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Happy Wednesday Everyone! I hope you had a fantastic holiday weekend. Today I have a treat for you. Fauzia Burke, who has spent her career in book marketing and publicity, is here to share some tips with us on mistakes to avoid. She has worked with Tim Burton, Sue Grafton, Deepak Chopra, and many others to promote their books. She is the author of ONLINE MARKETING FOR BUSY WRITERS: A STEP-by-STEP GUIDE.

Here's a blurb about her book:

There has truly never been a better time to be an author. For the first time, you have direct access to your readers via the Internet -- you can create a community eagerly awaiting your next book (and telling their friends about it too). But where do you start? How do sort through the dizzying range of online options? Where is it most worth spending your time -- what is a "must do" and what is a "might do"?

Enter Fauzia Burke, a digital book marketing pioneer and friend of overwhelmed writers everywhere. She not only makes the job of building your online brand doable, but she proves that it can be fun and fulfilling, too.

Burke takes authors step by step through the process of identifying their unique personal brand, defining their audience, clarifying their aspirations and goals, and setting priorities. Once that foundation is established, she walks you through the process of developing a personalized, sustainable long-term online marketing plan. She offers advice on designing a successful website, building a mailing list of super fans, blogging, creating an engagement strategy for social media, and more.

"Once you build your brand," Burke writes, "no one can take it away from you." Your digital brand is a conversation about your book that builds your community one relationship at a time. By following Burke's expert advice, any author can conquer the Internet and still get their next manuscript in on time.

Now here's Fauzia!

Online Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
By Fauzia Burke,
Author of Online Marketing for Busy Authors

As authors, everything we do online builds our digital footprint. Since we all have limited time, here are some mistakes to avoid.

Mistake #1: Spending Money on the wrong thing
Why It's a Mistake:Spending lots of money on a fancy (and expensive) website with all sorts of bells and whistles or spending $10K on a video trailer are not always a good use of time and money. You need a website for sure and you need a professional one because people will judge your writing and expertise by your website, but there is no reason to spend a lot right off the bat. Start with a professional and informational website and add features as you need them. Videos are increasingly important for book promotion, but videos don't go viral for most of us, so no need to bet the bank on it.

Mistake #2: Starting too late

Why It's a Mistake: Many authors start thinking about their marketing a few months before the
publication date. They should start making a plan 1 year (or more) in advance. I use the following formula with my clients: Design + Engagement + Visibility = Success. Start with the design elements by launching a website, newsletter and social media profiles, created in a cohesive way to build your brand identity. Engage by blogging, sending a newsletter and building your following on social media. The more time in this phase, the better. Plan your visibility (distribution, marketing and publicity). All this takes time and a thoughtful strategy.

Mistake # 3: Not knowing their audience

Why It's a Mistake: Online marketing is customized and personalized. It is essential for you to know your audience so you can find them and serve them best. You should know your readers' age group, gender, interests, which social media outlets they use and where they hang out online. The more you know your audience, the better your marketing will be. Remember there is no everyone.com

Mistake # 4: Be selective

Why It's a Mistake: Choose one or two social media platforms to start. Don't feel like you have to do the next shiny thing online or keep up with all social media platforms. Just start conversing with your audience by selecting a platform where you think you will find your readers. adjust accordingly as you build your community.

Mistake # 5: Being too promotional

Why It's a Mistake:You can't be a bullhorn. You want people to talk on your page. Don't get wooed by big numbers. You want a smaller community that's engaged as opposed to a large audience that's not engaged. Look at ways to engage the audience you do have. Take good care of the people who have given you their permission to talk with them -- whether that's through a newsletter, blog, or on Facebook. Give them your best content.
Authors remember consistency is one of the most important ingredients of your online marketing plan. Stay the course. Remember if you don't show up, your readers don't either.

Author Bio

Fauzia Burke is the founder and president of FSB Associates, an online publicity and marketing firm specializing in creating awareness for books and authors. She's the author of Online Marketing for Busy Authors (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, April 2016). Fauzia has promoted the books of authors such as Alan Alda, Arianna Huffington, Deepak Chopra, Melissa Francis, S. C. Gwynne, Mika Brzezinski, Charles Spencer and many more. A nationally recognized speaker and online branding expert, Fauzia writes regularly for the Huffington Post. For online marketing, book publishing and social media advice, follow Fauzia on Twitter (@FauziaBurke) and Facebook (Fauzia S. Burke). For more information on the book, please visit: www.FauziaBurke.com.

Fauzia has generously offered a copy of ONLINE MARKETING FOR BUSY WRITERS for a giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment through June 14th. If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, you must leave it in the comments to enter the contest.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry.This is for U.S.

Here's what's coming up:

On Monday I have a guest post by Cassandra Brown, a freelance editor, with a query, synopsis, 10 page manuscript critique, or 30 minute consultation--winner's choice.

