Upcoming Agent Spotlight Interviews & Guest Posts

  • Jim Averbeck Agent Spotlight Interview on 2/17/2025
  • Reiko Davis Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 2/24/2025
  • Shari Maurer Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/17/2025
  • Amy Thrall Flynn Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/24/2025
  • Sally Kim Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/26/2025

Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.


Hi Everyone! Today I want to share an exciting new feature I’ll be starting and get some advice from you all. And I’m doing a huge giveaway to promote the books of our fantastic followers.

First, I’ve been feeling bad that I can’t contribute to all the cover reveals and book release news for many of our self-published followers. As you know, I don’t really do cover reveal posts and tend to get booked up with posts months in advance which makes it hard to join blog tours for book releases. Plus with self-published authors releasing more than one book a year (and I know this is important for self-published authors), I couldn’t promote all the books. But I do want to help more.

So first I want to share a new feature I’ll be starting. It’s Follower News and will be at the top of my Monday posts. I got this idea from Alex Cavanaugh’s Ninja News and asked him if it was okay to do this. He was kind enough to say yes. If you don’t follow Alex’s blog, I highly recommend you do. I made a lot of great friends through his community of blogger friends. You can find his blog HERE.

So if you have a cover reveal, book release news, agent news, or book signing news, and are a regular follower, I’m glad to post a small blurb about it on Mondays. I’ll be posting like Alex does. For example, for a cover reveal, I’d post a small cover with one or two sentences about the author and the book.
This will be for regular followers only. It doesn’t mean you have to stop by and comment on all our posts. But it is for people who come by regularly. I read all the comments so I have a good idea who are regular followers are. E-mail me at natalieiaguirre7@gmail.com by the Thursday before you want your news posted. I’ll try to keep my eyes out for it too.

Next I need some advice on how best to help you given what I feel I can offer. I’m planning on a every other month feature on Mondays for now. Because the other thing going on is that I’ll be cutting down my blogging next year. It’ll be my 4th year of blogging and it’s gone from taking most of my writing time to pretty much all of it since I work full-time and have less time to write in general. Also, next year I have a lot of other things going on—taking an online course to up my skills for a career change when I’m laid off, helping Anna Li with college and scholarship searches, a job search and hopefully new job, and most likely being swim mom for the high school swim team next fall. So I’ll be blogging on Mondays and hopefully no more than 2 Wednesdays a month and doing my monthly book giveaway hops. And I want to take some weeks off. I’ve only taken two weeks off this year.

So I could do more of these big giveaways. Or I could feature 3-4 authors with a few questions each. Or I could reserve that for a self-published author’s blog tour. Personally, I like one of the first two choices best because I can spotlight more authors and their books. And it wouldn’t mean I’d never join a blog tour. But I want to be sure I do this in a way we all enjoy and think helps the most. So share your advice in the comments. And give me some ideas of authors you’d like me to promote. I’m looking for middle grade, YA and NA authors. My next post will be on Wednesday January 15th because I already set some of the schedule for next year before I thought of this. That month I want to feature some of our newer followers and friends who I haven’t featured yet. But I’m looking for ideas for my posts starting in March.

So here are the awesome authors and their books I chose to spotlight this time. While I’m planning to share about MG, YA, and a few NA books in the future, I’m going to add adult books today because I have a few fantastic followers who are writing adult books. Click on the titles for a blurb of the books from Goodreads. I wanted to include blurbs of all the books but it would make the post too long.

This is a space fantasy that includes three novelettes.

Cherie Reich is a speculative fiction author living in Virginia. For more information, please visit her website at http://cheriereich.webs.com.

 A CHANGE OF PLANS by Donna Weaver. This is an adult romantic adventure story set on a cruise.

Donna Weaver is the author of adventure romance A Change of Plans with Emerald Arch Publishing. Army veteran, karate black belt, Harry Potter nerd. You can find Donna at:

THE MISTAKEN by Nancy Thompson. This is an adult thriller that involves the Mafia.

