Welcome back! I’m thrilled to be participating in the Freedom to Read Giveaway Hop sponsored by Bookhounds and I Am A Reader Not A Writer I love getting in more reading in the (sometimes) lazy days of summer. I’m excited to share some of the books I’ve read and enjoyed or ones I’m really looking forward to with you.
A few of my choices this month are only for US or an e-book. That’s because The Book Depository doesn’t have them in stock right now. And I have a few pre-orders of books I’m dying to read.
So here are the choices you could win. Hope you’re looking forward to some of these as much as I am. Click on the title for a description of the book from Goodreads.

ICONS (US or e-book only)
SIEGE AND STORM (US or e-book only)
One winner will win the book of their choice. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment telling me what book you’d like by midnight on July 9th. If you don’t mind an e-book, let me know in the comments. I’d also love to know what other hot new releases you’re looking forward to for future blog hops. I’ll announce the winner on July 15th.
If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. You must be 13 or older to enter. International entries are welcome as long as you live where The Book Depository ships for free or are willing to receive an e-book.
And don’t forget to enter my other awesome contests listed at the top of the blog, including all three books in Elana Johnson’s fantastic dystopian series.
Here’s what’s coming up:
On Monday, I’m interviewing debut author Melanie Crowder and giving away a copy of her fantastic upper middle grade dystopian novel with a touch of magical realism about a world with no water. I found it fascinating and it really got me thinking about what it’d be like if that happened to us.
The following Monday I’m interviewing K.A. Barson and giving away an ARC of her debut contemporary story, 45 POUNDS. I loved reading about Ann’s struggles to lose 45 pounds before her aunt’s wedding. And K.A. did a fantastic job bringing her characters to life. I loved it!
The Monday after that, I have an ASK THE EXPERT interview with Dianne Salerni’s daughter and an ARC giveaway of THE 5TH WAVE. This is an amazing dystopian/sci-fi story with never a dull moment. I can’t wait to share it with you.
And don't forget our Tuesday Tips and Casey's Thursday agent spotlights.
Hope to see you on Monday!
gfc follower- jennifer mathis
I'd love to get Unbreakable!
Also, shared on facebook.
Hope you're enjoying your summer! And I'd love to win Through the Ever Night. Thanks!
I'm a follower of the blog. And I'd love to win The 5th Wave, since I've heard quite a few good reviews for it!
And I wouldn't mind an eBook at all.
i would love a crown of midnight ( print book) thank you so much for having so many excellent choice and opening what you can to international!
gfc follower: miki
i wish you a fabulous summer!
I would looove Insomnia. I've been following the authors blog and I'm super hyped that it's released now! WOOT! An e-copy is awesome too.
Been eying The 5th Wave for a while... would love that:) Great blog hop.
I'm a follower: TF Walsh
Put me in for TAKEN. And I'm fine with ebooks. Thanks!
Fun giveaway! I'd love The Bitter Kingdom. E-book would be perfect! (I'm a follower)
thanks for this! I'd love to win Dark Triumph! :)
Following your blog via RSS feed.
I'd love to win Crown of Midnight! (I'd rather it be a print book and not an ebook)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Following by Bloglovin
Tweet: https://twitter.com/greengp01/status/352046123298471937
I follow via Bloglovin (skyline1210).
I'd pick Phoenix. Dying to have this book on my bookshelf, heard great things about it.
Thanky ou for the chance to win. Have a great summer.
oh wow, ALL those books are books i'd LOVE. But Insomnia or Crown of Midnight would be amazing!
Elliemoreton at gmail dot com
I am dying to read Siege and Storm, after I pick up Shadow and Bone, which is at the top of my list of books I want.
Eep! I'd love Crown of Midnight!! Cannot wait to continue the series :D
GFC: Vivien
tweet: https://twitter.com/deadtossedwaves/status/352062654057156608
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
I would love PHOENIZ!!!!
GFC follower-RoseVAcademy
sofia_torosian at hotmail dot com
Maybe Crown of Midnight. I'm not sure yet.
GFC: Zemira Djedović
I would love to win Insomnia.
