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  • Courtney Donovan Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 11/20/2024
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  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews have been updated through the letter "K" as of 3/28/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.


Happy Sunday Everyone! For those of you celebrating a holiday this season, I hope you are all prepared and ready to celebrate. I hope everyone gets some time off to relax and spend time with family and friends.

I’m thrilled to be part of the Midwinter's Eve Giveaway Hop sponsored by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Bookhounds. I’ve got lots of newly released YA books that I've read or want to read. There are SO many good ones right now. I'm reading one now and have a few on hold at the library And if you’re reading a different book in the series listed or want a different book by one of the authors listed, I’m glad to get you that book instead as long as it doesn't cost more than the book I've chosen.

Don’t see a book you like? You can win a $10.00 Amazon Gift Card instead. I hope you'll all enter to win a book or gift card for yourself or as a gift for someone.

So here are your choices. Click on the title to read a blurb from Goodreads.






If you haven't found a book you want, you can win a $10 Amazon Gift Card.

To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment through December 31st telling me the book you want to win or if you want to win the Gift Card instead. If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, you must leave it in the comments.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. You must be 13 or older to enter. International entries are welcome as long as  The Book Depository ships to you for free.

Here's what's coming up:

I'm on blog break until January 4th when I have a fantastic year of Monday interviews and guest posts with hot YA and MG debut authors with ARC or book giveaways. I know you're going to want to read these books, so I hope you'll stop by and enter my Monday giveaways. FYI, the contests run for 10 days if Mondays aren't a good day to stop by.

For any of you who are aspiring authors, I host debut author/agent guest posts and agent interviews with query critiques by agents many months of the year. The winner is picked by random.org so this is a good chance for you to get your query letter critiqued by an agent. I hope you'll check them out.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! See you on January 4th!

Here's the other blogs participating in this Blog Hop:

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BookHounds said...

thanks for participating!

Gaby Pendragon said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
Mmm I think I'd pick the gift card because I really can't decide between these books :P

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Natalie, hope you have a really wonderful Christmas, a great year ahead, and lots of time to read, read, read!

Happy holidays!

Laura Rueckert said...

Happy holidays! All of the books sound wonderful, but I'd love Six of Crows most! (I tweeted about it too @LauraRueckert)

bookbunny68 said...

Follow GFC and tweeted TammyVanScoy1. I would like Ten Thousand Skies Above You. Haven't got to read it yet and I love the cover.

Unknown said...

The Conjurer's Riddle, it looks like something one of my daughter's would love to read! I followed you by GFC, email is 5girlsbookreviews@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I would love to win Six of Crows!

Jaime Lester said...

HI there! I Follow GFC- Jaime Lynn.. I would love The Conjurer's Riddle.

miki said...

i would pick soundless

bloglovin follower: mikilectureaventure


Happy Holidays!!!

Rita Wray said...

Follow GFC
Gift card please.


Julie said...

I'd love to win Winter!
Bloglovin follower
jparkerwood at gmail dot com

sohamolina said...

eddiem11 GFC follower--Gift card please.

Elena said...

I would love to win a gift card. Follow on Bloglovin: bloglovin.com/elena1509 and follow on GFC as Elena

elena150980 at yahoo dot com

One Tick to Be Sick said...

I'd choose GC. Follow via GFC (Chelsea Woodring.) Thanks so much and happy holidays!

Chey said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win Six of Crows.
GFC: Chey

1993wel said...

I would like to win Six of Crows. I follow via GFC krdevaney

Ellisa said...

Hello! I'm a GFC follower (ellisacia). If it's OK, I'd love to pick the first book of the Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer. I'd love to read Winter but I haven't read Cinder :(

Thank you for this giveaway, and for giving international readers a chance to win. Have a great year end holiday!

Sue A. said...

GFC follower - Sue A.
Gift Card Please!

Meredith said...

I'm a follower, and since I have an upcoming book I want, I'd like to win a gift card please! These are all great books! meredithfl at gmail dot com

Leah said...

Awesome choices! But I would love the gift card if I win. :)
GFC: Leah

Unknown said...

Follow on GFC kimlrkim. Mentioned on Twitter kimlrkim.
Kimlrkim [at] aol [dot] com

Britt said...

