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Today I'm thrilled to be part of the Kick Butt Characters Blog Hop sponsored by I Am A Reader Not A Writer and Good Choice Reading. I love these blog hops because it's an opportunity for me to share some of my favorite new books with you and to say thanks for being such great followers.

I think each of these books feature strong characters in their own ways. Here's my choices this month. Click on the titles below the pictures for descriptions of the books.






So I hope you like these choices as much as me.

One winner will win the book of their choice. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment by midnight on March 28th telling me the book you'd like to win. I'd love if you'd let me know what other upcoming releases you're looking forward to. This will help me pick books for future giveaway hops. Also, I'm thinking of offering the more expensive books as e-books in future giveaway hops because The Book Depository has raised their prices by about $4.00 to $17.99 for some books. I'm sure it's because postage costs have gone up so much. Would that bother you? I'd love to know your opinion because these hops are very popular here and I want to keep them that way.

I’ll announce the winner on April 1st. If your e-mail is not on Blogger, please list it in your comment.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. International entries are welcome as long as you live where The Book Depository ships for free.

Here's what's coming up:

Next Monday, I’m super excited to have Jenny Lundquist back to share her new middle grade book, PLASTIC POLLY, with an ARC giveaway. It’s a contemporary story about a girl who’s in the popular crowd who wants to find who she’s really is. Jenny so nailed middle grade life and it made me realize how much I love contemporary stories. Like Jennifer Nielsen, Jenny’s become one of my favorite authors.

Next Thursday I’m interviewing Jessica Shirvington and giving away a copy of EMBLAZE, the third book in her paranormal series. I’m super excited because I learned what an amazing career she’s had as an author in a relatively short period of time while preparing for her interview. It’s really inspiring to hear her story.

The following Monday I'm interviewing Kimberley Griffiths Little and giving away an ARC of her new book, WHEN THE BUTTERFLIES comes. It's a contemporary mystery with a touch of magical realism that I really enjoyed.

And don't forget our Tuesday Tips and Casey's Thursday agent spotlights.

Here's all the other blogs participating in this Blog Hop:


Audrey said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I'd love to win Let the Sky Fall.
GFC- audreyclair

Chantelle said...

Thanks for the great choices! I'd love to win either Unravel Me or Prodigy.
GFC: chip
ARC Review: Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire

Tricia C. said...

I would love to win Prodigy! I can't wait to read it and have students wanting it too. So many wonderful books!! The name of this blog hop is a hoot!

CG @ Paper Fury said...

I'd love to win Prodigy!! I don't mind ebooks (it's definitely easier then arranging postage!), but they tend to get last on my to-read pile because I don't own an e-reader. It's not too comfy curling up with a...computer. ;)

I'm a follower! And my email is notebooksisters(at)gmail(dot)com.

kristy1504 said...

I'd love to win Let the Sky Fall! Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

i would pick black city ... thanks for the giveaway ... i share the giveaway ... in my facebook and twitter @A013

DANIELA said...

I'd like Throne of Glass.
I'd rather get en ebook from Amazon. Books from TBD take way too much time to get tom e (last one arrived two months after the release date abd was a pre-order). Besides arriving faster, they are cheaper.
Thanks for the giveaway!

dany7578 at hotmail dot com

Lu Vargas said...

I'd love to win Clockwork Princess!
Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!!!

TayteH said...

Thank you! :D
GFC: TayteH
I'd love the Clockwork Princess. :D


Carl Scott said...

Thanks for the giveaway, I'd like to win Clockwork Princess.

I follow your blog by email: carlscott(at)prodigy(dot)net(dot)mx

I much prefer print books to ebooks so I personally would enter fewer giveaways if the prize was an ebook. Sorry about that.

I tweeted a link to this post: https://twitter.com/carlrscott/status/315333871392661504

Thanks, have a great weekend!

Think said...

Prodigy or Through the Ever Night! This is an awesome giveaway!

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

Thank you for the giveaway!
I'd love to win Clockwork Princess or The Collector.


Parupoli said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I'd choose Through the Ever Night please.

Unknown said...

I'd choose Reached and I'd be happy to have it as an ebook.
thanks for offering such amazing books. You can find my books at:

Ashfa said...

GFC-Ashfa Anwer
Love to win Through the Ever Night.

I'm really looking forward to Dark Triumph and Taken next month.


Sel said...

I'd like to win Throne of Glass! :)

Mary Preston said...

Great selection THE RUNAWAY KING caught my eye.

GFC: Mary Preston

I'm surprised the prices at TBD are so competitive because of the free shipping.


Christina Fiorelli said...

I'd love Prodigy!!

GFC Christina Kit.

also by email ccfioriole at gmail dot com

I prefer paper books because I'm on the computer so much, I'd hate to read books like that too.

