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First I’m going to announce the winner of KAT INCORRIGIBLE.

The winner is:


Congrats! E-mail me your address so I can send you your book.

Sorry everyone, but I’m not posting an interview in my ASK THE EXPERT series today. I think my expert is on vacation and she did not e-mail me her answers.

But this gives me the opportunity to share an awesome book with you that I just read. It’s A NEED SO BEAUTIFUL by Suzanne Young. I started it while on vacation last week. And if I didn’t get car sick while reading in the car, I would have finished it on the way home from Philadelphia. It was that good.

Here’s a blurb from Goodreads:

Charlotte’s best friend thinks Charlotte might be psychic. Her boyfriend thinks she’s cheating on him. But Charlotte knows what’s really wrong: She is one of the Forgotten, a kind of angel on earth, who feels the Need—a powerful, uncontrollable draw to help someone, usually a stranger.

But Charlotte never wanted this responsibility. What she wants is to help her best friend, whose life is spiraling out of control. She wants to lie in her boyfriend's arms forever. But as the Need grows stronger, it begins to take a dangerous toll on Charlotte. And who she was, is, and will become--her mark on this earth, her very existence--is in jeopardy of disappearing completely.

Charlotte will be forced to choose: Should she embrace her fate as a Forgotten, a fate that promises to rip her from the lives of those she loves forever? Or is she willing to fight against her destiny--no matter how dark the consequences.

Here are a few reasons I loved it:

1. The Need. Charlotte possessed such a unique paranormal ability. Yet it was based on something we can all relate to—the need to help others.

2. Charlotte’s journey. One of the things I found most riveting was watching Charlotte struggle with her desires for a normal teenage life as The Need took over her life. And the heartbreaking decisions increased as she learned about The Need and what it meant to be a Forgotten.

3. Charlotte’s relationship with Harlin. I found it refreshing that Charlotte and Harlin were in a long term, healthy relationship at the start of the book. And he’s such a sweet, sensitive guy struggling with his own family issues. I had to love him.

4. The End. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, so I’ll just say that I didn’t see it coming. I really enjoy endings I don’t expect.

I received this ARC from the publisher when she sent me another ARC for a later author interview. It was so nice of her to send it and I want to pass it on.

So to enter the contest, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment by midnight on August 27th. I’ll announce the winner on August 29th. International entries are welcome.

You still have time to enter my contest for PETER NIMBLE AND HIS FANTASTIC EYES here.

Don’t forget WriteOnCon starts tomorrow. You don’t want to miss it! Find out all the details here.

Next week I’m interviewing Kelley Armstrong and giving away a signed copy of her book, THE GATHERING. And the week after, I’m interviewing Tessa Gratton and giving away a signed copy of BLOOD MAGIC. I loved both their books and got the opportunity to meet both of them at their book signings.

See you next week!


Miranda Hardy said...

I've wanted to read this book for a while. Sounds really good.

Wendy Chen said...

Hi Natalie, for the 'Ask the Expert' interview -- do you mean me? Just checking, because I don't think I received another email from you ...

Joanne R. Fritz said...

Sigh. This one has been on my TBR pile for months. Sounds wonderful. Guess I'll have to cheat and move it up the stack. Nice review, Natalie.

You were in Philadelphia?? I'm not far from there.

Joanne R. Fritz said...

Forgot to say I already have an ARC, so don't enter me in the contest.

A. K. Fotinos-Hoyer said...

Id love to read this book!

Theresa Milstein said...

I already follow! I want to win, please!

tmilstein at gmail dot com

Jill the OWL said...

I've heard nothing but good about this book!

Thanks for the giveaway.

themgowl at gmail dot com

Eisen said...

Sounds like an interesting read! :-) Thanks for having these book giveaways!

Lori M. Lee said...

Love the premise. Definitely a twist on 'too much of a good thing' :D Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Emily R. King said...

Bummer. Maybe next time. Congrats to the winner!

Angela Brown said...

This book sounds rather intriguing. I'm already a follower. Win or not, this book may have to make it's way on my TBR list.

