Current Giveaways
Upcoming Agent Spotlight Interviews & Guest Posts
- Sally Kim Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/26/2025
- Etsy Loveing-Downes Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/7/2025
- Carey Blankenship-Kramer Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/21/2025
- Rebecca Eskildsen Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/23/2025
- Analía Cabello Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 5/14/2025
- Isabel Lineberry Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 5/21/2025
Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates
- Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.
WriteOnCon Registration Begins July 1st!
Registration is for the site forum. Technically, you can register now but we're still tidying up and getting prepared. Most of the threads will be closed until the conference, but there will be a Practice Critiques forum and a place for chatting as we await the big event. So exciting! I'm hoping the faculty will be updated by tomorrow, too. What do you think so far?
Tip Tuesday #43
Today's fabulous tip was sent in by Ammie Hart and she credits the idea to The Paper Wait. Since Ammie doesn't have a blog, please check out this great group blog instead! Here's the tip:
Keep a journal, a central file, a SOMETHING close by at ALL times that is easily accessible. When that new idea is BURNING in your head and you can hear your characters talking, and see the chapters and plot unfolding in front of your very sleep deprived eyes, take a quick break from your WIP and jot down your thoughts and ideas. I find it's better to take a quick break from the WIP to think inspirationally for a bit as it gets me motivated to finish said WIP so I can get to writing the new inspirational piece. I also find that when I do get back to my WIP, I'm refreshed. I'd like to point out there is one strict rule I have with this--I give myself a time limit. No dilly-dallying here. Usually I allow myself a few days at most, jot down information, keep it on the side, flush out characters, plot, etc, and then back to work on my WIP.
I love this idea, Ammie. I always jot down my ideas but I usually don't flesh them out right away. I think it would be better if I did, when the idea is most fresh and exciting. Readers, what do you do when a shiny new idea strikes?
Agent Spotlight: Adriana Dominguez
"Adriana has wide-ranging experience in publishing; she began her editorial career at Scholastic in the 1990s, served as Children’s Reviews Editor at Críticas Magazine (Library Journal), and as Executive Editor at HarperCollins, where she led the children’s division of the Latinx-focused Rayo imprint. She has a long trajectory of supporting authors and illustrators from underrepresented backgrounds and always welcomes submissions that offer a diverse point of view.
"Adriana is interested in illustrators with fresh, unmistakable styles, platform-driven narrative nonfiction from children to adult, and select children’s fiction from picture books to middle grade. She is based in New York." (From the agency website)
Narrative nonfiction from children to adult, illustrators, picture books, middle grade
About the Agency:
"Aevitas Creative Management is a full-service literary agency, home to more than thirty agents in five cities (New York, Boston, Washington DC, Los Angeles, London), representing scores of award winning authors, performers, thinkers, artists and public figures. Aevitas also provides high-level strategic communications consulting and original content development services to internationally renowned business, political, and cultural leaders, institutions, brands, and estates."
"We offer our clients unusually meaningful editorial guidance and inspiration, and serve as their advocate throughout the publishing process. We’re known for our dedication to our clients, and because we’re highly selective in who we choose to work with, we’re able to serve our clients thoughtfully and consistently." (From the agency website)
Editorial Agent? Yes
Aevitas Creative Management
There is list of select client titles on the website.
Query Methods: Closed to Submissions
E-mail: No (only).
Snail-Mail: No.
Online-Form: Yes.
Submission Guidelines (always verify):
See the agency website for complete, up-to-date submission guidelines.
Response Times:
What's the Buzz?
The buzz on Ms. Dominguez is quiet but positive. She's only been agenting since late 2009 but has over 10 years of experience in publishing, many in editorial positions.
Worth Your Time:
Interviews and Podcast:
Tips From 5 Literary Agents Representing Latino Authors at NBC News (03/2016)
Writing With Cultural Authenticity at The Official SCBWI Blog (08/2019)
Please see the agency website for contact and query information.
