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Happy Wednesday Everyone! Today I'm excited to be a part of the FLUNKED: FAIRY TALE REFORM SCHOOL Blog Tour. This middle grade fantasy sounds fantastic and it just released on March 34d.




Gilly wouldn’t call herself wicked exactly…but when you have five little brothers and sisters and live in a run- down boot, you have to get creative to make ends meet. Gilly’s a pretty good thief (if she does say so herself).

Until she gets caught.

Gilly’s sentenced to three months at Fairy Tale Reform School- where all of the teachers are former (super-scary) villains like the Big Bad Wolf, the Evil Queen, and Cinderella’s Wicked Stepmother. Harsh. But when she meets fellow students Jax and Kayla, she learns there’s more to this school than its heroic mission. There’s a battle brewing and Gilly has to wonder: can a villain really change?

Amazon | B&N | BAM |!ndigo | IndieBound 

Jen Calonita is the author of the Secrets of My Hollywood Life series and other books like Sleepaway Girls and Summer State of Mind, but Fairy Tale Reform School is her first middle grade series. She rules Long Island, New York with husband Mike, princes Tyler and Dylan, and Chihuahua Captain Jack Sparrow, but the only castle she’d ever want to live in is Cinderella’s at Disney World. She’d love for you to drop her a line at jencalonitaonline.com or keep the fairy tale going at http://books.sourcebooks.com/enchantasia/
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads
And here's an excerpt from Flunked: Fairy Tale Reform School-

There’s a boy up there, standing on the crystal chandelier! He has slightly curly blond hair and is wearing a uniform—­a navy sweater vest over a white shirt with khaki pants—­but his boots are muddy. He’s stepping on priceless crystals with cruddy boots? Is he insane?

“Jax! What are you doing up there?” Kayla whispers heatedly.

“I’m cleaning the crystal for Flora,” Jax says and rolls his eyes. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m making

a break for it.”

Kayla applauds. “Yay! This time I know you can do it.”

I shade my eyes from the light bursting through the stained-­glass window next to the chandelier Jax is perched on. “Busting out? Why?” I ask Kayla. “I thought you said this place was cool.”

Jax laughs loudly and looks at me. I feel slightly stunned. I’ve never seen violet eyes before. “FTRS was fun for a while, but strange things have started happening and I don’t want to be here when something bad goes down.”

Strange things? What kind of strange things? Why does Kayla suddenly look pale?

“He’s exaggerating,” Kayla tells me, but she doesn’t sound convincing.

Drip. Whatever Jax is holding is leaking. Kayla and I move out of the way so we don’t get wet. “Grease,”

Jax explains to me. “It lubes the window.” He swings the chandelier, and as it nears the window, he uses a fork to try to pry the window open. “A few more tries and I’ll have it.”

“Then what are you going to do, genius?” I ask. “You’re two stories up.”

Jax’s eyes gleam. “I’ve jumped from higher spots before.”

“It’s true,” Kayla says to me. “Jax once jumped from the gym to the dining hall turret. That was three stories up. We call him the Escape Artist. One time he even managed to break into Azalea and Dahlia’s rooms and borrowed their keys to the indoor pool so the whole dorm could take a midnight swim.”

“Impressive,” I tell him. “And I thought I was good at tricking obnoxious royals.”

“She stole a dragon’s tooth clip from one this morning,” Kayla fills him in.

“Nice,” Jax says. “Your first pull?”

“No, I’ve been doing it for a while,” I brag.

“Me too,” Jax says. “My father is a farmer. You can only get so far trading vegetables. I needed to kick things up a notch.”

For some reason, I don’t think any of us are going to make the transformation Headmistress Flora is looking for. “Why do you want to break out so bad?”

“I’ve got places to see, and Enchantasia isn’t one of them.” Jax swings the chandelier so hard the crystals clang together. The window latch pops open, and I watch Jax leap from the chandelier to the tiny window ledge. I’m in awe. Jax looks down at us smugly before pushing open the window. “Are you sure you two don’t want to join me?”

