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Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Agent Spotlight: Eric Myers

This week's Agent Spotlight features Eric Myers of Myers Literary Management.
Status: Update on 1/6/2024. Mr. Meyers is closed to queries. Check the agency website to see if he reopens to queries.
ericmyers copy About: “Eric Myers founded Myers Literary Management in 2017, following two years with Dystel, Goderich, & Bourret LLC and thirteen with The Spieler Agency. A graduate of UCLA and the Sorbonne, Eric entered publishing as a journalist and author.
"He is proud to be a member of both the Authors’ Guild and the Association of Authors’ Representatives. His own books include Screen Deco: A Celebration of High Style in Hollywood, Forties Screen Style: A Celebration of High Pastiche in Hollywood, and Uncle Mame: The Life of Patrick Dennis, all published by St. Martin’s Press.
"His writing has also appeared in The New York Times Magazine and Arts and Leisure sections, Time Out New York, Opera News, Art and Auction, Variety, and Quest.
"As an agent, Eric has a strong affinity for Young Adult and Middle Grade Fiction, as well as adult non-fiction, especially in the areas of history, biography, psychology, health and wellness, and pop culture. He also represents thrillers and historical fiction, and is open to memoir from writers who already have a strong platform.
"Among the authors he has represented are Chris Grabenstein (Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, The Island of Dr. Libris, the Welcome to Wonderland series), Lydia Kang (Control, Catalyst, A Beautiful Poison, The Impossible Girl), MAD MEN cast member Bryan Batt (She Ain’t Heavy, She’s My Mother, Big Easy Style), David Neilsen (Dr. Fell and the Playground of Doom, Beyond the Doors), Sam Staggs (All About “All About Eve”), Simon Gervais (The Thin Black Line, Hunt Them Down), Tracey Goessel (The First King of Hollywood: The Life of Douglas Fairbanks), financial advisor Erin Lowry (Broke Millennial), former Soviet spy Jack Barsky (Deep Undercover), auto mechanic and entrepreneur Patrice Banks (The Girls Auto Clinic Glove Box Guide), and World War II Resistance fighter Justus Rosenberg (The Art of Resistance.)” (Link)
About the Agency:
"Myers Literary Management is a full-service literary agency based in New York City, pledged to shepherding the work of a small, select list of authors. Please feel free to check our Submissions page if you have a fiction manuscript or non-fiction proposal you’d like us to consider." (Link)Web Presence:
Myers Literary Management
Publisher’s Marketplace page.
Myers Literary Management Facebook page.
QueryTracker, AgentQuery.
What He's Looking For:
Genres / Specialties:
Children's, middle grade, young adult, multicultural, thrillers/suspense, crime
You can find a complete list of what he's looking for on the agency submission page.
What He Isn't Looking For:
Picture books, gift books, literary fiction, short stories, adult science fiction, adult fantasy, poetry, plays, or screenplays (Link)
On his ideal client:
“Patience, patience, and patience. Things move at a glacial pace in this business. It can take an editor a long time to respond to a pitch or a submission. I always appreciate it when a client understands that. It’s also great to have clients who are willing to work with their editors for the good of the book. I’m happy to say that nearly every one of my clients, past and present, has exemplified these qualities, and I consider myself very lucky for that.” (Link)
For writerly advice, see the rest of his interview at Middle Grade Ninja.
Editorial Agent?
You can find a list of clients Mr. Myers represents on the agency website. His clients have included: Chris Grabenstein, Patrice Banks, Erin Lowry, Sam Staggs, Beverley McLachlin, Jack Barsky, Bryan Batt, Charles Busch, Robert Hofler, Lydia Kang, Simon Gervais, Kym Brunner, Jesse E. Pollack, David Neilsen, Tracey Goessel, Anne Thompson, Seth Rudetsky, Derek Taylor Kent, John Anthony Gilvey, Alonso Duralde, Kim Rossi Stagliano, Justus Rosenberg, Kathleen Marple Kalb, Ryan Wick, and August Norman, among many others.
Query Methods: Mr. Myers is closed to submissions
E-mail: Yes (Preferred)
Snail-Mail: Yes.
Online-Form: No.
Submission Guidelines (always verify):
Go to the Myers Literary Management website to find up-to-date submission instructions if they reopen to submissions.
Response Times:
Mr. Myers only responds if interested.
What's the Buzz?
I hadn’t heard of Eric Myers until he was requested for Agent Spotlight, but he seems like an agent worth being aware of.  He has a growing list of clients and sales and his clients seem happy under his representation.  It looks like he attends a conference or two each year, so keep an eye out for those.  In the realm of children’s literature he’s interested in middle grade and young adult fiction. 
Worth Your Time:
Interviews and Posts:
Meet the Conference Faculty: Agent Eric Myers at Scribe (02/2018).
Agent Round Table at The Authors Guild (06/2016).
Agents Looking for Clients: Eric Myers at Writing and Illustrating (01/2016)
Literary Agent Spotlight: Eric Myers at Writer's Digest (01/2016).
7 Questions For: Literary Agent Eric Myers at Middle Grade Ninja (09/2010).
Please see the Myers Literary Management website for contact and query information.
Profile Details:
Last updated: 1/6//2025.
Agent Contacted For Review? Yes.
Last Reviewed By Agent? 5/18/2020.
Have any experience with this agent? See something that needs updating? Please leave a comment or e-mail me at natalieiaguirre7(at)gmail(dot)com

Note: These agent profiles presently focus on agents who accept children's fiction. They are not interviews. Please take the time to verify anything you might use here before querying an agent. The information found herein is subject to change.


Barbara Watson said...

As a middle grade writer, it's always great to know of someone representing that genre. Thank you.

Thermocline said...

I'd heard of Eric before, but couldn't find much on him. Thanks for filling in some details!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for spotlighting Eric. I hadn't heard of him. I'll have to check him out.

Christina Farley said...

I always learn so much from your blog. Eric has some excellent advice here too.

Paul Michael Murphy said...

That's the coolest literary agent photo ever.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Great spotlight, Casey! You and Natalie are the best!!!

Unknown said...

I'm represented by Eric and he's super efficient and easy to work with! :) He sold my YA, Wanted: Dead or In Love to Merit Press, released July, 2014, and he also represents Lydia Kang, another YA author (last I checked).