Upcoming Agent Spotlight Interviews & Guest Posts

  • CoCo Freeman Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 11/11/2024
  • Courtney Donovan Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 11/20/2024
  • Shannon Hassan Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 12/9/2024
  • Vicky Weber Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 12/11/2024

Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews have been updated through the letter "K" as of 3/28/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.


Before I get to our interview, I want to remind you to enter our contests for the YA contemporary novel,  COUNTING BACKWARDS and a great writer's resource, THE EMOTION THESAURUS, and THE STONE GIRL, another newly released contemporary novel about a girl struggling with eating disorders. The links are at the top of the blog.

And are you all planning to go to the WriteOnCon Conference on August 14th and 15th? It's free and super awesome, so you should. The good thing is you can go as much or as little as you want or are able. I'll have to sneak in this year because I'm having company then. But I'm going to check out what I can. Go here to find out details.

One last thing--the winners of my contests. 

The winner of SHADOW AND BONE is: SOFIA!


Today I’m super excited to interview C.J. Redwine about her debut book DEFIANCE that will be
released August 28, 2012. It's my first pre-release interview.

I first learned of C.J.’s blog from Shannon Messenger when C.J. was in the process of adopting her daughter from China a few years ago. Having adopted our daughter from China too, I’ve enjoyed following C.J.’s blog and her journey to adoption and publication. It makes it even more fun to interview her because I know her.

I really enjoyed the part fantasy, part dystopian story C.J. created. She really brings the scenes
and characters to life with her dynamite, yet not too long, descriptions. The pace of the story
never stops and C.J. doesn’t hesitate to make things harder and harder for her main characters,
Rachel and Logan.

Here’s a description from Goodreads:

Within the walls of Baalboden, beneath the shadow of the city’s brutal leader, Rachel Adams has a secret. While other girls sew dresses, host dinner parties, and obey their male Protectors, Rachel knows how to survive in the wilderness and deftly wield a sword. When her father, Jared, fails to return from a courier mission and is declared dead, the Commander assigns Rachel a new Protector, her father’s apprentice, Logan—the same boy Rachel declared her love for two years ago, and the same boy who handed her heart right back to her. Left with nothing but fierce belief in her father’s survival, Rachel decides to escape and find him herself. But treason against the Commander carries a heavy price, and what awaits her in the Wasteland could destroy her.

At nineteen, Logan McEntire is many things. Orphan. Outcast. Inventor. As apprentice to the city’s top courier, Logan is focused on learning his trade so he can escape the tyranny of Baalboden. But his plan never included being responsible for his mentor’s impulsive daughter. Logan is determined to protect her, but when his escape plan goes wrong and Rachel pays the price, he realizes he has more at stake than disappointing Jared.

As Rachel and Logan battle their way through the Wasteland, stalked by a monster that can’t be killed and an army of assassins out for blood, they discover romance, heartbreak, and a truth that will incite a war decades in the making.

Hi C.J. Thanks so much for joining us.

1. Tell us about yourself and how you became a writer.

I’ve been making up stories since I realized in the second grade that it was someone’s job to make stuff up.  When I was thirty, I was diagnosed with cancer, and I realized that life is too short to hesitate in following your dreams. I haven’t looked back since. J

2. So sorry you got sick, but that's awesome you followed your dream. And it's worked out so well. I've been using your advice that life is too short a lot these days. It really puts things in perspective.

It is so important in fantasies and dystopian stories to create a vivid world, which you do
so well. How did you come up with the idea of the safe city of Baalboden, the Beast, and the
frightening wilderness that had been left after the Beast’s destruction?

The idea of a Leviathon-like creature who lived deep underground had been in the back of my mind for years. One day, I saw a picture of a fortress and it reminded me of a city-state. I thought “What if everyone lived in city-states again? Why would they do that? What’s so dangerous about being outside the walls?”  The Leviathon idea collided with the city-state idea, and Defiance was born.

3. I'm always amazed how seeing something randomly can stir a story in writers. Rachel is strong yet vulnerable given all the losses she has to face, independent, and sometimes angrier than most characters I’ve seen. Not that I blame her. Share with us how you developed her as a character and how you got the right balance of having her show anger but not too much.

My characters show up in my head already fully formed. I just get the delightful job of discovering who they are and then putting them into situations that generate action and conflict. Rachel is fierce and driven, so when I put her in situations that cause her grief, her go-to response is anger because she knows how to use anger to fuel action, and she’s most comfortable with action. My editor (the amazingly talented Kristin Rens!) helped me find the right balance with Rachel’s emotional arc.