For another giveaway, I recommend Bruised by Sarah Skilton, If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch, This Is What Happiness Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith.

Thank you:)

Mishma @ Chasing Faerytales said...

All the books in your list are great.I'll have a hard time choosing.
But my favourite in this list will be Through the Ever Night.I've wanted to read it forever.
Thanks a lot.

Unknown said...

GFC: Dita Škarste

I`d probably choose THRONE OF GLASS. As for the TBD and/or ebooks, I would still prefer print copies even if that means choosing cheaper books. I see that people have different opinion on this so you may just let the winner choose.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)


ramydul said...

Thank you for this giveaway!I would pick Black City.I don't have a problem with e-books,but I prefer print copies.
GFC:Ramona G

Catherine Siborutorop said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway! I'd love to win Requiem.
GFC: Catherine Siborutorop
E-mail: blacathy@yahoo.com
Tweet: https://mobile.twitter.com/TheMediators/status/315420023294423040

Riv said...

I'd like to win Throne of Glass.

I personally do not read e-books, but I'm sure there are many who do :)

GFC: Riv

Zemira said...

I'd love to win Scarlet.
GFC:Zemira Djedović
tweet: https://twitter.com/Zemmy89/status/315422962981404672

_Sandra_ said...

I would probably choose Unravel Me.
I personally prefer print books, always have and always will. I already spend to much time in front of PC as it is, so I always try to avoid reading ebooks if that's possible.
Thanks for a giveaway! :)

GFC - Sandra K
Email - sandra.zg.13 @ gmail.com
Tweet - https://twitter.com/_Sandra_R_/status/315425901217202177

Unknown said...

I would love to win Clockwork Princess
my GFC name is Melinda Dartmann
email: steelstammy@excite.com

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! Good luck to the entrants. :-)

Alethea said...

If I win, I'll choose Clockwork Princess :)

My GFC name: Alethea
Tweet: https://twitter.com/AndieSotak/status/315441752842584064
Email: andiesotakova(at)gmail(dot)com

Booklady said...

I would love a copy of Reached. I tweeted the giveaway, put it won't let me cut and paste the link to the tweet. (@Bookworm307)

Thanks for the giveaway.

Kayley said...

I'm a follower.
GFC: Kayley Freshman-Caffrey

My choice would be Requiem by Lauren Oliver.

Beth said...

You have the greatest giveaways!

I'd be thrilled to win either Through the Ever Night or Let the Sky Fall.

I wouldn't be as likely to enter for e-books, but I know most people are reading books that way now. So don't let me stand in the way!

Reader said...

I'm a follower :)

All those books look great. Unravel me would be great...I loved Shatter Me and if I won Unravel Me, I could justify buying Shatter Me for my own copy too :)

Looking forward to the Monday post on Plastic Polly!

Also, your last post on the agent spotlight was great. The specific agent you spotlighted REALLY piqued my interest and was a fantastic read/information post.

Thanks for giveaway offer and have a nice weekend.


HeatherCRaglin said...

Wow! Tough choice. There are so many I'd love to have, but I'll choose Scarlet. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

HI! Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I am a GFC follower Ashley Rogers my email is twnkeez@hotmail.com

I shared this on FB at this link----> https://www.facebook.com/ashley.rogers.716/posts/505798279477591

I personally prefer a book instead of an ebook, but I can understand how money can be tight. Thank you for asking. Thank you again for this awesome giveaway!

Sarah Elizabeth said...

I'd like 'through the ever night' please, and I'd much prefer an ebook, I take my kindle everywhere with me, and read a lot more on my kindle than 'real' books.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Kaylee said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway! I'd love to win Scarlet by Marissa Meyer because MM's characters definitely kick butt :) I'm not a fan of e-books but I totally understand the budget issue, so I wouldn't blame you if you did. Thanks again!

Email: kaylee4magic@hotmail.com
GFC: Kaylee

Joni said...

I'd loooove a copy of "Throne of Glass".

I'm looking forward to the sequel to The Selection By Kiera Cass, as well as Lauren DeStefano's up coming new series in the fall.

A note on future giveaways- I personally prefer a book to an ebook- I don't have an ereader...

Thank you for these awesome giveaways and a marvelous blog! ^.^

the superhero princess said...

Awesome choices! I'll have to choose Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi. The book I'm most looking forward to is Siege & Storm by Leigh Bardugo. The first book was incredible!

I'm a GFC follower (katethesape) and my e-mail is katethesape (at) gmail (dot) com.

Also shared this contest on FB (https://www.facebook.com/snapefan4life/posts/591879900841479) and on my blog: http://thelitcrit.blogspot.com/2013/03/kick-butt-characters-giveaway-hop.html

the superhero princess said...