GFC Veronica Vaughn
Siege and Storm
Follower: http://www.bloglovin.com/cassieopiab
Through The Ever Night
GFC : Najwa Shufia
Email : najwashufia96@gmail.com
Bloglovin' : Najwa Shufia Choliq
I'd love to win Unbreakable!
GFC: Chenise Jones
Bloglovin': Chenise Jones
I would like to win Siege and Storm.
Bloglovin': LibraryLady77
adsanders77 at gmail dot com
I'd love The Bitter Kingdom!
GFC: laceyblossom
tweet: https://twitter.com/laceyblossom/status/352101327167426561
I'd love Through the Ever Night! And I'm looking forward to Allegiant!
themgowl at gmail dot com
I'd like Through the Ever Night and I'd be happy with an e-book. I'm looking forward to Horde by Ann Aguirre and Allegiant by Veronica Roth. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
GFC follower: Mervi Mustonen
musmekipi at gmail dot com
Bloglovin follower - Leah Gonzalez
I'd love The 5th Wave or Siege and Storm, and I don't mind getting ebooks! I'm a Kindle nut. :)
GFC Follower: Beth DeRenzis
I would probably pick Siege and Storm. I've been dying to read it since it came out but just haven't been able to get around to buying it yet!
Thanks for the giveaway, and I don't mind e-books! =)
I would love The Elite...I've been dying to read it! I love print and ebooks alike. :) GFC follower - Lindzee. lindzee DOT armstrong AT yahoo DOT com
I follow on GFC - Bookworm Lisa
I would love to win The 5th Wave. Thanks!
I forgot to mention that I don't mind ebooks! :)
Thank you for perfect giveaway sweetie :D You are awesome. <3 Would love to get Phoenix via book depo :) I have the first book, but missing the sequel ;p Thank you for the chance :D *Fingers crossed*
Love, Carina
Thanks for this giveaway ! :)
I'm a GFC follower : Emilie
I would like to win the 5th Wave via book depo.
The Elite! Thanks for the giveaway and I like print books.
GFC: Cali Willette
I just finished the first one yesterday morning and it was awesome. I'm half way through the second. I'm sure you'll love them!
Great choice! I'm looking forward to FROZEN.
GFC: Shelver506
Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow on Bloglovin: realityisnovel and GFC: RIN
twitter post: https://twitter.com/RealityIsNovel/status/352242267106447361
And so mnay good books to pick form! I think I'd maybe go with... The Elite, if I win
realityisnovel at g mail dot com
Thnak you for the giveaway! I follow GFC: wolfluvr420 and I would love Siege and Storm if I win
I'd love a preorder of Crown of Midnight or a copy of Dark Triumph! Thanks!
GFC: CYP @ A Bookalicious Story
Yet Peng
cypsays_hi at hotmail.com
I meantioned it on twitter! My twitter: @JanyWuvzRainboz
I'm following my Bloglovin': Jannetta Robinson
I would love The 5th Wave!
jannettanrobinson at yahoo dot com
Would love to win The 5th Wave!
GFC Follow & Bloglovin : Neysa Kristanti
Shared on Twitter :
Shared on FB :
Email : mnkbooklife(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thanks for the giveaway!
Neysa @ [B.O.O.K.L.I.F.E]
I'd love to win SIEGE AND STORM!
GFC: Jennifer Haile
volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net
I'd love to win The Elite in print.
GFC: Mandy M. Earles
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Follow via GFC as pinkflower and Bloglovin as allie liang
I would love to win a copy of Crown of Midnight :D
Thank you for this giveaway!
iheartmemorethanyou at yahoo dot com
So many awesome books to choose from! I'd love my own copy of SIEGE AND STORM in hard copy.
I follow via blogger: Joni
Thanks for an awesome giveaway!
I would love to read either Elite or Taken preferably in hard copy.
I would love either Icons or Seige & Storm - preferably in print form.
I'd pick Taken. Paperback, if possible, not a hardback.
Shared on Twitter (@Deemotay)
Following via Bloglovin.
kurri121 AT hotmail DOT com
Free books! Yahoo! That 5th Wave looks pretty good to me. Thanks Natalie! :-)
It's a tough choice between ICONS or the Crown of Midnight. I'll have to go with The Crown. Mentioning on Twitter!