4. That's great your editor helped with the balance. I loved that you told your story from both Rachel’s and Logan’s POVs. What were some of the challenges in writing from two POVs and what tips do you have for the rest of us?

Logan’s POV wasn’t originally part of the plan! I was halfway through with the first draft when I realized that Logan had just as much at stake in the story as Rachel did and needed to be included. (Shout out to my friend and critique partner MG Buehrlen for helping me figure that out!) It took several tries to find Logan’s voice and to understand how to look at events through his eyes instead of through Rachel’s. He’s a very deductive, logical person and Rachel is much more intuitive and impulsive. My advice if you want to try writing dual POVs is to make sure the entire approach to the scene is different for each character so that they sound distinct.

5. So glad you decided to include Logan's POV. He's such a great character. I bet a lot of your fans will say the same thing. Your agent is Holly Root. How did she become your agent and what was your road to publication like?

I was discussing my querying process on a loop of writer friends (I’d had several agents ask to see the manuscript I’d just finished), and one of my friends said the book sounded like something her agent, Holly, would love. I queried Holly, and it turns out we are a perfect fit. My road to publication was much harder than my road to finding an agent. J We subbed two different books over the course of two years and got nothing but rejections. I just kept writing and writing. Finally, I decided to jump to the YA genre (I’d been writing adult) because it was my go-to genre for pleasure reading, and I took on the idea that scared me with how big it was. A few months later, the Defiance trilogy sold at auction. It took weeks for me to believe that something I’d written had finally sold!

6. It's good to hear how you and your agent kept submitting when book 1 didn't sell. You decided to quit your full-time job at some point to focus on writing. Many of us, me included, would love to be able to do this. What went into deciding that and what do you recommend people consider in making that decision?

I didn’t quit my job until after I’d sold the trilogy. I was busy balancing work, four kids, homeschooling two of them, and life in general. To say that I was near the end of my rope is an understatement. J When I was able to replace enough of my income to make staying home possible, I jumped at the chance! To effectively work from home, I’ve set up office hours for myself, and I usually go to my local bookstore and write a couple days a week as well. It takes some juggling (I have a toddler!), but I was already used to juggling. 

7. I bet it's critical to set the office hours to stay productive. Your book will be released soon. What are your marketing plans and what are the essential steps you’d advise a debut author to take in planning to market a debut book?

I’ve been building relationships within the publishing/blogging community for years, mostly because I just love books, and it’s so much fun to champion the books I really enjoy. Because of those relationships, I could go to people and ask if they’d like to do a blog tour with Defiance or if they wanted to do an interview etc. Also, because of those relationships (and because Harper designed such an amazing cover for me!), people have come to me asking if they can be a part of promoting Defiance. My advice to a debut author is to be genuinely invested in other people’s success, to reach out to people (strangers too!), and to carefully space out contests etc on your own blog so that you aren’t a constant stream of ME ME ME because let’s face it—that’s super annoying. J

8. I have the same passion for books and authors. I'm going to watch your debut and learn how you've used your connections. What are you working on now?

I just finished book two in the Defiance trilogy, and I’m also working on a secret project on the side.

Ooh, can't wait till you tell about the secret project. Thanks C.J. for sharing all your advice and letting us help celebrate your debut. I’m so excited for you! You can find C.J. at her website and her blog.

C.J.'s publisher generously offered an ARC for a giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment by August 25th. I’ll announce the winner on August 27th. If your e-mail is not on Blogger, please list it in your comment. International entries are welcome.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry.

Here's what's coming up:

Next Monday, I'll be taking off. My mom, uncle, and aunt will be visiting and I need to be a good hostess and enjoy being together. I'll be back Friday next week with a big Last Days of Freedom Giveaway Hop. I've got a great selection of books planned.

The following Monday I have a book review (not sure yet which one) and a giveaway. But it'll be awesome for sure. 

The following Monday I'm interviewing debut author Meagan Spooner and giving away her awesome fantasy/dystopian book SKYLARK. It was so good that I stayed up way too late one weeknight finishing it and was SO tired at work the next day. But it was totally worth it. I know you'll love this book.

And don't forget our Tuesday Tips and Casey's Thursday agent spotlights.

Hope to see you a week from Friday!


Anonymous said...

Wow, C.J., what an amazing story behind your passion to write, and everything that you juggle to make it happen! Defiance sounds like a great read; I'm looking forward to its release!

