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  • CoCo Freeman Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 11/11/2024
  • Courtney Donovan Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 11/20/2024
  • Shannon Hassan Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 12/9/2024
  • Vicky Weber Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 12/11/2024

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  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews have been updated through the letter "K" as of 3/28/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.


Hi Everyone! Hope you're all hanging in there with all the winter weather and that you're seeing some glimmers of Spring where you live. I live in Ann Arbor and we've had record snow and cold weather this year. I'm dying for it to warm up so I can get back to walking my dog and listening to audio books while I walk.

Today I'm thrilled to participate in the Lucky is Reading Giveaway Hop hosted by StuckInBooks.  I love books and always feel grateful for all the good books I've read. And they always help get me through hard times.

I've got some great choices of both books I've read that I really enjoyed and books I'm dying to read. Click on the title to see a blurb about it from Goodreads.





One winner will win the book of their choice. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment telling me which book you want through March 21st. I’ll announce the winner on March 24th. If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, please leave it in the comments.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. You must be 13 or older to enter. International entries are welcome as long as you live where The Book Depository ships for free.

Here’s what’s coming up:

On Monday I’m interviewing debut author Christina Farley and giving away a copy of GILDED, her fantastic YA contemporary fantasy set in Korea. You really felt like you were there and I really loved this page-turner.

The following Monday I’m interviewing debut author Kristi Helvig and giving away an ARC of BURN OUT, her YA sci-fi story. It’s a great story set on Earth about Tora, who may be the only person on Earth, who really needs to leave and has to decide if she can trust the people who come knocking on her door.

Wednesday that week I’m interviewing Susan Quinn and giving away a copy of FAERY SWAP, her fantastic new MG fantasy I really enjoyed and THIRD DAUGHTER, her NA steampunk fantasy that sounds really good. Susan is a successful self-published author and she has lots of advice to share with you.

The Monday after that I’m interviewing debut author Elle Cosimano and giving away a copy of ELLE, her YA thriller that I’m really looking forward to reading.

And don’t forget Casey’s Agent Spotlights.

Hope to see you on Monday!

And here's all the other blogs participating in this Blog Hop:


Beth said...

Great giveaway! I'd love to win Into the Still Blue. Thanks for the chance!

Enbrethiliel said...


If I win, I'll pick Cress and then go out and buy a copy of Cinder to go with it! Thanks for the giveaway. =)

Psyche said...


I´ll get Into the Still Blue
Tweet Link:https://twitter.com/malynaine/status/441657297454911488

maly (dot)naine@ gmail(dot)com

miki said...

i would love Gilded
thank you a lot for this giveaway
bloglovin username: mikilectureaventure


Anastasia said...

I would love to check out "Avalon"
GFC Follower - Anastasia

Celeste said...

i would love Gilded Cress
Blogglovin follower: celescao
e-mail: celeste_257@hotmail.com
tweet: https://twitter.com/celescao/status/441676232359280641

Unknown said...

I would love Into the Still Blue. Thanks for the giveaway.
bloglovin follower: simonetsoobubbly

Patchi said...

Such a great list! I'll go with Prince of Shadows

Cali W. said...

Cress or Into the Still Blue. Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC: Cali Willette
Tweet: https://twitter.com/Cali_for_ya/status/441711160178380801

CG @ Paper Fury said...

Yay! Thanks for the giveaway. :) I think I'd go for Landry Park. I'm a follower. My Twitter handle is @NotebookSisters (I've also tweeted this for the second entry).

Vivien said...

Thanks again!!
Into the Still Blue
GFC: Vivien

kellis_amberlee at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

If i win i might pick Cress or Landry Park. thanks for the giveaway
GFC: Ashly
tweet: https://twitter.com/Book_n_go/status/441732083501645824

Carol Riggs said...

These all look good! But some of them are series and I haven't read the first ones yet. So I think I'd like to read GILDED. :) Thanks for the great giveaway!

Empty Nest Insider said...

I agree that these all sound wonderful. Since I'm a huge fan of Downton Abbey, Landry Park would top my list. Thanks for sharing this incredible giveaway!


holdenj said...

I would choose Alienated! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

I think I would probably pick Ignite Me.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!
GFC: Beth DeRenzis
kyoto.now at gmail dot com

DMS said...

So many of these are on my TBR list- but I would pick Gilded. :) What a wonderful giveaway to help us through the last of winter. I am ready for spring and my dog is missing our long walks. Hope you get some nice weather soon! :)

Thanks again.
haightjess at gmail dot com.
Old follower- GFC: Jess Haight

DMS said...

