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Today I'm going to feature a few of the newer released YA books that I put on reserve at the library. I've read a few and the others have just come in or will soon be in at the library. All are books I'm dying to read and bet you are too. So I'm offering a giveaway. Because I know many of you love YA books best from your comments.

But before I get to these books, I want to talk to you about middle grade books. Why? Because I have your attention. I notice that I get the most comments on weeks I feature YA authors and books. I read a lot of YA books myself. But there are some fantastic middle grade books out there and I'm asking you to take a chance and try some of them.

Agent Kristin Nelson has started a fantastic vlog series on Fridays and discussed the different levels of middle grade books a few weeks ago here. The first level is the early chapter books like THE MAGIC TREEHOUSE series for more beginning readers. The second level is for 9-year-olds and above where the characters are more developed and the page length is longer like THE TALE OF DESPEREAUX.

Then there is the upper middle grade or sometimes called tween middle grade books for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade kids and I'd submit older readers. Think of HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE and THE LIGHTNING THIEF. These books are longer, have highly developed characters, and more complex plots. And the characters often grow into YA characters if the books are part of a longer series.

So I get that those of you who don't have grade school kids may not be interested in the first two levels of middle grade right now. I used to love reading those books with my daughter but she's outgrown them so I don't read them much anymore either.

But I do love the upper middle grade books especially in the fantasy, paranormal, and dystopian genres because the characters are older, much more independent, and the plots are more complex like YA books.

Sadly, middle grade authors have a harder time creating buzz for their books on blogs. And this buzz is so important for spreading the word about newly published books, especially for middle grade authors. Most kids at this age range find out about books from adults. Either their teachers, librarians, or parents. I learn about new books and authors, especially debut authors, from the blogs I read. There's an interesting post on the challenges of debut middle grade authors here. Thankfully even some of the really popular book review bloggers like The Story Siren, Mundie Moms, and I am a Reader Not a Writer do occasionally spotlight middle grade books. These are all great book review blogs that I love and highly recommend.

But we can all do more. So I'm challenging you to try some of these books if you haven't read them and help promote some of these middle grade authors on your blogs if you have one.

And this month one of our followers Jill at The O.W.L. is doing a month long celebration of middle grade books. I'm participating my featuring two middle grade authors this month. If you haven't checked out her blog, you should. So is Mundie Kids, Mundie Moms blog for children's and middle grade books.

And I Am A Reader Not A Writer is doing a Children's Week Book Giveaway Hop May 7th-13th where people giveaway books of their choice from children's, middle grade, to YA. I'm excited to participate. If you want to sign up, go here.

Now onto my YA books. Here's the YA books that if you're like me, you're dying to read. I was lucky enough to get all of these from the library. I loved THE PLEDGE. I wanted to read it so badly that I checked daily until I could reserve it at the library. BLOODROSE was a very satisfying conclusion too Andrea Cremer's trilogy. I'm in the middle of PANDEMONIUM now. It's fabulous and keeping me entertained while I'm sitting through two days of swim meets. THE WOOD QUEEN and TRUTH are on my stack to read this month. I had to let my daughter read TRUTH first and she says it's good.

You can click on the titles to read their descriptions.

One lucky winner will get the book of your choice. To enter, you'll need to do the following:

1. Be a follower
2. Tell me the book you want to win in your comment
3. Tell me if you read and promote any upper middle grade books and if not, will you try any? Why or why not?

Leave a comment by midnight on March 17th. I’ll announce the winner on March 19th. If your e-mail is not on Blogger, please list it in your comment. International entries are welcome as long as you're in a country where The Book Depository ships for free.

If you mention this contest on your blog, Twitter, or Facebook, please let me know in the comments and I’ll give you an extra entry.

Want a chance to win an ARC of UNDER THE NEVER SKY? Enter my contest here. And you can win THE PRINCESS CURSE, an awesome upper middle grade book, here.

Here's what's coming up. Next Monday I'm interviewing a middle grader for my ASK THE EXPERT series and giving away another popular debut YA book. Then the following Monday I'll be interviewing Jenny Lundquist and giving away an ARC of SEEING CINDERELLA. I seriously loved that book.

Hope to see you next Monday!


Rosemary Gemmell said...

Thanks very much for highlighting MG books, as my first tween book, Summer of the Eagles, is coming out very soon!

Michelle Isenhoff said...