On Thursday next week I'll be participating in the Debut Author Book Giveaway Hop. I'll have both YA and MG debut books to choose from.

The following Monday I have a guest post by debut author Jen Bishop and a giveaway of her MG contemporary THE DISTANCE HOME.

The Monday after that I have a guest post by debut author Abby Cooper and her agent Rebecca Sherman and a query critique giveaway and giveaway of her MG contemporary STICKS AND STONES.

Hope to see you on Monday!


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Fauzia is so right! Start marketing early. In my seminars, I stress how important it is to start long before the book comes out. But not on too many platforms. I was on 25 at one point - not good.

Bish Denham said...

This is some great information. If she's worked with Tim Burton she must know what she's talking about!

Bish Denham said...

I've tweeted!

Crystal Collier said...

Such fabulous advice. (Yikes to Diane! 25 platforms?) To be fair, I maintain about 7 platforms, but I only do 3 well. It's impossible to fracture the brain that far.

Unknown said...

Great advice. Sticking to 4 platforms...that's all my brain and time can take.

Kristin Lenz said...

Thanks for sharing your tips, Fauzia!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Thanks for sharing these great tips, Fauzia! You are absolutely right about starting early, many writers make the mistake of starting too late.

abnormalalien said...

Wow, some great advice here. I think it might also be important to emphasize consistency. For a long time, I had various email accounts used for different blogs and forums. People on one site might not realize I was the same person as on another site because I wasn't being consistent about anything. Different usernames, different topics, different email accounts. That's probably fine when you're a goofy kid just poking around on the Internet but if you're trying to build a platform, it seems like it might defeat the purpose.

abnormalalien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cherie Reich said...

Congrats to Fauzia! Her book sounds like one I need to read. Over the years I've cut back on social media, and it's so true that you should start thinking about marketing early--probably even before you write page one of a new book. Heh.

Rebecca E. Bailey said...

Really useful stuff: thank you! It's so hard to know where to start as a writer. You just feel like you're facing an ocean of choices. I'll definitely use this material for the writers I work with.

Gwen Gardner said...

I need this book! Marketing is so hard for me. And I wish I had more time. Thanks for the tips, Fauzie!

Hi Natalie! Hope all is well (((hugs)))

Chemist Ken said...

I think it's especially important to figure out your brand and stay focused on that. Writing another vampire/demonhunter/shapeshifter paranormal romance just drops you into a sea of a thousand other books that all sound the same as yours. Come up with a special twist for your story and turn that twist into your brand.

jpetroroy said...

Great advice. Thanks!

Jenni said...

This was really great advice, Fauzia! I especially liked what you said about cultivating a small audience rather than focusing on numbers.
I hope you enjoyed your weekend, Natalie!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I started a year before my first book was released. Probably should've started sooner even.
Some great tips!

Nas said...

Some very good advice and tips. Congratulations on the release of your book!

cleemckenzie said...

This is great advice. One thing I really don't appreciate is someone always posting about their book. That bull horn is too loud, annoying and--as you point out--a mistake.

M Pax said...

Some great advice on marketing. All success to Fauzia.

Stephen Tremp said...

It's great to meet Fauzia Burke and I'm Bookmarking this page and giving a Tweet as well!

Megan Cason said...

So many great things to think about! Thanks!!

Carl Scott said...

I can tell just from these tips that the book is filled with solid, practical information. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
I follow your blog by email: crs(at)codedivasites(dot)com
I also tweeted a link to this post: https://twitter.com/carlrscott/status/738236762011508736

Unknown said...

Wow, Fauzia has a lot of great tips and so true, too. It's funny that some things should be common sense, yet some people who use social media seem to have none.

Linda said...

Thanks Fauzia! I am in the very early stages of beginning this quest. The book sounds perfect.

Lotus Ivak said...

The book sounds amazing. Thank you for the interview.
Lotus Ivak
Email: lotusivak@gmail.com

Chelly Writes said...

Thanks for sharing. Great advice.

Gifford MacShane said...

A great article! I see Mistake #5 from so many authors, particularly on Twitter who post one ad after another for their book and have no engagement with their followers. Sometimes the same people have really great, informative blogs, so there's a real disconnect within their "brand". You've made it so clear that it's "what not to do".

Anonymous said...

Nice Information of social media maketing! I personally really appreciate your article. This is a great website. I will make sure that I stop back again!.
kansas city online marketing

Greg Pattridge said...

Thanks for clearing up the muddled social media world. A website is about all I can handle now but can see my presence needs to be expanded.

Leandra Wallace said...

Great advice (and happy to see I'm already following some of it)! And I am always about not breaking the bank. =) Also, I love Fauzia's dress, so pretty!

Manju Howard said...

Thank you for sharing Fauzia!

Unknown said...

Ouch 25 is certainly too many. Thanks for the compliment and clearly you are sharing good information in your seminars.