Oh man so many great choices i LOVE all of those but the one I would choose is Frozen Tides! Thank you so much for this chance!
My email is Brittersweet83@aol.com i also follow by that email. Here is my tweet
<3 Britt

Penny said...

Thanks for the giveaway! A tough choice but I'd pick Six of Crows.

Alexandra Perchanidou said...

Old follower. I'd love to win "Ten Thousand Skies Above you" by Claudia Gray. My email is: alexperc92(at)windowslive(dot)com

Shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexperc92/status/678833315898654720

Thank you for the giveaway!

Beppe DM said...

Beppe DM on GFC

Mary Preston said...

Interesting choices thank you.

Email Subscriber


Elin H said...

Would love to win Frozen Tides.
Follow via GFC

Unknown said...

follow on bloglovin and GFC
I would love the gift card

Unknown said...

follow on bloglovin and GFC
I would love the gift card

Unknown said...

Thanks for participating. I'd probably pick the gift card.
Leighannecrisp at Yahoo dot Com

Unknown said...

Thanks for participating. I'd probably pick the gift card.
Leighannecrisp at Yahoo dot Com

krg said...

What a great list but I would love to win the $10 Amazon Gift Card please! Thanks! =D I tweeted as skkg3. I follow on GFC, Bloglovin and twitter. kgagnon(at)donofrio(dot)cc

Kimberly V said...

I would love to win Six of Crows.

erin said...

I'd love Soundless or Winter or the giftcard :) thanks for the awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I'd love to read Six of Crows. sharif(at)sharifwrites(dot)com

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Six of Crows - my second choice would be Winter. My email is murettewalker@gmail.com. Thank you -

Maria Malaveci said...

I am following on GFC, not sure what book I would get, so I might get the GC instead


angel heaps said...

following bloglovin
i would love six of crows

Unknown said...

I would like Six of Crows, or possibly a book from earlier in some of the above series.

Morgyn said...

Frozen Tides, please. And thank you. morgynstar@yahoo.com

Jemi Fraser said...

Hi Natalie - Wishing you a fabulous Christmas filled with joyous new & old memories for you and Anna!
(As I'm north of the border, a gift card would be great)

Diane Magras said...

What a generous giveaway. I've heard amazing things about Six of Crows and its structure and character development; I would love to win that one. Thanks so much for the opportunity--and for all the giveaways and good advice you've shared here!

dianemm at gmail dot com

Danielle H. said...

I'd love to win Six of Crows. Thanks for the chance! Merry Christmas! I shared this on tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/edit/135642957347

JC Jones said...

I am following on GFC. A Gift Card would be nice.

Unknown said...

Frozen tides
Follow through bloglovin
And tweeted @puffangel87
Thanks for the chance
Merry Christmas

Eileen said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway! I would love to get Ten Thousand Skies Above You :)

Carl Scott said...

Thanks for the hop. I can see a few books in there that I want but with Christmas coming I'd better opt for the gift card to be safe. Have a great holiday, everyone!
I follow the blog by email: crs(at)codedivasites(dot)com
I also tweeted a link to this post: https://twitter.com/carlrscott/status/678974728254545920

Unknown said...

Thanks for the hop. I follow on google friends, Coreena McBurnie coreenamcburnie at gmail dot com.
I would love the first in the Queen of Shadows series.

Jo said...

GFC follower-Joann Downie

Rosi said...

You always have such good giveaways here. You can put me in for the card please. I can always use that. Thanks and have a wonderful holiday season and blog break.

ashleyhelander said...

Would love to win Winter or a gift card, or Queen----they all look great! Follow on Bloglovin' and via email. ashley_helander at yahoo . com

cleemckenzie said...

Wonderful way to end the year! I'd love any of the YA books here. Each one entices me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Amber said...

I would love Queen of Shadows! Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity. Happy Holidays!
(I follow via bloglovin @bookwormhsu)

Haydensmommy05 said...

I follow on GFC! Thanks for the giveaway! Haydensmommy05


Kayla :) said...

I follow through email! Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win Queen of Shadows. kayla3194 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow by email (chelsea(dot)hatfield17 at yahoo) and GFC: Chelsea Hatfield.
I would love to win Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas. Thank you for the giveaway! (:

SarahS. said...

I follow on GFC: sarah_sal90. I would like to enter for Winter, thank you! (=

Misti said...