I just followed you all over the MMGM blogs, Natalie. Awesome post. Middle grade books offer readers so much! I much prefer them over YA. That (and teaching tweens) is what started me writing them.

I'll tune in again next MMGM!

Theresa Milstein said...

If I win, I'd like to read The Pledge. (I hope I win!)

I've been reading a few middle grade books lately (just finished Locomotion by Jacqueline Woodson). I don't normally review books on my blog, but I do review books on Goodreads and often give them a shout out on Facebook. My son rarely reads MG anymore, but my daughter still does. They're a refreshing break from the love triangles and love angst of YA. Once in a while, if a book really strikes me, I do review it on my blog. I did so several months ago for The Healing Spell and Circle of Secrets. I've also done it for Touch Blue and Rules.

Rosalyn said...

I'd like the Wood Queen (if I win).

I love middle grade books--I've been trying to write one, so I've been reading a lot of them. One thing I like is that, without the distractions of romance in YA (although I love a good romance), MG books are often able to develop deeper friendship themes than YA. I also occasionally review MG books on my blog (and on goodreads). Some good ones I've read recently include Tess Hilmo's With a Name like Love, Jessica Day George's Tuesdays at the Castle, and Elise Broach's Shakespeare's Secrets (not a new release, but a fun read).

Kristin Lenz said...

Hi Natalie! It seems like the middle-grade blogs are really growing - the MMGMs list is much longer than when I began following it last year. My daughter is 10 so I'm having a blast sharing these books with her. Kids seem to be reading the upper middle-grade books much younger though. Harry Potter/Lightning Thief books are frequently read by 3rd/4th graders at my daughter's school. And 4th/5th graders are already venturing into YA. It's a struggle for me to let her read some of the books she chooses - they're at her reading level, but content might not be appropriate, or I know she would better appreciate it/get more out of it is she was older. Right now I'm hearing of lots of 5th graders reading The Hunger Games which I never would have imagined.

ilima said...

I'll take any book WHEN I win! :) I love MG books, especially since my kids are at that age right now. Shannon Hale's my favorite (Princess Academy 2 comes out this year-yay) I do find it very hard to write in a middle grade voice, though. ilimatodd at gmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

I've been promoting MG and Upper MG books on Mondays for MMGM. Books that you read during those ages are so influential - they stick with your for the rest of your life!

As for YA - I can't wait to read Pandemonium! Send it my way if my post makes it.


CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

I'd love to read The Pledge or The Wood Queen! I only read certain MG books. For example, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and the Stardust series by Lisa Chapman. Haha, the rest...not so much. I LOVED PJ and HP, but I generally don't like MG books cause I think they're a little childish, and I can't really relate to the characters that well, that's why I tend to favor YA or adult fiction. :)

Anyway, thanks for this giveaway!


Vivien said...

I'd love either The Wood Queen or Pandemonium. I absolutely love MG books. They are so refreshing. When I'm only reading these serious dystopians, a MG book just breaks up the monotony. One of my favorites from last year is Liesl and Po by Lauren Oliver. Just phenomenal!


deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

David P. King said...

The Wood Queen is really speaking to me. I'd like to have a chance at that. And I promote MG/YA (I could do a bit more, though). Thanks for offering this sweet giveaway! :)

Geo Librarian said...

I would like The Pledge. This is a book I've been wanting to read for awhile but haven't yet gotten my hands on. I do read middle grade, in fact in many ways I prefer middle grade and not just because I work in an elementary school. I highlight a lot of middle grade on my blog (http://geolibrarian.blogspot.com) as well.

I did mention your giveaway on my blog.
Thanks a bunch.

LTM said...

Yay for MG books! I've got a few little MG readers coming up, so I do help promote them as much as asked. As for the book giveaway... well, I haven't read some of the firsts for a few of these (aren't they series books?), but of all, TRUTH looks the most interesting.

Best to you! :o) <3

Barbara Watson said...

As you know, I love MG! It's my preferred reading even as an adult because I love the way they present that everything is possible--not that everything is happy, but that everything has a chance. I promote MG regularly, as you also know. I would be thrilled with any of these giveaways.

Lexie@BookBug said...

GFC follower: Lexie@BookBug
I want one of each of those books! I think I would choose The Wood Queen.
I read MG books and I really like them. However, I haven't reviewed/promoted any on my blog because I focus mainly on LDS fiction.
Thanks for the giveaway!
lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

Giada M. said...