I would love to read The 5th Wave. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to win Dark Triumph!
GFC Follower: Kristia Miltiadou
tweeted: https://twitter.com/MiltiadouK/status/352517223375581184
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I'd love Unbreakable
GFC- Tamara
letty1614 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I would love to win Siege and Storm.
I am a GFC follower: Ramona G
Thank you!
I'd love to win Crown of Midnight! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
GFC: Catie Taylor
Email: Catiesmoviesinmyhead at gmail dot com
Hmmm I am not sure. I am thinking either "The 5th Wave" "Dark Triump" or "Phoenix". I Don't mind Ebooks either. :) I have a Kindle.
GFC/Bloglovin' Follower: Terri Matlock (Mommy0306)
Twitter Share: https://twitter.com/okmommy0306/status/352545386080112643
I've been looking forward to reading "Icons" since I saw the chilling trailer for it, so that's my pick!
I'd love to win Crown of Midnight, thank you!
GFC: sarah_sal90
email: sarah_sal90@yahoo.com
I'd love to win a physical copy of Crown of Midnight.
GFC: Debbie W.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/bookscoffee10/status/352570517561159680
email: xsweeteternityx (at) hotmail (dot) com
i would like to read INSOMNIA!
thanks for making this international
GFC oriana
twitter @dionisia2012
I'd love to win a copy of Crown of Midnight. Sharing on my facebook page.
Link here:https://www.facebook.com/iheartyafiction
Sabrina @I Heart Y.A. Fiction
Awesome! Just tweeted!! :D
GFC - Juana Esparza
Book choice: Through The Ever Night
jmesparza821 at gmail dot com
I follow on Bloglovin as Danielle Bateman.
I would pick Through the Ever Night. Thanks! :D
I would love to win Siege and Storm!
I'm a GFC follower under Julie S and a bloglovin follower under Juliecookies.
I would like Icons. I'm following via GFC under Sam Kasbrick. I don't mind eBooks. Thanks! :)
I would like Icons
GFC follower
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would like to get Phoenix.
GFC : Dinda_SI
I'd love to win Insomnia
Thank you for the giveaway!
Bloglovin - Danielle Schneider
I'd love to have Unbreakable, Phoenix, or Through the Ever Night!
I follow via Bloglovin (kayeoliveras) and GFC (username: CK).
I hope that you have more international-friendly giveaways! :)
I would love to win Taken please, I'm desperate for that book. Thank you so much for taking part in the hop and for the awesome giveaway!
GFC: Tiffany Drew
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/enterthedrew/status/352665985901281283
Crown of Midnight for sure. Thanks for doing such a wonderful giveaway!
Followed via gfc and bloglovin and mentioned this on twitter!
Followed via GFC - Angelica Joy
I would choose ANY of the books above as I want to read all of them, they are all in my GR TBR pile :D
I would like Unbreakable. Thanks for the giveaway!
My pick would be The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey!
A Follower via GFC - Nadine
Thanks anyway :-)
Nadine A @ YA Book Addict
Forgot to mention my email: nada.annuha(at)gmail(dot)com
Follow BL maleficent mcneff
i would get dark triump
I would choose Siege & Storm :D
GFC - Christy M
Christy @ Christy's Book Addiction
I'd love Crown of Midnight or Taken.
gfc: chip
tweet: https://twitter.com/Readingfordays/status/352791494479978496
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love Requiem.
Bloglovin: Ashfa Anwer
Tweet: https://twitter.com/TopsyTurvy_Ash/status/352817365035134976
Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to win either PHOENIX or Crown of Midnight.
I hope i can have paperback book :)
Thanks for giveaway.
GFC : Filia Oktarina
tweet : https://twitter.com/FiliaTsuki/status/352837906819317760
filiafantasy at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC as Lisa Mandina. I'd love to have The 5th Wave. Ebook is fine, just needs to be for a Nook.
I have to pick just one? How about Bitter Kingdom. No, Crown of Midnight. Ah! It's so hard!
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC: Emily R. King
erittelking at gmail dot com
I follow on gfc-magic5905 and email.