Profile Details:
Last updated: 1/25/2023.
Agent Contacted For Review? Yes.
Last Reviewed By Agent? 6/24/2010.
Have any experience with this agent? See something that needs updating? Please leave a comment or e-mail me at natalieiaguirre7(at)gmail(dot)com
Note: These agent profiles presently focus on agents who accept children's fiction. They are not interviews. Please take the time to verify anything you might use here before querying an agent. The information found herein is subject to change.
Tip Tuesday #42
To me, one of the best things a writer can do is read and study poetry. We often forget the different things we can achieve through writing, and by looking at poetry, where different techniques are more obvious, we can find so many more tools to use. For example, poetry is a great thing to look at for pacing. If we look at the way poems speed or slow our reading, we can try to put that in our own writing. If we read a poem that uses long lines, but you get a random staccato two-word sentence, it stops us and draws our attention. We can do that in prose too. Beyond pacing, poetry can really help with imagery, metaphor, and attention to details. Since every word matters, we can also better see how our word choice effects the reader in poetry. Some great poets for pacing are: Allen Ginsberg, Olga Broumas and Jorie Graham. Some poets who have terrific imagery are: Brigit Pegeen Kelly and Sharon Olds. To see great examples of voice, check out: Frank O'Hara, Ai, Amber Tamblyn (yes, she's a terrific poet too), and Kenneth Koch.
Great tip, Ryan! I did a study on voice during my last term at school and my professor had me pick up a book of poetry called Asphalt Georgics by Hayden Carruth. It was really interesting to see how voice can be established in so few words.
Q&A with Tina Wexler of ICM
You'll be e-mailing me your questions but please read the following details before you do!
Ms. Wexler is going to answer as many as questions possible but won't be answering all of them, especially since there are bound to be repeats and similarities. To increase the likelihood of your question being answered, please refrain from asking situation-specific questions. Think of it like an interview. The best questions are those that benefit everyone. Also, the more original you are, the more likely your question won't be a repeat. Please limit yourself to one question, two at the most. When you e-mail, please include the name or screen name you'd like your question posted under when the Q&A goes up.
The actual Q&A probably won't be posted for a week or two as Ms. Wexler is going on vacation next week. We'll have to be patient. For more information on Tina Wexler and what she's looking for, please check out her Spotlight and the interviews she's done.
I'll take questions for approximately 24 hours at which point a cut-off post will be posted. Ready? Go! E-mail me your questions at agentspotlight(at)gmail(dot)com. Updates will appear at the bottom of this post in RED, if needed.
UPDATE 1 (2:00 p.m.): I've only received a handful of questions. Please take advantage of this fabulous opportunity and send one in!
UPDATE 2 (9:02 p.m.): We have a nice set of questions now, but you still have until tomorrow morning to send them in. Don't be shy! I'm loving the variety.
UPDATE 3 (6/22): Okay, I'm closing this post down. Thanks for spreading the word and sending questions in, everyone! The Q&A will probably post the week after next as Ms. Wexler is going on vacation. Thank you for your patience!
WriteOnCon Giveaway Winner!
I numbered everyone and used to choose a winner. gave me number...

Thanks and Monday Q&A
Also, make sure to stop by on MONDAY, 6/21. I'll be taking questions for 24 hours for a Q&A with the fabulous Tina Wexler of International Creative Management. Please give her Spotlight a read and think up some great questions for her. The Q&A will have the same parameters as the last. NO situation-specific questions. More details on Monday.
Have a great weekend!!!
Agent Spotlight: Wendy Schmalz
Status: Accepting submissions.