Sally Felt said...

What a cool concept. I'd love to read it!

Jenna Cooper said...

I've heard a lot of good things about this book! Thanks for the give-away!

Chen Yan Chang said...

Thanks for the giveaway! It sounds like an awesome book! The cover is beautiful :)

GFC: cyc

jadedlittlegirlx [at] gmail [dot] com

Stephanie Lorée said...

I have been wanting to read A NEED SO BEAUTIFUL. The blurb and cover are simply captivating. Here's hoping I win!

stephanie AT stephaniemloree DOT com

Shilpa Mudiganti said...

I loved the book cover...and a really unique need! Thanks for the review.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

That sounds a wonderful book, and it's a gorgeous cover!

Nicole Zoltack said...

This book sounds like a must read!

Kelley York said...

I've been jumping up and down to read this! (What a gorgeous cover, too.)


Linda said...

This book sounds great!

Jenny S. Morris said...

This books sound awesome.

Vivien said...

Really great giveaway!

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

PK HREZO said...

Really want to read this!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Awesome, Natalie! This is a great review. I've been dying to read this one, and you've just made me want to read it more. :-)

Unknown said...

I would love to be entered please!

Lisa_Gibson said...

This sounds great! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Have a blast with writeoncon.
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Len Lambert said...

I've read a lot of good reviews about this book and I'd love to read it!!!

Now a follower :) I will also post this on my Facebook wall :)

my blogsite: carpediem202.blogspot.com

Elizabeth Briggs said...

I've heard so many good things about this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad everyone is excited about this book.

And Wendy, no, I was definitely not referring to you as the expert for this month.

Val said...

Have had my eye on this one for a while.

Thanks for the giveaway.

GFC follower StuckInBooks


Anonymous said...

This is on my TBR list. I want to read it soooo bad. I keep hearing great things about it.

Llehn said...

This book sounds lovely.

GFC follower.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the recommendation and the giveaway!


Unknown said...

Sounds delicious! I would love to win an arc. Thanks for the great review.

Gabrielle said...

Have been looking forward to reading this. Either way I will most definitely get to it!

Aeicha @ Word Spelunking said...

This sounds like an amazing and unique book. I would love to win a copy!

GFC follower: WordSpelunker AT gmail DOT com

Linda said...

This looks really interesting; thanks so much for the giveaway. Now I'm all curious how the book ends!


Sophia Chang said...

What a great giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

great post. the books looks great.

Yolande said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I've been wanting to read this book! :)

Deb Lund said...

I love Suzanne, love her writing, and would love to get the ARC... it's been on my list, and it would be a prized edition to my library. Thanks for all you do, Natalie & Casey!

Unknown said...

Oh, so cool! Thanks.

Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this awesome giveaway!

twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

Angie said...

I've heard such good things about this one! I wants it! :)


leeron94 said...

I'd love to win this! I have a friend who I now believe is a Forgotten, as she's always helping other people and our nickname for her is 'Angel'.
I need to get her to read this book...

Lisa Potts said...

I've heard nothing but good things about this one. Thanks for the chance to win.

Kelly Ethan said...

Shivers down my spine when I read the burb. Looks fantastic.

Kelly Ethan

Hikablack said...

Ooh, unique paranormal--that's something I'll always be up for. Thanks for the giveaway!


ArtemisG said...

Thank you for the great giveaway!
GFC follower as Diana

artgiote at gmail dot com

Darcy said...

This book sounds wonderful!

Natasha Areena said...

Definitely enter! sounds wonderful ! :>
follower thebookish96(at)gmail.com

Nicole said...

Sounds like a good book. I would love to win :)

K said...

This sounds like a really interesting book. Thanks for the giveaway.

A Pen In Neverland: Angela Peña Dahle said...

Oh yea. I would love to read this book! Count me in!

Leslie and Elizabeth said...

This book looks awesome!!!!!!!!

inluvwithwords said...

I became a follower. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to be able to give this book to my daughter =) Fingers crossed.

Jas said...

omg this sounds like a really cool book. I wanna read it badly now xD