Oh- and I tweeted. :)

Marianne @ Boricuan Bookworms said...

I'd LOVE Prince of Shadows :)

email: marianne1 (at) onelinkpr (dot) net

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Rosi said...

Wow. Shannon's new book, Let the Storm Break, or The Coldest Girl in Town would be great. Thanks for running this.

TayteH said...

I'd love Cress. Thank you!
GFC: TayteH
thunter_5 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

Into the Still Blue or Ignite Me. My email is wallace71 at mctc dot com.

skyduck said...

There's no snow in my place, it's all hot or raining until flooding. Really wish to go to place where there's snow :D

Thank you for the giveaway, I would love to get Cress :D
follow by email : skyikao[at]gmail[dot]com

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Landry Park. Thank you for the giveaway! :)

GFC Follower: Maricris Dimla
Email: kj_cris(at)yahoo(dot)com
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/icrisdimla/status/441810141256491008

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I'd love to win Ignite me. ♥
Email: say_yap@ymail.com

Maidenveil said...

count me in! GFC follower. I'd love to win for Defy.

tweeted: https://twitter.com/readerhappy/status/441831064248389632


The Pen and Ink Blogspot said...

They all look like book candy that wants me.

Unknown said...

I would absolutely love to read Avalon.
GFC - Brittany McDonald

Alexandra Perchanidou said...

Glided or Landry Park. Here's where i have mentioned the giveaway:

Britt said...

I would love to win Cress or Into the Still Blue. Thanks for being on this hop!!
my email is Brittersweet83@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this. I'd pick Landry Park. sharif(at)sharifwrites(dot)com.

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i want to win THE COLDEST GIRL IN TOWN..

GFC : nurmawati djuhawan

tweet : https://twitter.com/chiko_jubilee/status/441885172485464065

FB share : https://www.facebook.com/nurmawati.djuhawan/posts/10202653517111358?stream_ref=10

thx u so much ^^

chiko_jubilee at yahoo dot com

mariska said...

Wooow! Great choice of books! I think I will choose IGNITE ME.
Thanks for the chance to win this.


Joni said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway! So many awesome books to chose from. I loved CRESS (her and Thorne's relationship is adorns) and GILDED was such an adventure. I would choose LANDRY PARK please. ^^
What a schedule you have coming up! I'm looking forward to it!

Joni said...

My email just in case:


Rima said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love Ignite Me, but first have to finish Unravel Me. :)
GFC/Bloglovin: Rima

Wendy said...

I need CRESS! My book budget is busted and I need to read the third installment. wendy at wendygreenley dot com

Courtney said...

I want to win Let The Storm Break by Shannon Messenger! I loved the first book!!! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Danielle H. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I posted to Facebook. I'd love to win Let the Storm Break. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!

Sel said...

I would like to win Ignite Me!
bloglovin : stelenaswhore
Thank you for the giveaway! :)

F. Juni Ismarianto said...

I'd like to win Ready Player One!

Uh-oh, I tweeted this GA. Here the link: :http://twitter.com/storyeater/status/441949450089807872 :D

Thanks for GA! :D

Carmen said...

Thanks for doing the giveaway, Natalie!

I'd love to read Cress. I've heard so many great things about the series.

Hope you warm up in MI soon! :)


ashley said...

The Coldest Girl In Coldtown!
GFC follower ashley spencer

S. A. Soule, Creativity Coach said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I am following this blog under: @SherrySoule
I would love to read: ALIENATED

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Defy ir Cress great book selection followed you email

Mikky said...

I follow via email (Mikaella08 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Thank you for the giveaway!

If I win I'd love to have Alienated By Melissa Landers!

Feel free to contact my from the email above C:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love Let the storm Break amymays53@gmail.com

Julie S said...

Thanks for the chance!
I would love to win Ignite Me. It is on my wishlist.
Current follower. GFC Julie S.

Jeri Baird said...

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown has been on my TBR list. I'd love to win a copy! Thanks for the chance. jeribaird11(at)gmail(dot)com

Danielle said...

I think I'd go for Prince of Shadows - I've been hearing good things! Thanks for sponsoring this contest! I just signed up to follow by email at deduvick (at) gmail.com.

Unknown said...

My choice is Ignite me. Thanks!
GFC: Antonia Jujnović
tweet - https://twitter.com/Jujnovic/status/442002726709239808

Chenise Jones said...

I`d love to win Avalon! Thanks for the giveaway!


Kiku said...