About the agent and agency: "Founded in 2002, Wendy Schmalz Agency is proud to represent YA and Middle Grade authors including award-winning bestseller April Henry, groundbreaking authors Julie Anne Peters and Ami Polonsky, acclaimed non-fiction writers, Sarah Miller (also a successful novelist), Seymour Simon and Albert Marrin, and critically-hailed novelist Katrina Leno." (Via email)
What She's Looking For:
Genres of Interest:
Children's fiction and nonfiction including middle grade, young adult (Link)
What She Isn't Looking For:
Adult fiction and nonfiction, picture books, fantasy, horror, science fiction, mysteries, or thrillers (Link) (Link)
"I want an open, honest give-and-take with my authors. It should be a close relationship and it’s just as important for me to like my authors as it is for me to like their work. I’m happy to work with my authors editorially. I’m not a good hand-holder and I don’t want to be anyone’s therapist." (Link)
"I hate it when people send manuscripts or writing samples without asking first. I will delete those without opening them or send them back unread if they’re sent by snail mail. I don’t like it when people start out their queries with statistics. I’m amused by letters that tell me I’ll regret it if I don’t read their novel because representing them will make me richer than rich (I don’t ask to read those –who wants to represent someone with an out of control ego?)" (Link)
Editorial Agent?
Yes. "I’m happy to work with my authors editorially." (Link)
Web Presence:
Wendy Schamlz Literary website.
Publisher's Marketplace page.
AAR page.
AgentQuery, QueryTracker.
Clients: You can find a list of Ms. Schmalz's clients on the agency website. They include
Alice Alexiou, Kathy Charles, Michael Delaney, Erik Esckilsen, Tanya Guerrero, John Maxwell Hamilton, April Henry,Marybeth Kelsey, Marlane Kennedy, Jason Little, Robin MacCready, Albert Marrin, Sarah Miller, Dean Pitchford, Bonnie Shimko, Sue Stauffacher, Leonard Todd, Michael Williams, among others.
Query Methods:
E-mail: Yes.
Snail-Mail: No.
Online-Form: No.
Submission Guidelines (always verify):
E-mail your query with a synopsis included in the body of the e-mail. Do not enclose or attach the manuscript or sample chapters. She only responds if she's interested. (Link)
See the Wendy Schmalz Literary website for complete, up-to-date submission guidelines.
Query Tips:
"What gets my attention is when someone says why they want me specifically to be their agent. It shows they’ve done their homework – that they know what sort of writers I represent and think we’d be a good fit." (Link)
Response Times:
Ms. Schmalz doesn't respond to e-mail queries unless interested.
What's the Buzz?
Ms. Schmalz has a good but quiet buzz on the Internet. She's been representing authors for over 25 years and is taking on very few new clients as a result. She is currently open to submissions. Her years of experience, sales history, and client list recommend her. She's also a member of the AAR.
Worth Your Time:
7 Questions for Literary Agent Wendy Schmaltz at Middle Grade Ninja (03/2011).
Interview with Wendy Schmalz at The Five Randoms (05/2009).
Please see the Wendy Schmalz Literary website for contact and query information.
Last updated: 5/29/2020.
Agent Contacted for Review? Yes
Last Reviewed By Agent? 6/8/2020.
Have any experience with this agent? See something that needs updating? Please leave a comment or e-mail me atnatalieiaguirre7(at)gmail(dot)com
Note: These agent profiles presently focus on agents who accept children's fiction. They are not interviews. Please take the time to verify anything you might use here before querying an agent. The information found herein is subject to change.
Tip Tuesday #41
When I’m doing revisions it can get confusing trying to follow a particular subplot. To make this easier, I create separate word documents for each subplot. I cut and paste every scene for a given subplot into its document, giving each scene a heading that includes the chapter and page number for easy reference. This allows me to quickly see all the scenes together so I can be sure I’ve included all the pertinent information without being repetitive.
I've done this with two larger plot lines but didn't think to do subplots. Brilliant! Thank you once again, Lisa!
WriteOnCon - The Big Reveal!
My first vlog, people! I know! I'm sorry! *DEEP BREATH*
Anyway! to recap for those of you at work, the six of us (linked above) and the website goddess Jen Stayroot are organizing a free online writer's conference for kidlit writers!