Merry Christmas! I hope your holiday is fantastic. I follow through GFC (Red Moon) and email (BloodRedMoon32@gmail.com) and I would love the gift card. Thanks!
Twitter - https://twitter.com/RedMoon32/status/679026083686055936

slogan1990 said...

Following through GFC - Sara Theissen
Email is stheissen1990@yahoo.com
I would like a giftcard please!

Cali W. said...

Winter or the gift card! Thanks for the giveaway. :)
GFC: Cali Willette
Tweet: https://twitter.com/Cali_for_ya/status/679028848529293314

Mrs Gray said...

1. Winter
2. Ten Thousand Skies Above You
4. Gift card
Thanks a bunch!

Mart Ramirez said...

Ah, Thank YOU so MUCH for the opportunity to win! I would love to win an Amazon gift card :) Tho there are some amazing books here :) Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and an amazing NEW YEAR!! <3 XOXO Martzbookz (@) gmail dot com

michele376 said...

I would choose the book, Winter.
GFC beh2351

Becca said...

I follow via gfc as Becca. I would love to win the giftcard so I can buy a romance or mystery novel! sbcashortie at hotmail dot com

Emma A. said...

GFC: Emma McAndrew
I think I would want to win Six of Crows :)
Thank you! Merry Christmas!

Sarah said...

I'd probably go with the gift card. Thanks for the chance!

Rhi said...

I follow by email (rbarckhaus (at) gmail(dot) com) and I would like the gc instead.

E.J. Stevens said...

Thank you for the giveaway. Following by GFC, and I'd love to win Throne of Glass or a gift card. :)

Happy holidays!
e.j.stevens.author [at] gmail [dot] com

Natasha said...

I follow by GFC: Natasha D
I would love Six of Crows.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Happy Holidays!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

magic5905 said...

I follow on gfc-magic5905
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

tiago rosado said...

well i would love to read the Throne of Glass series.....my friend has it in the kindle and loves it...so the first Throne of Glass.
GFC - tiago rosado


Nat (Lendo Romances) said...

I'd love to win the gift card! Happy holidays!

Unknown said...

I would love to win Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger. I followed via GFC. My email is saralisah at yahoo dot com. Thanks for the giveaway!

Gina said...

I'd have to go with the gift card because right now I'm having a hard time narrowing down the contenders! ^-^ Thanks for the giveaway! Happy holidays and happy reading!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Hi Natalie, There are so many wonderful books here, but I honestly don't have time for reading right now. I admire all that you do. Have a fabulous break, a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!


Elisa Panjang said...

All are great books. I'd choose 'Walk on Earth a Stranger'. Thanks!

Wendy said...

(I may have double commented by accident, if so, please disregard the first!)
Thanks so much Natalie! I'd love the gift card. Hope you're having a great holiday. :)

Anonymous said...

https://twitter.com/amylynn5973/status/679290653990215680 shared on twitter

Anonymous said...

followed emails greeneyesamytolley@aol.com
followed goodreads amy tolley
followed bloglovin amy tolley

MeezCarrie said...

I followed on bloglovin and I would love to win Cinder (the first in the Lunar Chronicles) as I'm determined to read that series this year!

Valentina B-v said...

I would choose Winter by Marissa Meyer.
E-mail: bv_byby27@yahoo.com
Followed via GFC: Valentina BV
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/ValentinaByVy/status/679323999265038337
Thanks for the chance!

It's Me De said...

I follow by email- deannankeller@yahoo.com
gfc- https://deannankeller.blogspot.com/
bloglovin'- https://www.bloglovin.com/people/deannankeller-447086
twitter- https://twitter.com/ItsMeDe/
goodreads- https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/23401580-deanna-branigan-keller
Thanks gor the chance!

Unknown said...

Bloglovin follower,tweeted and shared on my G+ profile. Thank you so much for making this international so I can at least hope to win one of these awesome books! You're totally amazing. I would love to read Six of crows. Fingers crossed.

Sandra Watts said...

Thanks. I follow. Shared on Twitter https://twitter.com/saleago/status/679365933643771906
and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/saleago.7253246/posts/10156307675585510

Katarzyna Z said...

I'm already a follower, thank you for the giveaway and Merry Christmas :)


Unknown said...