Alienated! :D
GFC: Kristina Vallaste
kurri121 AT hotmail DOT com

Katie Bucklein said...

I'd love to win CRESS. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I follow GFC: Katie katt
And I also shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/KateBucklein/status/442019977000779778

Carina Olsen said...

I would love to win Landry Park, I think :D Thank you for another amazing giveaway. <3 You are the best :)
Love, Carina

Brenda said...

Wow you've selected some wonderful series! I know what you mean about wanting warmer temperatures, it wasn't until we had rain followed by ice that I finally thought Spring would be nice. I'd love to try for Defy, I've heard good things about it. And I Aldo shared on Twitter https://twitter.com/logcabinlibrary/status/442025748220882944 Thanks for hosting the awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for such a great giveaway. I would love to win Into the Still Blue. I fell in love with this series and after Through the Ever Night I am way eager to see what will happen with Perry, Roar, Aria, and the rest of the tribe.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway!
I follow you via GFC and my user is Michelle Lee.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/Me_chelleLee/status/442028883077246976
facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.lee.7106/posts/705300282825016?stream_ref=1

I would love to win CRESS by Marissa Meyer!

contact info: xxxcveaglesxxx(at)yahoo(dot)com

Julie R said...

I would love to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win! I'd love to win Alienated! I heard it was great! following on bloglovin: www.bloglovin.com/erikaaw
saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lovely choices. My choice is Alienated. I think the cover is so beautiful. I follow you through Bloglovin (Misti) & email (Areuscared66@yahoo.com) I also mentioned it on twitter ~ https://twitter.com/MistiSomething/status/442046156462252032

Unknown said...

I would love to win Split Second, I followed via Bloglovin' (Carla Bosch) and GFC (Carla Bosch Clar) and my email account is carlabosch1@hotmail.com . Thank you so much for the giveaway!

Jemi Fraser said...

Ack!!! So many great books! I think the one on top of my wish list is Let the Storms Break ... or Ignite Me :)

Stephanie T. said...

Followed via GFC (Stephanie T.) and email (snowpup832atgmaildotcom). I can't decide between Cress and Split Second! Probably Cress though.
Email: snowpup832 at gmail dot com

Patricia Lopez said...

Great giveaway! I follow via GFC (The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club) and via BlogLovin' (same name).
My email is paty_256_risitas@msn.com :D

Patricia Lopez said...

Ups, I forgot... And if i'm the lucky winner I'd pick Cress or Into the Still Blue :D
Thanks for the giveaway ;)

Heather B said...

GFC Heather B. I would love to read Alienated

Amy Parker said...

I would choose Cress.

fhms97 said...

cress by marissa meyer!
GFC: fatma shahin

Unknown said...

I would love to have The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. I follow via email at michelle_willms at yahoo dot com.

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Landry Park!

volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net

Lisamarie said...

I'd choose The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

I follow via Bloglovin
I tweeted @lisamarie582

Lisamarie said...


Natasha said...

I would love The Coldest Girl In Coldtown.
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Holly Letson said...

I follow on BL: http://www.bloglovin.com/kinomiyamichiru
Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/KinomiyaMichiru/posts/10152352077053825?stream_ref=10

bookaholicholly at gmail dot com

I would probably choose *Alienated* or *Prince of Shadows*.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway :)
I follow you via email. If I win I'd love Landry Park.
I tweeted as well: https://twitter.com/RochelleSharpe/status/442219762190258176

You can contact me sharpewords (at) gmail (dot) com

Mary Preston said...

PRINCE OF SHADOWS would be amazing thank you.



Sofia T. said...

GFC - RoseVAcademy
email: sofia_torosian(at)hotmail(dot)com
tweeted: https://twitter.com/RoseVAcademy/status/442263145722036224

Diana said...

I'm a new follower on GFC (Diana Grace).
Thank you so much for the great giveaway! I'd love to win Split Second or The Coldest Girl in Coldtown.
Also, I shared this post on Facebook and Twitter.
Again, thank you so much and have a great day! :)

- Diana Terrado

Diana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Followed via email subscription (kl301020@gmail.com), GFC and Bloglovin (Kat Joyce)
Into the Still Blue book ♡
shared on FB: https://m2.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1466701690215015&id=100006255935334
shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/k31258/status/442296103229079552

Thank you for this awesome giveaway!!

Sierra McBride said...

Ignite me. Followed GFC through this name. : )
TY for the chance !!

stamper_sierra [at] yahoo [dot] com

Unknown said...