Also -- I love using my Kindle while traveling, so an ebook win would be just as great for me. For those that don't have an ereader, you can actually get the Kindle app for free and use it on a computer. (The only thing it doesn't have is text-to-speech)

Or maybe offer them a choice between that and an Amazon giftcard?

Tyrean Martinson said...

Awesome list! I would love to read Throne of Glass! I've already read Reached, Prodigy, and Scarlet - with Scarlet ending up my favorite of those three.

Margo Berendsen said...

Wow this is a great collection of new releases! I'd love to win any of them! I am most excited about the final book in Rae Carson's series coming out this year. (the first book was Girl of Fire and Thorns).

wcs53 said...

Thanks for this giveaway. I'm a follower by GFC (William Stanger). I'm torn between Scarlet and The Runaway King. I'll need to seek my daughter's advice on this one!

Joan He said...

I'd am still dying to get my hands on PRODIGY--absolutely loved LEGEND. I'm really looking forward to the nameless 3rd book of the Divergent Trilogy!!!!

Jasmine Stairs said...

Ooo, hard to pick. I mean, it's a bit easier because I already own some of these books, but still hard. I think if I was to win, I'd love to receive Prophecy, by Ellen Oh. Personally, I'd prefer to receive a physical copy of a book, as e-copies just get lost and I forget that I even own them. For that reason, I may not enter a contest for e-copies. Just so you know.

Curling Up With a Good Book said...

I would love to win Scarlet by Marissa Meyer!! :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

Jemi Fraser said...

Pretty much every one of these is on my wishlist!!! My top 2 picks would be Clockwork Princess or Let the Sky Fall! :)

My copy of 17 & Gone arrived and I just finished the first few pages and .... WOW!!! Thanks again!

Irene (Josslight089) said...

I'd love Unravel Me!!

GFC: Irene(Josslight089)

also by email lines2005(at)hotmail(dot)com
tweeted: https://twitter.com/Josslight089/status/315510438383206401

Filia Oktarina said...

I will love to win either THRONE OF GLASS or BLACK CITY!!
Thanks for chance to win :)

GFC : Filia Oktarina
Email : filiafantasy at gmail dot com
shared on facebook :

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway.

GFC: Medeia Sharif
Email sharif at sharifwrites dot com
twitter: https://twitter.com/sharifwrites/status/315523047538958336

Stacey Brucale said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd pick Daughter of Blood and Starlight.

gfc - xxsquigglesxx

Judy said...

I am torn between Black City and Clockwork Princess. Great Giveaway!

gfc: Judith Cauthan
tweet: https://twitter.com/MuseAndRamble/status/315530246269063168

Danielle H. said...

Awesome giveaway! I'd love to win Let the Sky Fall. So hard to choose! I love to hold books, so I'd prefer a book over an e-book. I will share on Facebook.

Mervi said...

I'd like to win Prodigy by Marie Lu. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

GFC: Mervi Mustonen
musmekipi at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to reading Let the Sky fall. Thanks for the giveaway. I feel for you about the book dep. I think giving ebooks is ok, so long as there is a choice between kindle and nook.
GFC Coreena McBurnie
coreenamcburnie at gmail dot com

*Jam* said...

I'd love to win Reached and I'm looking forward to reading The Collector.

Well I don't really like ebooks... =(

tweet: https://twitter.com/anitablanch/status/315547028455292928


Kirsten! said...

I'd probably pick prodigy :)
I don't have an ereader, so I wouldn't participate in ebook giveaways. And isn't $17.99 the cover price for most hardbacks anyway? I think that's how much i end up spending in bookstores, but I could be mistaken.
GFC- Kirsten!
aircdrewood at gmail dot com

Christina said...

What a terrific list! I would pick either Prodigy OR Scarlet.

I usually only participate in giveaways that give away hard copies of the books I love, so I think you should stick to the hard copies. That said, I use my Kindle a ton and everyone should get an e-reader!

GFC- Christina

Cali W. said...

I am torn between Requiem and Through the Ever Night. Sadly I don't have an e-reader. Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC: Cali Willette
email: caliwillette(at)gmail(dot)com

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/Cali_for_ya/status/315581622655258624

CBarton said...

The Days of Blood and Starlight is the one I would pick if I won. Thank you for the chance.


Vivien said...

Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger

I wouldn't mind ebook giveaways. Postage costs are incredibly high now.

GFC: Vivien

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

miki said...

I would like to win clockwork princess.

as for ebook giveaway, i really don't like them. not everyone can read kindle ( the aplication doesn't work on all computer) and not all books are available in pdf so i would prefer if we could still win print book even if it's not hardcover or new release

thank you a lot


miki said...

oups forgot^^ gfc:miki

JessS said...

