Two years ago today, I started Literary Rambles like this. I didn't think the blog would last. I had nothing to say. I kept wondering, "What kind of writer am I? I don't even know what to write on my blog!" (still true, most of the time). I never dreamed I would be celebrating the blog's two-year anniversary with so many friends and encouragers. Who knew I'd meet so many awesome people, feel such a sense of community, or have such a great opportunity to give back? Not me. But here we are.
Last month was Agent Spotlight's one-year anniversary, too. That means there are over 50 agent profiles on the blog now. Over 50! Holy Moly. I wasn't sure the feature would last past a few months. I was terrified to put it out there and put my name on it (would it really be useful?!? What would the agents think?!?), but I felt it was something writers could use, knew deep down it was a good idea, so I went with it. And you encouraged me. It has its issues but it's become a pretty amazing resource. I have a lot of fun putting the profiles together, learning about the agents, and helping all of you on your journeys toward publication.
I think writing goes much the same way. If you keep at it even when you don't know what you're doing, surround yourself with friends and encouragement, and stay open to change and improvement, success in some measure will eventually come of it. Maybe it's not what you were expecting (better or worse) and maybe some have put you down along the way... but you got there. You took a chance, you worked for it, and other people believe in it. I don't think success should be held any higher than that.
Anyway, I feel like this is as much your anniversary as it is mine and the blog's. I wouldn't still be blogging and putting profiles and posts together every week if it weren't for you and your encouragement, enthusiasm, and contributions.
So, Happy Anniversary to Literary Rambles and its Friends, and Happy Easter to all who celebrate! I'd like to do a contest/giveaway sometime soon in celebration, so feel free to offer up some ideas and tell me what your favorite kinds of contests are.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you. It really is such a fantastic site that you've maintained and kudos to you for takig a chance. Your site continues to inspire its readers and provide purposeful information. Here's to many more years to come!
Congratulations, Casey! You are so awesome, and so is your blog. I'm amazed and inspired by you, and also proud of you. I wish you many more successful years of blogging. Happy Easter to you and your little ones. :)
ReplyDeleteSeriously: your site helped me SO much during the querying process-- it was one of the few blogs I checked everyday for updates and info. It's an invaluable resource for all aspiring writers!! Thank you so so so much for all your hardwork!!
Here's to MANY more years!!
Happy Anniversary Casey! May you have many more to come...because the need is still there. :)
ReplyDeleteYES, my friend - you really have inspired an awful lot of people in those amazing 2 years...
Just around 2 months ago a Brit. typed into Google something to do with Literary Agents - and up came your fabulous face and blog. Since then hardly a day has gone passed when she HASN'T left a comment.
Many new friendships have been made as a result. WOW Casey - THAT'S huge! An enormous toast (make it a triple) to you and your hubby and family who support you. Of course to all you out there who in turn support Casey and all our other blogging friends...WOW.
Personally, I like competitions where we can write something about a persnal experience. I just participated in one where we had to write about an April Fool's prank we played. Perhaps something like that where everyone has had an experience; about their Easter or - as you have an anniversary, perhaps we can write about an anniversary that didn't go quite as expected. The winner could be chosen by random selection.
Well, I'm off to prepare that triple on the rocks....hick!
Well done Casey. You show what we can do when we step out of our comfort zone. Your blog is very inspiring, and I am happy to be a follower.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you on your anniversary. :) Two years is an amazing accomplishment. And here's to a Happy Easter for you.
ReplyDeleteCongrats ... No matter how busy I am, when I see you on my blog listing -- I click, knowing I'm going to learn something.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your sense of trepidation. I felt it too when I started my blog -- way too early in my "career", I thought. Now, I find it's taught me many of the things I need to know as a writer.
Happy 2-year! I have spent a lot of time on your blog and appreciate all the work you put into the agent spotlights :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats so much to your blogiversary. I love your blog, because I feel like I can empathise with you a LOT. And the agent spotlight section is genius. Onto another year! *clinks champagne glass*
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary Casey. I'm so glad you started your blog and the agent spotlights. They are so helpful. Yours was one of the first blogs I started reading regularly and I am so glad I did. It's helped me connect more to other writers on the path to publication. Hope you had a fun vacation.
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary, Casey! Your site is fabulous and so are you for sticking with it.
Congratulations! This site is so well put together and helpful. Thank you for all the work you put into this place.
ReplyDeleteLOVE this site. Congrats on 2 years:)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Casey. Such a resourceful and encouraging blog. All the best to you in your writing journeys, too.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you, Casey!! When I was querying I always looked forward to your agent spotlights. Among other cool things, your blog is an island oasis in the deep sea of agent research.
ReplyDeleteHi, Casey!
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog, and I enjoy reading it a lot. The agents' profiles are very helpful. Thanks. And happy anniversary. :)
HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU RAWK!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Casey! Your blog is just great. It's amazing how much you've accomplished in two years. :-)
ReplyDeleteYour blog is a great read, Casey. Thanks for all the time you put into it. Happy anniversary!
ReplyDeleteCongrats and thanks for all the wonderful work you've done!
ReplyDeleteYou created an awesome blog, Casey, and all the kudos are well deserved.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogiversary, Casey! This is such a wonderful site and wouldn't be without what you bring to it personally. Thank you and Happy Easter.
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is so special...I can't imagine it ever being a place I wouldn't want to hang out.
There is something for everyone at Literary Rambles. and your agent profiles are the best resources on the web!
Congratulations on two years! You have such an amazing blog, and I'm glad I'm a follower. Thank you for keeping up with all that you do and sharing so much information with the rest of us! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter!
Oh, and I gave you an award over on my blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much everyone!!!!! I heart you all.
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!! This site is SUCH a wonderful resource! I don't know what I would have done without it!
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary, Casey!
ReplyDeleteCasey--Congratulations on all of your hard work. You hae an amazing blog. I read it almost every day. Your work has made researching agents so much easier for all of us. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHappy blog anniversary and Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogiversary!!! Your blog is amazing, and I'm so glad you are still going strong.
ReplyDeleteLove your agent spotlight! Yes, a very amazing resource... Happy Anniversary!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your two year anniversary! Like others, I found your blog while researching agents and continue to find it useful. I try to maximize the time I spend writing, and minimize the time I spend on the Internet. So the fact that I keep coming back to your site shows what a valuable resource it is. Thank you for all the help you've given me and others.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogiversary! I haven't been around for anywhere near your whole two years, but I really enjoy reading your blog every morning. Thanks for starting this and sticking with it long enough for me to find you. =o)
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Your blog is awesome!
ReplyDeleteCasey--Congrats! Two years is a blogging lifetime! Thanks for sticking with it, and for giving us such care and support--and so much information!
ReplyDeleteYou're awesome!
Casey, you've done an amazing job!! Happy Easter to you, too, and a great springtime.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogiversary!
ReplyDeleteThis is a terrific resource for writers. We appreciate all you do!
Yay! Happy Blogiversary. I am so happy I found your blog. It has been a huge tool in my agent research. When I get a new name to check out, your blog is the first place I go. Thanks for starting this and keeping it going!
ReplyDeleteI am a huge fan of your blog. You do a great job of your agent spotlights and all your other writing related posts! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, guys. I really appreciate all the kind words and encouragement.
ReplyDeleteYeah! I have always loved your blog. It's rocking awesome. Thanks for all of your work.
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary Casey! Your Agent Spotlights have been invaluable to me. Keep up the great work and thanks for putting yourself out there!