I'm reading more middle grade books than YA books lately. I plan to review many middle grade books on my blog in the future. :)
Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to win a copy of Bloodrose. :)
(I'm a GFC follower)

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Kelly Bryson said...

I enjoy MG- and it's a good thing- with 4 elementary age kids (or nearly elem. age in the case of my upcoming kindergartener,) we read a lot of MG. I loved the Boneshaker by Kate Milford and so did my 5th grader.

As for the YA titles, I'm going to go with the crowd here and say "The Wood Queen." Thanks!

R.A.Desilets said...

I am a follower :)
I would love to win a copy of the Pledge.

If the upper middle grade book had crossover quality to it, then yes, I would definitely promote it. I'm a YA and an adult reader, but more focused on YA right now. The problem I have with some MG is that it is too simple for me at this stage in my life. But Harry Potter is a great example of a book that has a lot of crossover appeal. While it is an easy read, the story is quite complex, and it keeps getting more intricate as the series goes along. I think I would prefer a MG series that I could "grow" with as the characters grow up... if that makes sense?

Unknown said...

Am a follower and would love to win Pandemonium.

I definitely enjoy MG. I haven't promoted it on my blog as of yet, but will try to.

Bethany said...

Wow, another great giveaway! This is awesome! Well, I'm already a follower, so in compliance with rules 2 and 3, I guess the book I'd want to win would be Pandemonium or the Pledge. And in answer to 3, yes! I read and promote by word of mouth middle grade books all the time. Percy Jackson is a favorite. :)

Finally, I posted a link to this contest from my FB account. :) Thanks!

Bethany said...

Oh, and my email is brbaby1113@gmail.com!

ashley said...



Yes I totally recommend MG books Harry Potter is the first book I recommend to anybody young or old!

Tweeted- https://twitter.com/#!/Holt9102/status/176763595936378881


throuthehaze said...

I follow you via GFC (Throuthehaze)
I would choose Truth.
I do read and recommend MG books. They are fun and refreshing to read!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Natalie said...

Following via GFC (Natalie @ Mindful Musings)
I'd have to choose Pandemonium!

Also, I do try to read and promote MG books, especially because I know how difficult it can be for MG authors. I do focus more heavily on YA, but I have featured a decent amount of MG books in the past, including the first two books of the Percy Jackson series, Middleworld by Jon & Pam Voelkel, and Priscilla the Great by Sybil Nelson). I also try to feature books that fall into that YA/MG crossover area (like The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton). Going through my book reviews list though, I should probably try to feature more MG books in the future. I have quite a few on my shelf that I could definitely use, though a lot of them are older titles.

Great topic, Natalie, and thanks for the giveaway!


Heather said...

I'd love to win The Wood Queen. I definitely promote upper middle grade books because they rock. It's a little haywire by Elle Strauss is one of my new favorites that I've been raving about to everyone.

Jemi Fraser said...

Wow! Those are great books - any of them would be great to own!

I love MG books - I teach grade 6 so I kind of have too :) I've been doing some Marvelous Middle Grade Mondays with Shannon Messenger - she does a great job!

Carol Kilgore said...

I only started reading YA when I got my Kindle Fire last year. It's a really cool genre. I haven't ventured into middle grade. I'm not saying I'll never go there, just that I haven't been there yet.

Megan Renee said...

I would really love to win Pandemonium. So far Lauren Oliver has done really good as a writer. She has a strong voice, and her work isn't like any other YA book. I actually have several books to reccomend. 1. Jane by April Linder. It is a modern day telling of Jane Eyre. I really loved it. Although it is geared more toward the mature upper teens. 2. Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan. I am currently reading it and I find it soooo good. You only asked for one so I guess I'll stop but oh my word I can't resist but give one more. 3. The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight by Stacey Jay. I haven't read it yet, but it's one of those books where you just know that it's going to be amazing!

Megan Renee said...

Oh and I have always been reading since I can remember so it's hard not to try and get everyone around me to pick up a book

Megan Renee said...

oh I guess I should give you my email to. Hmm I'll give you my gmail. popprincess1668@gmail.com

Amy S. said...