Thanks for the giveaway!! I'd love either Let the Sky Fall or Delerium by Lauren Oliver (if that's okay because I haven't started the series yet but really want to!).

GFC - JessS

Anonymous said...

I'm reading The Clockwork Princess right now and really enjoying this book! No need to enter me in the giveaway, since I have a huge stack in my current TBR list, but love your blog:-)

deasuluna said...

GFC Follower: Christina Torres

I would love to win either Prophecy or Scarlet, Thanks for the chance!! :D


Maidenveil said...

I'd love to win Prophecy! following via GFC. thanks!

tweeted: https://twitter.com/readerhappy/status/315621579126095872

-Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

Bookishqueen said...

I followed and would love Reached!


Unknown said...

Let the sky Fall

Follow GFC Josie Hink
Email josiehink122026(at)gmail(dot)com
Shared Google + https://plus.google.com/107523279533127508942/posts

Twitter https://twitter.com/JosieHink/status/315624016520024064

Unknown said...

I'd love to read Black City.

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
GFC: BookAttict

aLilLacey said...

I need Reached!! : )
Laceysvette at hotmail dot com

Sara @ Forever 17 Books said...

So hard to pick, but I think I'd choose Prodigy.

The prices on The Book Depository have really gone up. :( I usually enter to win hardcovers BUT am totally fine with the ebooks. :)


Dannie Morin said...

Geez, all of these are on my TBR list! I'm itching to get my grabbyhands on Delirium though. And absolutely e-books for giveaways are fantastic. Just means we get them faster!!
Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Julie R said...

I would love to win Throne of Glass. Thanks for the giveaway.

latishajean said...

Thank you for the great giveaway! I would pick Unravel Me as my book pick. I read both paper and ebooks and enter giveaways for both.
GFC follower-latishajean
tishajean@ charter.net

Cassandra! :D said...

GFC: Cassandra :D

Awesome giveaway, I'd love to own Throne of Glass :)

Danielle B! said...

Through the Ever Night sounds awesome. I also would love to read Unravel Me, Entice, and The Shadowhunter Codex. Thanks!

GFC Danielle B!


SA said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I'd like to win Let the Sky fall.

Mighty Knitting Chick said...

Reached or Scarlet or Prodigy. AWESOME choices!!

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Black City or Let the Sky Fall! Thank you

GFC - Dea Sauva

sauvadeavelle @ yahoo.com

magic5905 said...

I'd love Clockwork Princess. I don't have a kindle, I still love print books. If you have to go ebooks, just let us know which is ebook and which is print and I'll enter if you have print books. Thanks for the giveaway.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Rachna Chhabria said...

Super giveaway. I would love either The Clockwork Princess or Let the Sky Fall.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I'm interested in Let the Sky Fall.
GFC Coreena Mcburnie
coreenamcburnie at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Throne of Glass. Thanks for the chance!

GFC: Debbie W.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/bookscoffee10/status/315676889375199232

xsweeteternityx (at) hotmail (d0t)com

Alysia said...

New Follower here!
I would love Blood and Starlight since I just finished the first book.

E-books are just as good but not everyone has a reader so you might lose a few people.

Thanks for the giveaway
littlepocketbooks at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

GFC follower: Jennifer Haile
I'd love to win Black City! I'd love to seen you offer The Elite by Kiera Cass for a future giveaway!

volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net

Nara said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to win Unravel Me or Through the Ever Night! Probably most looking forward to The Fiery Heart at this point :)
Tweet: https://twitter.com/greengp01/status/315714619220041728
GFC: naralee94

~Enamored Soul~ said...

Wow, that's an awesome list of books you have there - I'd love to win Throne of Glass or Unravel Me. Thank you for the amazing giveaway. Also, I think your idea of offering e-books, when sometimes the book is too expensive, is absolutely justified and a good idea! :D

- Hira
Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
GFC: ~Enamored Soul~
Tweet: https://twitter.com/inluvwithbookz/status/315730869203636224

Sarah.S said...

I'd love to win Throne of Glass :)
GFC - Sarah Spicer
Email - sarahjanespicer(at)gmail(dot)com
Tweet - https://twitter.com/SarziiSerenity/status/315733355255721984

Dana Carey said...

I'd love to win DAYS OF BLOOD & STARLIGHT.
I tweeted:

E-books are fine by me.
Thanks for such a generous giveaway!!
dcarey_ap (at) yahoo (dot) fr

Berenice said...

I follow by GFC - Berenice


Unknown said...

GFC: Tina or Tina Kohrman
Email: tinabrownsv(at)aol(dot)com.