I followed with GFC username Emily Crowell (but my email is mimcrowell@aol.com.) Thank you so much for the giveaway- what a fabulous selection! I would love to with Their Fractured Light

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm sure I could find a book or two with the ten dollar Amazon card.
Have a Blessed Christmas, Natalie!

Debra Guillen said...

GFC follower Debra Guillen aliasr2 at gmail dot com
I want the giftcard. Thanks. Shared https://www.facebook.com/aliasr2/posts/1043903485661408

LSpeers said...

These giveaways are always wonderful! I'd like the $10 gift card. I'm an email subscriber. (lcspeers@gmail)

Autumn said...

Awesome giveaway! I'd love to win Walk on Earth a Stranger.

Heidi Reads... said...

I'd love to win the gift card! Merry Christmas :)

colorvibrant at gmail dot com

Alyn said...

GFC follower here. My email should be in my profile but here is another one that I check a lot. Secret_gurl69 at hotmail dot com.

Oh, I would like Soundless!

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/Zuagy/status/679541446781710336

SantitAh said...

Bloglovin follower: https://www.bloglovin.com/people/antoched-3317163
I'll pick Winter! I love Lunar Chronicles and I'm dying to know how it ends.
My email is: antotilio@gmail.com
Shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Antoched/status/679543240782131201

Thanks and happy holidays!

Unknown said...

GFC - booksrmymeds
email - booksrmymeds
I would love to win the giftcard. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Kanoko said...

I've heard such positive buzz around Six of Crows, Queen of Shadows, and Winter, so any of those would be great. I honestly prefer the gift card, but no use agonizing over it now when the chances of actually winning are slim, LOL. Tweeted as @kachan007 and following on both GFC and bloglovin' as Kanoko.

Thanks, and happy holidays!

Ashfa said...

Followed via email.
I'd love Soundless!

Booklady said...

What a great selection to choose from - but I'd have to go with Winter.

jessie2247 said...

I'm not sure how to follow the blog but I'm following on bloglovin. I would really love Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer. Thanks for this chance!
i_love_books at aol dot com

Stephanie @ Bookfever said...

I'd choose the gift card!:)

GFC follower: Stephanie Verhaegen


Linda Romer said...

Shared ♡ I would love Six of crows! Thank you

Anne said...

I would like the gift card if I win.

GFC Anne38

Carina Olsen said...

Huuugs :D Thank you for this amazing giveaway sweetie. <3 You are the kindest. I think I would love to win Queen, as I own the first two books :D

Happy holidays. <3

jpetroroy said...

Happy holidays! The gift card sounds great.

Thais Pampado said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to get the gift card.

GFC: Thais

Jan Lee said...

I would love to win the gift card please :) I posted this on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=739895816153759&id=100004000427921
Thank you and Happy Holidays :)

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

I would love to win the gift card! Looking for some new books for my sons. My 8 year old goes through them so fast so I am looking for something he can enjoy! Thanks for the chance and have a GREAT and lucky Christmas, New Years, and 2016!

greentopiaries said...

I follow on GFC. I would love the gift card! Thank you for the chance! :) Happy Holidays!

greentopiaries at gmail.com

greentopiaries said...

I tweeted: https://twitter.com/greentopiaries/status/679859666982014976

greentopiaries at gmail.com

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance and happy holidays!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. I would love to read Ten Thousand Skies Above You. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Natalie and Casey.

Evie said...

GFC follower: Evie
And I'd love to win Winter. Thanks a lot for the giveaway! and Happy Holidays :)
by.evie at yahoo dot com dot br

mshatch said...

Wow, what a great giveaway. I'd love to read Six of Crows or Winter; they're both on my list.


mandala said...

I would choose the gift card. I follow you via GFC (Mandala) mandalarctic AT (gmail) dot Com. Happy holidays!

Unknown said...

I follow you on GFC and e-mail subscriber (livesimply1111). I would choose the gift card.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway chance. I follow by email and my choice would be a $10 Amazon Gift Card .

Sherry said...

GFC follower - Sherry S.
If I won I would like the gift card.
sstrode at scrtc dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Six of Crows.

Happy Holidays & thanks for the amazing giveaway!
GFC: BookAttict

Jen Barnard said...

I follow on GFC as Jen Barnard and I'd prefer the gift card.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Janhvi said...

I'll try for a GC thanks!
GFC- Janhvi Jagtap

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Alabell said...