Hi. I'm a GFC follower: Amy S. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to win The Pledge; it sounds so good! I actually do like to read some middle grade novels. I'm a high school librarian, and even though we start in grade 9, we have a lot of books that are technically middle grade level, which the high schoolers read just for fun. Just this weekend I read Eighth Grade Bites by Heather Brewer. It is the series The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod. It only had around 175 pages and was a great read. It had a male protagonist, which was nice. I actually convinced a "reluctant reader" (who admitted he didn't like to read but his teacher was making him get a book) to check out this book. Hopefully he will like it. Other popular middle grade series we have are the Maximum Ride books by James Patterson and Alex Rider books by Anthony Horowitz. The high school boys seem to enjoy these books a lot, even though we have plenty of YA books too. I think it is nice to have a wide range of books available. You never know which book series might start a student reading.

Stina said...

I would love to win either The Pledge or Pandemonium.

stinalindenblatt (at) shaw (dot) ca

My daughter is reading early chapter books. Every night she reads to me. And I'm reading Posion Apple books to her. They are a tween paranormal series from Scholastic books. They're really good.

I read YA stories. :D

Gabi said...

I love middle grade books because YA books are so often bogged down with lust and teen angst, and it's so refreshing to read something with a story line that doesn't include all that. MG books also tend to have such great depth and meaning (Walk Two Moons, Bridge to Terabithia, etc.) I do promote these books - I just talked about my favorite middle grade reads on my blog the other day, in fact. :]

Thanks for the giveaway! There are a couple books I'd love to read on your list, but I'll say The Pledge.

I'm following GFC as Gabi.

teddycavygal at yahoo dot com

TayteH said...


Yes, I promote middle grade books. Mostly the Percy Jackson series or anyother series I can get my hands on. I haven't promoted many in my years of blogging, but I have done it. :D

Thank you!


Lioness said...

If I win I would like The Pledge or Pandemonium.
I love middle grade books because they have less romance, although the plot is usually at least decent :)

I follow by email.


Tiffany Drew said...

I would love to win The Wood Queen, please. I haven't read a ton of middle grade books yet, but now that my daughter is advancing towards that age (much to my disappointment, I feel old lol), I will be reading them a lot more.

Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/enterthedrew/status/176914769465442304

GFC follower Tiffany Drew

Mary Preston said...

I would love to read THE WOOD QUEEN thank you.

My daughter is of an age for Upper Middle Grade Reading. We certainly do all we can.

GFC: Mary Preston


Veronika said...

I love YA books so much! :D Recently I'm reading only those books.
If I win I would like Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver. I finished reading Delirium yesterday, and it was amazing!
GFC follower: Veronika
(also following by email)

Yes, I promote upper middle-grade books! I think they're so many of them which make young people to read, it's amazing! I've read many of them myself.

Thank you for the giveaway!

verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

PuttPutt1198Eve said...

I would love to win a copy of Pandemonium. I definitely have and continue to promote YA books. I introduced my daughter to Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and The Maze Runner. She continues to listen to me because she has liked all of these!

PuttPutt1198Eve said...

Julst in case you don't have my email (I didn't add it to my comment above) puttputt1198eve@comcast.net

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

Thank you for this Awesome Giveaway!
GFC Follower - Clarissa (Bookadicea)

I would love to win either Blood Rose or Pandemonium.

I read Middle Grade books but not the way I read and adore YA Books but I'm open for new genres. I actually fell in love to YA ever since I've read Hush Hush by Becca Fritzpatrick. Then, that's why I like to consider myself a (YA Reader) Young Asian Reader. xD


Unknown said...

As an elementary school librarian and daughter of a avid reading middle grader, I read a lot of upper middle grade. One of my favorite series is Peter and the Star Catchers.

Of the YA choices . . . they all look great. If I have to pick one, I'd say Pandemonium because I love Lauren Oliver.

Jenny Lundquist said...

Hey Natalie and Casey! Just stopping by to say thank you for all you do to promote middle grade authors. It's because of blogs like yours and the other MMGMers that I think MG is beginning to get more online attention.

Unknown said...

Hello, thanks for the great giveaway. I would love to read The Pledge.
I do review and promote middle grade books on my blog, both upper and middle, middle grade. I love many of these books for their great writing and exciting adventure. I also read a lot to my kids and get to see their reactions to fun books.
coreenamcburnie at gmail dot com

Missy said...