Unknown said...

Thanks Bish. I appreciate the support. Working on Tim Burton's book was a real honor. Although I never spoke to him, his people were fabulous.

Unknown said...

Could not agree more. You can't fracture your brain or your audience that much. Good luck

Unknown said...

You bet. Even two done well is better.

Unknown said...

My pleasure. Glad I could help.

Unknown said...

So true. I have had authors call me and say "I am holding my finished book in my hands, what should I do now." There is plenty we can do, but it's a lot more effective if you start early.

Unknown said...

Great point Jamie. When people ask me for one piece of advice I always say consistency. And yes all activities should be under your name and not the titles of your book. Thanks for the excellent feedback.

Unknown said...

Thank you. I appreciate the good wishes. I usually tell clients to start thinking about their marketing as soon as they have an idea for the book.

Unknown said...

Such a true statement. There is a lot of options and opinions out there. Best to be where your readers are :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Gwen. Honestly marketing is hard for everyone because it is so labor and time intensive. I've tried to write the book with that in mind. Hope you find it helpful.

Unknown said...

Yes indeed. I usually tell people to focus on their brand and make their writing the best. You want readers to want YOUR book not just a book.

Unknown said...

Thanks. There's more on my site: www.FauziaBurke.com

Unknown said...

Great. Doesn't that advice suddenly make it all so doable? Work on getting small following on social media and if you engage with them they will be more valuable than 10,000 who don't care.

Unknown said...

Great job. You are way ahead of most writers. Good luck

Unknown said...

Thank you. You have a fabulous name :)

Unknown said...

Thank you. I think the people who only advertise about their book were given poor advice that social media is a sales channel. It's obviously not.

Unknown said...

How lovely of you to wish me all success! I'll take and wish it right back to you.

Unknown said...

I appreciate that very much Stephen. Thanks

Unknown said...

Awesome. You can get the worksheets from my book on my site for free: www.FauziaBurke.com

Unknown said...

I'm grateful Carl. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Thank you. I think everyone tries to do their best. There is just a lot of mis-information out there, and authors sometimes follow bad advice and waste time and opportunity.

Unknown said...

You bet Linda. Quest is a fun way to look at it :)

Unknown said...

Happy to help

Unknown said...

Thank you. Glad it resonated with you.

Unknown said...

Thank you. Congrats on being on the road. (Love the dress too. I bought it in two colors.)

Unknown said...

You bet.

Unknown said...

One step at a time my friend, and a professional website is a great first step.

Unknown said...

Awesome. Thanks so much

Amy Houts said...

I love this practical information we can really use! Thanks so much! I will share on Facebook and Twitter, too. amysase@gmail.com

Empty Nest Insider said...

Now I feel a little bit better about my bare bones website from 2011. No one can accuse me of overspending there! Thanks for all of your helpful advice, Fauzia! I always learn a lot coming here, Natalie!


Haddock said...

Agree on #5
Too much pushing will have the adverse effect.

finnthefearless said...

This has inspired me to finally take the plunge. I've avoided even thinking about online marketing because I don't feel I have the time or energy, but it sounds like your book could help me overcome that. Thanks so much! finnthefearless(at)gmail(dot)com

Rosi said...

Terrific post. Very informative. Thanks for this. I'll pass on the drawing though. I am way, way behind on everything right now.

DMS said...

Sounds like great advice! Very informative and helpful. Thanks for sharing! :)

Nick Wilford said...

Thanks for the advice from Fauzia! Breaking it down is always helpful and I think whatever we do, the personal touch is key.

Anna said...


BranwenOShea said...

Thanks Fauzia, very helpful. You may answer this in your book, but I'm always wondering what people send out on their newsletters and such a year before their book comes out? Just random stuff about themselves? Thanks.

Vercingetorix said...

Thanks for trying to make marketing more understandable for those of us who hate the process. Yes, I know it's necessary, but I'd rather eat lima beans.

Vercingetorix said...

Thanks for trying to make marketing more understandable for those of us who hate the process. Yes, I know it's necessary, but I'd rather eat lima beans.

Shah said...

Fauzia, Would you please tell me how I can create a digital brand in the online? I am now writing a book and thinking about it's publication in August of 2016. I do believe book marketing should be effective and appropriately so that there is no chance to become fail to make an awareness in the online.The people need help with essay writing now so that they can keep themselves updated with the changes in the book marketing strategies. Thanks a lot Fauzia for your effective explanation.

Shah said...

Online marketing is so important and valuable for a writer who is wanting to let the book publish in the next month. Marketing and advertizing helps to get more and more potential customers from the online and offline. The custom writing service is necessary for the development of the modern online marketing community for the author and writer of the books.

Unknown said...

Excellent read, I just passed this into a colleague who was doing a little research on that. And he actually bought me lunch because I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that. online marketing tips