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Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Agent Spotlight: Scott Treimel

This week's Agent Spotlight features Scott Treimel of Scott Treimel NY.
Status: CLOSED to submissions except for conference attendees and referrals.
Treimel-Scott About:Scott Treimel has worked for a literary agency, a literary scout, two book publishers, a newspaper syndicate, a book club, and a movie studio, either buying, selling, packaging, editing or creating intellectual property—all for children. S©ott Treimel NY opened in 1995. His clients include teen thriller author Gail Giles, picture book author/illustrator Janie Bynum, Canadian Governor Award-winner and HarperCanada author Arthur Slade, picture book virtuoso Barbara Joosse with sales over 1.4 million, and legendary author/illustrator Cyndy Szekeres whose sales have topped 14 million.” (Link defunct.)
About the Agency:
“S©ott Treimel NY is a full-service "boutique" (small) agency representing the intellectual property rights in the work of authors and illustrators of books for children and teens, only. STNY's client list includes well-known talent and novice creators we believe can sustain long-term careers. We are especially proud of the original talent we discovered and the careers we launched.
"We are members of the Association of Authors Representatives, the Authors Guild, and the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. We adhere to the principle that our clients' interest is always paramount. Our chief responsibility is to maximize the value of our clients' work and protect their fiduciary interests. What we do is maneuver our clients' careers within the context of the quickly shifting book market” (Link)
Web Presence:
Scott Treimel NY website.
Scott Treimel NY blog (Old).
Publishers Marketplace.
What He's Looking For:
Children’s books, board books through young adult, fiction, non-fiction, and illustration (Link).
What He Isn't Looking For:
“We do not represent adult work, screenplays, or toy-only projects, and we do not answer such solicitation.” (Link)
See this post, Pet (Writerly) Peeves, for some language peeves.
Editorial Agent?
Yes.  Mr. Treimel requests revisions as needed, edits manuscripts for submission, and likes to work with authors on developing their careers. 
Kevan Atteberry, Sharon Biggs Waller, Janie Bynum, John Cusick, Ame Dyckman, Gail Giles, Barbara Haworth-Attard, Jeffry W. Johnston, Barbara Joosse, J. C. Phillipps, Janice Repka, Arthur Slade, Cyndy Szekeres, David Ward, Charlotte Zolotow, among many others.
Query Methods:
E-mail: Yes (if conference attendee or referral).
Snail-Mail: No.  
Online-Form: No.
Submission Guidelines (always verify):
“After 20 years racing through or studying over 40,000 unsolicited submissions— to our delight, consternation, joy, bafflement, awe, horror, (and more!)— STNY's unsolicited submission chute is closing. In fact, it already is. No longer can we consider unsolicited submissions.
“STNY's list is heavy with clients whose work came over the transom (do people even know this term nowadays?), unpublished creators STNY is proud we discovered and developed (and continue to develop) and whose careers we continue building. (Notice we eschew 'to grow'.) STNY will of course continue to discover talent and add clients, only differently.
“Henceforth, we will accept submissions from attendees when we appear at conferences. And we will consider submissions recommended by our big passel of editor pals, author friends, and STNY clients. Lastly, we will read materials as particpants on awards committees, etc. So we are not going anywhere. We still want to discover talented creators.
“Look for STNY's participation at regional and national conferences and retreats and award shows and trade fairs and seminars and maybe a bookstore signing or two.” (Link)
Response Times:
What's the Buzz?
Scott Treimel is a top-notch agent with a fabulous stable of clients and sales.  His clients seem thrilled with his representation and are happy to praise him.  The agency specializes in kidlit and adheres to the AAR Canon of Ethics.
Scott is currently CLOSED to unsolicited submissions. Follow him on Twitter for the latest.
Worth Your Time:
Agent of the Month: Scott Treimel-Part 1 and Part 2 at Writing and Illustrating (02/2018)
Please see the Scott Treimel NY website for additional contact and query information.
Profile Details:
Last Updated: 6/4/2020.
Agent Contacted for Review? Yes.
Last Reviewed By Agent? 2011.
Have any experience with this agent? See something that needs updating? Please leave a comment or e-mail me at natalieiaguirre7(at)gmail(dot)com

Note: These agent profiles presently focus on agents who accept children's/teen fiction. They are not interviews. Please take the time to verify anything you might use here before querying. The information found herein is subject to change.


Christine Fonseca said...

I love this series Casey! Happy 2011

Chris Phillips said...

Excellent spotlight, I'll have to make a note to query him this Tuesday.

nutschell said...

Awesome. I do so love your blog. I'm going to be dropping by more often since I've decided that this would be my query year.
Phenomenally useful blog. Love it.
Warm regards,

kathrynjankowski said...

Definitely adding him to my list. Thanks, Casey!

L.A. Colvin said...

I love your agent spotlights. They are one of the more helpful post I have seen across the blogoshpere. Thanks for all the hard work that goes into them.

Thermocline said...

What He Isn't Looking For cracked me up. Thanks for this Spotlight, Casey!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for the spotlight. I'm glad he likes fantasy and was so specific about what he doesn't like.

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Casey - awesome as always. I've used your blog for agent info countless times. Thanks for the service to all of us:)

Beth said...

Casey, I really appreciate the work you put into this series. (And obviously everyone else does too.) Thank you for all the research that makes it easy for your readers!

Ishta Mercurio said...

Fabulous spotlight! I love that this is so clear about what he does and doesn't want to see. Thanks, Casey!

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Shawna said...

I love all these spotlights, but I do note that if one follows your link to "submission statistics", one finds the quote, "we are not looking for picturebook authors". The context is that he is citing the fact that he signed a picture book author because he recognized talent and is therefore willing to overlook the fact that he's not looking for PBs, but it's kind of discouraging to find this linked from a spotlight that cites this agent as being open to PB queries.

Casey McCormick said...

Hi Shawna,

Thank you for the correction. I'm guessing STNY accepted picture books prior to 2010 as they're listed on a couple sites. I didn't catch the change. On his PM page, it says he's looking for board books through young adult, so that clears it up!

Thanks again,