I would like to have a queen from Aimee Carter :)
GFC: Alabell

Traci Kenworth said...

Six of Crows

slehan said...

GFC: slehan
I'd love to get either Winter or the GC.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

michelle k said...

Thanks shared on twitter-Mally's review @mlklingen

Unknown said...

I'd love to win Winter by Marissa Meyer. Thanks for the chance!

GFC: Debbie W.
xsweeteternityx (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I think Six of Crows would be my choice. :) Thanks for offering this!

Rebecca Orr said...

Follower: Rebecca Orr
I would love to win Ten Thousand Skies Above You! Thanks for the chance.

Heather B said...

I would love the giftcard so I could pick out a book for one of my 3 children.

morwesong said...

I hope you had a wonderful holiday! I would pick the gift card so I can start chipping away at my massive Amazon wishlist. :-) Thank you!

morwesong AT yahoo DOT com

Stacy said...

I would pick the gift card only because I want several of those books. :).

GFC as Stacy T
the imagine tree at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I am a GFC follower as Velvet Hubler and I would love to win Frozen Tides I also tweeted https://twitter.com/vhubler/status/681173375742525441

vhubler77 at gmail dot com

Christy Maurer said...

I follow you on Bloglovin! I tweeted https://twitter.com/Christy41970/status/681180522954010624 I'd love The Rose Society! Thanks! christy41970 at gmail dot com

Iriel said...

I follow you on GFC as Iriel!

I'm between Throne of Glass and These Broken Stars.

Happy Holidays!!


Unknown said...

I follow on Bloglovin, GFC, and Twitter. I shared your post on my Facebook page.

I would love to have Cinder. I still haven't read that book yet (I'm pitiful). Thank you for allowing us to request the first book in the series.

I hope your holiday season is wonderful.

Vanessa said...

I follow on Twitter (@mom_loves_deals). I'd choose the gift card but Soundless looks excellent!

Tanya G said...

Following via GFC Tanya Guthrie
I would pick A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas. Thanks so much for the chance!!


jmcgaugh said...

I follow on GFC. I would love to win the $10 gift card. Thanks for the giveaway! jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

pakibabygurl said...

Would love the giftcard. Follow on GFC as Sa Ras. This username is my gmail.

Pixel Berry Pie Designs said...

Following on GFC as Pixel Berry Pie Designs. Would love a chance at the gift card. Thank you! (email address available in profile)

Priscilla S. said...

I would love the $10 Amazon Gift Card.
GFC - Priscilla S.
psws7 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

Unknown said...

Thank you for this giveaway! I would love the Gift Card.
I follow via GFC (Freya D) & I tweeted (https://twitter.com/persistingdream/status/681451105608437760)

Katie W said...

Thanks for the chance! I follow with GFC (Katie Watkins) and would love the gift card.
lilacqueen75 (at) gmail (dot) com

Jessica said...

followinggfc Jessica Miller
Following by email here jessicasweepsmail@gmail.com

Jessica said...

I would like the giftcard:) my email jessicamsweeps@gmail.com

Dovile said...

Thank you for the chance! I'd choose the giftcard.

GFC follower - Dovile

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Krysykat said...

Thanks for the chance to win :)

GFC- Krysta Banco


Unknown said...

Following by email and on Bloglovin'
I would choose the gift card because all the books that I liked ended up being sequels.
Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I follow in bloglovin as Josy15love. I tweeted about it: https://twitter.com/CarlineSmith5/status/681590950024511488
email: Josy15love@gmail.com
I would prefer the gift card but the books are awesome too

Unknown said...

I would love the GC! Jennodom135 at yahoo dot com Thanks!

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said...

I'd like to win the gift card also.
I follow on Bloglovin as MsCarolsueA
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Jamie Coudeville said...

Thanks for having this giveaway. I think I'd want Ten Thousand Skies Above You.

GFC: Jamie Coudeville

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

thanks for the chance! I'd love the rose society!

gfc reading mind

Llehn said...

Playing for Ten Thousand Skies Above You. Following as Llehn.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win Winter please :) driftinginspaceandtime at gmail dot com

Holly Letson said...

I follow via GFC & BL as Holly Letson.

I'd love a copy of *Their Fractured Light*, since I already have the other 2 books in the trilogy.

bookaholicholly at gmail dot com

Theresa Milstein said...