I would love to win Requiem. this sounds like an amazing book and i would love to read this.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/tinakohrmn/status/315760036813086721. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!!

mk said...

I may just pick The Clockwork Princess or Let The Sky Fall.

GFC: Marti@SBBCreviews
email: bymyself.g@gmail.com

tweet: https://twitter.com/SBBCreviews/status/315772852664143872

As for books I'm looking forward to reading... I can't wait for The Collector and The Indigo Spell/The Fiery Heart...

Evie said...

I'd like to win Prodigy.
GFC: Evie
Thanks a lot for the giveaway! And I really like ebooks too :)

Louackers said...

I'd love Let the Sky Fall. Thanks for the giveaway. I follow GFC Louackers on Twitter @Louackers.

Chenise Jones said...

GFC: Chenise Jones

I would love to win Days of Blood and Starlight!

BookStacksOnDeck said...

I'd love to win Throne of Glass! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Hard to decide for sure lol!
gfc: bookstacksondeck

Michele O. said...

I'd pick Throne of Glass! :)
Thanks for the giveaway! <3

GFC: mikichan

Jess said...

Wow, great list! I'm reading The Runaway King now. I won't enter the giveaway since I've already won a lot of books from you ladies :)

DoingDewey said...

I follow as DoingDewey. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sofija Kapranova said...

I'd love to win Scarlet. Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC - Sofija Kapranova

Mimi Smith said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a follower on GFC: Mimi Smith, and:
1)I tweeted https://twitter.com/MimiSmith94/status/315860660682629120
2)And shared https://www.facebook.com/mimi.smith.716/posts/490359791019365

I'd pick Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I'm looking forward to Isla and the Happily Ever After.
As for the hop, and giveaways in general: I'd prefer a less expensive paperback to an ebook.

anasmithblue AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win Reached. A book I am WAY looking forward to reading id Divergent #3!

Thanks again!

Jana said...

I would love to read Clockwork princess
GFC: Jeanne

Unknown said...

I follow on GFC/Sandra Phillips.

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Requiem! Thanks so much!
I'm super excited to read The Elite and Sweet Evil coming out next month! Thanks!
saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

Sarah Perry said...

Great books on your list! :D Thanks for your giveaway
oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

Sayomay said...

I would love Clockwork Princess! :D
I follow via GFC as Samantha Deen
Im def looking forward to Girl with the Iron Touch by Kady Cross in May! XD

elin said...

I would love clockwork princess. I'm looking forward to The Iron Traitor by Julie kagawa :D
iheartmemorethanyou at yahoo dot com

laceyblossom said...

I'd love Prodigy! And I'm looking forward to Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire :)
GFC: laceyblossom

Karen Russell said...

I would love "Through the ever Night". I am looking forward to Divergent #3!! E-books are ok with me. Thanks for the giveaway.

I twittered: https://twitter.com/karentruss/status/315956533915705348

GFC- Karentruss

email: lagorda67(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

I would like to win requiem by lauren oliver:)
Thank you for the giveaway: GFC:giselle contreras

Mel@Thedailyprophecy said...

I would love to win Prophecy! :) GFC: Mel.
Email: thedailyprophecy(at)hotmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

I'd like to win Let The Sky Fall.

I'm looking forward to The Fiery Heart but that doesn't come out until November. :(

I personally don't like ebooks and I can't be the only one, so maybe offer people the choice of a less expensive real book?

GFC: rainjeys


Michael G-G said...

If I win: The Runaway King.

(I tweeted too: https://twitter.com/MGMafioso/status/315976201917317120)

E-books are fine. (But then, I did just get me a Nook for my birthday...)

Amanda D said...

GFC Amanda D

my email asdidonato77(at)yahoo(dot)com

I tweeted https://twitter.com/mandykalp/status/315976717015580672

Great list of books to choose from. I would pick Requiem because I'm currently reading that series. Quite a few of the others I want to read just haven't started the series yet.

I enter giveaways for ebooks and print copies. As long as it's a book I want to read or a book of my choice, I don't care in what format it's being offered. I'm just happy if I win.

New releases I am looking forward to are:
The Rising by Kelley Armstrong
Book 8 in the Chicagoland Vampires by Chloe Neill
Divergent book 3 by Veronica Roth

Unknown said...

GFC: Kassandra Fuentes

Thanks for participating on this blog hop and for the great choice of books you listed. I would either like to win Let the Sky Fall or Black City


Ashley E said...

I'd probably pick Clockwork Princess...

GFC: Ashley Van Buren

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower GFC: Alicia Batista

I have been DYING to read THRONE OF GLASS so that's proubly would pick!

Oh an AMAZING soon to be released book is The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa!

Thanks for the giveaway!