We’ve all heard friends and fellow writers remark on their inability to attend writer's conferences for one reason or another, and since we’re all about paying it forward, we decided to create our own and to bring it to YOU using the amazing capabilities of the web. And so, WriteOnCon was born—and rated MC-18 (main characters 18 and under).
When? August 10-12, 2010
How? Various forms of social media.
I can't even tell you how amazing it's going to be. No, really! We have a ton of great stuff planned and just look at the names already involved: Catherine Drayton, Steven Malk, Michelle Andelman, Suzie Townsend, Mark McVeigh, Joanna Stampfel-Volpe, Kathleen Ortiz, Lindsay Eland, Dan Ehrenhaft, Mandy Hubbard, Daisy Whitney, Lindsey Leavitt, Josh Berk, Anica Rissi, Jodi Meadows—with more to come!
I know, right?! *swoon*
PLEASE bookmark the website, subscribe to the blog feed, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook! There are some details available on the site but we'll be leaking more as we draw near the big date.
But before you go, let's have a spread-the-word-GIVEAWAY! All you have to do is spread the word someway, somehow (the more ways and hows the better) by Friday at 12 pm EST (leave a link, if possible) and comment on this post with a way to reach you. The prize is a WINNER'S CHOICE kidlit book sent right to his/her doorstep. I know, I know, I'm so lax! But please, spread the word however you prefer and put the widget on your blog, if you can.
I'm very excited to see what you all think! More details will follow, I promise. Registration opens July 1st! And make sure you stop by my fellow organizers' blogs for more contests and giveaway opportunities!
Agent Spotlight: Diana Fox
"We are actively seeking the following: young adult fiction (all genres), science fiction/fantasy, romance, historical fiction, literary fiction, thrillers, horror, and graphic novels. We're always interested in books that cross genres and reinvent popular concepts with an engaging new twist (especially when there’s a historical and/or speculative element involved).
"On the nonfiction side, we're interested in memoirs, biography, and smart narrative nonfiction; Diana particularly enjoys memoirs and other nonfiction about sex work, addiction and recovery, popular science, and pop culture. Isabel is especially interested in narratives focused on travel, food, and the science of beauty, as well as microhistories of all things decadent and frivolous." (Link)
Genres of Interest: Young adult, literary fiction, science fiction, fantasy, romance, historical fiction, thrillers, suspense, and graphic novels. She is also interested in non-fiction memoirs, biography, popular science, history, pop culture, narrative nonfiction and books about sex work, addiction and recovery.
What She Isn't Looking For:
"Fox Literary does not represent screenplays, poetry, category Westerns, horror, Christian/inspirational fiction, or children's picture books." (Link)
Editorial Agent?
Web Presence:
Publisher's Marketplace Page. FYI this operates as her website page
AgentQuery, QueryTracker.
Katharine Beutner, Gwynne Garfinkle, Hannah Harrington, Michelle Hodkin, Anna Katherine, Catherine Knutsson, Nadia Lee, Elizabeth Loupas, Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire, Christine Merrill, Claudia Gray, Prudence Shen, among others.
E-mail: Yes
Snail-Mail: No
Online-Form: No
Submission Guidelines (always verify):
E-mail: Send a query letter and the first five pages in the body of the e-mail. No attachments. Put QUERY and the title of the work in the subject line.
Please see the Publisher's Marketplace page for complete, update-to-date submission guidelines.
Response Times:
What's the Buzz?
Diana Fox has great buzz. She's known to be super nice, friendly, and an all around class act. She maintains a small but successful clientele with a high sell-through rate, and her clients seem very happy under her representation. Despite sometimes long, fluctuating response times, she's known to love and appreciate slush. Definitely follow her on Twitter and her blog to get the latest updates and a great feel for her personality.