Nancy S. Thompson is a California transplant currently living in Seattle, Washington with her husband of 23 years, their son, a student at Seattle University, their giant snow dog, Jack, and his kitty, Skye. She works as a freelance editor for her publisher and writer friends and also has her own interior design business within the model home merchandising industry. You can find Nancy at:

THEY ALL FALL DOWN by Angela Brown. This is a YA paranormal story and includes a hot love story.

Author Angela Brown is a lover of Wild Cherry Pepsi and chocolate/chocolate covered delicious-ness. Steampunk, fantasy and paranormal to contemporary - mostly young adult - fill her growing library of books and list of story ideas. Single mom to a rambunctious girl aptly nicknamed Chipmunk, life stays busy.

They All Fall Down buy links:

You can also find Angela at:

Angela Brown in Pursuit of Publishness
Angela L Brown writes

ALLIGATORS OVERHEAD by C. Lee McKenzie. This is middle grade story that includes alligators, witche and a spooky mansion.

C. Lee McKenzie is a published author: Sliding on the Edge is a cross-generational story that tackles the issue of cutting and suicide. The Princess of Las Pulgas is a story about a girl who has everything, and then suddenly almost nothing. Alligators Overhead is my first Middle Grade fantasy, but I hope it won't be my last; I'm already working on the sequel.

THE SECRET OF SPRUCE KNOLL by Heather McCorkle. This is a YA urban fantasy.

Heather is the author of the paranormal Earth-conscious channeler series: Born of Fire (FREE novella), The Secret of Spruce KnollChanneler's ChoiceRise of a Rector, the historical fantasy, To Ride A Puca, and the epic fantasy The Dragon Empire. Heather also has stories in the following anthologies: In His Eyes (FREE) and Winter Wonders. You can find her on her blog, or website

CHAMPION IN THE DARKNESS by Tyrean Martinson This is a YA fantasy with a teenage girl who's trying to become a master swordswoman.

Tyrean Martinson lives and writes in the Pacific Northwest, encouraged by her multi-talented husband and daughters. She loves to laugh, bicycle, ski, teach, read, and write. You can find her online at:

Tyrean's Writing Spot -  http://tyreanswritingspot.blogspot.com/
Twitter - @TyreanMartinson

BUTTERMAN (TIME) TRAVEL, INC. by P.K. Hrezo. This is an YA/NA time travel story.

PK Hrezo writes NA and YA speculative fiction and can be found here:

PK HREZO can be found at:

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/PKHrezo  @pkhrezo
Website http://down-the-rabbithole.com/

THE FAERIE GUARDIAN by Rachel Morgan. This is a YA urban fantasy involving faeries protecting humans from dangerous magical creatures.

Rachel Morgan lives in South Africa where she spends most of her time creating fictional worlds for young adults.

When she isn't writing, she's reading (duh!), catching up on addictive TV series, and baking things that almost always include chocolate.

 A SPY LIKE ME by Laura Pauling. This is a YA spy story set in Paris.

Laura Pauling is the author of the exciting Circle of Spies Series and the time travel mystery, Heist. She writes to entertain and experience a great story…and be able to work in her pajamas and slippers.

A GUILTY GHOST SURPRISED by Gwen Gardner. This is a YA ghost story and includes a mystery that must be solved.

Gwen Gardner is a native Californian living in sunny San Diego, where her love of reading and writing led to a BA in English literature. Life is now complete with her husband, two dogs and a daily call from her daughter.

You can find Gwen at:

 So I’m giving away a e-book of all these books. There will be 10 winners. A special thanks to C. Lee McKenzie, Nancy Thompson, Donna Weaver, Angela Brown,, Tyrean Martinson, Cherie Reich, PK Hrezo, Gwen Gardner, and Rachel Morgan for donating an e-book for a giveaway and enabling me to offer all these books for a giveaway.

To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment telling me your three top books you’d like to win and sharing your advice on my question through November 30th. I’ll announce the winner on December 2nd. If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, please leave it in the comments.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. You must be 13 or older to enter. International entries are welcome.