GFC - Gem Angela Tupaz
email: gemtupaz@gmail.com

Thakns for the giveaway!!! If I win, I'd like to choose The Coldest Girl in Coldtown :)

Tina F. said...

Hi! I'm a follower and I tweeted about this giveaway: https://twitter.com/tfang1289/status/442321643692515328
I would love to win Cress. The first two books were amazing! My email address is tinafang99@yahoo.com

Gaby Metivier said...

Great giveaway! :D I'd love to win Cress or The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. Thank you for the opportunity!

Bloglovin follower: Gaby Metivier
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/GabyMetivier/status/442325110855188480
email: gabrielameti (at) hotmail (dot) com

Catherine Siborutorop said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I'd love to win Cress :D

Bloglovin follower: cathysbrtrp
tweet: https://twitter.com/TheMediators/status/442335882406682626
e-mail: blacathy@Yahoo.com

Tinkie said...

I would love to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

Dinky said...

I would like to choose Allienated or The Coldest Girl in Coldtown :)
Amazing giveaway, thank you very much for the chance to win! :)

Library Lady said...

I'd love to win Cress.
GFC follower: Library Lady
adsanders77 at gmail dot com

Katherine said...

I would love to get Into the Still Blue! (:
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/booknerd_kathy/status/442394536803721217
I followed! katherinelu on bloglovin
email: fashion.is_love (at) yahoo.com
Thank you for this awesome giveaway!!

Unknown said...

I really want to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown thank you!
I followed GFC @ Mindy D

Unknown said...

GFC Mlelissa Crisp
leighannecrisp at yahoo dot com
I'd like Split Second

Unknown said...

GFC: Anastasia Loveay
I would love Split Second! (:
Thank you for a chance!

Unknown said...

Bloglovin' Jacklin B. Updegraft
I would love to get Ignite Me, or Cress!

Unknown said...

Bloglovin Jenni Le
I'd like Split Second

Orchid said...

Touch choice of which title to choose...but I think I'm going with Cress.

Thank you for the great giveaway,

GFC: Orchid Forsythia

Cynthia R. said...

I followed on Bloglovin! My username is ayecynthia
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/BieberAffinity/status/442491824788090881
My contact email: cynthiareyes96 (at) hotmail (dot) com

My book choice is: Gilded

Jaime Lester said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway! My choice is between Split Second and Alienated!

email follower- jeepgirl529 at yahoo dot com (contact email, too!)
Tweet- https://twitter.com/JaimeLLester/status/442515545926012928

Rachel said...

I would love to read Alienated!
GFC: Rachel King

Bewitched reader said...

I would choose either Cress or Ignite Me. Thank you so much for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

GFC Follower: Lisa Vazquezanzua
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/livvie_v/status/442533599615537152
Shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.vazquezanzua.7/posts/226053984252698?stream_ref=10

88dreamers said...

Thank you for the chance to win
if I was to win I'd either choose Cress or Into the Still Blue
I follow on bloglovin as 88dreamers

88dreamers @ Seriesly Reading

Unknown said...

Cress is my poison. Love that series :)

Bloglovin: Mimi Smith

mimismithblue AT gmail DOT com

Theresa Milstein said...

I'm so lucky to have won Defy here. I'll just let others get their chance today!

Unknown said...

Bloglovin: babyralukutza
I would choose "Ignite me"
email: lady_dyralu@yahoo.com

Thank you! ^_^

Dovile said...

I'd love to read Into the Still Blue. Thank you for the chance!

GFC follower - Dovile

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Anubha said...

GFC: Anubha

Tweet: https://twitter.com/miliminni/status/442724730592714752

I'd like to get Cress

anubha56 at gmail dot com

Kahlan Alanna said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway!
GFC: Kahlan Alanna
email: kahlan.alanna@gmail.com
Cress, please

Unknown said...

Been wanting to have Alienated! Thank you!
GFC: Diah Didi
email: diahtc (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/bukubukudidi/status/442782235670769664

Unknown said...

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown please!

magic5905 said...

I follow on gfc-magic5905
Landry Park sounds good.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Unknown said...

I followed through bloglovin (Michelle Shi) and GFC. I'd love to win Ignite Me!

Unknown said...

I followed via Bloglovin (Zee Divino) :)
My email is divinozairah(at)gmail(dot)com
I've been dying to have Cress. The series is just amazing. <3

Unknown said...

I follow by gfc robyn donnelly, fb robyn donnelly, email robyndonnelly@ymail.com. I would like ignite me as my choice.

Stephanie Garber said...

