the world of blogging, but I'm not new to writing. If I come up with a helpful enough post to warrant being a guest, I'll send you an email. Your agent spotlights have been a HUGE help! Thanks!

Heather Kelly said...

Casey--I'd love to contribute in some way. After the fall-out for the new year, I'll think of something, and e-mail you!

Thanks for caring about all of your followers!

Casey Something said...

Thank you Kristi! I look forward to seeing what you send.

Natalie, so glad you found what you were looking for. Thank you again for the nomination to be a Featured Sweetheart, btw!

I'm sure you could, Corey! Send something!

Do you think more people would participate if I just put a post every couple weeks, Shelley? I was thinking people could e-mail requests but it might be better if I just put something up and open the comments to "wanted ads." Could be fun!

Thanks Keri!

Glad you've found the profiles helpful, Laura. Don't be shy about sending a guest post. Might be a great way to get some readers over to your new blog.

Thanks Heather! I'd love to post something of yours. E-mail whenever!

jmartinlibrary said...

I heart your blog. You deserve to be canonized as a patron saint of querying writers. I mean it. Really, really.

Mike Winchell said...

Yes, two requests for author interviews, specific to their journey to publication. I am pretty sure both would be more than willing to grant the interview, having frequented their blogs often and I think both are great people, and great writers.

#1: James Dashner, author of The Maze Runner. James has a blog that actually gives a seven part story about his "road" so I already know it. However, an interview with him would really help aspiring authors see how determined you need to be to "get there."

#2: Shaun Hutchinson, author of the forthcoming The Deathday Letter, due out in June of 2010. Shawn, based on some communication by way of his blog, is a very creative writer, and is also pretty "open" in terms of seeing multiple perspectives. It would be great for you to interview him while he is still "one of us" because, based on his book description and his writing style, I think he is on the cusp of being a biggie.

Just two ideas...also, besides being an aspiring author, I am also a junior high ELA teacher, so anything I can do to contribute and possibly use my students in the process, I'd be more than willing. Just say the word.



Anonymous said...

Super selfish suggestion/request, but I'd love to see an agent spotlight on Becca Stumpf, as I am very interested in querying her but haven't found too much around the interwebs. I see you have Rachel Orr slated, but my understanding is that she is not taking on new clients.

Casey Something said...

Hey Anon,

Since Rachel Orr isn't open to submissions, I've put Becca in her place.

I can also do Rachel at a later date if she re-opens to submissions or someone complains that I've removed her.

Thanks for the request!