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Today I’m excited to share a guest post by author Holly Webb on her writing day and give away a copy of ROSE AND THE LOST PRINCESS, her middle grade novel. It’s described as Downton Abbey Meets Harry Potter. Details of the giveaway will be at the end of the post.

Here’s Holly!

I’ve got a horrible feeling that a day in my life isn’t very dramatic and writerly… I have three children, so
during the week we run around like mad things trying to find all the school stuff (socks disappear in this house) and then after I take them to school, I start work.

Or in theory I do. Actually I make coffee, and talk to the cat. Our cat is currently living in a very small cage to keep her still, as she’s broken her leg, and has it held together with metal pins. She is bored stiff, and needs a lot of fussing over, which is useful when I’m trying to put off starting work!

When I finally detach her claws from my sweater, I head into my workroom, which is tiny. It’s actually the back half of our garage turned into a room, just big enough for a purple velvet armchair and a lot of bookshelves. I don’t have a desk, I sit curled up with my laptop on my knees.

How much writing I do in a day really varies – on a good day I can sometimes get going early in the morning, and write about 3000 words, but some days I just end up reading. Luckily I can usually convince myself that’s research… I write for younger children as well as the Rose books, so if I’m stuck I sometimes find that the change to a different story unsticks me!

It’s almost always true that I end up really enjoying what I’m writing just as I have to stop and pick up my boys from school. I’ve never actually forgotten to go and fetch them, but I do worry that I might one day…

And here’s a blurb of ROSE AND THE LOST PRINCESS from Goodreads:

The second spellbinding adventure with Rose… Turning the worn pages of her spell book, Rose can’t
believe how much her life has changed. Once a poor orphan, and now an apprentice to the King’s chief magician! But when the country’s beloved Princess vanishes, everything changes. As rumours of dark magic fly through the city, the King asks Rose for help. She must find the missing Princess – before all is lost.

Holly and her publisher Orchard have generously offered a copy of ROSE AND THE LOST PRINCESS for a giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment through May 10th. I’ll announce the winner on May 12th. If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, please leave it in the comments.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. You must be 13 or older to enter. This is for US & Canada residents only.

Here’s what’s coming up:

On Saturday I’ll be participating in the Amazing Book Giveaway Hop. I’ll have lots of great choices for you.

Next Monday, I have an interview with friend, follower and now debut author Jessie Humphries and a giveaway of KILLING RUBY ROSE, her fantastic YA mystery/thriller.

Next Wednesday, I’ll be hosting a blog tour giveaway of SCAN by Walter Jury (writing under a pseudonym) who is one of the producers of the Divergent movie and Sarah Fine. It’s a YA fast-paced sci-fi story I hoped to read and review but couldn’t get to it with all that’s been going on.

Next Friday I have a guest post by debut author Elizabeth May and a giveaway of THE FALCONER, her YA fantasy. I hope to read it before I give it away as it’s gotten great reviews.

The following Monday I have an interview with debut author Tracy Holczer and a giveaway of THE SECRET HUM OF A DAISY, her contemporary MG story, that I know many of you will like and wish I had time to read.

And don’t forget Casey’s Agent Spotlights.

Hope to see you on Saturday!


Bish Denham said...

Oh, oh! *Raises hand and waves.* Put my name in the hat please.

Stina said...

I wish I could write 3000 words in the morning. If I'm lucky and on a roll, I might get that in during the entire day. Love the cover. It's adorable.

Tyrean Martinson said...

I loved the part "my life isn't very dramatic and writerly." Thank you for that! I think it's awesome that you write 3000 words most mornings. That's great! And I love the cover and the premise of your book. Best wishes in all your writing and life endeavors!
And thank you, Natalie, for sharing another great author, once again!

Christine Rains said...

3000 words is a fantastic word count! I sometimes worry I'll forget to pick my son up too. I really should set an alarm while I'm writing....

Rachna Chhabria said...

I really wish I could write 3000 words in a day. That would be wonderful. The cover of Rose and the Lost Princess is adorable. Rose looks so sweet.

Bluerose said...

I've been hearing great things about Holly's books! :)

I tweeted: https://twitter.com/BluerosesHeart/status/461524716646588417

(I'm a follower)

bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

Joni said...

I haven't read any of Webb's books, but this one sounds like such fun! I would love to be entered in the giveaway- thank you!


cleemckenzie said...

Great writing routine, and she takes care of the cat who needs attention. She's got to be a great writer!

Love her cover.

Brenda said...

I enjoyed the first book in this series with Rose and her desire to find work and better her life. And Gus the cat was wonderful, I'm hoping he still has a presence in the second book.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Really sorry about your cat. You can get an impressive amount of writing done in a day though!

Nicole said...

Wow, 3000 words is impressive! I love the sound of this story, though I haven't read the first Rose book yet. Thanks to Holly and Orchard for the giveaway.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Aw, the poor kittie. I have a cat too and she'd go insane if she had to sit still.

Denise Covey said...

It is hard to write as much as we'd like with all our other obligations. The story here sound great. I'll have to check it out.The cover is too intriguing, Holly.

Hello Natalie. Hope things are going as well as can be expected.


DMS said...

What a wonderful guest post. I think your writing room sounds lovely, Holly. I love the purple velvet chair. :) Hope your cat is doing okay.

The Rose series sounds excellent! I look forward to reading it!

I shared on twitter.

Leslie S. Rose said...

My cat is always a pivotal part of my writing day whether I like it or not. I'm in love with the cover. Harry Potter meets Downton Abbey - that's my perfect storm.

pandas4vic said...

Hi Holly,
3000 words is amazing....sounds pretty writerly to me! Thanks for a great interview and hope your cat has a speedy recovery!

Danielle H. said...

You must love purple! Thank you for the interview. I can't wait to read your book. My daughter will also love it--this is exactly what she looks for at the library. I shared on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!

Danielle said...

Thanks for the giveaway - the first book was so cute! Can't wait to read this one, whether I win or not! I shared on Twitter as well -https://twitter.com/Danielle_Reads/status/461884544132452352. Cheers to Holly!

Unknown said...

This sounds like a wonderful series! I'll definitely look them up and add them to my overgrown TBR pile! Cheers and thanks for the giveaway!


Elizabeth Pagel-Hogan said...

interesting comp!

Sue said...

I need to go read the first one--this sounds great.

Jessica Lawson said...

Oh sounds great! I'll have to read the first one :) I'm a stay-at-home mom as well and while I'll hate to have the little ones leave the nest, I'm looking forward to having a little more writing time.

Holly said...

Thanks so much for letting me guest post! And thanks for all the lovely comments on Rose, and the cat-sympathy! Two more weeks and she's set free, fingers crossed...

Anonymous said...

I hope the cat recovers soon. It's always interesting to hear about a writer's work space. This looks like a great read. Thanks for the giveaway.

Beth said...

This sounds completely charming. I'd love to win!

Natasha said...

Sounds like an amazing read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

3000 words is a fantastic word count! It's always interesting to hear about a writer's work space. This looks like a great read. Thanks for the giveaway.