Upcoming Agent Spotlight Interviews & Guest Posts

  • Sally Kim Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/26/2025
  • Etsy Loveing-Downes Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/7/2025
  • Carey Blankenship-Kramer Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/21/2025
  • Rebecca Eskildsen Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/23/2025
  • Analía Cabello Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 5/14/2025
  • Isabel Lineberry Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 5/21/2025

Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.


Today I’m thrilled to be part of the Stuck In A Good Book Giveaway Hop hosted by I Am A Reader Not A Writer and Stuck in Books. This is my opportunity to spotlight fantastic books and to say thanks to you all for being awesome followers.

I’ve picked books I’ve either loved or am dying to read. I hope you like the choices. Click on the book title to read a blurb from Goodreads.





To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment telling me what book you want by September 25th. I’ll announce the winner on September 30th. If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, please leave it in the comments.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. You must be 13 or older to enter. International entries are welcome as long as you live where The Book Depository ships for free.

Here’s what’s coming up:

On Monday I’m interviewing debut author Peggy Eddleman and giving away an ARC of SKY JUMPERS, her fantastic upper grade middle grade post- apocalyptic story. I haven’t seen any post-apocalyptic middle grade stories and I really enjoyed reading about Hope, a girl who thinks she has no talents because she’s not good at inventing like everyone else in her small town.

Next Wednesday I’m interviewing Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson and giving away a copy of STARBOUNDERS, a MG sci-fi adventure story that sounds like it’ll really appeal to boys as well as girls.

The following Monday I’m interviewing a sixth grader in a writing club for my ASK THE EXPERT series and giving away a copy of THE DREAM THIEVES and ORLEANS.

Thursday that week I’m interviewing Meagan Spooner as part of her SKYLARK blog tour. This is the second book in her Skylark dystopian series. I can’t wait to read this and have Meagan share with us all. And there will be a giveaway too.

The following Monday I’m interviewing debut author Mindy McGinnis and giving away an ARC of her YA post-apocalyptic story NOT A DROP TO DRINK about a world with little water. I loved that this was a really character driven story that had a contemporary feel to it.

And don't forget our Tuesday Tips and Casey's Thursday agent spotlights.

Hope to see you on Monday!

And here's the rest of the awesome blogs participating in this Giveaway Hop:


TayteH said...

GFC: TayteH

I'd love Allegiant

Anonymous said...

Dream Thieves, please! Dying for it. Please, please! Heading to twitter to tweet . . . thanks.

Anonymous said...

Oh, email is bdoglee@gmail.com. Thank you.

Kathryn T said...

Well I will probably pre order Allegiant myself so All My Yesterdays I think, have noticed a lot about it around on blogs.
Follower on Bloglovin

Jocelyn Rish said...

Pretty much all those books are on my wish list right now, but I think I'll pick All My Yesterdays. Thanks!

Unknown said...

GFC: Krizia Almiranez
Book: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
Email: krizia_kmga06(at)yahoo(dot)com
btw, thanks for this awesome giveaway! :D

Unknown said...

Shared it on twitter! :)
Email: krizia_kmga06(at)yahoo(dot)com

Carl Scott said...

Wow, amazing list, I want almost all of them. If I had to pick one right now it would be The Dream Thieves. Thanks for the giveaway, it would be great to win.
I follow your blog by email: carlscott(at)prodigy(dot)net(dot)mx
I also tweeted about the giveaway: https://twitter.com/carlrscott/status/380923495242145792 Thanks again!

skyduck said...

All are good choice! :)
I think I'll pick The Burning Sky :)

Unknown said...

Woohoo! I'd love Allegiant or Scarlet. :)

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/annebelcon/status/380926580106600448

GFC: Anne Consolacion
anne.j2 (at) gmail.com

Mighty Knitting Chick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'd like to win Allegiant or All Our Yesterdays. I follow via GFC (Mighty Knitting Chick) and via email (soniagcantu at yahoo dot com)

Unknown said...

I'm a gfc follower-erma hurtt and I'd love All our Yesterdays.

Unknown said...

Liking and Sharing:



Thanks for the chance.
Say Yap

Gaby Pendragon said...

GFC follower: Gaby Pendragon
I'd pick The Burning Sky :)

_Sandra_ said...

