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Happy Monday Everyone! Today I'm SO excited to have C. Lee McKenzie here to share about her new MG SIGN OF THE GREEN DRAGON that recently was released. I'm really looking forward to it because of my own connection to China. And I'm excited for Lee, who is a follower and blogger friend. If you don't follow her blog, I really recommend you do.

Now here's Lee!

Thanks so much for letting me visit your wonderful blog today. I do appreciate the chance to talk about China and my newest middle grade book, Sign of the Green Dragon.

I write about Chinese mythology because it fascinates me and because I fell in love with China and her ancient stories a long time ago. 

When I was about six, a woman named Enid Mihilov took me under her literary wing. She had an amazing library with many books from all over the world, but the Chinese ones were distinct. I didn’t realize it at the time, but those books, which she allowed me to hold, were very old, one-of-a-kind, and in retrospect, must have been printed on handmade paper in a long-ago century. Enid read them to me in Chinese while I looked at the pictures. Misty mountains. Dragons streaming through the sky on important business for an emperor. Exotic silk gowns and palaces of gold.

Dragon on a Canal Barge

It was this person, who opened a lot of things about the world to me. In the center of her library was a globe in a wooden cradle that was bigger than I was. I still remember her turning that globe, tracing the Yangtze River across China and telling me about the beauty of the Three Gorges. When I was older, I understood how much this Russian woman had traveled, that she spoke several languages and knew more first-hand about geography than my teachers. 

When I finally did land in the Far East, I was primed to absorb as much about that culture as possible. I climbed the Great Wall, explored palaces and finally went up the Yangtze through the Three Gorges before the dam was completed and closed off one of the most beautiful areas in the world.

At the Top of the Great Wall with Two Friends

Enid and I kept in touch for years, even after my family moved. Unfortunately, when we returned to see her, she had died, so I never had a chance to tell her how important our time together had been to me. Someday I’m going to write what I remember of my afternoons with Enid Mihilov. And having written that, I think I have a title already.

Buy now on AMAZON 

Here’s a bit about this story: 

Three plucky sleuths. A crumbling skeleton. A quest.

After six months in a new school, Sam’s finally fitting in. He’s the one kid with enough talent to hit the winning home run and bring the baseball trophy back to Haggarty Elementary. But Sam’s guardian is shipping him off to boarding school before that can happen.

When teammates, Joey and Roger, hear his bad news, they plot to hide him until the big game. Their secret cave is a perfect place until an earthquake shatters a wall and reveals a wooden chest with a red-eyed dragon carved into its top. Inside, a bony hand clutches a map with a note, promising treasure.

With Joey and Roger, Sam sets off to track down the clues and hopefully discover treasure. When some puzzle pieces start to make sense, the boys become lost in a labyrinth of underground tunnels, trapped by dangerous thieves and sealed inside an airless tomb. 

Sign of the Green Dragon gets a high five for fantasy, fun and some fearsome adventure. If you like intrepid would-be knights on impossible and dangerous quests, you’ll love this story. As one reader says, this book, “has more twists than a dragon’s tail.”

Buy now to jump into the adventure.

Come say hi to the author:
The Write Game

Lee has generously offered one e-book of THE GREEN DRAGON for a lucky winner. To enter, all
you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment through September 3rd.
If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, you must leave it in the comments to enter either contest.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. You must be 13 years old or older to enter. This is an international giveaway.

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday was started by Shannon Messenger. You can find the participating blogs on her blog.

Here's what's coming up:

On Monday I have a guest post by debut author Hannah West and a giveaway of her YA fantasy KINGDOM OF ASHES AND BRIARS.

I'll be back on Wednesday, September 7th with an interview with debut author J. Keller Ford and a giveaway of her YA fantasy IN THE SHADOW OF THE DRAGON KING.

The following Monday I have a guest post by debut author Traci Chee and her agent Barbara Poelle  with a three chapter critique by Barbara and a giveaway of THE READER, a YA fantasy, by Tracie

Hope to see you on Monday! 


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Even though you never got to tell her, I'm sure she knew how you felt.

My great grandfather was an ambassador to the emperor in the late 1800's and he bought back a couple Chinese books that were photo collections of a famous photographer of the time. They were still in good shape and together valued at over $2500.

S.P. Bowers said...

That sounds like an amazing book. I can't wait until my son is just a little older so I can share it with

Mason Canyon said...

Enid sounds like she was a fascinating person. The fact that she let a six year old hold very old books says a lot about her and you. I bet she could tell you loved books and writing even at that age.

Thoughts in Progress
and MC Book Tours

Bish Denham said...

Lee, Your Enid sounds very like my Charlotte, an older non-family woman who shared part of her life with you, a precious gift. I never got to thank Charlotte, either. But I believe in my heart that she knew how much I cared for her.

I have already read Sign of the Green Dragon, so you don't have to put my name in the hat.

Bish Denham said...

Lee, Your Enid sounds very like my Charlotte, an older non-family woman who shared part of her life with you, a precious gift. I never got to thank Charlotte, either. But I believe in my heart that she knew how much I cared for her.

I have already read Sign of the Green Dragon, so you don't have to put my name in the hat.

abnormalalien said...

I think it's great when adults like Enid share their interests with kids around them. Even when you get along great with your parents, once in awhile kids just need the positive influence of someone outside the family.

Jemi Fraser said...

Enid sounds like a spectacular lady! How lucky you are to have shared her passion!!
Lee's book is fantastic!!! I hope everyone goes out and snags their own copy!
I already have my copy so don't enter me in the draw! :)

Greg Pattridge said...