Theresa Milstein said...

Congratulations to the winners!

Thanks for introducing me to CJ. CJ, how wonderful you took a negative and used it to let yourself write. Good luck with the book.

Natalie, have a good visit with your family.

Pili said...

Oh my, I'm so excited about your offer of Defiance's ARC and international entries welcome! =D

I discovered Defiance on Goodreads, and the cover totally captivated me, and then read the blurb and I knew I had to read it, I so love strong female characters, and seems that Rachel is exactly that!

I follow CJ on twitter and she's always so nice interacting with her followers! I loved reading the insight from this interview a lot too!

Pili said...

And I shared this giveaway on my twitter!


Anonymous said...

I love all of these fantasy books with fierce female protagonists that are coming out. Can't wait to read Defiance. Thanks for the chance to win!

GFC follower: dani_nguyen
tweet: https://twitter.com/Dani_Nguyen/status/232480869774921729
email: daniellesaunders1984(at)hotmail(dot)com

storyqueen said...

Love the description of the book and love your story, CJ. So inspirational.

Michael G-G said...

Natalie, you are an inspiration. Your support of the blogging community and writers is awesome. Thanks for introducing me to C.J., who also sounds great. DEFIANCE sounds wonderful.

Have fun with your relatives next week!

Jemi Fraser said...

Yay for CJ - she's awesome! CAN'T WAIT to read this book - it sounds so good and the trailer is great too!! :)

My characters just kind of pop into being as well - so much fun!

Vivien said...

I've been following CJ's blog for some time so I've been able to witness the process for her. She's such a sweetheart and definitely deserves the big congrats!!!

GFC: Vivien

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Steve MC said...

Sounds awesome. And cool trailer on her blog, too - especially when it uses just words and music to get the story across.

David P. King said...

Awesome interview, and congratulations to the winners! :)

Chey said...

Thanks for the interview! I can't wait to read this book!

GFC- Chey
Tweet- https://twitter.com/ohaiitschey/status/232537910816149504


Jeanmarie Anaya said...

Great interview! I loved hearing how the story came to life in C.J.'s head!

A while back I took C.J.'s query and synopsis workshops. Some of the best feedback I've ever gotten. Simply put--C.J. is a wonderful teacher and, I'm sure, an equally awesome writer. I can't wait to read her books.

I tweeted!: https://twitter.com/janaya75/status/232558109963468800

janaya75 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Linda Gray said...

Terrific interview--thanks for sharing. Love hearing about great new books.

Bridget Howard said...

Awesome interview I can't wait for this book!!!!
GFC: Bridget Howard
Tweet: https://twitter.com/BridgetHoward4/status/232570496720449536

Stina said...

This sounds like my kind of book!

Never mind throwing writing into the mix. How did you find time to work and homeschool?????

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

It's good fuel for the motivation tank. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Good to see you here! And thanks for spreading the word on Twitter. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

I am so excited about all the amazing fantasy adventures hitting the shelves!! My TBR is ridiculous, now.

C.J. Redwine said...

Thanks for stopping by! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Yay for characters who show up out of nowhere! ;p

C.J. Redwine said...

Aww! You are sooo sweet. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

I love the trailer. Harper just really delivered on that one!

C.J. Redwine said...

Thanks for stopping by!

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Hey there, Query/Synopsis Alumni! *fist bump* Thanks for the kind words.

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you!! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

That was a rough year, I'm not going to lie. After I sold the trilogy, I was able to replace enough of my income to quit my job, and my children are old enough to go to a different school now, so I no longer homeschool, either. I look back on that year and wonder how I ever remembered to get dressed before I left the house.

Al said...

I <3 CJ!! :) She is THE BEST. :) <3

C.J. Redwine said...

<3 <3 <3 I love that my characters are ALL CAPS worthy!

Melodie Wright said...

I SO want this book! I've been following CJ's blog since she sold the trilogy...and can't wait to read the next interview by the Were-llama.
(Where have you been, Were-llama??)

C.J. Redwine said...

The Were-llama took the summer off and vacationed in all sorts of unsavory locations, but I'm happy to report he will be returning soon! ;D

Anonymous said...

C.J. is one of my author heroes, and I'm SO excited for a chance to read her book. Of course, I'll be buying it either way...

I'm a new follower here & my email addy is emsreviewsbooks {at} gmail {dot} com

C.J. Redwine said...

Aww! ((Hugs))

TayteH said...