I would probably choose either Allegiant or All Our Yesterdays. Thanks for a giveaway! :)

* following via GFC - Sandra K
* email - sandra.zg.13 @ gmail.com
* tweet - https://twitter.com/_Sandra_R_/status/380967613846650880
* google+ - https://plus.google.com/107598100375357110332/posts/754BmDxjHBP

Majer Gabriella said...

I would pick the coldest girl in coldtown by Holly Black

I'm a GFC follower: Majer Gabriella
I also posted on Facebook about the giveaway:

Enbrethiliel said...


I would love to read All Our Yesterdays! Thanks for the chance to win it. =)

My e-mail address is on my Blogger profile, and yes, I'm a GFC follower!

miki said...

such great choice i would want scorched or crown of midnight
thank you a lot


Unknown said...

I would love to win Allegiant. Thanks for this awesome giveaway.

GFC Follower : Amel Armeliana

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

GFC as Abby


reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

Jeann @ Happy Indulgence said...

I would love the Coldest Girl In Coldtown :)

GFC Follower: Jeannius


makix3 said...

I'd love Allegiant! :]

GFC: Marijana Sitar
marijana dot sitar at yahoo dot com

Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

You are such a busy lady. I don't know how you have time to do it all - but I'm glad you do. :-)

(No giveaway for me even thought the books look AWESOME!)

Jemi Fraser said...

Another amazing giveaway!!
My daughter just finished the first 2 in the Divergent series and is dying for #3 (me too!) so I'd love Allegiant if I win :)

Patchi said...

Great selections! I'm going to try again for All Our Yesterdays :)
Thanks for hosting!

Beth said...

Awesome giveaway, Natalie. Hope you have a great weekend!

Ginger Johnson said...

Dream Thieves! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Joni said...

I'm so excited for Crown of Midnight- sign me up for that one, please! (Though Siege and Storm comes an oh-so close second choice...) Thanks for the giveaway! ^.^


Danielle H. said...

I love Maggie Stiefvater--Dream Thieves for my choice! Thank you for the giveaway!

Texas Book Lover said...

What a tough choice but I think I'll pick Allegiant!

Thanks so much!

GFC: Texas Book Lover
mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com

tweet: https://twitter.com/TexasBookLover/status/381030312483905536

Rebekah said...

Looking forward to your interview of Peggy Eddleman on Monday! Sign me up for an ARC of SKY JUMPERS! Thanks!


Two Tall Tales said...

I would like Allegiant (or Crown at Midnight :P )
Thanks you for the giveaway!!

New follower: GfC Two-Tall-Tales
Bloglovin: Brenna Wildung

Shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TripleTNerds/status/381032072082505728


May said...

crown of midnight! :)

under gfc, maybe31
tweeted: https://twitter.com/MayPau531/status/381052509277540354

Imel Cullen said...

GFC : Imel Cullen

I would pick Allegiant by Veronica Roth

tweet share : https://twitter.com/imellicious/status/381064801155162112

email : caramellicious03 (at) gmail (dot) com

S.P. Bowers said...

Lots of good books to choose from. Put me down for Scarlet.

Unknown said...

I follow at GFC and Bloglovin (Luisa Freiheit)
I would pick Crown of Midnight, cause I've only seen great reviews of it.
E-mail: luhfreiheit (at)gmail (dot)com

Kel said...

I've been looking forward to reading All Our Yesterdays since I read your interview with the author and would definitely love a copy.

Email: kmpeterson89 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Siege and Storm :)

Anonymous said...


Lea Krnjeta said...

I follow in bloglovin. And I cant decide between Crown of midnight and Siege and storm.


Rachna Chhabria said...

I would love All our Yesterdays. All the books are awesome. Its a difficult choice.

Unknown said...

GFC Follower: Beth DeRenzis

I'd probably pick The Coldest Girl in Coldtown.
Thanks so much for the giveaway!

kyoto.now at gmail dot com

Rosi said...

Wow. This is incredible. I would love to read Dark Triumph. Thanks for a chance to win.

Sabrina said...