Alison Lan said...

I'd want to read Reached by Ally Condie!

GFC: Alison Lan
email: alisonlantran at gmail dot com

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I would love to get Requiem by Lauren Oliver!!

GFC: red_tigergirl2
email: red_tigergirl2(at)hotmail(dot)com

Tiffany Drew said...

I'd love to win Let The Sky Fall. Thank you!

GFC: Tiffany Drew

Unknown said...

I would choose Unravel me, Scarlet, Requiem, or Black City! They all look so good I can't decide!

mareb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CK said...

Email: camille_oliveras@yahoo.com

Thanks for this! :)

Natasha said...

I would love Black City.
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Carina Olsen said...

Thank you for perfect giveaway. <3 I actually own all of these books (A) But I wouldn't mind another copy of Throne of Glass :D Thank you. <3 GFC as Carina Olsen :)
Love, Carina

Joanna Le said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win Days of Blood and Starlight. I'm excited for the releases of With All My Soul by Rachel Vincent, The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa, and Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo :]

Email: Joannuhhle(at)gmail(dot)com

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

Ohh I can't decide between Clockwork Princess, Scarlet and Let The Sky Fall!! They all have such good reviews too! I'm beyond excited for the releases of Crown of Midnight by Sarah J Maas, Seige and Storm by Leigh Bardugo, The Keep by Veronica Wolff and Archangel's Legion by Nalini Singh (this last one is adult fiction tho!).

Thanks for this giveaway! Love kickass characters!

cypsays_hi @hotmail.com

Unknown said...

I would like to win Clockwork Princess. :) I am looking foward to The Collector by Veronica Scott, Dark Triumph Robin L. and Apollyon by Jennifer L.A.
GFC: Antonia Jujnović
tweet: https://twitter.com/Jujnovic/status/316160091307008000

Karen said...

I would love Clockwork Princess! I keep hoping that I can win it!

wwe11 said...

I'm a gfc foller-erma2167.

Koll said...

I'd love to win Unravel Me :)
Thanks for the giveaway! :)


Suz said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win Throne of Glass or Reached! I can't wait for Siege and Storm! I would rather have print books but understand if you switch to ebooks to save money!

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

Suz said...

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/SuzReads2/status/316203566991822848

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

The More the Merrier said...

I would love to get Unravel Me. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Stephanie Garber said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! Thank you.

I would love to win Prodigy.

I wouldn't blame you at all for switching to e-book giveaways, but I probably wouldn't enter them. If given the option of a new e-book, or an older book, I would take the older book.

A few other new books that haven't come out yet, but I'm excited to read are: Dark Triumph, Siege and Storm, and Quintana of Charyn.

Thanks again!

sngarber (at) gmail (dot) com

Melissa @thereaderandthechef said...

Hi! I would love to get Days of Blood and Starlight! I'm excited to read Isla and the Happily Ever After.
I follow your blog GFC: Mel rob

Jessy said...

I would love to win Let the Sky Fall.

findjessyhere at gmail.com

oriana said...

thanks so much!
i would like to read Let the sky fall
GC oriana

Katie Amanda said...

I'd like Reached. I follow GFC as Katie Amanda. I tend to not enter giveaways for ebooks. They're not my favorite. Perhaps offering $10 to TBD or Amazon could be a better option.

Thanks so much!

Leeanna said...

Following via GFC: Leeanna
Email: maurapedia @ gmail.com


Maybe you could offer Amazon giftcards? I'm sure a lot of bloggers have Prime, and so they wouldn't have to pay for shipping. Although that's US only though I think, so I'm not sure about international giveaways.

Eva @ All Books Considered said...

GFC - Eva. - booksconsidered[at]gmail[dot]com

I would like to win Reached!

Eva @ All Books Considered said...

I tweeted https://twitter.com/booksconsidered/status/316287810430697473

Zsofia said...

I'd pick Black City! :)
matoboci at gmail dot com

Holly said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd choose Clockwork Princess!

Andrea said...

I would love to read Unravel Me.

GFC follower - Andrea Williams


Brianne said...

I would choose Let the Sky Fall! Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

I prefer giveaways that offer physical books rather than ebooks, but am grateful for any giveaways.

Chyna said...

I would like to get Throne of Glass :) Since the book is not available in my country, I have to join giveaways. I am very desperate to win it >.< Thank you so much for this opportunity! I am a new followers btw and lovely blog <3


Unknown said...

I follow gfc Josie Hink
Walking Disaster is one I can't wait for!!!
You have amazing choices here WOW


mon said...

I like to win Let the Sky Fall! Wow.

I am also looking forward to read House of Hades this year.

monica dot calangian at gmail dot com
GFC name: Nica

Christiane Cardinal said...