Here’s what’s coming up:

On Friday I'll be doing a Gratitude Giveaway Hop. I'll have lots of great choices of YA books I've either read or am dying to read.

Next Monday I’m interviewing debut author and follower Crystal Collier and giving away a copy of MOONLESS,, her fantasy she describes as “Jane Eyre meets supernatural.”

Then next Wednesday I’m interviewing Jean Alicia Elster and giving away a copy of THE COLORED CAR, a historical novel about an African American girl’s journey from the North to the South one summer in the Depression era. It sounds like a fantastic story.

And don't forget our Tuesday Tips and Casey's Thursday agent spotlights.

Hope to see you on Friday!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

An amazing collection of books! Don't enter me, as I already have them.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Thanks so much, Natalie! Already blogged and included a link here. Will now tweet and FB.

Laura Pauling said...

Thank you!!! And feel no guilt about not being able to promote everyone. That's not your job. :) And there are so many new authors and new books on a regular basis that it could take over a blog. If you love to write, then blogging shouldn't take up that time! Protect your time like a bear would her cub!

Stina said...

I love this new feature and your idea, Natalie, to do cover reveals on Mondays ala Alex's format. I tried to do cover reveals for people in a NA FB group I'm in, but then I ended up having to post several times a week. I was trying to cut back on blogging not and not blog more. In the end, I had to remove my name off the list since I have a hard time saying no. XOX for all the support you give authors, no matter which path they choose.

Gwen Gardner said...

Thanks for featuring me, Natalie. I'd like to donate an ebook, too (looks like there's a space between two of those commas for my name, lol). I like the second idea, "Or I could feature 3-4 authors with a few questions each." That'd give us a good mish-mash of what other authors are doing. Sounds like you have a lot of changes coming up - exciting times!

Kel said...

The idea of giving back to/featuring followers is a really nice one. As far as the best blogging schedule next year, honestly, do whatever's most comfortable for you. Regardless of what we want/like (mostly MG/YA is my preference ^^), you're the one who has to schedule and write everything. Pick a schedule/system that works well for you and don't worry. Life happens. Good luck with the online course and the job hunt! :)

Tyrean Martinson said...

Thank you Natalie!!! I agree with Laura - protect your writing time, enjoy life, and do what you think works best for your schedule! You have a busy, engaged life and that is awesome.
I like the mish-mash idea, but again . . . your choice, your blog, your writing time.
Best wishes with all!!
And again, thank you.

Johanna Garth said...

Hi Natalie,

I love your idea of supporting indie authors in that way. I might follow your example because I have a hard time keeping track of the numerous cover reveals, books releases and generally exciting news provided by the writing community...yet I really want to be supportive.

Patchi said...

I think the follower feature is a great idea and if the goal is to spotlight as many authors as possible then the large giveaways are the best. This post has a great collection of titles, and I was only familiar with a few of them.

And do focus on your writing. I found that even typing a hundred words on my phone while my son is at tutoring is enough to get me going on a scene. Best of luck with your busy year :)

Brenda said...

It sounds like you've come up with some wonderful ideas to balance blogging with writing time. Whatever seems to work best will certain be the right path. Best wishes with all the things you have planned coming up.

Beth Hull said...

I rarely comment but stop by fairly regularly. The posts that most interest me are writers writing about - writing! Giveaways don't interest me much.

S.P. Bowers said...

You need to take time for your own writing. You do so much for the writing community. I like the giveaways, (put me in for A Change of Plans, The Secret of Spruce Knoll, or A Spy Like me) But I also really like the idea of doing smaller spotlights and being able to do a few authors at a time.

Whatever you decide I'll keep coming back!

Unknown said...

Thank you for promoting my book here!
Your Follower News posts sound like a great idea. I also like the idea of featuring 3 or 4 authors with a few questions each; then we get a taste of more of what's out there from writers. But whatever you decide to do, I hope you end up with more writing time and time for your other commitments! Blogging shouldn't take up all of your time!