Hey! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I love that you are trying to promote middle grade authors (MG and YA are by far my favorite kind of books to read...and that's pretty much all I do read, actually). I don't have a blog where I review books yet, but I'm thinking of starting one and If I do, I would definitely do reviews for MG books!

It's kind of hard to choose which book I want the most, but I would probably have to go with Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver.

Anonymous said...

Oh my oh my...Pandemonium would be my choice of YA.

And yes on promoting MG. I _love_ middle grade and a good portion of my career has been reading and promoting it to kids in schools and libraries.

Unknown said...

Amazing giveaway!
I'd LOVE Pandemonium!
And I'm an old follower.
And sure! (answering your question, lol) ;) My son reads a LOT of MG too!

Unknown said...

Thanks for highlighting MG. I'm struggling with how to get word out about my MG. I'll check out the links you gave.

donnas said...

Thanks for the chance! I would like to win The Pledge.

I have only read a couple MG books. But I would totally promote any that I read and enjoyed. Anyway that gets the word out.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I love to read mg novels. They are so much fun and full of creativity. The Nightshade City books are some of my favorites.

I'd love to win The Pledge or Truth...

sharon k mayhew at gmail dot com

Sarah W. said...

First off, thanks for the awesome giveaway! I'd love to win Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver!

I definitely promote MG books! As a matter of fact, one of my favorite series of all time is considered middle grade: The Pit Dragon Chronicles by Jane Yolen. If you haven't already checked these books out, they are amazing :)

I'll be honest when I say that I don't read middle grade books as much as I used to, but that doesn't mean I don't still love them! If a MG book sounds interesting enough, I'd definitely read it. I've been meaning to get around to Rick Riordan's books.

-Sarah (Inklings Read)

Sarah W. said...

Forgot my email! inklingsread (at) hotmail (dot) com

Wall said...

I would love to win The Wood Queen or Pandemonium. I totally blog about MS books as well as YA books. I love the genera and that is the age of one of my children. Since I try to read most of what they read, it's a natural place for me to be reading.

mil said...

i love middle grade books and read them all the time because they are awesome and i follow via email - milind.uppal@gmail.com and i'd like truth

Carol Riggs said...

I've read the lower MG, but not for a while. I have enough of a hard time keeping up with the YA reads I have--since I write YA, that's where I focus. However, I don't mind reading the upper end of MG because a lot of them read like YA. I've been wanting to read THE LIGHTNING THIEF but haven't yet!

I'd love to win THE PLEDGE! I haven't read 2 of the others' first books, so I'd be totally lost with those. :)

Steph said...

I've read some lower MG (Harry Potter mostly) but I'm always willing to give upper MG a shot too. I just haven't had the time to check any out lately.

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win The Wood Queen!

Kristen said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would love to win The Pledge! And I also dabble in a little bit of MG on my blog along with my YA! :))


Mundie Moms said...

Great post Natalie! Thank you so much for mentioning both Mundie Moms and my March Middle Grade Madness on Mundie Kids! :) You're support for MG books is amazing as well.

Dovile said...

I'd love to win Pledge!

I occasionally read middle grade books, but I'm more into YA and adult books.

GFC follower - Dovile

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Oooo, I disappear for a bit and look what I miss! If I won, I would want to read either The Pledge or The Wood Queen. GREAT giveaway!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I would love to win The Pledge. I'm not a big dystopian reader but The Pledge sounds so amazing and unique, definitely a book I need to read. I stick with YA but I will always love Harry Potter. I actually never thought of it as Middle Grade, the series is just so completely amazing that anyone can enjoy it. I firmly believe everyone needs to read Harry Potter it's just that good. I also tweeted this giveaway.

GFC follower: Caitlin

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I follow several bloggers who do a Middle Grade Monday feature every week.

Ali B said...

MG, YA - I love 'em all!

Kali Skittles said...

GFC Kali Skittles
I'd pick Pandemonium

I do read MG books. My favourite Dystopia is actually a MG, The Giver. I do not promote MG though. I don't promote any book...>__> eeep.

Thanks for the giveaway,

dontkillkittens8 at netscape dot net

elin said...

I would pick the wood queen.
I do read some MG books such as Percy Jackson and of course Harry Potter. Thank you for this giveaway!
emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

Jill the OWL said...

Thanks for the shout out!!! And since I am Jill of The O.W.L. yes, yes I do promote middle grade books :) Love them! Love the sweetness that is them. Love that I can go back to the age WITHOUT the actual pain of living it :)

As for the giveaway..... I'd love The Pledge!!!