I can't choose! Allegiant or The Burning Sky or The Dream Thieves. At least I narrowed it down. :P

Following via GFC/Sabrina & Bloglovin/Sabrinamk

Sabrina @ I Heart Y.A. Fiction

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

Arhhhh that selection!!! How are we supposed to choose?! Haha, I can't decide between Scorched, The Burning Sky, All Our Yesterdays and Dark Triumph!

Followed via GFC. :)

AshleighSwerdfeger said...

Follower on bloglovin: Oh I can't decide: Scorched, The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, Scarlett, Allegiant, Crown of midnight or All our Yesterdays

AshleighSwerdfeger said...

Mentioned on twitter: https://twitter.com/AshleighSwerdfe/status/381102253945274368

jpetroroy said...

I'd love a copy of The Coldest Girl in Coldtown!

Unknown said...

I am a GFC Follower: Jessica Noreault
Email is:
Shinyxoxmuffins (at) gmail (dot) com

I want all of these books.
I am not even kidding...
Excluding the seige and storm (I've still not finished the first one), every single one is on my wishlist.

Uhm if I had to choose three, Scarlet, The Crown of Midnight, and the Bitter Kingdom. Scarlet because I finished the fist AGES ago and still haven't gotten it. The last two because I literally (with in the last two days) just finished the books prior to them and they are both hard pressed on my mind begging to be bought but I don't get money for another two weeks so I must wait. :(

If I win though, I will just...randomly draw a name from a hat or something...lol.

Beth said...

Siege and Storm
GFC-Bethany Nelson
dez3b@yahoo.com is preferred e-mail

Juana said...

GFC - Juana Esparza

Book choice: The Dream Thieves

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

Darcus said...

I would choose Through The Ever Night

GFC: Darcus
mysticsandmoonbeams @ hotmail . com

Unknown said...

GFC: Antonia Jujnović

My choice is Crown of Midnight! Thanks!

tweet: https://twitter.com/Jujnovic/status/381111023605784576

Leeanna said...

GFC: Leeanna
Bloglovin: Leeannadotme
Email: maurapedia @ gmail.com

Through the Ever Night - loved the first, but never got to reading the second.

Abigail Johnson said...

follow via GFC

Ashley E said...

So many good choices! I'd go with Scarlet.

GFC: Ashley Van Buren

Cali W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I like Scarlet or Allegiant. <3
GFC: Cali Willette

Unknown said...

email: bluebear_star@yahoo.com

I'd love to win Allegiant =]
thanks for the giveaway

Mervi said...

I'd like Dark Triumph. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
GFC: Mervi Mustonen
musmekipi at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

GFC: Hippie
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/Sarah89163266/status/381146558823006209
I would love Allegiant, thanks for the giveaway!
hippiegirl12 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower through
GFC ~ Misti
Bloglovin ~Misti
Email~ Areuscared66@yahoo.com
Book~ Through The Ever Night
Tweet ~ https://twitter.com/MistiSomething/status/381154765654081536

Facebook post ~ https://www.facebook.com/MistiSumthing/posts/530847490324778

Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Fallon Vaughn - joefallon1@yahoo.com I would love to get The Burning Sky and my second choice would be Through The Ever Night. Bloglovin Fallon Vaughn - I shared on twitter @FallonVaughn and on facebook as well Fallon Vaughn

Lisamarie said...

So many good ones to choose from.....The Burning Sky


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'll plug the giveaway again in my Monday post!

Maureen said...

I follow on GFC - Maureen

I would pick The Burning Sky

mce1011 AT aol DOT com

Vera Machado said...

I would choose Allegiant by Veronica Roth.

GFC: Vera Machado
Email: ofg_cs_vm@hotmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/veritas_m/status/381189647868518401
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/veramachado89/posts/10151846197463150

Thanks for the giveaway!!! :D

Vivien said...

Definitely Allegiant!!
GFC: Vivien

kellis_amberlee at yahoo dot com

sablelexi said...

Thank you for the giveaway.
I'm a GFC & Bloglovin' follower as sablelexi.
I would love to get a copy of All Our Yesterdays.

jlynettes @ hotmail . com

Library Lady said...

GFC follower Library Lady
I'd like Siege and Storm.
adsanders77 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

gfc meliss crisp
I would like Scarlet please.

Unknown said...

I would love Scorched, The Burning Sky, or All Our Yesterdays! They all look so amazingly good!

