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Today I’m thrilled to be a part of Jessica Shirvington’s blog tour. And I feel SO lucky to be able to interview her because she’s had such a great career as a writer. EMBLAZE is the third book in the very popular paranormal Entice series and releases in March in the United States.

Here’s a description from Goodreads:

Once again Violet Eden faces an impossible choice ... and the consequences are unimaginable.

Violet has come to terms with the fact that being part angel, part human, means her life will never be as it was.

Now Violet has something Phoenix - the exiled angel who betrayed her - will do anything for, and she has no intention of letting it fall into his hands. The only problem is that he has something she needs too.

Not afraid to raise the stakes, Phoenix seemingly holds all the power, always one step ahead. And when he puts the final pieces of the prophecy together, it doesn't take him long to realise exactly who he needs in order to open the gates of Hell.

With the help of surprising new allies, ancient prophecies are deciphered, a destination set and, after a shattering confrontation with her father, Violet leaves for the islands of Greece without knowing if she will have a home to return to..

Hi Jessica. Thanks so much for joining us.

Thanks so much for having me as a guest!

1. For those of us who haven’t read the series, tell us about it.

Embrace, book 1, is the story of Violet Eden, who discovers she is more than just human. She carries the essence of an angel within her. In a time when angels have been banished from earth but fallen angels still wreak havoc it falls to hybrid angel/humans like Violet to protect humanity. In Embrace Violet must make the decision if she is going to 'embrace' her destiny and become this warrior or if she is going to turn her back in favor of a normal human life. But even when it seems her decision is made, somehow the men in her life keep turning things upside down and in the end she has to make a choice not only for her but for someone she loves.

Entice, book 2, and Emblaze, book 3 are a continuation of Violet's story. Each book in the series is a progression in Violet's life. She is developing as a warrior but also as an adult, friend, family member and all in all becoming a pretty brave and incredible person. But, of course, she can make a fair few mistakes on the way!

2. I read that EMBRACE was the first book you wrote. And although it wasn’t published in the U.S. until 2012, it was published in Australia where you live in 2010. Since then you’ve written 2 other books in the series and all three have releases in the U.S. since September 2012. Share with us about your road to publication and then branching out into international markets.

I was really lucky when the books were picked up for publication in Australia. It was the right time for the books and my publishers really got behind the books and they were released quite quickly. Therefore, when other markets, like the U.S picked up the books it took a little more time. But it has all worked out really well since the U.S will be just about caught up to the books by October this year with the release of ENDLESS, book 4!

I've learned that each international market publishes and releases in their own time according to their markets ups and downs. It is so exciting to be in as many markets as the series is (I think it is about 9 now) and one of the highlights is seeing what each country does with its covers!

3. Wow! That’s an amazing story of a road to publication that we’d all love to have. Because of your series’ popularity and acclaim, I know it’s being adapted as a TV series with the CW Network, Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment and CBS Television Studios. How exciting! How did that come about and what stage of development is it in? What’s your role in the TV series?

After Embrace was release in America we were contacted by a scout who was working on behalf of CW. We were also contacted by Dreamworks separately and from there everyone just got talking together and decided to join forces. It was such a great opportunity for a strong collaboration. In terms of where things are at, the rights have been sold to them and they are in development stages. Where it goes from here, only time will tell. There are many plug pulling stages so I am just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. As for my involvement, I am excited and hope to play a small part in the creative process but to be honest, I'm an author and I write books. That's really the way I want it to stay ;-)

4. That’s SO awesome. I hope it becomes a series soon. What’s something that you’ve learned craft-wise in writing your series that would be helpful to us aspiring authors?

Chapter breakdowns are key. They keep me grounded and make sure the story doesn't go off on tangents. Every writer is different, but I've also learned to listen to that niggling voice. Sometimes you just know it isn't working. You need to be honest with yourself and just get on with fixing the problem. Sometimes the thought of making the changes is a lot fore tiresome that just getting it done.

5. I’ve had to learn to not be stubborn and make the changes, too. I know you’re a full-time writer, a full-time mom, and a co-director of MPS Investments Pty Ltd. How do you carve out enough time to write all the books you’ve published and what advice do you have for the rest of us who may also have a family and a demanding other job who are also trying to write and dream of getting published like you?

I wrote Embrace at night once I got the kids to bed. I cut tv out of my life (and for a few months my husband would argue he got cut too!). It's hard to explain but if you really love it and want it, it isn't about finding the time, you just do because you have to.

6. Ha! My husband would say the same thing. I don’t watch much TV either. Since you live in Australia, I’m guessing that much of your promotion in the United States market and connecting with fans is through the Internet. How are you marketing/promoting your books and what do you recommend debut authors do to promote their books and develop a fan base like you have?

I'm super lucky to have amazing publishers in the U.S and my publicist is incredible. So with their help we run a lot of internet promotions and try to interact with as many readers as possible. We are active on Facebook, Twitter and readers can stop by the website anytime to see updates. On top of that I did a 10 city tour in the US last year and hope to get back there this year or early 2014.

7. I’ve been really impressed with your publisher too. What are you working on now?

I'm working on the 5th book of the Embrace Series and really looking forward to seeing how it all pans out. It's a big book to write and in many ways the most challenging of the series.