Thanks for doing such an awesome giveaway! I had the hardest time deciding, but I think I would love ot win a copy of INTO THE STILL BLUE.


oriana said...

thanks! i would like to read Cress
GFC oriana

S.P. Bowers said...

A lot of good ones, but put me down for Ignite Me.

books4me said...

OOO some great choices of books!

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/BooksForMe2/status/443191159402160128

BL Barrie Mac

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Joseph Miller said...

The Coldest Girl in Cold Town.

elin said...

I would pick Cress :D
GFC pinkflower
iheartmemorethanyou at yahoo dot com

Life Without Frank said...

Definitely Cress! Thanks for the giveaway.

Followed and here's my tweet


Llehn said...

Definitely Cress!


Unknown said...

I'd love to have Split Second by Kasie West <3 thanks for this awesome giveaway! :D
Followed through Bloglovin’ - http://www.bloglovin.com/krzalmiranez
Email - krizia_kmga06@yahoo.com

Gaby Pendragon said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love win "Ignite Me"
GFC Follower: Gaby Pendragon

Janhvi said...

I'd love to win Ignite Me. Thanks!
GFC-Janhvi Jagtap
email follower- justjanhvi at gmail dot com

sablelexi said...

Thank you for the giveaway.
I'm a GFC follower as sablelexi.
I would love to win Ignite Me.

jlynettes @ hotmail . com

AshleighSwerdfeger said...

Thanks ~ So many great choices! I think either Cress, Into the Still Blue or the Coldest Girl in Coldtown would be great ;) Ashleigh Swerdfeger, GFC
ash_o3 at hotmail.com

Iriel said...

I would love to win The Coldest Girl in Coldtown :D

Lisa Mandina said...

I'm a GFC follower as Lisa Mandina. I would love Landry Park.
buffywnabe at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

GFC: Hippie
I would love Defy :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

hippiegirl12 at gmail dot com

Kirsten! said...

I follow via GFC: Kirsten!
I'd have a hard time picking between Ignite Me and Into the Still Blue if I won. I'd probably flip a coin :P
aircdrewood at gmail dot com

A Canadian Girl said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd choose Into the Still Blue.

GFC: A Canadian Girl

ARA said...

I'd love.. Ignite Me(:

GFC: Te Ara Minhinnick
email: te_araaa@hotmail.com
twitter: https://twitter.com/te_araaa/status/443864189388333056

thank you for the amazing giveaway!

Nicole said...

SO hard to choose! I think I'd have to go with Into the Still Blue.

writer for misfits said...


followed through: Bloglovin, username: Jayvee Dorado De Castro

P.S. Please please please please please?

Kristen @ Pretty Little Pages said...

I'd have to pick between Cress or Alienated. I've had my eye on both!

Followed on BlogLovin': Kristen Noel

Holly Biggs said...

I would pick either Landry Park or The Coldest Girl in Coldtown! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Followed on GFC: Holly Biggs

Unknown said...

I would like Ignite Me!! Thanks for the giveaway!! My email is:

Unknown said...

I would like Cress. kumquat8 at hotmail dot com

ShotgunGuyIsCool said...

I would like Into the Still Blue, thank you! teo_pei_yun@hotmail.com

Ashfa said...

I'd love to win Cress.
GFC- Ashfa Anwer
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/TopsyTurvy_Ash/status/444498977677795328

blackcapballistics AT gmail DOT com

Tiffany Drew said...

I'd like to try my luck for Avalon, please. That cover is stunning and I wouldn't mind showcasing it on my shelf :) Thank you for taking part in this hop and for yet another awesome giveaway!

GFC: Tiffany Drew

_Sandra_ said...

Sooo many amazing books, sooo hard to pick just one. But since I absolutely loved, loved, loooved Pivot Point, I would most likely go with Split Second. thanks for a giveaway! :)

* following via GFC - Sandra K
* email - sandra.zg.13 @ gmail.com
* twitter - https://twitter.com/_Sandra_R_/status/444572921684451328
* Google+ - https://plus.google.com/107598100375357110332/posts/UeMJM1fkmP9

Julia Dawn said...

Wow so many great books to choose from! I think I'd go either for Cress or Ignite me
I'm following you through my email: colojuli2 @ hotmail .com
and if you need to contact me thats the email you should send to.
Thank you so much for the giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness so many great books! I'd like either Alienated or Ignite Me.

Filia Oktarina said...