Unknown said...

GFC Jacklin updegraft

magic5905 said...

gfc-magic5905 I would love Allegiant. Thanks.

laceyblossom said...

GFC: laceyblossom
I'd love The Dream Thieves!
Thanks for the great giveaway :)

Brenda said...

I would love The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, it looks like a perfect book for Halloween. I also tweeted https://mobile.twitter.com/LogCabinLibrary/status/381248924121440256
Thanks for all the wonderful book selections and have a wonderful weekend.

sarah said...

All the books listed are ones I want to read:) but I would have to choose Allegiant if I won, I need to know how it ends!
GFC sarah kozlowski

a pile of good things said...

Would love All Our Yesterdays!! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Bloglovin: Claira Vo

Mary Holm said...

You make this hard. I want them all. But if I have to choose one, I guess it would be Siege and Storm.

I tweeted about it and blogged about it here:

My email is worddance8(at)aol(dot)com

Thank you!

Ashfa said...

I'd love to get my hands on Allegiant!
GFC- Ashfa Anwer
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/TopsyTurvy_Ash/status/381290823226118144

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i want to win THE BURNING SKY..
thx u so much ^^

GFC : nurmawati djuhawan
tweet : https://twitter.com/chiko_jubilee/status/381294728135712769

-nurmawati djuhawan-
chiko_jubilee at yahoo dot com

Lori M. Lee said...

Oh goodness, how does one even pick? Aaaah Crown of Midnight! :)

Mary Preston said...

SCARLET looks great thank you.

GFC: Mary Preston

Email Subscriber:


G K said...


kstewownsme at hotmail dot com

G K said...

Mentioned on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HiddenDarkness4/status/381351732858458112

Zemira said...

GFC: Zemira Djedović
Twitter: @Zemmy89
Email: zemmy_lifehouse@yahoo.com
Book: Allegiant or The Burning SKy
Tweet: https://twitter.com/Zemmy89/status/381365770912923648

Chris Desson said...

Wow. This is an impressive list of books. I'll pick Holly Black's THE COLDEST GIRL IN COLDTOWN.

Chris Desson said...

My tweet on twitter.

Nara said...

Following by GFC: naralee94
Tweet: https://twitter.com/greengp01/status/381376111407427584

I'd choose either Siege and Storm or The Burning Sky!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Helen Ní Uiginn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helen Ní Uiginn said...

I'd love to win Scarlet!

K said...

I would love Dream Thieves. :)

Videoclimber said...

I would pick All Our Yesterdays. I follow on GFC and BL.

Dewi said...

I'd like Alegiant by Veronica Roth since I'm curious to read the ending :D

I've shared in twitter : https://twitter.com/tintedgals/status/381449931401072640
and follow via email : zatinenzer(at)yahoo(dot)com

Thanks for the giveaway

Diana_Dimovska said...

I would love to win The Burning Sky, thanks! :)

GFC and Bloglovin - Diana Dimovska
email - dianadimovska1(at)gmail(dot)com

tweet link - https://twitter.com/Diana_Dimovska/status/381453403362054145

Janhvi said...

I'd love Dark Triumph :)

GFC follower- Janhvi Jagtap
email follower- justjanhvi@gmail.com


Crystal Collier said...

Let's see, am I a follower here? ;)

Some AWESOME titles here. I've read quite a few, but would totally love Seige and Storm or The Dream Thieves.

Yay for givewaways!

Kiku said...

All Our Yesterdays (:
Bloglovin follower - Kristina Vallaste
email - kurri121 AT hotmail DOT com
Tweet - https://twitter.com/Deemotay/status/381480108373966848

Unknown said...

I would love to have Crown of Midnight or the Bitter Kingdom:)
I Followed on GFC (Farah Khalaf)email and Facebook and here's my tweet:
Thanks for the giveaway!
and here's my email just in case:

Eisen said...

Thanks for having the giveaway! I hope to win "The Coldest Girl in Coldtown" by Holly Black. I tweeted about the giveaway too:
Merci :)

Unknown said...

GFC: hm7213

I would love Scarlet.


Gaby said...

I would love Allegiant (Divergent #3)by Veronica Roth

GFC as Gaby

Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=617958514891959&id=604475029573641

gaby891 at yahoo dot com

Michelle said...