I also have a stand alone that is in edit at the moment. It is called Between The Lives and is about an eighteen year old girl, Sabine, who lives in two realities, living each day twice but no two days ever the same. Sabine has always believed there was no other option for her but after a freak accident where she breaks her arm Sabine begins to question everything. Delving into a world of dangerous experimentation Sabine becomes desperate to know if she can change her worlds and discovers just how far she is willing to go to have just one perfect life.

Thanks so much Jessica for sharing all your advice. I can’t wait until the TV series comes! You can find Jessica at:
Embrace Website
Jessica's website
Embrace Facebook page
Jessica's Facebook

Jessica’s publisher Sourcebooks generously offered a copy of EMBLAZE for a giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment by midnight on April 13th. I’ll announce the winner on April 15th.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. This is for U.S. and Canada only.

Here’s what’s coming up:

On Monday I'm interviewing Kimberley Griffiths Little and giving away an ARC of her new book, WHEN THE BUTTERFLIES comes. It's a contemporary mystery with a touch of magical realism that I really enjoyed.

The following Monday I’m interviewing debut author Kit Grindstaff and giving away an ARC of THE FLAME AND THE MIST, a dynamite fantasy with a determined heroine, mystery, and secrets revealed that keeps you turning the pages.

And Wednesday that week I’m interviewing debut author Erin Bowman about her new dystopian TAKEN and giving away an ARC. It’s about a world where boys are heisted away on their 18th birthday and I could not put it down.

And don't forget our Tuesday Tips and Casey's Thursday agent spotlights.

Hope to see you on Monday!


Unknown said...

I wrote Embrace at night once I got the kids to bed. I cut tv out of my life (and for a few months my husband would argue he got cut too!). It's hard to explain but if you really love it and want it, it isn't about finding the time, you just do because you have to.

Since I've been writing, "How do you find time?" is the question I probably get asked the most (that, and "Wait, aren't you a mathematician?"). The quote I pasted above really resonates with me. It's true. I discovered writing is something I have to do. Now, even my husband and family says I'm happier.

It's nice to know other writers feel the same way.

mshatch said...

Sounds like a fabulous series and how cool is that it might be a series on tv!!! A big Congrats to Jessica :)

Jill the OWL said...

My sister loves this series! Thanks for the great interview. I'm going to share it with her.

Jess said...

Great interview! I loved hearing about the international aspect of Jessica's publishing journey. And a TV deal??? Awesome! Thanks for introducing me to a series I wasn't aware of :)

Barbara Watson said...

I especially enjoyed hearing about the international parts of the journey. Thanks so much, Natalie and Jessica.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed the interview, especially the part about listening to niggling voices telling you something's not working. I'm wishing Jessica more success with her books, and I hope the TV series gets made. :-)

Unknown said...

Great interview! I especially like what she said about listening to that niggling voice when something isn't working--I do that too!

Unknown said...

Fantastic interview. I haven't read Embrace yet, but it is definitely on my TBR list and hopefully will get around to reading it soon.

Vivien said...

Great interview! I'm interested in book 3. Angel lore is just so fascinating!
GFC: Vivien

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Rosi said...

Great interview. Please let someone else win. My TBR pile is HUGE.

Danielle H. said...

I always enjoy reading candid author interviews about their struggles to find time to write. Something I struggle with every week. Thank you for the post! I will post on Facebook too.

Wendy said...

The only thing I haven't liked about the Embrace series is waiting for the next book! Thanks for sharing your writing post here with us. I posted to Twitter (used your button above!).

laurie said...

Fantastic interview. I haven't read Embrace yet, but it is definitely on my TBR list and hopefully will get around to reading it soon.

Heather said...

How exciting, the CW and Dreamworks!!! Congratulations to Jessica. I'll be crossing my fingers that it goes into development soon!

Carl Scott said...

It is very exciting to know that a TV series is coming soon. Lots of anticipation, and best wishes for a tremendous success.

Thanks for the giveaway, I follow your blog by email: carlscott(at)prodigy(dot)net(dot)mx

I also tweeted about the giveaway: https://twitter.com/carlrscott/status/317717911038992384

Thanks again.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Great interview. I love the sound of these books. Violet's stories are something I need to get my hands on.

Donna K. Weaver said...

How exciting (and scary) about the book becoming a series. I've often wondered after reading a book and watching the movie if the people doing the film had even read the book. Good luck and congrats!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

What an incredibly exciting thing, to see your books turn into a series! Congratulations and enjoy the ride!

Tyrean Martinson said...

That sounds like an exciting book series, and I love the part in the interview about making time to write. I often get asked when I have time, and the reality is that I have to make it happen, even if it means cutting a little something here or there. I love my family, so I try not to cut family time.

Anonymous said...

Great interview and I'm excited about Jessica's success. Congrats to her.

Nas said...

Congratulations to Jessica! The book sounds awesome! So exciting!

Christina Farley said...

Wow. Congrats to Jessica. Her book sounds so wonderful.

Dorine White said...

This sounds like a good series. Sourcebooks seems to be on a roll.