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  • Amy Thrall Flynn Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/24/2025
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  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Why I'm MIA + Doxies

You'll have to forgive the extra radio silence on my end. My husband had surgery late last week so I've been playing nurse and adjusting to having him home. It was a planned surgery, nothing acute, but he'll be home through the holidays and I might be scarce (wish me luck ;).

I don't have a tip this week, so I thought I would answer a request I received a few days ago. Misty Provencher over at Nothing Cannot Happen Today asked if I would post some pictures of my dachshunds for her. I'm all too happy to oblige.

Before I get into the pictures, however, I wanted to mention that Misty lost her agent and is posting her novel on her blog two chapters a week. I've been reading along and am really loving the story. If you'd like to read more about Misty's decision to do this go here. If you'd like to read CORNERSTONE the chapters are all available in tabs at the top of her blog.

Now, about the doxies. They've always been my favorite breed, but it was never in the cards for me to have one. Finally, this year, I finished school and felt my kids might be old enough to handle a puppy. Or two. And I knew exactly what I wanted - dapples. Sprocket is a black and tan mini dapple and Oslo is a chocolate and tan mini dapple.

Enjoy the adorableness, Misty.

And so they don't feel too left out, here's Trever our 7-year-old coon hound...

And Jasper, a.k.a. Mister Cat, who adopted us shortly after we got the pups.
(Can you guess what that is in the background?)

Hope you're all having a great Tuesday!

ETA: If you want to send in a tip for the upcoming weeks, e-mail me at agentspotlight(at)gmail(dot)com


Steve MC said...

Here's wishing all the best healing to your husband, and so glad he's okay. There's nothing like a health issue to show what really matters and how precious every day with our loved (and furry) ones is.

Plus, now you can foist cool books on him.

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

Aw, sending healing vibes to your hubby! (And luck to you through the holidays :)

Also? Your pets are ridiculously adorable.

And I miss you <3

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, Casey. I'm sorry to hear that your husband is home, but glad to hear he is mending. I will be thinking of you guys.
And um, thank you for the post. (blush) Thank you so much for helping me spread the word about the story. I will do everything I can to keep you entertained to the end!
And most of all...thank you for the doxie pics. I am overflowing with jealousy and admiration. And you have a coon hound? (looks kinda like my Pooza) AND a cat? This is not helping my jealousy. :)
Thanks again, Casey. For everything.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Casey, so glad your husband is okay after his surgery and that you are taking time off to take care of him (and hopefully yourself). Love the pictures of your dogs. It's awesome for your kids that you have pets.

Don't worry. We'll be fine here while you're taking a break.

Unknown said...

Aw, precious dogs! Thanks for the pictures. They are so adorable.

I'm relieved everything went okay with your husband's surgery. Best of luck over the holidays!

Bish Denham said...

My your hubby heal quickly and be an easy convalescent.

The photo of the brown dappled sniffing the piece of grass is just too precious!

Kelly Polark said...

I love your doggies! Adorable!!
I have a doxie mix. She's so incredibly sweet. Her personality is awesome. Though she is a barker. Barkity bark bark! :)

Casey McCormick said...

I am totally foisting books on him, maine character!

Miss you, too, Sara!! <3 Wish we could meet up somewhere.

You might just have to get some more fur babies, Misty. Might I suggest a dachshund? : ) Going from 1 to 4 wasn't TOO much of a change. *cough*

Thanks Natalie!! I had two pets growing up and desperately wanted more. Hopefully my kids can appreciate their four and not want even more than that. Ha!

Thanks so much Elizabeth May!

Bish, I love that photo, too. Thank you!

Kelly, Oslo (the brown one) is a total barker. Which is funny because he's the meek one of the two. He likes to act tough but actually faced with something, he cowers. Silly boy.

Thanks for the comments, everyone! My husband is fine and on the mend. It's just distracting having him home! Need to get into a new routine.

Ghenet Myrthil said...

I hope your husband has a quick recovery.

Your puppies are SO CUTE. I WANT!

i'm erin. said...

I hope your husband is feeling better soon. And your dogs are adorable! I love love love them. Cute puppies.

Unknown said...

How cute! Total "aww" moment! :)

I hope your husbands heals up quickly. He's luck you to have you :)

Deniz Bevan said...

Hope your husbands recovers easily!
And wow, what an overload of cuteness, Mister Cat included. Thanks!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Good luck caring for the husband. And your puppies are adorable. Such unusual markings.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

LOVE the pics!! Thanks so much for sharing them. Hope the hubby gets well soon. :-)

Nancy Thompson said...

I'm not much of a doxie lover--I go for the giant breeds myself--but man, are they ever cute! Good luck with the recovering hubby! It's never easy to have a laid-up man in the house.

Chloë said...

Dachshund puppies are incredibly cute, and some of us are also wordsmiths with a lot to say about our lives and the humans who feed us. At least I am! Check out my blog at


Charlie N. Holmberg said...

How cute! And those mixed eyes...

Hope your husband recovers quickly!

Ali B said...

I've had dachshunds since I was six years old. They are the orneriest, most lovable breed on the planet. I currently share my home with two standard black & tans, Amigo and Buffy. Amigo got his name because he's a bit dense but he's everybody's friend. Buffy was the only survivor in her litter and thus became "the chosen one." I could go on, but this isn't a doxie blog, is it?

Hope your husband's recovery goes well. I'm off to read CORNERSTONE.

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

YES. I wish we could meet up somewhere too... Maybe 2012 will be our year :)

Julie Hedlund said...

OMG could those dogs be any cuter? No is the answer to that question! :-)

Alexandra said...

Casey, thanks for posting those amazing photos. *Adorable* doesn't even begin to cover it!! Seeing those puppies really tempts me to think about getting one too...and I agree, doxies are the best!
PS- Glad to hear your husband is doing well post-surgery.

Steve MC said...

Can you reveal the mysterious background? I thought either a stained glass window or a computer screen showing a very hectic schedule.

Sean said...

Best to you and your husband, Casey. Love the pups (and Jasper too).

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Best wishes for a quick recovery for your hubby.

OMGoodness you have some cute pets. :)

Unknown said...

Okay, those pictures are pretty much the cutest things EVER.

Good luck to you hubs!!!

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

All best wishes for your husband's quick recovery.
Those pictures are so sweet. I'm a dog lover at heart, and these went straight to my heart.

Heather said...

Surgery is never fun, here's wishing your hubby a speedy recovery!

That's terrible about your friend losing her agent. That seems to be happening to a frightening amount of people lately. :( And the doxies, BEYOND adorable! I love the two-toned eyes!

Thermocline said...

Dachshunds are cool dogs. All three of the dogs we've had have been red miniatures.

Sherrie Petersen said...

That photo with Oslo sniffing the grass is too cute!!

Is that a book case in the background?

Lydia Kang said...

What adorable puppies! My sister has one. So cute! Hope your hubs recovers uneventfully. Sometimes boring is good!

Casey McCormick said...

Thank you, Gehnet, Erin, Danielle, Deniz, Alex, Shannon, Nancy, Chloe, CN, Ali, Sara, Julie, Alexandra, Sean, Chloe, Sharon, Marisa, Elizabeth, Heather, Thermocline, Sherrie, and Lydia!

Maine character, not stained glass or computer screen.

Sherrie, DING, DING, DING! Rows of books on a shelf. : )

Love your blog, Chloe! My little hounds are totally jealous.

Michael G-G said...

Swift healing for your husband, Nurse Casey.

Love the pets!