Worth Your Time:
Interviews and Podcasts:
Please see Ms. Fox's Publishers Marketplace page for contact and query information.
Profile Details:
Last updated: 1/29/2023
Agent Contacted for Review? Yes
Last Reviewed By Agent? Unknown
Have any experience with this agent? See something that needs updating? Please leave a comment or e-mail me at natalieiaguirre7(at)gmail(dot)com
Note: These agent profiles presently focus on agents who accept children's fiction. They are not interviews. Please take the time to verify anything you might use here before querying an agent. The information found herein is subject to change.
Guest Blogger Kristi Helvig: Basics of an Elevator Pitch
Please welcome guest blogger Kristi Helvig! She's here to talk about the Basics of an Elevator Pitch but make sure to drop by her group blog, Sisters in Scribe, where she's been talking about the Dreaded Synopsis and other great writing topics.
I was fortunate enough to attend an SCBWI talk hosted by talented author Hilari Bell and author/illustrator Anna-Maria Crum. The topic: how to give a brief pitch to agents/editors. Even if you're not doing a scheduled pitch appointment at a conference, a pitch is something you should have ready in case an editor or agent happens to ask, "What's your book about?" That's assuming you'd rather have a more coherent response than "Um, well, there's this guy and he goes to this museum, and there's this um, secret society..."
Wouldn't you rather say (well, if you were Dan Brown):
"A murder in the silent after-hour halls of the Louvre museum reveals a sinister plot to uncover a secret that has been protected by a clandestine society since the days of Christ." (I found this summary of The DaVinci Code online -- doesn't it have more 'flow' than the first one.)
What is an elevator pitch?
It's one or two sentences (three max) giving an overall summary of your book -- sentences that are compelling enough to make the editor/agent ask more questions. I know, right? Anyway, Hilari and Anna Maria were masters at it. They listened to attendees read part of their query letter or give a description of their book, and within minutes, they'd distilled it into a few succinct sentences. It was amazing to watch. I listened and learned, and here are a few tidbits I picked up along the way. NOTE: All examples below are fabricated by moi, so blame me if they suck.
Be Specific/Don't Be Cliche
Bad Example: When the space monkey arrived, her whole world turned upside down.
Better Example: When the six-foot space monkey landed in her bedroom, ten-year-old Sarah Connor knew she’d finally found the topic for her science fair project.
Use Strong Verbs/Active Voice
Bad Example: When six-year-old Ben was given a black eye by the school bully, he looked for a way to get back at him.
Better Example: When the school bully pops six-year-old Ben in the eye, Ben exacts revenge the only way he knows how -- with peanut butter and a Nerf gun.
Other tip: the main character (MC) should be identified in the pitch as well as the obstacle they face, though it can be implied rather than obvious. There are exceptions to this but wait until you're famous to break the rules.
Nathan Bransford also has an amazingly comprehensive post on one sentence, one paragraph, and two paragraph pitches.
So there you have it. Any questions? Now get out there and pitch.
Tip Tuesday #40
When I described the WriteMonkey text editor a few weeks ago, I shared only half of my distraction-free writing story. The other half is that I use WriteMonkey on a netbook. Netbooks are smaller, lighter (and some would say underpowered) laptops designed for common applications (like writing), email, internet browsing, etc. There are many models to chose from and you shouldn't have to pay more than about $300.
I did remove most of the software that came pre-installed, which noticeably improved the netbook's performance. In most respects the system was what I expected, but there were two things that surprised me, in a delightful way: the netbook's 9-hour battery life and its light weight. Together, those features opened up my writing horizons. Because the netbook is so light and small, I nearly always take it along if I'm going someplace and might have a chance to write. Similarly, it's perfect to take to whatever corner of the house is relatively quiet and distraction free. And with the stunning battery life (and a captive audience in the car), I was able to turn a road-trip into a productive read-through-and-revise session.