Carrie said...

GFC Follower Carrie Ardoin

I love middle grade books! Percy Jackson is one of my fave series ever :)

I'd love to win The Pledge!

celjla212 at aol dot com

Latoya said...

GFC Cricket
I do promote upper middle grade books, and I would choose either Pandemonium or Truth.

Natasha said...

I follow by email. I do like middle grade books. I would pick The Pledge. Thanks for the giveaway!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

akoss said...

I would love to read TRUTH if I win.
I've been promoting MG books on my blog since last year and loving it. Not stopping any time soon.
Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Munnaza said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway! I follow you as infalliblyyours or Munnaza on GFC and via email (infalliblyyours@gmail.com_.

I'd love to win Pandemonium. Delirium was my favorite book of last year, so I've been eagerly awaiting its sequel's release.

If a story is exciting, intriguing, and well written, I read it regardless of its audience classification. So this makes me a huge Harry Potter fan (granted, I've loved Harry Potter since I was eleven), but also a huge Percy Jackson and Inkheart fan. If there's an awesome upper middle grade book I haven't read, it's because I didn't hear about it. I think that's a significant reason why readers of young adult don't give many upper MG books a chance. If the subject matter isn't too immature for them (and it isn't in most MG fantasies), then it's because there wasn't enough buzz for people who don't stalk MG titles regularly to hear about it.


heather said...

I would love to win The Pledge. I've heard amazing things about it!

Harry Potter is a great middle grade book series! I loved reading it all through middle school, and I still love it to this day!


Cayce said...

I'm following you via GFC as Cayce. And I'd pick The Pledge. :)

Middle grade books? I loved HP, but I think I'm now a little too old to read them...

Thank you for the giveaway!
cayce006 at yahoo dot com

Vicki said...

If I win, I would either choose The Pledge, or Pandemonium.

I think it depends on the book and the level. Middle grade books are fun to read, and mostly everyone enjoys them. I'm 13 (in middle school) and I love reading YA and middle school books. I prefer YA books because it's a bit more advanced and has more info and deets in it. While the MS books are fun and easy to enjoy, it feels like I'm reading at a lower level and not pushing myself to read better. Well, I would say I would promote MS books because everyone (MS and up) can understand it fairly simply and they're all very interesting.

Vicki said...

oh, forgot my email
vickilau17 (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I would choose The Pledge. My email is christy_n_jesse12@yahoo.com.

Nikki said...

I would choose Pandemonium. I have not read any middle grade books but it is largely because I do not look at them. If one struck me as interesting I would give it a try.

Sarah Ahiers said...

Ooh, i'd love Truth!
And i do read MG. I actually just finished reading the Rangers Apprentice series, and i'm going to miss it. Sadface. But now i can check out the companion series

Doodle said...

I would choose Pandemonium. I actually just won a middle grade book that I'm really excited to read! So, I guess I will be promoting them!!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
GFC - Doodle

Llehn said...

I'd love to play for Pandemonium please.

Yes, I read MG books that have an interesting premise.

GFC follower.


nayjf said...

I would love to win Pandemonium or the pledge.

I read MG books if they look really interesting, or if I think the two awesome kids I babysit might enjoy hearing me read them.


nayjf at yahoo dot com

Nicola said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Crochet Addict UK said...

I would love to win any of the books. I do read books and I do put my thoughts of the books on my blog: http://crochetaddictcfs.blogspot.co.uk/
I am a follower
susand1408 at googlemail dot com

Unknown said...

Hi I would Love to Win the Pledge
I Recently Just Won A Book From Good Reads Im a Huge dystopian reader and The Pledge sounds so amazing and unique, definitely a book I Been Wanting to read. I stick with YA Since Im A teen But I Actually Never really Thought of harry potter as a middle school book lol i love all the movies i would really Love to win and i would honestly love to promote the harry potter series

Unknown said...

Hi I would Love to Win the Pledge
I Recently Just Won A Book From Good Reads Im a Huge dystopian reader and The Pledge sounds so amazing and unique, definitely a book I Been Wanting to read. I stick with YA Since Im A teen But I Actually Never really Thought of harry potter as a middle school book lol i love all the movies i would really Love to win and i would honestly love to promote the harry potter series