Congrats! E-mail me your address so that I can have your book mailed to you.
Today I’m interviewing Kim Harrington. Her debut YA novel CLARITY came out March 1, 2011.
Hi Kim. Thanks so much for joining us.
1. Ca

CLARITY is a paranormal mystery set in a tourist town in Massachusetts. There’s murder, psychics and romance. I’m from Massachusetts, but I’m not psychic and don’t solve murders. ;)
2. How long did it take you to write CLARITY? Was this the first book you wrote? First one you queried?
It took around nine months. CLARITY was my fourth book. I signed with my agent for my third book, which did not sell.
3. That must have been hard when book three didn’t sell. But it’s awesome that you didn’t give up. How long did you query before you were offered representation? What was the process like?
Honestly, I don’t remember! It was a long time, though. Months. But I was used to that after querying the prior books. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, but I found the query process exciting.
4. I hope I have such a good attitude on the query process when I start doing it. How did it feel when you found out Scholastic wanted your book?
When my agent first told me, I wanted to remain calm and professional on the phone. So I took notes and said a lot of, “Okay, okay, okay.” After I got off the phone with him, though, I lost my cool and there were a lot of screams and happy tears.

I don’t think I came up with anything amazingly new or creative, but I’ve blogged and done contests to increase awareness of the book. I’m on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads almost every day. I’ve had bookmarks and bookplates made. I did a ton of interviews. I don’t think anyone knows for sure what works and what doesn’t, so I just focus on doing what I don’t mind doing—if that makes any sense.
6. I know there’s a sequel to CLARITY. Where are you at in writing it? Did you know the whole story when you wrote CLARITY?
It’s done! Written, edited, copyedited, done. I’m really happy with it. I did know some plot points about book two when I wrote book one, but not all of them.
7. Are you working on any other projects?
Yes, I’m also working on a standalone novel—a ghost story—that will come out from Scholastic in Fall 2012.
Thanks for having me!
Good luck with your debut Kim. You can visit Kim at her blog and her website.
I really enjoyed reading CLARITY. I loved that it was a mystery and Kim does an excellent job sucking you into the story on the first page. I’m giving away one copy of CLARITY. All you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment by midnight on April 9th. I’ll announce the winner on April 11th. International entries are welcome.
I’d like to shout out about a new Writer Spotlight that Paula McLaughlin is starting on Mondays. She’s spotlighting authors who have a finished manuscript and are seeking representation. You can read her first interview with Faith Elizabeth Hough here. She’s looking for other authors to interview. Her criteria are that you have read-ready, polished manuscript you want to pitch, are seeking representation and that you have some form of online presence (blog, fb, twitter acct). If you’re interested, contact her. What a great idea!
And don’t forget the WriteOnCon live query event with Roseanne Wells from Marianne Strong Literary tonight at 8:00 pm EST. You can find out details here.
Next Monday I’ll be interviewing Judith Engracia at Judith Dawson Associates. She’s a brand new agent looking for submissions. She’ll be giving you the scoop on what she’s looking for so be sure to stop by.
Thanks to Kim! *Clarity* sounds amazing. I love that Kim had no idea how long the query process took...mine feels like a long, painful slog, but I'm looking forward to the day when I'm not counting queries and tracking responses!
Congratulations to the winner of Dogsled Dreams.
I love the cover of Clarity. The premise sounds interesting too. Since I live in Massachusetts, I should totally win this. (hint, hint.)
Thanks so much Kim for letting me interview you. I so enjoyed learning more about your book and your road to publication.
And Elizabeth and Theresa, thanks for stopping by. Good luck in the contest.
Fabulous interview! Kim, Clarity looks fantastic and I have heard about it rolling through cyberspace. I love how you discovered the sale and your reaction.
Awesome interview! I love learning more about authors.
I like the idea of a paranormal mystery involving psychic abilities. This book sounds like a good read. Thanks for the interview, and the giveaway!
Great interview. I'm reading CLARITY now and cannot put it down. It hooks from the first page!
Clarity sounds fun/mysterious. Gotta add it to my (very looong) to-read list.