Oh my gosh! THANK YOU! The cover is what drew me in to this book. And the summary made the book better. :D Thank you!
Follower name: TayteH
+1 I tweeted! : https://twitter.com/Tayte5/status/232690549252030465

Linda A. said...

C.J, and Natalie,

This book sounds so rich in story. I could see the two points of view coming before it was announced. Please put my name in the drawing. Good luck to you C.J. and Natalie as well. Enjoy your family time.

Gaby Pendragon said...

This is a great interview, truly inspiring! I'm definitely more eager to read Defiance now, knowing it's the work of such an incredible person as C.J.

GFC: Gaby Pendragon
Tweet: https://twitter.com/GabyLafara/status/232732286762766336

Kris @Imaginary Reads said...

I enjoyed learning more about the writing process and road to publication. Thanks so much for sharing with us, C.J. and Natalie!

I already have an ARC of Defiance, so please don't enter me in the giveaway! :)

Donya said...

Hope I win.. I so can't wait to read this book...

alicia marie said...

I have been waiting for this book for what feels like forever! I cannot wait to finally read it!! Thanks for the great interview and for sharing with us : )

gfc: alicia marie ezell
ame1184 at gmail dot com
tweet: https://twitter.com/bamayankee/status/232798617080037376

jay said...

I can't wait to read this book it looks awesome
gfc- jay uppal

Anubha said...

thanks for the interview... :)
i am eager to read Defiance

GFC: Anubha


Tasnim said...

Can't wait to read this! Thanks for the giveaway!

tasnim-sheikh AT hotmail DOT com

Tasnim said...

Oops - GFC - Taz

Gale Nelson said...

great interview and I am really looking forward to reading this, Gale nelson gfc

C.J. Redwine said...

Yay! I adore the cover. Harper really hit it out of the park. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you for stopping by and best of luck to you in the contest. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you, Gaby! <3

C.J. Redwine said...

Thanks for stopping by! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Yay! Good luck to you. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

It feels like a long wait, doesn't it?? :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you! :)

Stephanie Garber said...

Great interview, and thanks for the giveaway!

I've been excited to read this book ever since seeing it's beautiful cover. Of course, even if this book had a crappy cover I would still want to read it because it sounds awesome!

Emily R. King said...

I first heard of this book last night while I was trolling on Amazon. I added it to my wish list. It's great to hear more about it and the author!

Ana Lucía said...

I'm glad that the cancer left you with something good: Your book and the decision to write it. :) I love that your book is written in dual POV. I've been dying to read it, I hope I have luck with the giveaway, thank you for making it international.

+1 tweeted: https://twitter.com/luarroyave/status/232884754880548864


Madi_Garber said...

Can't wait to read this book! Thanks for sharing this awesome interview :)

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/madi_garber/status/232890955626344448


Coleen Patrick said...

Love stories about people following their dreams!! :) Very inspiring. The book sounds great--and what a beautiful cover!

warisha_jayanti said...

Really excited about this book but I think I'll have to wait a few more months until it comes out where I live :(


Carina Olsen said...

Love this interview. <3 Thank you for sharing :D Also, thank you for this amazing giveaway; and for making it international :) *Fingers crossed.* <3
Love, Carina ~ carina-olsen@hotmail.com

Tabby Williams said...

I follow via GFC: Tabitha.

I really want to read this. It sounds so good!


Aqsa Naveed said...

Love this interview! You're all sorts of amazing CJ! Can't wait to get my hands on your masterpiece! :)
and thank you so much for this give-away!
-Aqsa. aqsa_naveed@hotmail.com

Aqsa Naveed said...

I also shared the interview on twitter!
by iAqsaNaveed.

Plus I followed you aswell GFC!
Aqsa Naveed.

Katie Bucklein said...

I am SO EXCITED to read Defiance. I've been salivating over it for quite some time.
And have you seen the trailer for it? It's soooo good, even if it's pretty simple. It still makes me want to get my hands on it. It's here for those who want to see it:
Congrats on making it so far, Ms. Redwine! (BTW--Love your last name. ;D)

Anonymous said...

I also shared it on Facebook!
as Aqsa Naveed.

Jessy said...

Ive followed CJ's blog for quite some time now. She is absolutely hilarious. I can't wait to read her book.

Tweeted @emma015 (I'm having problems pasting links on my iPad)

Findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Jill the OWL said...

As one survivor to another I completely get the not going after your dreams!!! Thanks for sharing this great interview.

themgowl at gmail dot come

Mary Preston said...