I would pick either Let the Sky Fall or Throne of Glass, thanks for the chance to win :D

Awesome choices, new follower.

GFC: Christiane Cardinal
Email: christiane_dude@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Prophecy by Ellen Oh

Gfc follower: kim cuasay


franchie15 said...

I followed via e-mail using the e-mail I have used to leave this comment. I'd love a copy of of Clockwork Princess! :)

I honestly think it's fine to give e-books since it's much cheaper (well, for most of the books anyway). Even though TBD ships free, if they have raised their prices then I guess it's not too convenient anymore. And whatever format you're giving, it will be appreciated by your followers and readers. ;)

Michelle Sedeño said...

I'm an old follower via GFC, using this name.

I'd like to win Prodigy, but I haven't read Legend yet so is it okay if I picked that instead?

I'm looking forward to Towering by Alex Flinn! I love Alex Flinn's fairytale re-tellings. <3

Aline Tobing said...

Hi, I'd really love to win Scarlet :)
GFC : Aline Tobing

I'm curios about The Collector by Victoria Scott so maybe you could consider it for the next giveaway :)

Tweeted the giveaway https://twitter.com/imsavedbymercy/status/316454522719444992


RILEKAT said...

GFC: Kat Riley
Clockwork Princess

I like ebooks myself.

Tweet: https://twitter.com/rilekat/status/316492771814944768

Unknown said...

Im a GFC Follower Id Like Let The Sky Fall =)

darleneysaguirre @yahoo.com

Jolene and Family said...

I would love to win Reached! Thanks for the chance

GFC follower- Jolene and Family


Dovile said...

I'd love to win Through the Ever Night or Requiem.

Thank you for the chance!

GFC follower - Dovile

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Unknown said...

I would love to win: LET THE SKY FALL

thanks for being part of the hop!!

GFC Terri Matlock
oklahomamommy0306 @ Gmail.com

Stacy said...

I would like to win Throne of Glass! As far as prizes go, I am okay with ebooks too.

GFC as Stacy T

the imagine tree at aol dot com

brookea_2006 said...

I'd like unravel me!

gfc: brookea_2006
brookea_2006 at yahoodotcom

Unknown said...

I would love half these books, but I suppose in this case I would choose Throne of Glass.

GFC: Jessica Noreault
Email at : Shinyxoxmuffins at yahoo dot com

J Whitus said...

GFC - jwhitus

Clockwork Princess


CindyWindy2003 said...

GFC CindyWindy2003, I'd pick crossed, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

Emily said...

I would like SO MUCH to win Let The Sky Fall. Thanks so much for this giveaway!
already GFC follower: ObsessedReader

email: wright.emily[at]aol[dot]com

The Cover Contessa said...

Let the Sky Fall or Black City!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Following: bhwrn1 via GFC

veRONIca said...

I would love to read Skyfall and I am eagerly awaiting for Walking Disaster and Entwined with You to be released!


donnas said...

I would pick Reached.


bacchus76 at myself dot com

VampedChik said...

Thank you so much! I would pick Clockwork Princess

Unknown said...

I would pick Clockwork Princess.
GFC Marlene Breakfield

Fear Street said...

I would choose Days of Blood and Starlight. Thanks for the giveaway!

GFC: Amber Terry

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

OMG I NEED Requiem, Reached, and Through the Ever Night! In those gorgeous covers above!!!

GFC as Abby

+1 Tweeted: https://twitter.com/darkmotives/status/316840950565576704

P.S. Please don't offer e-books! A lot of us can't utilize them. Stick to print but set an amount limit. That's all. Anyway it's mainly the HCs that have gone up in price. Not the PBs. I know, I buy from TBD very often!

reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

Cheers! And thanks for the giveaway!

Majuchan said...

I would love to have Let the Sky fall.
GFC - Willian Angeles

I still prefer printed books than electronic copies

Unknown said...

I would love to win Scarlet.

GFC: Ana Smith

Holly Bryan said...

Great giveaway, thank you!! I'd love to win either Black City or Prophecy!

I follow via GFC: Holly.

I tweeted your contest:

As to your question about book prizes... first, I hadn't noticed TBD had raised their prices - OUCH! That's insane! Guess I also hadn't realized international postage had gone up so much, but I've heard lots of people mentioning that lately. Second, I think ebooks are perfectly fine - at least for me, because I do have a Kindle. I understand that not everyone has an ereader, of course. But when it's a prize that you are being so generous as to give away, ultimately I think it's YOUR decision what works best for your blog (and wallet). Hey, if someone doesn't want to win an ebook or doesn't have a way to read it, then they won't enter that giveaway, right? I certainly don't think it's too harsh to do a mix of print and ebook copies.