Sounds very interesting. I'm always looking for a great new read (duh, who isn't)
Clarity sounds great and the cover is amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the interview, Natalie. And for pointing us to Paula McLaughlin's "writer spotlights."
Hope you have a great week.
I JUST added Clarity to my Amazon wish list last Saturday! I can't wait to get it and devour it! :-)
That's sad to hear Kim's 3rd book didn't sell. I'm glad she hung in there though because I hear Clarity is great!
Great post. I just love that cover. :)
Thanks for the interview! I've seen this one around the blogosphere but didn't know much about it. I love mysteries, so I'll have to check it out.
It takes place on Cape Cod?
And has this review from Publishers Weekly?
"While recalling classic sleuth stories, Harrington creates a fiery and sharp-witted heroine who's more Veronica Mars than Nancy Drew (Nancy almost certainly never used the term "Skanky McSkankbag"). Clare is a teen detective for the 21st century.”
I'm in!
I can't wait to see what the sequel entails!! It's too bad that only her fourth book sold. That's perseverance!!
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
Lovely interview. I so enjoyed this book! The setting was like another character - something I keep hearing is supposed to happen in a story.
I can't remember having read a paranormal mystery before so this would be something new for me.
Would love to give it a try so please enter me in the giveaway.
Thanks for opening it to worldwide entries.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
I follows via GFC
Very interesting interview. I'll definitely be checking out the book. Thanks also for the chance to win!
A well-done mystery is such fun to read! Congrats on getting published, Kim :)
Thanks Natalie for mentioning my Writer Spotlight Interview on my blog. Don't be shy guys!! Step up to be interviewed.
As for CLARITY, I've been waiting for this one to come out and now it's here!!! I just love, love, love the cover and the premise. Can't wait to read it. What a great interview.
Thanks, Natalie. Address has been emailed. Can't wait to read DOGSLED DREAMS!
CLARITY sounds amazing, but don't enter me in the contest. Give someone else a chance!
Great interview and thanks for pointing out (because I apparently need to hear it) that first, second and third novels do not always make the cut. Sigh. Also, thanks for the links and reminders! I've been low on braincells ever since we brought the kidlit home, so I need all the reminders I can get!
I just finished reading Clarity and loved it! Thanks for the interview. :)
Thanks for a great interview Natalie and Kim. I love the sounds of Clarity and can't wait to read it! Also loved to hear about Kim's persistence when books 1, 2, and 3 didn't sell - I love the happy endings!
Also, looking forward to Paula McLaughlin's Writer Spotlight series!
I've heard a lot of great things about Clarity and it is definitely on my wish list! Thanks for the interesting interview. I didn't know there was going to be a sequel.
THANKS SO MUCH this book looks amazing!!!
I keep seeing this book everywhere. Thanks for the interview and congrats Kim, on not giving up and striking it big with this one :)
The cover of CLARITY is beautiful. The book sounds very interesting. Thanks for the interview!
This sounds like such a great read! Thanks for the interview and giveaway :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Love YA and mysteries, I have to check this one out - great interview!
Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers
Thanks for having me! :)
Amazing interview!! Thanks, Casey! :)
Fantastic interview, Kim and Natalie! I love when perseverance pays off. Can't wait to read CLARITY. I've read some great reviews for it!
If this giveaway is open to canada please include me.
Thanks for this interview. This book has been one I've been dying to get my hands on. Sounds really good. And I love the cover!
jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com
Great interview! I'd really like to read CLARITY. :)
Ooo, sounds great! Fabulous interview as always!
And yes, I'd love Clarity. In this book, and in other things.
Oh, great interview! Clarity looks like an awesome book, thanks for the giveaway!!
Awesome interview! I have really been wanting to read this. Have heard nothing but great things about it and I love that it has a strong mystery aspect. Thanks so much for the chance to win. :D
I'm an old follower.
This books sounds great, and so does Kim. I'm also from Mass, so I have a soft spot for New England writers. I'm definitely putting this one on my TBR list. :)
I'd love to win a copy!! Thanks for the chance!
Awesome interview and contest! Thanks for the giveaway!
Great interview! :) Thank you for checking out my YA review blog! That was very nice of you!
This is an Awesome Interview! I've been dying to read this book! :D
Great Blog Too! :)
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