Great story line both for the book and her connection with Enid. I do want to read THE SIGN OF THE GREEN DRAGON but let someone else win. My stack of books to read is already reaching into 2017. Best of luck C. Lee!

Joanne R. Fritz said...

How wonderful that Lee was privileged enough to know such a fascinating woman. And that she got a chance to visit China and the Three Gorges. The book sounds like an exciting adventure.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Your adventure in the far East and your journey as an author was enriched by your friend.

cleemckenzie said...

Hi, Natalie and Casey! I'm so excited to be here today. Thank you for giving me a chance to talk about my book and some of my fascination with China.

cleemckenzie said...

Thanks for the reassurance, Diane. And those books are treasures! I'd love to see them.

cleemckenzie said...

Thanks. I hope the adventure lasts for a few generations. :-)

cleemckenzie said...

She had such a history. I think it went back into Russia and the Czarist period. If I'd been old, I would have known to ask more questions.

cleemckenzie said...

Aren't we lucky to have had these literary women in our lives! Thanks for reading and reviewing Dragon, Bish. You're the best.

cleemckenzie said...

Moms and Dads are great, but you're right. Those outside influences are very special.

cleemckenzie said...

I was fortunate, indeed. I mean to write more about Enid one day. Thanks so much for your support with this launch.

cleemckenzie said...

We need to call the authors and ask if they could please write a bit slower! :-)

cleemckenzie said...

The China trip was so special. I'm glad I was able to see the Three Gorges before the dam flooded the area.

cleemckenzie said...

Absolutely. We need to remember how as adults we can enrich children's lives. Enid taught me that.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Ooh, this sounds like a fun mystery to read. Please throw my name in the hat. It's wonderful how a figure from childhood can open up so many worlds that you explore later. I used to have a piano teacher from Russia when I was very very young, and her husband had a ship in a bottle. I know some day I will have to write about that ship in the bottle. Meanwhile, it's wonderful that Lee had the opportunity to go to China and see some of the wonders her early friend had made her aware of.

Christine Rains said...

What a wonderful story about where your love for China started. If only every child were lucky to know someone so kind and learned.

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Lee, Chinese culture also fascinates me and I've read more than a few stories set in that part of the world. Hope your giveaway is going well.

Kristin Lenz said...

Congrats on your book! I was fortunate to be able to visit friends in China for 2 weeks last year.

cleemckenzie said...

Those early mentors are so important. A ship in a bottle? That absolutely must have a story.

cleemckenzie said...

I was. Her affect on my life has been significant.

cleemckenzie said...

Hi Joy! So glad we share this passion.

cleemckenzie said...

It's so amazing to see all the places you've only read about, isn't it?

Jenni said...

I loved this story of how Enid inspired you to learn about China. I felt the same way when I got to go to Russia, a childhood dream. This sounds like a fun middle grade. Congrats, Lee!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

As Diane wrote: I am sure she sensed how you felt about her and your time with her. May your sales be high!!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Have my copy which I pre-ordered on Amazon. So wonderful you met someone who broadened your horizons so much. RIP. Congrats on your latest book Lee.

cleemckenzie said...

So glad you fulfilled your dream, Jenni!

cleemckenzie said...

Thanks, Roland. Excellent to see you have a Dragon book out as well! Dragons of the Barbary Coast is on my must read list. In fact, it's on my Kindle.

cleemckenzie said...

Thanks so much, Sheena-kay. I appreciate your comment and your purchase of Dragon. I hope you enjoy the adventure.

Michael Di Gesu said...

HI, Lee, HI, Natalie,

How interesting to learn more about your passions, Lee... Sounds like a wonderful read.

ALL the best!

Natalie.... Thanks for featuring Lee today.

jean602 said...

This sounds very intriguing I can't wait to read it.

jean602 said...

This sounds very intriguing I can't wait to read it.

Mary Preston said...

So much to love with this story, beginning with the amazing cover.


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Congrats, Lee!! I'd love to visit the Great Wall one day...

Barbara said...

Dear Lee, I hope you do write about Enid Milholiv, I would love to read it.
Congratulations on Sign of the green dragon, it sounds exciting, and I love the cover.
Thanks for sharing Casey, I’m going to follow you just as soon as I leave this comment. Barbara

Rachna Chhabria said...

Congrats Lee, I would love to visit China one day. Your book sounds very interesting.

Danielle H. said...

Wow! This book has everything that I love. I have it on my must read list. I shared on twitter.

finnthefearless said...

Beautiful cover, and it sounds like a fun read! finnthefearless(at)gmail(dot)com

Crystal Collier said...

*waves at Lee* I love that cover. Absolutely love it. Still need to read my copy. =)

(Hey, Natalie, I'm leaving you a bundle of cheese.)

Donna K. Weaver said...

Lee rocks. Congrats on the new book! Love the cover.

Unknown said...

I love how Lee got so much research done and actually visited China. Love the Great Wall pic. Wishing Lee a ton of success -- she really deserves it! :)

Unknown said...

I would love to win this book. Thanks for the opportunity.

DMS said...

I won't put my name in the hat, because I don't have an ereader, but I loved this post. Enid sounds like an amazing woman and I am so glad that Lee was able to spend so much time with her as a child. Love the photo of Lee at the Great Wall.

Wishing Lee all the best. :)

Penny said...

Thanks for the great post! I love the cover. I follow on email.