If you're considering a new computer for your writing, I encourage you to take a look at netbooks--their liabilities as a general computing platform are assets for writers who want to minimize distractions when they're trying to write.
Thanks Daren! I've been wanting to get a netbook for this exact reason. It's a pain to tote my regular laptop around and the battery life is awful. I'd love a reliable, on-the-go writing companion! : )
Interview with Author Sue Walker!

Thanks Casey - it’s great to visit.
I’m an Australian author – I live in Sydney with my husband and three children, and I’ve been writing fiction and non-fiction for children for about ten years. When I’m not writing I love walking, baking cakes, and heading off for camping holidays in the bush.
It looks like you write everything from picture books to young readers. Is your upcoming release, Arnie Avery, your first junior novel? Please tell us more about it. I love the cover.
Thank you, and yes - Arnie Avery is my first junior novel. The story is about a typical 13 year old boy. He has a sense of humour, he likes riding his bike, and he likes being with his friends, but he also has a few serious problems – one is his family, and the other is the school bully, Jacko. I think the story demonstrates that no matter how tough things might seem…you can turn your life around.

There’s a lot planned. I’m having two launches for Arnie Avery – one with a local school, and the other at a Children’s & Young Adult Writers Festival. Every participant will be given something special to help launch the book, and there’ll be lots of fun activities for the kids. I’m also having an in-store book signing, plus there’ll be the odd glass or two of celebratory bubbles.
I love your author website and blog. How has the marketing and promotion side of publication been for you? Given your young audience, do you find you focus your time and efforts more on in-person promotion (such as school visits) or online promotion?
The promotion side of publishing is all very new to me, but I realize it’s important to the success of your book. With Arnie Avery, I’ve split my time equally between in-person and online promotion. I have a new website and I’ve increased my online presence, and I’ve actually just arrived home from a school visit. Meeting with kids and sharing my love of writing is always a thrill, and I think readers enjoy connecting with the person behind the book as well.
From your website, it sounds like you had an interesting childhood including preschool in Malaysia on the edge of a jungle! Have any of those experiences made it into your writing?
I’ve lived in lots of different places and little snippets of my childhood do seem to creep into my work. There’s a scene in Arnie Avery that came straight from an experience I had as a ten year old. I was at the pool with my brother and sister when a boy fell into the water. We didn’t know he couldn’t swim until he sank to the bottom, and my brother had to dive in and rescue him. It’s a vivid memory – I can still see that boy on the concrete beside the pool. I’m glad it was a memory with a happy ending.
What did your journey from aspiring author to published author entail? What were the key milestones along the way?
My first acc

Later I decided to specialize in chapter books for children 5-8 years. Initially I had a few rejections, followed by some positive feedback, and then finally…an acceptance. A few books later, Best Friends was selected as a Notable Book by the Children’s Book Council. It was very gratifying to receive formal recognition for my work.
Do you have a literary agent? If so, how did you come to work with him/her? If not, how did you come to work with your publisher(s)?
No, I don’t have a literary agent. I started out submitting to slush piles, and over the years developed relationships with a few editors who liked my work enough to comment personally. I’m eternally grateful for feedback – good or bad – because it helps me to improve my writing. I always send letters of thanks to editors for taking the time to respond to my submissions.
Is there anything you've learned or experienced during the publishing process that's surprised you?
Yes. How incredibly long it can take to publish a picture book. After the initial search for an illustrator, it can be years before the artwork is finished.
What advice do you have for aspiring authors?
Don’t give up. If you receive any personal feedback from an editor – celebrate. I’d also try to focus on one area of children’s books, whether its picture books, early readers, mid-grade or YA.
You must be working on something new. Can you divulge anything about your current work(s)-in-progress?
Right now I’m working on a YA novel about a guardian angel, and also a narrative non-fiction picture book (I know – it’s a mouthful!).
You're managing a writing career alongside a family. What's your writing process like? Do you have any tips on writing while raising children?