I'd love Crown of Midnight in print if possible. Thanks.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
share via twitter : https://twitter.com/najwasc/status/353002632136232961
share via facebook :
I followed via GFC (Ariel Smith).
I would love to win The Bitter Kingdom!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to win Crown of Midnight. Thanks for the giveaway!
~Lesley D
GFC Lesley D
drakeLa90 at aol dot com
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/lesleyboogie/status/353014023601651712
I follow on GFC as: rainjeys
I'd love to win Siege and Storm.
Future books I'm looking forward to are Frozen, Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea, House of Hades, THe Fiery Heart.
I follow on GFC as The Happy Booker
I'd love to win Phoenix by Elizabeth Richards or even the first book in that series if possible.
I can't think of any that I'm really looking forward to, I have plenty to read before the new batch comes out!
ahappybooker at gmail dot com
Follow bloglovin melissacrisp.
I would like Phoenix preferably paperback.
I'd choose Taken
gfc follower- ℓυfι
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win Taken or The 5th Wave.
GFC - SusieBookworm
bookwormsusanna AT gmail DOT com
I would choose Siege and Storm
There are so many I am looking forward to, but most of all Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout and Siege and Storm! I have been dying to know what will happen next!! Thanks for giveaway!
GFC follower as Abby
I'd pick either Through the Ever Night or Phoenix thanks
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/darkmotives/status/353196638682087425
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
New bloglovin' follower holdenj
Would love to win Through the Ever Night!
Thanks so much!
These all look great, but THE BITTER KINGDOM really looks like an intriguing read.
Thanks again, Natalie.
I Will tweet the contest for you!
I follow by GFC, user name is Melinda Dartmann
I would love love love Dark Triumph!
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/Steelstammy/status/353271216586493953
and I posted to Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melinda.dartmann/posts/10151703075947002
GFC follower Amanda D
I would like The 5th Wave.
I don't mind an ebook copy if it can be a Nook copy.
bloglovin follower as Szappanbubi
I'd really love to have The elite, please :)
porcukorborso at gmail dot com
GFC Follower: Christina Torres
I would love either Siege and Storm or Phoenix. Ebooks are fine,if it can be a Nook book. Also Tweeted!
GFC Follower; Jaime Lynn
Tweet- https://twitter.com/JaimeLLester/status/353335299117551616
As far as what I would choose, it would be between Phoenix and Through the Ever night! Thank you for the awesome giveaway! And for a future giveaway/hop, I would love to see Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan!
I would love Dark Triumph!
GFC: Holly U
I would LOVE Dark Triumph!
I would like to choose Taken from amazing young-author!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I would love Taken!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Awesome giveaway! I'd choose The 5th Wave.
Thanks for the chance! I'd like THE ELITE.
GFC: paula
Thanks for the great giveaway and for making it international! If I win I would most likely pick The 5th Wave.
I follow via GFC: Marti@SBBCreviews
bymyself.g AT gmail DOT com
tweet: https://twitter.com/SBBCreviews/status/353573945603133440
I would like to read Siege and Storm.
Bloglovin' Michele Behlen
I follow via Bloglovin and GFC, and I'd LOOOOOVE The Bitter Kingdom :D
I would love to win THE ELITE. Thank you for the giveaway.
I follow via GFC as Robin Blankenship
robinblankenship at gmail dot com
I'm following via BlogLovin' - I think I'd like Taken.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
The Bitter Kingdom
GFC Ashtrie Karana Putrie
shinigami_light @ymail .com
I would love Taken.
I follow GFC Cassi Z
Thanks so much. I'd love Insomnia.
GFC Medeia Sharif, sharif(at)sharifwrites(dot)com
Thank you so much for the giveaway! I would like to have Taken by Erin Bowman.
I follow through GFC. You can contact me by this email: nikki_duuh(at)yahoo(dot)com.
The 5th wave :D
gfc follower: kim cuasay
I'd love The Bitter Kingdom :)
GFC: Cassandra :D
I would love to get Through the evernight
Followed with: GFC: red_tigergirl2
email: red_tigergirl2(at)hotmail(dot)Com
I'm following via Bloglovin as Kim Reid and my choice is Siege and Storm, thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I'd love to get an ebook copy of The Fifth Wave. Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC: Evie
by.evie at yahoo dot com dot br
I'd love Dark Triumph!