So many graet books. If I win, I'll pick Alienated or Avalon.
GFC : Filia Oktarina
Bloglovin : Filia Oktarina
email : filiafantasy at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd just love to win Cress, I've heard wonderful things about the series and would love to be able to read them myself!

New GFC follower

Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

Unknown said...

I'd love to read Prince of Shadows.
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
GFC: BookAttict
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/BookAttict/status/444920914526752768

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway!! I would like to win AVALON.

I followed via email.
I followed via Bloglovin. (Kristelle Elaine)

And I tweeted. here's the link.

Michelle said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I think I'd choose Cress.
I'm following Literary Rambles through Bloglovin' - Michelle N.
I also shared on Facebook.

Unknown said...

I would love to win Cress. Thanks for the giveaway.
GFC Follow- Steph F
Tweeted- https://twitter.com/FredrickLynn/status/445072918414766080
FB Shared- https://www.facebook.com/stephanie.fredrick.7/posts/10203644591664152?stream_ref=1


Krysykat said...

I'd love to win 'Coldest Girl in Coldtown'.
GFC- Krysta Banco


Unknown said...

I'd love to win Split Second by Kasie West <3 thanks for this awesome giveaway! :D

Evie said...

I'd love to read Cress.
Thanks a lot for the giveaway!
GFC: Evie
by.evie at yahoo dot com dot br

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to win Split Second.

email: kbarban at live dot com

Fear Street said...

I would love to read Prince of Shadows or Defy. Thank you for the chance to win!

Following via GFC as Amber Terry

-Amber T.-


Rebecca Orr said...

Gfc follower: Rebecca O
I would love Ignite Me.

LAWonder said...

I "tweeted" about this hop!

LAWonder said...

Those are all great books and most are on my TBR shelf.
I would probably choose Defy or Cress

Lilith Nyx said...

GFC: melanija novoselec
Bloglovin- Lilith Nyx
I shared:

I dont know,there are so many good books this month,maybe Into the still blue or Maybe someday :)
Thanks for a chance. qwertzuio789@net.hr

Amber D. said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to win "Let the Storm Break" or "Into the Still Blue"

Follow via Bloglovin': http://www.bloglovin.com/sk3llytin


Unknown said...

I follow on Bloglovin as Rain Jeys

I'd love to have Cress.

Thanks you so much!

Unknown said...

I follow with email: robyndonnelly@ymail.com. I would like Into the Still Blue.

Unknown said...

I really want to read Alienated. Thanks for the chance.
I follow by email.
I tweeted and shared on facebook also.

Unknown said...

I follow on Bloglovin and would love to win a copy of Cress

swetsindy93 (at) gmail (dot) com

gowritingyo said...

Ratri | ratri_ad26@yahoo.co.id | @ratweezia
Bloglovin' : Ratri Puspita
Link share : https://twitter.com/ratweezia/status/446320743039500288

I put the choice to Prince of Shadows

Yipperbear said...

Bloglovin-Judy Gregory
I'd like Split Second

Shivi said...

It's nearly impossible to choose one but I think it would be Cress.
So i followed you by bookmarking the blog...hehe...I followed you by
○ Bloglovin URL http://www.bloglovin.com/shivanisolanki and email...whoo..
(Also my username is a tad bit ridiculous, so if you may excuse me :D )
○I tweeted about the giveaway
○Also thankyou.

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Following on bloglovin as Nikki Ooi
I'd love Cress me thinks. Thanks lots!

reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

GFC: paula
I'd like IGNITE ME


Unknown said...

Bloglovin: Yaj Alyn

I'd like The Coldest Girl in Cold Town

secret_gurl69 at hotmail dot com

Christine said...

GFC: christeeny

I'd love to win Cress :)

Tweet: https://twitter.com/teenysez/status/446834705648738304

teenysez at gmail dot com

tigergurl said...

Both Avalon and The Coldest Girl in Coldtown look so good!

Starbreeze said...

I'd love Alienated!
Lexbabe81 at aol.com

Becca F (ReadingTeen) said...

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown! Thanks for the giveaway! beccaboo97200 at att dot net

The (Mis)Adventures of a College Book Addict said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm pretty sure I already follow, but GFC is being a pain again.
I'd love to win Ignite Me

Francine Anchondo said...


fmd518 at gmail dot com

Maria Medeiros said...

I would love Cress.

deasuluna said...

I would love Prince of Shadows by Rachel Caine!
GFC Follower: Christina Torres

HelloJennyReviews said...

I followed by email. GFC is gone =( I would pick Into The Still Blue. I tried to pick it up at BAM but they didnt have any copies and I was so sad, lol.