I write when I can, in between everything else I have to fit into the day. My number one tip is – relax. Don’t feel bad about it when you can’t write, instead spend time thinking about your story while you’re doing other things. And if you’re too tired to be creative, reading is the next best thing.

Readers can visit my website:
To close, what's one interview question you haven't been asked and wish you would be? And please, answer it!
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted be a guide dog trainer – I never once dreamed I’d be an author. I think that’s something worth mentioning, because so many authors know from very early that they want to be writers. For me, it came as a surprise. I didn’t start writing seriously until I had children, but now I couldn’t imagine life without it.
Thank you so much for the fabulous interview, Sue. I hope we'll be seeing some of your titles in the US very soon!
Bio: Sue Walker is the author of numerous titles for children. Her book Tilly’s Treasure is part of the award-winning Aussie Nibbles series, and Best Friends is a Children’s Book Council Notable Book. Many of Sue’s poems, articles, and short stories have appeared in children’s magazines, and her books have featured in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Sue lives in Sydney, Australia, with her husband, three children, and a scruffy white dog. Further information can be found at
Arnie Avery is available in Australian bookstores, and online at
Agent Spotlight: Holly Root
Status: Open to submissions, but the other agents at Root Literary (Taylor Haggerty, Melanie Castillo, Molly O'Neill, and Kurestin Armada) are growing their clients lists more actively, so currently most likely to refer a project in-house.
About: ""Reading as much as you do in this job, it's easy to become overly analytical. My favorite books are the ones so assured in their execution that the only input my critical mind can muster is 'That was fun. How soon can we tell everyone we know about it?' I'm delighted to be in a position of perpetual discovery." (Link)
About the Agency:
“Literary agent Holly Root launched over two dozen New York Times bestsellers before founding Root Literary in 2017. The agency's clients benefit from our agents' proven skills in identifying talent, negotiating advantageous deals, and advocating for our books all the way from submission to publication. We offer our clients broad-based industry insights as well as individualized strategic thinking to empower each author to define and pursue their own unique path to success.
"We love what we do, and we do it best in partnership with storytellers who combine artistry with the drive to build a lasting body of work.” (Link)
Web Presence:
Root Literary Website.
Publisher’s Marketplace page.
Twitter @hroot.
What She's Looking For:
Genres / Specialties:
Our primary focus is commercial fiction for kids and adults. We also represent select nonfiction projects. (Via email)From an Interview (05/2011):
“I love being genuinely surprised (I should clarify this is ‘surprised,’ not ‘baffled’). What does that look like? A fresh spin on a genre I thought I was completely tired of, the execution that reminds me I actually LOVE [whatever genre I forgot that I love], the concept I can't get out of my head, the character who is flawed and frustrating and yet totally, completely lovable for those vulnerabilities. I'm really a fan of lots of kinds of books; it's so much about voice for me that I've fallen for all manner of things against my better sense and only after I've sold it had to be like, ‘Um. Right. I guess I do [chick lit/steampunk/witch/Amish/high fantasy/etc] now.’” (Link)
You There God? It's Me, Margaret involves, but is not strictly about, a young girl's faith." (Link)
What She Isn't Looking For:
Poetry or screenplays (Via email)
Editorial Agent?
"I’m a pretty editorial agent; the competition is so stiff these days that I can’t imagine not being that way. There’s definitely a point where you just have to put it out and let the market speak but if I see a way to make a ms that much tighter, why wouldn’t I jump on it?" (Link)
There is a page of client books on the agency website.
Ms. Root’s client include: Becky Albertalli, Winnie Archer/Melissa Bourbon, Rae Carson, JC Cervantes, Mark Cheverton, Diana Cosby, Jessica Clare, Manda Collins, Megan Crane, Kari Lynn Dell, Meredith Duran, Addison Fox, Alan Gratz, Jasmine Guillory, Kristin Harmel, Kelly Harms, Rachel Hawkins, Vivien Jackson, Amanda Joy, SJ Kincaid, Celia Kyle, Christina Lauren, Victoria Lee, Sarah MacLean, Ashley Poston, CJ Redwine, Victoria Schwab, Rebekah Weatherspoon, among others, among others!