DMS said...

Sounds like you are busy! Lots going on! Good luck reorganizing your time- it sounds like you have it thought out and you will have more time for the things you need to do. :)

I like the spotlight idea and think it will help you to help more authors.

Thanks for the giveaway! WOW! Lots of those books are on my TBR list. I did read Alligators Overhead and loved it. :) My top three: Butterman, The Secret of Spruce Knoll, and Cherie's Gravity trilogy.


Anonymous said...

That looks like an amazing lineup of books. This is a great way to show support to the authors.

Karen Lange said...

I think your Follower News is a great idea! It's always great to see what everyone is up to, and to cheer them on! :)

Kristin Lenz said...

You do such great work, Natalie and Casey! I know there is a lot of behind the scenes time that we don't see. Great idea to replicate Alex's idea of cover reveals here. I like your idea of featuring 3-4 authors with a few questions each - sometimes it's harder to find time to read a longer interview, but if you're interested in an author you can still go to their own website and usually see more info about their history, writing journey, etc. I'm glad you're looking ahead and trying to find a balance for yourself.

PK HREZO said...

You're a star, Natalie! This is is great of you to do. Thanks again! And I love the idea of featuring author followers, whether indie or trad. I think that's a great way to keep people involved, and should give you the content you need so it's relatively painless. I'd request the author being featured write everything up for you so it's an easy copy and paste.

(BTW Butterman Travel is actually a NA/YA and not adult, but adults can enjoy it too. ;) )

And don't feel bad about not joining tours and cover reveals, I think it would clutter up what yo have going on here already, and there are plenty of blogs out there that authors can utilize for that. You could offer guest posts to, and free up more time for other things. That way the guest poster could interact with the comments and give you a break there as well.

Thanks again for the feature today!! :D

Beth said...

Don't worry about entering me, since I'm still not reading e-books. Just wanted to leave a comment to thank you for all the work you do. You're awesome!

Cherie Reich said...

I feel guilty about not being able to promote everyone either, but we do what we can. I love the idea of a Ninja News-type feature (that's why I created my Bookworm News for once a month). I like the idea of having several authors being promoted, and it still gives your room to do the occasional blog tour too.

Thank you so much for featuring my book today! :D

J Lenni Dorner said...

I am so in love with the cover of "BUTTERMAN (TIME) TRAVEL, INC." by P.K. Hrezo.

cleemckenzie said...

I'm going to have to cut back on reveals etc., too. I'll still try to support in other ways, but it's time for me to focus on 1) my family 2) my writing. Both have taken a backseat to blogging this year. I love blogging, but I can't continue as I have. Thanks for all that you've done to support Alligators Overhead. It's my first Indie book and I've really appreciated your help.

Stephanie Garber said...

I love that you're going to do Follower News! That is a great idea--and I think it's totally awesome you want to do that.

I agree with a lot of the other commenters, as far as blogging content goes, I think you should do what works best for you--and what you're going to enjoy the most! I think my book taste is similar to yours, so I always like your interviews where you highlight and/or giveaway books that you're really excited about. I've learned about so many books through this blog. So, I'm sure whatever you decide to do will be awesome!

Nicole said...

Awesome giveaway! I love big giveaways but I also love finding out about new books and writers. I would love to read Alligators Overhead, Butterman and Champion.

Jocelyn Rish said...

Natalie, you already are an awesomely supportive blogger. And I've always suspected that you have Hermione's time turner in order to do everything that you do. I always enjoy your posts, but I'm happy to hear you'll be taking time for yourself and your writing. I think the ideas you have for scaling back sound great, and I'll also echo to do whatever works best for you. This should be fun for you, and if you're having fun, we'll be having fun, too!

zapkode.marie said...

Shared on twitter and FB page - zapkode{dot}marie{@}gmail{dot}com

Unknown said...

Thanks I am sharing on Twitter.

Unknown said...

Shared on Facebook

Unknown said...

forgot to put my email. Tammy Hudson