GFC-Janhvi Jagtap
tweet- https://twitter.com/justjanhvi/status/353884604362539008
justjanhvi at gmail dot com
I'd love to read Dark Triumph.
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
GFC: BookAttict
Shared on G+: https://plus.google.com/107775560737547757892/posts/YiS3uhyhLGi
The 5th Wave. Thanks for the chance!
GFC: A'lina
I follow on Bloglovin' - joanaintheskywithbooks
I would like Insomnia! :)
Taken please!
gfc: brookea_2006
brookea_2006 at yahoodotcom
'Icons' look pretty good.
GFC- Krysta Banco
I would LOVE to have Through the EVer Night!! Thanks for such an incredible giveaway!!
Email - centerstagegirlyATyahooDOTcom
GFC: Erika
Bloglovin: saltsnmore at yahoo dot com
Would love to win Crown of Midnight! Thanks!
saltsnmore at yahoo dot com
following on GFC and Bloglovin (Andrea Amy)
Would love the 5th wave. Thanks for the chance :D
andrea_hockeygirl at hotmail dot com
So sorry - I also follow by GFC under the name Rachel Edmundson.
I would love The Elite.
Follow via GFC: Kenia
linda_flor019 [at] hotmail [dot] com
Thank you for the giveaway! :)
Hi! I follow you via GFC and would love the Elite :)
Thank you for the chance! :)
bunnysmip (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I shared on Twitter :)
another great contest! i'd love to win the fifth wave!!!
I would love The 5 Wave!
GFC follower: Brianne
Email: brianne.libby@maine.edu
GFC: Leeanna
The 5th Wave!
GFC as Stacy T.
I would pick The 5th Wave!
the imagine tree at aol dot com
oh I am not sure..maybe siege and storm
GFC Froggy
I've love to read SIEGE AND STORM! I heard that it was a great read!
GFC and Bloglovin' : Anastasia Loveay
Followed on Twitter: @pages_of_books
Shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/pages_of_books/status/354394317340688384
GFC - Sherry S.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
Tweeted - https://twitter.com/SStrode/status/354413619783548928
sstrode at scrtc dot com
I'd love The 5th Wave! :)
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/annebelcon/status/354464867710812160
GFC: Anne Consolacion
I'd love to win THE 5th WAVE! Thanks for the great giveaway :D
GFC: iLuvReadingTooMuch
iliveforreading AT hotmail DOT com
I have to choose??
I read INSOMNIA and loved it.
I'd like to read TAKEN.
The elite off cookiesmasher5@yahoo.com
I would be thrilled with any of these books, but I think my first choice would be Phoenix. I prefer print books, by am fine with ebooks too.
GFC follower - Karen Arrowood
BlogLovin' follower - msakma
Thank you for participating in this hop!!
I'd love a paperback copy of Through the Ever Night. Thank you for the chance!
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
think i might like siege and storm, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com
I follow by GFC: Natasha D
I would love Dark Triumph.
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
I would love an ecopy of Through the Ever Night
Follow by GFC: Stephanie Huff
Thanks for the chance!
GFC Follower: Isa
I would love to read The Fifth Wave. Thank you for the giveaway and enjoy your week! :)
GFC: Stephanie
I would pick a pre-order of either Crown of Midnight or The Bitter Kingdom. Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC: Gisele Alvarado
I would like Dark Triumph, pleasee
GFC: christeeny
I'd love to win either Crown of Midnight or The Bitter Kingdom :)
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/teenysez/status/354772564163297280
teenysez at gmail dot com
GFC: Gabbie johnson
I'd love THE ELITE! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win the 5th Wave!
Bloglovin as Misty Rios
I would so love Unbreakable
GFC follower- Jolene and family
tweeted- https://twitter.com/joleneallcock/status/354786969500397569
I would pick Unbreakable. Thanks for the giveaway.
GFC Marlene Breakfield
Bloglovin' Marlene Breakfield
tweeted https://twitter.com/mbreakfield/status/354793760976150529
I would pick Fifth Wave.
GFC - Alyce
akreese at hotmail dot com
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