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Happy Monday Everone! I'm so excited for today because I'm interviewing the very amazing Marie Lu!

Before I get to her interview, I need to announce the winners of a few giveaways.

The winner of SHADES OF EARTH is JESS!


Congrats! E-mail me your addresses so I can send you your books. Please e-mail me by the end of Wednesday or I'll have to pick another winner.

Today I’m beyond thrilled to have Marie Lu back to talk about her new book PRODIGY, which releases tomorrow. Marie has a hugely successful career as an author and is such a sweet, nice person. She was so generous to agree to come back here today and to help me get an ARC to share with you. If you want to find out about Marie’s debut as an author, see my interview with her on January 9th last year here.

Marie does everything right to make PRODIGY a fantastic second book. She takes us into a new part of the Republic—the rebels world. And we’re introduced to new characters that may have only been briefly mentioned in LEGEND, like Anden, the new Elector. June and Day are forced to make impossibly hard choices as June infiltrates the Republic’s highest powers and Day stays with the rebels. The plot is fast moving and filled with twists. I couldn’t stop turning the pages wanting to know what June and Day would do next. And to find out if they’d be together again so we could see more of that deep, real chemistry between them. 

Here’s a blurb of PRODIGY from Goodreads

June and Day arrive in Vegas just as the unthinkable happens: the Elector Primo dies, and his son Anden takes his place. With the Republic edging closer to chaos, the two join a group of Patriot rebels eager to help Day rescue his brother and offer passage to the Colonies. They have only one request—June and Day must assassinate the new Elector.

It’s their chance to change the nation, to give voice to a people silenced for too long.

But as June realizes this Elector is nothing like his father, she’s haunted by the choice ahead. What if Anden is a new beginning? What if revolution must be more than loss and vengeance, anger and blood—what if the Patriots are wrong?

In this highly-anticipated sequel, Lu delivers a breathtaking thriller with high stakes and cinematic action

Hi Marie. Thanks so very much for joining us.

1.  You’ve had a fantastic year and I’ve seen on different blogs news that you’ve been touring with other authors like Beth Revis and went to the Bologna Book Fair last spring. Share about what’s been going on this year, including your book tours and attending the Bologna Book Fair.

It was a fun, if exhausting year! I spent a great deal of time traveling and touring, meeting lots of awesome readers and writers, and participating in a great writers' blog called PubCrawl (http://publishingcrawl.com). I also collaborated with CBS Films, who own Legend's movie rights, and game studio Wicked Sweet Games on a Facebook game called Cities of Legend (https://apps.facebook.com/citiesoflegend). It felt great to dip my toe back into gaming.
2. It sounds fantastic, but exhausting. I love Publishing Crawl. It's a great blog filled with advice. I recommend everyone follow it. 

And I’ve heard that Legend’s movie is moving along. What stage of production is it? How involved in it are you and how often do you get news of it?

As far as I know, we are finished with the screenplay. I'm excited to see where we go from here!

3.  I can't wait until Legend comes out as a movie. In your acknowledgement page, you talk about how much harder PRODIGY was to write and that the process included anxiety and tears. Share some of the difficulties in writing this book and how you overcame them.

 Sequels are hard for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which is that you now have a deadline and expectations to meet. You're also done setting up a story and must now continue from a place that's not the beginning. It's a very different challenge!

4.  Yeah, I'll confess that's the scariest things for me in thinking of getting a book contract. The deadlines and your story being locked in to a point. I’m assuming you’ve written or are writing book 3 in this series. What have you learned about writing trilogies from this one? What advice do you have for the rest of us?

One thing I've learned is that the third book in a trilogy is, for me, by far the most difficult to write, considering all the loose ends and final climax that you have to tie up. Advice: each book is different, and takes a different approach to write successfully.
5.  Great advice, Marie, to tackle each with a different approach. Whose story was harder to write in PRODIGY—June or Day—and why?

June is always the more challenging one for me to write. She requires so much random research!

6.  Tell us about your writing schedule and how you stay productive while juggling writing on deadlines with your traveling schedule.

 One thing I've had to learn to do is to adapt to different writing environments. I had to learn how to be able to write on planes, trains, in hotels, etc. I never used to be able to do that.

7.  I haven't mastered that one. I can see why you'd need to do it with your busy schedule. For an aspiring author who gets their book deal, it can feel very overwhelming to handle the business aspect of writing. What steps should they take to prepare for that all important debut as an author and book release?

Well, social media is something that I think most writers must learn to embrace. Be yourself, do as much as you're comfortable with, but most importantly, don't let self-marketing take precedence over your writing.

8.  Great advice to keep the writing as the biggest focus. What are you working on now?

I'm currently working on a new high fantasy series. I'm excited to get back into the first genre I grew up writing in!
I LOVE high fantasy. I can't wait to read your new series. Thanks so much Marie for stopping by again. You can find Marie at:

Marie's publisher generously provided an ARC for a giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment by midnight on February 16thI’ll announce the winner on February 18th. If your e-mail is not on Blogger, please list it in your comment.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. International entries are welcome.

