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Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Agent Spotlight: Kendra Marcus

This week's Agent Spotlight features Kendra Marcus of BookStop Literary Agency.
Status:The agency is temporarily closed to submissions except for conference submissions and referrals from clients. Please check the agency website to check on their submission status.
kendra_marcusAbout: “Kendra Marcus started BookStop Literary Agency in 1984 and since then the agency has grown to be one of the most well known and well respected agencies for children’s book writers and illustrators.
“Kendra gravitates toward quirky and funny picture books, fiction with unforgettable characters and stories that will bring her to tears. Unusual non-fiction, especially science presented in new ways and little gems of history are also her cup of tea. Stories with Hispanic or Latino characters are always welcome, and she is thrilled to find accomplished illustrators with a fresh style who can tell a strong story in pictures to accompany a text.” (Link)
About the Agency:
“BookStop Literary Agency is dedicated to promoting authors and illustrators of children's and young adult books. We work closely with our clients (and their books) to guide them in their careers and their work with publishers. BookStop sells quality picture books, fiction, non-fiction and illustrations to major children's book publishers in the US and abroad.” (Link)
Web Presence:
BookStop Literary website.
BookStop Facebook page.
Publisher’s Marketplace page.
What She’s Looking For:
Genres / Specialties:
Children’s fiction and non-fiction, middle grade, young adult, graphic novels, illustrations.
From an Interview (03/2010):
“In a picture book, I am eager to read a fresh approach to any of the myriad of familiar topics that kids can relate to–early concepts, daily life, siblings, family, friends, or even aliens. I love quirky and well-developed characters in any book, but especially in a picture book. We would never reject a great manuscript.
“I also like to work with books that tell a socially important or interesting story, despite the fact that they may not experience great sales.” (Link)
What She Isn’t Looking For:
Adult projects, screenplays.
Editorial Agent?
“We enjoy the editorial process, and if we think you’ve got a good strong character, we're more than happy to work with you to integrate that character into an equally strong plot.” (Link)
There is a page of selected client titles and illustrators on the website.
Ms. Marcus has worked with such well-known authors and illustrators as Kathryn Erskine, Gary Soto, Lela Nargi, Gerald Morris, Frank Remkiewicz, Pam Muñoz Ryan and Corey Rosen Schwartz, among many others.
Query Methods:
E-mail: Yes.
Snail-Mail: Yes.
Online-Form: No.Submission Guidelines (always verify): The agency is temporarily closed to submissions.
See the BookStop Literary Agency submissions page for complete, up-to-date submission guidelines.
Query Tips:
“Both my associate, Minju Chang, and I are actively seeking new talent. We work closely together so it doesn’t matter to whom you submit your work.” (Link)
Response Times:
The agency tries to respond within four to six weeks.
What's the Buzz?
Kendra Marcus has a great stable of children’s authors who seem happy with her representation. She tends to be drawn to work for younger children, especially picture books, but does accept submissions for kids from 0-18.
Worth Your Time:
SCBWI Bologna 2010 Agent Interview: Kendra Marcus on BookStop Literary Agency at Cynsations (03/2010).
Around the Web:
Round Table with Veteran Agent, Kendra Marcus at North Writer (03/2010).
Monster List of Picture Book Agents - Kendra Marcus, Bookstop Literary at Frolicking through Cyberspace
Kenrdra Marcus: The Picture Book in 2010 at D.L. King (2010)
How I Got My Agent: Kristyn Crow at Guide to Literary Agents (11/2009).
Meeting my Secret...errrr....Literary Agent at A Mime in Times Square (11/2009)
Kendra Marcus Answers, “Who owns the rights to a character?” at Raab Associate (2009).
Peggy Collins and Kendra Marcus and the pursuit of representation at Just One More Book (11/2008).
Please see the BookStop Literary website for contact and query information.
Profile Details:
Last updated: 5/15/2020.
Agent Contacted for Review? Yes.
Last Reviewed By Agent? 8/23/12.

Have any experience with this agent? See something that needs updating? Please leave a comment or e-mail me at natalieiaguirre7(at)gmail(dot)com 

Note: These agent profiles presently focus on agents who accept children's and/or teen fiction. They are not interviews. Please take the time to verify anything you might use here before querying an agent. The information found herein is subject to change.


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your agent spotlights! What a great resource for writers reaching the query process. I just stumbled across your blog yesterday and I will definitely be a frequent visitor :)

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sounds like a good agent, especially for picture book authors.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

OMGoodness! Is she Corey's agent? Great spotlight...I'm saving her name for the future. :)

Linda Gray said...

Your agent spotlights are excellent, thanks. Wish you did this for adult fiction! :)

Linda Gray said...

Your agent spotlights are excellent, thanks. Wish you did this for adult fiction! :)

Angela said...

Thanks for the post, great insight! I am a picture book writer. Yea! (-:

Barbara Watson said...

One I hadn't heard about...thank you!

Jessie Humphries said...

She'll probably get inundated with queries after this, but I think I just might try anyway! :) Thanks.

Beth said...

After all this time, it's hard to believe that you're still finding lots of agents to write about! Thanks for another great spotlight.