I would love to win Allegiant by Veronica Roth. My GFC is Michelle N & my email is chellersn@yahoo.ca
Thanks for the giveaway!
I also shared on Twitter.

Unknown said...

I would love either Allegiant or Scorched, I hope i can make a decision if I win!
I followed with GFC: red_tigergirl2
my email is: red_tigergirl2(at)hotmail(dot)com

Stephanie Garber said...

You have the best taste in book, Natalie!

I would love to read ALLEGIANT. I can't wait for that book to come out!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

sngarber (at) gmail (dot) com

Tabby Williams said...

I follow via email at jeep_wrangler_girl@yahoo.com

I would love to win Scorched by Mari Mancusi! Thank you for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

GFC-Alicia Lopez

Thanks for the giveaway.

Jaime Lester said...

Thank you for the giveaway!
GFC- Jaime Lynn


Jazmen said...

GFC Follower.

Unknown said...

GFC: Debbie W.
Bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/petalxrain
Tweet: https://twitter.com/bookscoffee10/status/381598729729351680

I'd choose Crown of Midnight since I couldn't put it down.

xsweeteternityx (at) hotmail (dot) com

Ellisa said...

GFC - Ellisa
daesungie at gmail dot com

I think I'd choose Siege and Storm!

Thank you for the giveaway ^^

Liss Martz said...

Blogloving: Lissette Martinez

Oh!! Thank you so much for this giveaway is awesome! So many amazing books but I'd choose Scarlet. I just loved Cinder it's my new favorite book, so I need the next book right now!
lissette_125 AT hotmail DOT com
Thanks, again :)

Holly Bryan said...

These are all great choices, but I would especially love to have DARK TRIUMPH by RL LaFevers! Thank you for participating in this year's hop. I tweeted the contest at https://mobile.twitter.com/hmbryan/status/381616683406082048.
Thanks again!

Holly Bryan said...

Forgot to say that I AM a blog follower, pretty much every way you offer :) but let's pick Bloglovin: hollymbryan

Tina said...

I'd love to win The Dream Thieves! Not too sure if my email is up so...

My email is in my "info" box I think, if not, please tell me :)

mk said...

I'm dying to read Allegiant so if I win that's what I want.
GFC: Marti@SBBCreviews
email: bymyself.g AT gmail DOT com

Gigi said...

GFC: Gisele Alvarado
I'd like Allegiant, please!

Carina Olsen said...

Awesome giveaway sweetie :D Thank you for the chance to win. <3 I think I would love to win Schorced :D

Unknown said...

I follow via blog lovin: Mippyfoofalina
And I'd love: Scarlet :)

Dovile said...

I'd love to read Through the Ever night.

GFC follower - Dovile

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Unknown said...

I'd like to read Scarlet. Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC Ashtrie Karana Putrie
shinigami_light @ ymail. com

Unknown said...

GFC : fatlouie_

I'd love to read Allegiant or Scarlet.
Thanks :)

Unknown said...

I would love either All Our Yesterdays or The Coldest Girl In Coldtown! :)
Follow on Bloglovin' - joanaintheskywithbooks

Unknown said...

Would LOVE to have Allegiant!!! <3

GFC Terri Matlock
Oklahomamommy0306 at gmail.com

Veronika said...

GFC: Veronika
+email subscriber

I would probably choose Allegiant.

verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

Renee G said...

Follow as Renee G on GFC and would love to read THE DREAM THIEVES.

Anonymous said...

I'd like Through the ever night.
GFC: paula
botezatu_paula at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

GFC: Medeia Sharif

I would love Allegiant.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win Scarlet.

bookwormsusanna AT gmail DOT com

Bewitched reader said...

They all are AWESOME choices!! It would be either “ALL OUR YESTERDAYS” or “SCORCHED”. Thank you so much for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

Email: livvie_v@yahoo.com
Shared on:
Bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/lisavazquezanzua7
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/lisavaz73/status/381910300703735808
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/108833894081978055369/posts/UBAdAq6mBJF
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.vazquezanzua/posts/645363372151484

iLuvReadingTooMuch said...