Here's what's coming up. I hope you're as excited as me about it all

Next Monday I'm interviewing Miriam Forster and giving away a copy of and ARC of her debut book, A CITY OF A THOUSAND DOLLS. It's a fantasy and mystery. When I got it, I picked it up to look at and literary couldn't put it down. It was fantastic and I'm excited to share it with you.

Next Wednesday I'll post about my trip to China. 

The following Monday I'm interviewing debut author Elsie Chapman about her dystopian novel, DUALED and giving away an ARC of her book. It's about a world where everyone has a genetic alternate that you must battle at some point in your teenage years to the death. It is really unique concept and I enjoyed the book.

And Wednesday that week I have a fascinating interview with Chuck Sambuchino of Guide to Literary Agents about his new book, CREATE YOUR WRITER PLATFORM: THE KEYS TO BUILDING AN AUDIENCE, SELLING MORE BOOKS, AND FINDING SUCCESS AS AN AUTHOR, with a giveaway of his book. His book really got me thinking about how I can improve my platform and social networking. I'm really excited to share Chuck's advice and his book with you. Chuck's interview is filled with awesome advice whether you're an author or book review blogger. I can't encourage you enough to read his interview.

The following Monday, I have an interview with a high school teen for my ASK THE EXPERT series and will be sharing and giving away THE CADET OF TILDOR, a fantastic debut fantasy.

And Wednesday that week, Casey and I have a super awesome 3000 follower mega giveaway. You won't want to miss it. 

And don't forget our Tuesday Tips and Casey's Thursday agent spotlights.

Hope to see you on Monday!


Anonymous said...

Great interview! Look forward to seeing and hearing how the movie devolopments :-D

Safari Poet

Andrea Mack said...

Thanks for this interview, Natalie and Marie! I really enjoyed Legend and I'm so looking forward to reading Prodigy!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Gosh, Marie. You must be thrilled about the screenplay being finished! So exciting. It was great getting to know you better. Thanks for all the insight, and thanks to Natalie for the interview. :)

Alwyn said...

Love love loved Legend. Got it for Christmas last year and finished it in the wee hours of boxing day morning. Would love to win Prodigy, I'm a follower on Google reader alwynhamilton (at) gmail (dot) com!

Robyn Campbell said...

Marie, how THRILLING! A screenplay!! SWEET.

I really enjoyed reading the interview and learning more about you. I would find a trilogy hard to write. I cannot wait to read Prodigy. Natalie, SUPER DE DUPER interview woman! I can't wait to read about the trip. *waving and smiling*

Creepy Query Girl said...

Congrats on finishing the third in your series! And on all the exciting things going on for you, Marie! Great interview:)

Carina Olsen said...

Yay! Great interview. <3 Thank you both for sharing :) I loved Legend so much. It was such a perfect book. Don't think I will love Prodigy as much, since I know some awful things about it :\ but I hope it won't be that bad.. but it probably will. Anyway. I did love Legend so much, and I just adore Marie :) Thank you for perfect post and giveaway. <3 I would love to win an ARC of Prodigy, to give it a chance :) Also! Cannot wait to read about your trip to China :D Pictures? :)
Love, Carina (GFC follower as Carina Olsen, email on blogger profile)

Linda Gray said...

Trilogies are so impressive! Sounds excellent, too. Great interview, Natalie,and congrats to Marie.

mshatch said...

Excellent interview - as always. I love learning about how other authors do it and finding out about both the similarities and the differences in how we all accomplish the same goal.

Mimi Smith said...

Great interview! Can't wait to read this book....


Martina Boone said...

I'm so glad she is going into high fantasy! So excited for her and can't wait to read the new book. Thanks so much for sharing this interview, Natalie!

Barbara Watson said...

Great interview! Thanks so much. Some day I hope to be able to write in all environments, but I'm such a people watcher...

Suzie F. said...

Wonderful interview, Natalie and Marie! I loved Legend and have been eagerly awaiting Prodigy.

Joanne R. Fritz said...

I'm dying to read Prodigy, so thanks for the opportunity, Natalie. Loved the interview. How interesting that June was harder to write than Day!

LTM said...

Very cool! super-congrats to Marie, and what an amazing adventure. I've got to add Legend & Prodigy to my list! Thanks, guys~ <3

Lori M. Lee said...

PRODIGY! I've been freaking out over this book since the moment I finished Legend. And I always love Marie's interviews. Plus, Marie Lu and high fantasy?! OMG YES PLS! :D

Kristin Lenz said...

What a whirlwind year for Marie! Natalie - looking forward to hearing about your China trip.

Jessie Humphries said...

I loved LEGEND and have my fingers crossed for this ARC. Also, it's so fun to hear about the movie!

Unknown said...

Great interview and I need to read Legend first. I love books with dual POV-s. Thanks for the giveaway. :) I mentioned this contest on Twitter.