Query Methods:
E-mail: Yes (only).
Snail-Mail: No.
Online-Form: No.
Submission Guidelines (always verify):
Send a query letter and the first ten pages of your manuscript in the body of an e-mail. No attachments.
Please check the Root Literary website for the most current information.
Response Times:
The agency sends an automated response to a query that indicates their response time.
What’s the Buzz?
Holly Root a top-notch agent with an incredible list of clients and sales. Her clients adore and gush about her every chance they get and she’s one of the sharpest, funniest agents I’ve come across. Definitely follow her on Twitter.
Worth Your Time:
Holly Root on Entrepreneurial Mindset as a Literary Agent Podcast at 88 Cups of Tea (Date unknown)
Holly Root on The Rise of Rom-Coms and Publishing in the Coronavirus Podcast at Sarah's Books (04/2020)
Agents: Who They Are and How to Get One at Track Changes (04/2020).
How to Query Root Literary with Holly Root Podcast at Middle Grade Ninja (07/2019).
Literary Agents Evaluating Manuscripts Podcast at Middle Grade Ninja (07/2019).
Literary Agent Holly Root Podcast at Middle Grade Ninja (04/2019).
Switching Agents Interview at Jane Friedman (11/2018.
New Agency Alert: Root Literary at Writer's Digest (05/2017).
LitChat with Holly Root at LitChat (07/2016)
Interview with Holly Root at I Want Her Job (10/2011).
7 Questions For: Literary Agent Holly Root at Middle Grade Ninja (05/2011).
Hilarious Interview with Agent Holly Root at The Last Word (03/2010).
Brief interview with Holly Root at Jill Myles blog (01/2010).
Please see the Root Literary website for contact and query information.
Profile Details:
Last Updated: 5/25/2020.
Agent Contacted for Review? Yes
Last Reviewed By Agent? 6/2/2020.
Have any experience with this agent? See something that needs updating? Please leave a comment or e-mail me at natalieiaguirre7(at)gmail(dot)com
Note: These agent profiles presently focus on agents who accept children's fiction. They are not interviews. Please take the time to verify anything you might use here before querying an agent. The information found herein is subject to change.
(If you want to follow her, you'll have to click off the interview post and onto the main blog.)
Today, I have some school work to do and a spotlight to finish. What are your Wednesday plans? Feel free to plug your latest blog post in the comments today!
Interview with Me + Fab Giveaway
Sheri is also doing an awesome giveaway. She's giving away ten books (some signed!) as well as some awesome critiques. Check it out!!
If you missed today's tip, make sure you stop by. Thanks!
Tip Tuesday #39
Ok, I'll make this short and sweet. Go get this software. I just downloaded it, and it's the coolest software I've seen for writers. I've seen some fancy stuff with plot assistance and all that sort of thing, but honestly I tend to find that sort of thing tiresome. This is simply a project editor. And it's free.The software eliminates the problems of having either a single huge file that tends to get corrupted, or else a bunch of tiny files that you can't navigate through. It works by creating a number of .rtf files on the back end, but as far as you're concerned, you can edit through this software, including global find/replace.It will also help you keep track of characters, important items, locations, etc. It doesn't take long to enter all the basic info for your characters (if you enter the goals, etc., it may take longer), and then you just use the "automatically add characters" command, and it links everything up. There is even a "problem words" tool that helps you find overused words, etc.I actually had the idea for software like this, but didn't have the programming chops to do it. I'm so glad someone else has done it!
I tried an earlier version of this software and it was pretty darn cool. PageFour is another free writing software I've played around with. It can be nice to get out of Word and try some features geared just toward writers. Thanks Kyle!!