Thanks for the amazing giveaway! I would love to win Allegiant :)

GFC: iLuvReadingTooMuch


Lisa Mandina said...

I follow on GFC as Lisa Mandina, and I'd love to win Dark Triumph, I loved the first book, and am still waiting to read the 2nd.

Jill the OWL said...

Allegiant of course!!!

themgowl at gmail dot com

i*Heart*BigBooks said...

I'd love Allegiant! Thanks for the opportunity!
following via bloglovin - iheartbigbooks

iheartbigbooks (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/centerstagemom/status/382115132534300672

GFC: Rachel Edmundson

Preferred email: centerstagegirly AT yahoo DOT com

Book: Allegiant


Gwen Gardner said...

I can't wait for Allegiant!

Anubha said...

I want scarlet

gfc: anubha

Lis said...

I'm dying to read Allegiant!
GFC: Lis
sahred: https://twitter.com/NoxInvictus7/status/382283476084326400
lis.krkmo5 at gmail.com

Alisia said...

GFC: Alisia
Id pick Allegiant!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
nightsky1102 at gmail dot com

Alexju said...

GFC: Alexju
I would love to win Crown of Midnight. Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

GFC/BL: Diah Didi
Tweet: https://twitter.com/himitsume/status/382366741726109697
thank you!

LavenderSage said...

Name: Anna Napolitano
Book: The Dream Thieves
e-mail: anapolitano416@live.com
shared on twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnaMNapolitano/status/382369251161407488

Bregje said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to read All our yesterdays.

Bloglovin': Decibel
E-maild: donotfeedthefears@gmail.com

Koll said...

I'd love to read Siege and Storm :) Thanks for the giveaway :)


Unknown said...


Bethany said...

the burning sky or allegiant! definitely!


Zarah Essa said...

I'd pick Allegiant by veronica roth!
GFC: Zarah Essa
I also mentioned the giveaway on twitter https://twitter.com/CrossMyTees/status/382574935480078336

Alina P said...

Great choices! I'd go with SCARLET :)
GFC Alina
email: alinutza4u2004[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk

oriana said...

thanks for making this international
BL: oriana
GFC oriana

I would like to read THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT

Makaela said...

I follow on GFC & BL as Makaela.
I would love either Scorched or Dark Triumph, thanks!

Unknown said...

I really want Siege and Storm because I've just finished reading Shadow and Bone and it was Awesome! But I've be also read Cinder and love fairytales, so Scarlet has been on my list for a while. But I'd have to go for Allegiant because it's the last book in the trilogy.

Denise Z said...

Thank you for participating in this fun hop. I would love to read All our Yesterdays.
GFC Denise Zaky
tweeted: https://twitter.com/ZDz59001/status/382638284796489729

Unknown said...

I'd love a copy of The Bitter Kingdom! :D

GFC - Kayla Card
Email - gator_kayla at yahoo dot com

Ari said...

That is actually a REALLY difficult decision, but I think I'd have to go with Allegiant.

I followed via Bloglovin- Ariel Tam
Tweeted- https://twitter.com/ArielSmith24/status/382674595091738624
Email- asian2417(at)hotmail(dot)com

Danielle Schneider said...

GFC - Danielle Schneider

I would love "Scorched" by Mari Marcusi or "Allegiant" by Veronica Rossi.

Gabbie said...

GFC: Gabbie Johnson

I would love Allegiant!

fecheerleader at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Allegiant would be my choice. :)

bgraves81 (at) gmail (dot) com

Alie said...

GFC: Natalie Field
sugarflourflavour (at) outlook (dot) com

I'd pick Allegiant

Kenia said...

GFC: Kenia
I would choose Allegiant.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
linda_flor019 [at] hotmail [dot] com

Thais Pampado said...

GFC: Thais
I'd like The Coldest Girl In Coldtown

thais_rpc at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

GFC: lyndsey127

Either Scarlet or The Coldest Girl in Coldtown!


Unknown said...

GFC: Stephanie Huff
I would love to win Through the Ever Night! I really enjoyed Under the Never Sky!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

snhoveln (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I follow by bloglovin.
saltsnmore at yahoo dot com
Thank you! Would love to win Allegiant!

Steph said...

Awesome choices! I would pick Allegiant!!
GFC Follower: Stephanie

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