Unknown said...

Loved to read about the movie news. I hope they can start picking the cast soon!
Never really thought about how hard it would be for a writer to tour and try to write at the same time. Authors are awesome <3


jpetroroy said...

I can't wait for this one! jpetroroy at gmail dot com

CG @ Paper Fury said...

Wow! I can't wait to read Prodigy. And that's really exciting about how far Legend is in the movie-making-process!

Stina said...

I've already pre-ordered the book for my son. He loved the first book. We're both excited for the movie.

I'm not sure I could write while traveling. I'm easily distracted. :(

CG @ Paper Fury said...

Sorry! Forgot to add my email: notebooksisters(at)gmail(dot)com and I also mentioned this giveaway on facebook.

Jessica Salyer said...

Wow, sounds like a great series. I'll have to add it to my TBR list.

mariska said...

heard great things about the book, can't wait to read it by myself :)

Stephanie Garber said...

I'm so excited for this book to come out, but I think I was even more excited about reading the moving news! Legend will be an awesome movie! And I can't wait to read prodigy.

Anonymous said...

Great interview! I interviewed her at my website a few weeks ago and she's a doll. i mentioned this contest on twitter and fb, so fingers crossed win this great book!


Beth said...

Congratulations on the publication of Prodigy. It sounds fantastic!

Lydia Kang said...

Great interview, thanks Marie and Natalie! No need to enter me in the drawing, I have an ARC already. :)

Jessy said...

I was lucky enough to meet Marie on tour this summer. I can't wait to hear about her new series.

Anonymous said...
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Gwen Gardner said...

Great interview, Marie and Natalie! And thanks so much for the tips. I'm seeing Prodigy everywhere! I can't wait to read it.

Candace said...

Oh yay for high fantasy! I just picked Prodigy up and am excited to read it!
Fantastic interview, I didn't realize the movie stuff was actually moving along, so that's great news!

Ali Cross said...

What a beautiful woman. And PRODIGY sounds awesome! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Dorine White said...

I just got this ARC at the ALA. Great Interview, I love her advice about writing every book in the series as a different book.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Fun interview. I'll be adding this to my to-read list.

Love the clever paragraph that tells people what to include in sequels. Well played.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

What an exciting interview! Such high energy. Marie seems like a terrific person. I've been wanting to start in on her series too. Sounds like a thrill from beginning to end.

Christina Lee said...

This series is on my TBR pile too. She sounds fantastic. And #6--oh yes! I would also add, kids screaming in the background.

middle grade ninja said...

Love this interview! Very curious about this book...

cleemckenzie said...

I'm in the mood for a good thriller. This would probably do the trick. Thanks for the interview and for introducing me to the book.

Theresa Milstein said...

Great to see Marie Lu here. I've heard wonderful things about her first book. I realize I've waited too long to read it if the second one is out!

SA said...

I loved the first book, and I'm reading the second now, so far it's pretty amazing.

Kim Van Sickler said...

I seriously don't understand how Marie can get all that writing done with her schedule. And her author pic is gorgeous!!!!! Sign me up for a chance at that ARC.

TerryLynnJohnson said...

Wow! Marie sounds like a whirl wind of energy! Another great interview, Nat! I read the first book and loved it.

Vanessa Morgan said...

Prodigy sounds great. Would love to be entered.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cool cover!
And Natalie, thanks for always stopping by. If Literary Rambles ever needs a big plug for anything, let me know. I'll send the Ninja Army!

Joan He said...

Thank you so much for the interview! I loved Legend--can't wait to read Prodigy :)

Anonymous said...
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Evie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Evie said...

I'm sure the Legend movie will be amazing! I can't wait to know about the cast :)

Anonymous said...
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Ashfa said...

Eeep, I can't wait until I get my hands on Prodigy, it sounds amazing!!
Thanks for the giveaway.
GFC follower- Ashfa Anwer
Tweeted- https://twitter.com/TopsyTurvy_Ash/status/298429386078703616


Eli Yanti said...

Great book, can't wait to read :)


Naieva Bookist said...

Count me in.

Melodie said...

This series has gotten a lot of buzz. It reads like fun!

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE this series.

I also shared on twitter! Here's the link: https://twitter.com/herondalesduck/status/300141191633199104

My email is: leavingforchicago@gmail.com (I'm not sure whether it shows up on my connect or not).

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Neysa Kristanti said...

ooh, so can't wait for the movie!

mnkbooklife (at) yahoo (dot) com

trayche said...

CAN'T WAIT TO READ IT! I loved Legend..
Here is my email in case you can't find it
trajce121@gmail.com :)

Kaitlin Michelle said...

Awesome Interview! Mentioned on twitter. @kmichelle1019
Would love to win!

Llehn said...

Looking forward to this book!


Rachna Chhabria said...

Looking forward to reading this book. I like the sound of it.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

following and twittered post!


Joan He said...

Love love love Legend!!! Marie seems so nice :)

Anonymous said...

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