Finally, other books I'm really looking forward to... well, the sequel to Throne of Glass, which comes out in October; the sequel to Mystic City, not sure when that comes out; In the Shadow of Blackbirds, out April 2; and I know there are more but that's all that's on the top of my head right now!

Thanks again! Oh, just in case, my email address is bryanholly34 (at) gmail.com.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for participating in this hop. I would love to have any of these books, but I am leaning toward Black City or Scarlet.
GFC: Karen Arrowood

My personal preference is for physical books. But certainly ebooks are becomkingthe wave of the future, and I see no problem with offering those instead. I noticed a lot people commenting that they do not have ereaders, and so c annot use ebooks. They need to understnd that all the makjor platforms have free apps available to allow you to read books on smartphones and computers. just download the Kindle, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, etc. app, and read away!

Veronika said...

GFC follower (Veronika) and email subscriber!

I prefer physical copies and I mostly buy them in The Book Depository.
Thank you for the giveaway!
verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

GFC - Lily B

Ebooks don't really bother me, I love physical books but I been buying a lot of ebooks as well. Thought most new releases even in ebooks can really be up there, shame :(

I would love possible, Let The Sky Fall!

lilypondreads at gmail dot com

Gabbie said...

gfc; Gabbie Johnson

I'd love Clockwork Princess

Catie said...

I'd love to win Throne of Glass. I absolutely loved it and I really want a physical copy :) Thanks so much for the giveaway!

I prefer physical books, but I don't mind reading ebooks. Sometimes they are definitely more convenient.

GFC: Catie Taylor

Holly Letson said...

I would choose "Scarlet" or "Unravel Me".

GFC: Holly Letson

Posted to FB @ https://www.facebook.com/KinomiyaMichiru/posts/158668054297271

arazzas said...

I'd love through the ever night!

Bewitched reader said...

I think I would choose between Let the Sky Fall or The Runaway King.
For me personally I love print copies and I tend to not enter the giveaways for eBooks. Just because I don't have an e reader for one and second I keep all my books. I collect them and I have a pretty good sized library. I have a membership with B&N and I get free shipping for all my orders and plus their books are really pretty cheap online. Most of their books are around $11 for hardbacks. I know the membership cost money which I think is $25 but I have saved more in the long run buying the membership. But that's just an idea for you. Or gift cards is always a good thing. Then we can use it towards a book we want and we pay for our own shipping:) But yeah I think the eBook giveaways don't get very many entries.
Thank you so much for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!
GFC Follower: Lisa Vazquezanzua

Twitter: https://twitter.com/livvie_v/status/317112677023485952

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.vazquezanzua/posts/504033186322096

Unknown said...

I would love to win either Days of Blood and Starlight or Let the Sky Fall! Thanks for the giveaway! I follow via GFC.
I don't mind ebooks but I prefer the physical copies to some books. I usually prefer ebooks when it is a long series and most of the books are already out. It's just cheaper normally. But I love all of the physical copies that I own and recently I have been going to a bunch of signings and ebooks aren't really great for that.

Unknown said...

I would like to win Scarlet.

Cindi said...

Clockwork Princess or Requiem look great! Ebooks are fine. Upcoming books that look great are In The Shadow of Blackbirds, Fearless, Rise, The Collector, My Life After--just to name a few, lol

I tweeted the contest: https://twitter.com/Cindi169/status/317272391548014596
gfc follower: cynthia clubbs


Unknown said...

Oh god, These are all amazing books! I can't even choose.. Yes I can! Clockwork Princess. Love this entire series, and TMI series too!

gfc follower: The Reading Vixens

email: bafarwell@gmail.com

Bethany @ The Reading Vixens!

Merry said...

worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Great list! I want them all! :)

GFC: Anne Consolacion

Shared on Twitter:

Darlene said...

I'd love to win Let the Sky Fall, thanks!

GFC: Darlene
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Darlene said...

+1 for tweeting:


GFC: Darlene

MannaB said...

I would love to win Let the Sky Fall!

Krysykat said...

I'd love to win 'Clockwork Princess'.
GFC- Krysta Banco


Unknown said...

I would probably choose Throne of Glass. I don't usually care whether a physical copy or ebook is offered in a giveaway. I own a Kindle, so I read both formats. I'm looking forward to The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa.

GFC - Stephanie Huff
snhoveln (at) gmail (dot) com

Caitlin said...

Clockwork Princess!
gfc: caitlin
gokarter418 (at) aol (dot) com

Steph said...

Great picks! I'd probably choose Let the Sky Fall! :)

GFC: Stephanie


Denise Z said...

What a wonderful listing of books. I am really looking forward to the final installment in the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris.
gfc Denise Zaky