I am looking forward to reading DEFIANCE. It looks amazing.

GFC: Mary Preston


C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Hey, survivor sister! Yes, if you have a dream, chase it now. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Hey Jessy! Thanks for stopping by. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you! And yes, I sooo love the trailer they made for me.

C.J. Redwine said...

Hey girl! So nice of you to help spread the word. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Thanks for stopping by! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

If Book Depository ships to you (and they ship to a lot of places!), you can order it! And their shipping is free, which is awesome. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you! And I just love the cover Harper gave me. So perfect for the story.

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you, and good luck in the giveaway!

C.J. Redwine said...

Yay! Thank you! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Yay for trolling Amazon for more pretty books! I always find more that I want to read. :)

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Great interview! I love that you two knew each other ahead of time! CJ's book sounds incredibly interesting and I love her cover!

Alex Brown said...

I loved this interview and can't wait for DEFIANCE to come out! I'm so glad that there are more strong female characters out there and the premise sounds fascinating!

Natasha said...

Great interview! I can't wait to read Defiance! Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

C.J. Redwine said...

Thanks, Sierra! And best of luck to you with this year of high school. :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Thank you! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Strong female characters FTW! :)

C.J. Redwine said...

Thanks so much!

Alex Brown said...

Right?!? I will always pick up a book with a strong female lead :) Also, thank you for taking the time to respond to every one of our posts - this just makes you more awesome!

Steph said...

Awesome interview! I can't wait to read this book!!! Thanks for the giveaway!


Tweet: https://twitter.com/adreamindream/status/234109973456617472

FB: http://www.facebook.com/stephanie.ward.18041/posts/121861901294002

mary ann(RunOnce828) said...

Eeeeek! I can't wait to read this book what make this more special is its release day...my birthday Yay!!

maryanngacayan at yahoo dot com
GFC-Mary ann


Racing Song said...

I can't wait 'till the book is out! Thanks for the giveaway so much, especially it is international :D
I've mentioned this awesome giveaway on my twitter, facebook and blog, here are the links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoeytpTse
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tiriikran
BLOG: http://themoviesandbooksblog.blogspot.hk/
Thank you so much! :)

Veronika said...

I can't wait for Defiance to come out! I'm so excited about this story! Thank you for the interview!
verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

I've been hearing about this book and it looks amazing! And it's so interesting to learn about the road to publication and get the 'insides' of a writer's life

aliasgirl at libero dot it

Emily Yu said...

Ooooh! I am so looking forward to CJ's Defiance! Am definitely going to pick up a copy when it hits the shelves ;) the cover is totally amazing and it's so gorgeous!

Antoinette said...

Wow great interview. I am definitely look forward to this book, I have been hearing great things about. Thanks for the giveaway!!! :)


Ntzee said...

I'm so excited for this book! Can't wait till it comes out. Great interview! n_thao06(at)hotmail(dot)com

ZaraAlexis said...

I've heard so much about this book and em excited to get my hands on it! Oh, I hope I win!

I follow you by email.
And I shared this giveaway on Facebook for an extra entry: https://www.facebook.com/zgarcia.alvarez

I'm not on Blogger, so you can contact me with: zgarcia(dot)alvarez(at)gmail(dot)com


Zara Alexis @ The Bibliotaphe's Closet

Christine said...

I've been dying to read this book, and I love hearing about writers' true stories and their trial and tribulations before finally getting published--it gives me hope to one day be published myself! Thanks for the giveaway :)
GFC: christeeny
Tweet: https://twitter.com/teenysez/status/236544286391410688

Lori M. Lee said...

I love the advice on dual points of view because I'm giving that a shot now and boy, it's tough!

Emily R. King said...

What a wonderful story of fulfilling dreams and perseverance. Thanks for sharing, C.J. Your book sounds incredible.

And thanks for the giveaway, Casey and Natalie!

Darlene said...

I love dystopia! Thanks for the giveaway!

GFC Darlene
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

+1 for tweeting:


Eli Yanti said...

I have not read Dystopia yet, but love to have a chance to read it :)

thanks for the giveaway

GFC : eli_y83


magic5905 said...

I follow on gfc-magic5905
Book looks great. Thanks.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Neysa Kristanti said...

Great interview :) You're so inspirational C.J

And I would really love to read Defiance. Rachel & Logan sounds pretty interesting.
And thanks Casey, for the chance :)


Mention it on my blog too:

Leanna said...

Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Sounds awesome, thank you :]
TWITTER POST (+1): https://twitter.com/leannaBF/status/236740411299864577
E-MAIL: leannaBF@gmail.com

Samantha Jean said...

I've been seeing word about Defiance all over the web, so you are definitely doing a good job with getting the word out there! Defiance is on my TBR and has been since I first heard about it...would love to win my own copy, so thanks for the giveaway!
GFC: Samantha Jean

TerryLynnJohnson said...

I've been so excited for the release of this book since I spied the gorgous cover on GR. Thanks for the giveaway! Great interview!

Monica said...

Can't wait to read it! :)

Danielle B! said...

GFC: Danielle B!

Tweet: https://twitter.com/junecat14/status/236986118506164224

Thanks for the great giveaway! Defiance has been on my TBR for a long time.


Jennifer Haile said...

GFC Follower: JenniferH
Great giveaway! Thank you!

volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net

Michelle said...

Loved this post! Thanks for doing the interview and hosting a giveaway! :)

Sarahbotbonkers said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! Defiance has been on my wishlist for some time now and I'm definitely excited to read it. All the best to you, C.J.! :)

I tweeted: https://twitter.com/Sarahbotbonkers/status/237375133185110017
GFC: Sarah Palo
email: sarah UNDERSCORE 00988 AT yahoo DOT com

Jesse Kimmel-Freeman said...

I absolutely love that cover!
GFC Martian girl

The More the Merrier said...

Great Interview. I'm a huge fan of dual POVs it just makes the book more exciting to see what the female and male leads are thinking. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Candice said...

So intrigued! What's the truth they find in the Wastelands?? Dun dun duuuun :) excited for a chance to win the book!

Jolene and Family said...

I love the cover and this sounds like such a great read! Thanks for the chance to win

GFC follower

+1 tweeted- https://twitter.com/joleneallcock/status/237688906601095168


jcwega27 said...

jessica edwards

Angie said...


ajiehuang1997 (at) gmail (dot) com

Aline Tobing said...

Yay! I can't wait to get my hands on Defiance!
Thanks for the chance to win :)

GFC : Aline Tobing

I tweeted the giveaway

Posted on Facebook


Izz said...

what an inspiring story behind your writing, glad something good come out from a bad thing.
At first why I want to read this book was because the cover, its amazing, the cover depicts beautiful girl with some strength, but now I feel like I must read this one.

GFC : Pingle

I shared this giveaway on :

twitter : https://twitter.com/pingle2/status/238144058768363520

facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pingle.alexandrov/posts/357164694357905

google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/103155974094839820843/posts/DTfbwagt1qQ

email : pinglecoon at gmail dot com

Sam said...

I've seen Defiance EVERYWHERE and people have been saying crazy things about it and...DAMN, I NEED TO READ IT ASAP!

GFC: Sam S.

Sam @ Falling Books

Psyche said...

I admire you for not being down when you got sick but instead it became a motivation for you to write. :]
Thanks for the chance to read this book. I hope I get my hands on this book, I love books like this! :]

GFC: maly

Adriane said...

GFC: Rockygirl1

Thanks for the giveaway!

adriane dot marshall at gmail dot com

Chenise Jones said...

GFC: Chenise Jones

Thanks for the giveaway!

Spav said...

I've been dying to read this book. Sounds pretty great!

GFC: Spav

+1 Tweet: https://twitter.com/Sparima/status/238413934179282944


Juliana Dias said...

I love when we get more than on POV in a book... especially if it's from the male romantic interest, so it only makes me want to read this book more.
GFC: Juliana Dias

Unknown said...

What an inspirational interview! I can relate to her on so many levels, and this story sounds fantastic. I agree with Juliana, getting some feedback from the male POV definitely makes me connect more with the relationship between the two characters.

Unknown said...

just saw the note about mentioning this contest. Consider it tweeted :) @jadiejones1

Diana Julianna said...

C. J., you just keep on becoming amazing and more amazing as I learn about all of these obstacles you so fiercely plowed through. I canNOT wait for DEFIANCE! Thanks so much for the interview and giveaway! :)


Diana Julianna said...

Oh, and I tweeted https://twitter.com/JustJuliHelms/status/239484479901667328". :)

a reader who reads said...

really looking forward to reading this book!!
GFC: mckaykelly
EMAIL: kpoo18@gmail.com

mary ann(RunOnce828) said...

Eeeeek! I can't wait to read this book what make this more special is its release date...my birthday Yay!!

maryanngacayan at yahoo dot com
GFC-Mary ann
