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Gone Revising Blog Fest

I'm feeling motivated to make progress on my MS today, so I've decided to dedicate this Monday just to that (+kids+cleaning+laundry+cooking+etc). Consider me Gone Revising (+++++).

And since I'm not posting anything remotely interesting or insightful, I thought I'd turn the focus to all of your fabulous blogs instead (400+ followers, really?!? Thank you!).

Feel free to plug your blog in the comments and tell everyone what you're up to. If you haven't posted anything today, consider this your prompt to do so and then come back and tell us about it.

I'll pop in a few times to see what you've brought to the Blog Fest. Have fun!


Crystal Cook said...

Love this blog! This week I am focusing on the positives with my writing. I'm going to stop being so negative and whiny about how much I suck and just work to improve. I posted last night on my blog about this :)

Sarah Laurenson said...

Hope you get lots of writing done!

Not a writing post today, but thoughts on ingrained racism.

Tana said...

You're so cool Casey 400 plus? That rocks!!!

Jeff said...

Just started a new blog about Debut Authors http://www.debutauthorsblog.com We are holding our first contest today go and sign up!

Elana Johnson said...

Have a great day revising. I need to do that one of these days... :)

Beth said...

Good for you, for dedicating the day to revisions, Casey! Although I don't have a blog to plug, I can say that I'm also working through some revisions today. I think I've figured out how to use one bit of my editor's feedback to really strengthen my first chapter. Life is good!

Simon Kewin said...

Working on the MS is a good thing to do! I'm going to get back to mine right now, I promise. But, if you're interested, over on my blog my current post is about Read an E-Book week and my foray into the world of epublishing.

Heather Kelly said...

This is a very similar post to mine today. But, I would like to invite everyone over to my friday features, where I interview another writer somewhere on the path toward publication and beyond. Just because I am curious about my fellow writers, and how people are managing the stress, and also how people are getting published. I've even interviewed Casey! Come, check it out!

(although today, I posted my Monday Meeting, you know, goals for the week and all.)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Firstly Casey, congrats on reaching 400!!

On Mondays, I celebrate Monday Morning Munchies. They're writing exercises I use to churn the creative juices for the upcoming week. I was a tad lazy, today. It's really, disgustingly easy. Take a gander over. I'd love to have you. http://writersally.blogspot.com

Marsha Sigman said...

Have fun! I did Movie Monday, because we watched so many movies this weekend! My new and improved taglines for each one will amaze you (not really).


Lindsey said...

I'm writing today about how the fifth grade is the beginning of the end.


And I'm up to 49 followers. Won't someone plllleeeease push it over to 50??

Anonymous said...

I wrote about my weekend at Whispering Pines Writers Retreat. http://karenbschwartz.livejournal.com/17281.html

Editor Cassandra said...

I'm Cassandra, recent guest blogger here at Literary Rambles.

Today i've got a post up about recent trends in the query pile.

Also, there's a contest for a free toy for your kids' easter baskets!

Anonymous said...

Casey, good luck with the revisions. I'm hoping to start a big revision today! On my blog I have a short piece about Veteran Literary Agent Kendra Marcus. I facilitated a round table discussion w/her last week and posted a little piece about her and a few key things she looks for in submissions.

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Thank you for this opportunity. I have an interview on my blog today with author Gayle Brandeis, discussing her newest book, MY LIFE WITH THE LINCOLNS. Gayle shares her process in a delightful way. Please come and visit. A comment earns an entry to win a signed copy of the book.

sarahjayne smythe said...

Congrats and major props on the 400followers and the revisions. :)

My blog had an awards post and 10 things about me on it today, but it's also home to snippets and flash fiction, questions and discussion about writing and out paths to publication.

So check it out. My followers seem to think it's worth reading. :)

Anna Staniszewski said...

Wowza, 400 followers? Casey, you're a rockstar!

I'm having a revising-centric day too. Be warned: anything that crosses my path today will be revised.

On my blog today I talked about beta readers, and I put up a fun new writing prompt (like I do every Monday).

Happy writing everyone!

Yat-Yee said...

Hope you get lots of revision done. I am hosting my weekly Grab-a-line-Monday at my blog. Drop by any time this week if you are caught by a memorable quote and share it. I re-post it on next week's installment.


Happy monday

Carrie said...

Good for you to take time to revise! And thanks for the opportunity to blog plug!

Today's post is about my husband's violent tendencies as a child. To wit - when he was 5 he wrote the following letter to Ronald Reagan:

Dear Mr. President,

I would like to raise an army of children.


Unknown said...

I blogged about procrastination -- I'm stuck between stopping the revisions on last year's manuscript and starting this year's. At least, I've come up with a half decent title for last year's.

Jenna Wallace said...

Good for you, Casey. You are so smart to set goals for yourself.

On my blog, I wrote about timelines; specifically, how long it took me to go from idea to final draft.

And I finally got around to setting up my website, complete with writing samples, which you can see here!

ali cross said...

Yay for inspiration! And what a great idea to do our plugging! You rock :)

So yeah. Today I blogged about the importance of hugs and kind words at http://alicross.blogspot.com

Come on down!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with those revisions! I'm still stuck in them, but the light at the end of the tunnel's comming through. And I'm finally breaking ground and getting more partials than rejections! :D

I blogged about all the blog awards flying around right now, so stop by to collect a few and even get a personalized one!


Kelly Polark said...

Happy writing, Casey! Your blog is just so informative! Thanks for all the efforts, you deserve a little blog break!
I just chatted about the Oscars on my blog today.

Laura Pauling said...

Congrats on 400 Casey. As I'm researching agents, your blog is the first thing I turn to! My blog today was about making your manuscript skim-proof. :)

Yvonne Osborne said...

You have one of the best blogs for agent info. (and one of the best-looking blogs on the block). And since you asked... I just attended the MSU Michigan Organic Conference and wrote a post about GMOs (Frankenstein foods). So what does that have to do with writing? Well....you have to have stamina to hold on to the "vivid, continuous dream" and you can't do that if you aren't eating right. Right?

Yvonne Osborne said...

You have one of the best blogs for agent info. (and one of the best-looking blogs on the block). And since you asked... I just attended the MSU Michigan Organic Conference and wrote a post about GMOs (Frankenstein foods). So what does that have to do with writing? Well....you have to have stamina to hold on to the "vivid, continuous dream" and you can't do that if you aren't eating right. Right?

Deni Krueger said...

Good. For. You.

Casey Something said...

Thank you so much for bringing the goods to the fest, everyone! I visited a few of your blogs yesterday and will visit some more today. You're all awesome!!

Feel free to come back, enjoy more blogs, and offer more festivities. Have a great day!

Candy said...

Maybe I'm too late to chime in, but I love your blog, Casey. I just figured out how to become a follower. (I'm a little slow that way!)

On The Next Best Thing to Being Clever, I post quotes I enjoy from books I've read.

Hope the writing went well!