“There’s no time for us,” Kayla says. “Get out of here. Wait!” Her eyes widen. “You deactivated the alarm on the window, right?”

“There isn’t one,” Jax insists. “If there was, I wouldn’t be able to do this.” But when Jax lifts the window, we hear:

EEEEEE! EEEE! EEEE! Unauthorized exit! Unauthorized exit!

The shrieking sound is so intense that Kayla and I cover our ears. Within seconds, Flora is out of her office and running toward us.


I feel something brush past me and I whirl around. When I look up at Jax again, a large, muscular man with a long mane of hair is hanging on to the window ledge, his furry hands pulling Jax back by his shirt. How did the man get up there without a ladder?

“Mr. Jax,” the man says in a low growl, “we really must stop meeting like this.”

Fairy Tale Reform School Quiz Link: Fairy Tale Reform School Quiz
If you get sentenced to Fairy Tale Reform School, it will help to have an ally. Take the quiz and find out who your mentor would be.

Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway to win a copy of this book:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here's what's coming up:

Next Monday I have an interview with debut author Erin Entrada Kelly and a giveaway of BLACKBIRD FLY, her multicultural contemporary MG  novel.

The following Monday I have a guest post by Caroline Rose Starr and a giveaway of  BLUE BIRDS, her new MG historical novel.

Tuesday that week I'll be participating in the Fools for Books Giveaway Hop. I'll have lots of great book choices for you.

And on Wednesday, April 1st, I'll have a guest post by publicist Samantha Lien and a 15 minute marketing consultation contest.

Hope to see you on Monday!


David P. King said...

This sounds fantastic! Sounds like the jump start I need to read before getting back into MG writing. Congrats, Jen! :)

Patchi said...

This sounds like a great read. I'll add it to my gifting list. Birthday season will be starting soon.

Patchi said...

The test told me Flora will be my mentor... should I be worried?

Tyrean Martinson said...

Love the excerpt! This sounds like a really fun read!

Liz Brooks said...

This sounds like a wonderful book--thanks for sharing! Having someone like the Big Bad Wolf as my mentor would definitely be...interesting. :)

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

This book sounds delightful, as did the excerpt you shared. Thanks for another alert for my TBR list.

M Pax said...

What a great idea for a story. It's pretty much irresistible.

Brenda said...

This is on my Spring TBR list, it sounds utterly delightful. Have a great week Natalie.

Greg Pattridge said...

I'm hooked after reading the excerpt. Thanks for giving your followers a heads-up on this unique story.

Jenni said...

This sounds really good! I love twists on fairy tales. And what a fantastic cover. Congrats, Jen!

DMS said...

I love this cover! I am a big fan of fairy tales, so this sounds like a book I will love. Such a cool twist on fairy tales. Hmm- the villain I would want to mentor me... The Snow Queen because I have been fascinated by her. :)

E.G. Moore said...

This sounds amazing! I have got to get a copy of this, whether its a giveaway or purchase (or both!). Adding to good reads "want to read" list! Congrats on the release!

Rosi said...

Wow. What a great concept. I keep saying I'm not going to enter any more drawings, then you offer a book I can't resist. Win or not, I will be reading this one.

Rhi said...

This sounds awesome. I would opt for the Big Bad Wolf. Mostly because I love wolves.

Madeline Osigian said...

I totally want to read this book! I'll get it from my library if I don't win.

Madeline Osigian said...

I totally want to read this book! I'll get it from my library if I don't win.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a crazy fun idea. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

This book sounds really good and thanks for the chance to win!!!

Unknown said...

Haha, I got Madame Cleo a.k.a. The Sea Witch!!!

Rachna Chhabria said...

I badly want to read Flunked. Its my kind of a book. Already like the characters :)

Unknown said...

This is such a cute book that I fell in love and promoted the cover and the giveaway on my blog last week. Wishing Jen much success!

Romance Book Haven said...

Sounds awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this. My students would, too.

You have amazing posts lined up.

Empty Nest Insider said...

This sounds like such a cute story! Love the cover too! Congrats to Jen!


Heather said...

This sounds absolutely adorable, and I LOVE that cover!