So many cool covers. I want to wish you a very happy new year.

Theresa Milstein said...

So many cool covers. I want to wish you a very happy new year.

SiNn said...

id love to read winter but i havent read the first so be awesome to get cinder but 6 of crows sounds good well they all do really id like any of them to be honest the rose society also sounds good so if i won id be happy with what ever book you chose to send


Shannon O. said...

I'd rather have the gift card because i have a lot of books i need to read. blueskid29@yahoo.com

Zsuzsi said...

Stalking and tweeted :)
Thank you for the chance :) Winter sounds awesome :)

aprize said...

Following GFC:Ana Georgievska
Tweeted https://twitter.com/ana27725062/status/682205646914195456
I would love amazon GC thanks , so I have more time to choose a book

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm dying to read Six of Crows. My email is info@jamieayres.com

Julie Waldron said...

I follow on Bloglovin' Julie Waldron. I would choose the GC. I shared on Twitter https://twitter.com/farmermomwife/status/682224986497617920

Unknown said...

If I win, I would choose Six of Crows. Thanks so much for the giveaway! :)
email: atlymasp(at)aim(dot)com

Francine Anchondo said...

GFC-Francine Anchondo
I would love a giftcard.

Diane Elizabeth said...

I would pick Six of Crows
GFC - Diane Elizabeth
elfgurl3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

mk said...

I would love the gift card! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
GFC follower: Marti@SBBCreviews
bymyself.g AT gmail DOT com
tweeted: https://twitter.com/SBBCreviews/status/682272189903667200

Happishopr said...

Follow via GFC - L.S. G

elin said...

Thank you for the giveaway
I would love to win queen of shadows by sarah j maas :D
gfc pinkflower

iheartmemorethanyou at yahoo dot com

Andrea Amy said...

I would LOVE to win Winter! Thanks for the chance.
Following on GFC, email and bloglovin'
andrea_hockeygirl at hotmail dot com

Lara M. said...

Followed on GFC and I would love to win Walk on Earth a Stranger ! :D

Unknown said...

Following on GFC. I'd love to win the GC as my grandson's birthday is next month. He'll be two and I'd love to buy him some books. Thx for the chance!

Stacey Smith said...

I follow via GFC Stacey Smith
would love the gift card
sasluvbooks at yahoo dot com

Stacey Smith said...

Talked about the contest on facebook https://www.facebook.com/sasluvbooks/posts/10203933045086626?pnref=story

sasluvbooks at yahoo dot com

Rose Santuci-Sofranko said...

I am following you on GFC and I'd prefer the gift card. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist @ aol.com

Unknown said...

I follow you through GFC, and I would prefer the gift card if I win. khof123 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Follow on GFC, would prefer the Amazon GC. Thanks for having this giveaway! batchild1 at cox dot net

Anubha said...

Happy New Year! :D

GFC: Anubha

anubha56 at gmail dot com

Why Not? Because I Said So! said...

I follow GFC: Sheila Staley
I would choose Six of Crows.

scatteredleaves said...

I do like those books but there are ones I prefer more, so I will try for the gift card. I will buy a book with it, trouble is which. ;)

Taswmom said...

Thank you for this offer! I followed on GFC and Bloglovin. I also shared on Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/WilliamsTeres/status/682511614617214976. If I won, I would prefer the gift card. I do eventually want to read some of the books on your list, but there are others I need to read first, to finish off series.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to win Ten Thousand Skies Abouve You!

Fae said...

i follow on GFC. i'd love the amazon please. thanks for the giveaway! my email is in my blogger profile.

Unknown said...

GFC follower-Jen B., email is there, and same for this comment. I would choose the GC.

Nicole Anaya said...

I'd love Queen by Aimée Carter :D I've been wanting to read this book for a while! Thank you so much for the chance <3
GFC - Nicole Anaya
email: nicoleanaya26@gmail.com

Cyn @ Bookmunchies said...

GFC follower - Cyn
email: lil_azn_angel3 at yahoo (dot) ca
Thanks for the giveaway!

Zed said...

Followed by GFC - Zed.
I'd like to win Winter by Marissa Meyer, happy holidays (:

Jerry Marquardt said...

I would take the card. I follow via GFC.

Yun-A said...

I followed via GFC and Six of Crows sounds amazing. Happy New Years!