Upcoming Agent Spotlight Interviews & Guest Posts

  • Sally Kim Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 3/26/2025
  • Etsy Loveing-Downes Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/7/2025
  • Carey Blankenship-Kramer Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/21/2025
  • Rebecca Eskildsen Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 4/23/2025
  • Analía Cabello Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 5/14/2025
  • Isabel Lineberry Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 5/21/2025

Agent Spotlight & Agent Spotlight Updates

  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews were all edited in 2021. Every year since then, I update some of them. I also regularly add information regarding changes in their agency as I find it. I have been updated through the letter "N" as of 1/26/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

How I Met My Agent, Jennifer March Soloway: Guest Post by A.Y. Chan and The Legendary Mo Seto Giveaway

Happy Monday Everyone! Today I’m thrilled to have A.Y. Chan here to share about how she got her awesome agent Jennifer March Soloway and her debut MG The Legendary Mo Seto. It sounds like a great action-packed adventure story that also features martial arts. I’m looking forward to reading it.

Here’s a blurb from Goodreads:

A fast-paced, high-kicking debut that’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon meets Stand Up, Yumi Chung as a young taekwondo artist uses an ancient book to help save her dreams—and her father.

Twelve-year-old Modesty “Mo” Seto dreams of being a taekwondo champion. Even though her mom disapproves, Mo can always count on her dad, who is her number one fan and biggest supporter. Lately, Mo has been on a losing streak, and it doesn’t help that she keeps losing to her archnemesis, Dax, who’s much bigger than her. If only she were faster, stronger, not so petite. Mo can’t even lean on her dad like usual with how distracted he’s been lately.

When Mo learns about the chance to audition to star alongside her idol and legendary martial artist and movie star Cody Kwok, she knows this her chance to prove to her dad, to the world, and to herself that she can compete with anyone, no matter her size. Unfortunately, Dax is auditioning, too. As Mo and her nemesis progress to callbacks, someone attempts to sabotage the movie set and Mo’s dad disappears—and both events seem linked to a mysterious book, the Book of Joy.

The book contains information on a secret dance-like martial art developed by Mo’s ancestral grandmother. Armed with these powerful moves and an unexpected ally, Mo embarks on a high-octane adventure to rescue her father, save the movie, and discover an unexpected joy in being small.

Now here’s A.Y.!

Years and years ago (seriously, it feels like a distant memory), I met the amazing Jennifer March Soloway from Andrea Brown Literary Agency at a writing conference in California. Back then, I was brand new to the world of writing and wanted to soak up as much knowledge as possible by attending every conference and workshop I could find.

This particular conference was one where writers send in their query letter and first pages to the organizers, and they have an agent review your work. Picture this: a nervous writer walking into a room, heart pounding, half expecting to be devoured by the literary wolves. Instead, I was greeted by Jennifer's humongous smile, which completely lit up the small space and put me at ease.

We clicked immediately, bonding over our shared love of Hong Kong martial arts movies. We joked about how Jackie Chan is my uncle (spoiler: he’s not) and agreed that Michelle Yeoh is the coolest, fiercest movie star ever. Jennifer encouraged me to focus on my first lines, emphasizing the importance of hooking a reader. Funny enough, a reader recently told me she picked up my book, THE LEGENDARY MO SETO, read the first lines, and knew she had to buy it. Proof that first lines really do matter!

Fast forward a year, and I was ready to find an agent. I read all sorts of advice from writers online—some said to go for a well-known agent for their connections, while others suggested new, up-and-coming agents who might work harder to establish themselves. I sent out queries in batches of ten and waited for responses.

The whole process was daunting. Many replies were form rejections, and many didn’t reply at all. Some days, I didn’t even want to check my Inbox of Doom for fear of seeing a rejection letter. I kept reminding myself that rejection isn’t personal; writing is subjective. Just because someone doesn’t enjoy my story doesn’t mean someone else won’t love it. There’s a lot to learn from rejection and constructive criticism, but it still stings!

Through it all, I kept thinking about Jennifer. We had such a great connection, and she said she liked my writing…but would she like my full manuscript? When she wrote back asking for a revise and resubmit (R&R) and to not resubmit to her for six months, my heart sank. Six months felt like an eternity! But I took her advice and put my heart and soul into revising and strengthening my story.

When I started querying again, I received some encouraging responses and even a couple of requests for the full manuscript. Then, miraculously, two agents offered representation, and one asked for a R&R. It still hadn’t been six months, but I emailed Jennifer to let her know about my progress. She asked to read my manuscript right away, and I held my breath.

And then it happened—she offered representation!

I was ecstatic but cautious. I knew having an agent didn’t guarantee publication, but it felt like a massive step forward. I spoke to the agents on the phone, asked for client referrals, and did my due diligence. Deep down, though, I knew Jennifer was the one. Even though she wasn’t (at that time) the most experienced agent who offered, I felt a connection with her. Like she was a kindred spirit.

Our path to publication wasn’t a walk in the park. It took years of rewriting and submissions to editors. Rejections from editors were even more painful because they held the key to publication. Feedback was often contradictory—some said they adored the characters but not the story, others the reverse. And then there were the times when I passed an editor’s read and they took my story to their wider editorial team, only to be rejected there. Or, when it was greenlit by the editorial team but was nixed by sales and marketing.

Through it all, Jennifer remained a positive force in my writing journey, my cheerleader and steadfast supporter. She assured me we would sell THE LEGENDARY MO SETO (the title was different then) and never gave up. There are no words to describe how much it meant to me to have someone on my side with such unshakable confidence in me and my story. Jennifer truly is the dream agent, and I am beyond grateful we’re in this together.

To writers currently in the query trenches or just starting their journey, my advice is this: focus on the connection with an agent rather than just their agency or experience. Try to meet agents at conferences and workshops, watch their videos, and follow/interact with them on social media. You'll get a sense of who they are and whether you might get along. Finding the right agent is not just about securing representation; it's about building a partnership based on trust, shared vision, and mutual respect. The journey to publication can be long and arduous, but every step becomes a lesson and every setback a stepping stone. Keep faith in your story and remember that the path to success is paved with perseverance, unwavering hope, and kindred spirits (agents, critique partners, or otherwise). Happy writing!

A.Y. Chan is the author of THE LEGENDARY MO SETO (Aladdin, Simon & Schuster), a fast-paced adventure about a 12-year-old black belt who auditions for a movie role opposite her favorite martial arts movie hero…only to be told she’s too small for the role. Publishers Weekly calls it "Adrenaline pumping" and Kirkus Reviews declares it "An exciting action-adventure story that packs a punch."

Follow her online for updates:

Instagram: @aychanwrites

 X: @aychanwrites

Website: aychanwrites.com

Giveaway Details

A.Y. is generously offering a hardback of The Legendary Mo Seto for a giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower of my blog (via the follower gadget, email, or bloglovin’ on the right sidebar) and leave a comment by September 7th. If your email is not on your Google Profile, you must leave it in the comments to enter the contest. Please be sure I have your email address.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog and/or follow me on Twitter or follow A.Y. on her social media sites, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry for each. You must be 13 years old or older to enter. This book giveaway is U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday is hosted by Greg Pattridge. You can find the participating blogs on his blog.

Upcoming Interviews, Guest Posts, and Blog Hops

Wednesday, September 4th I have an interview with author Natalie Lloyd and a giveaway of her MG The Witching Wind and my IWSG post

Saturday, September 7th I’m participating in the Holiday Kick Off Giveaway Hop

Monday, September 9th I have an agent spotlight interview with Alex Brown and a query critique giveaway

Monday, September 16th I have an interview with debut author Callie Miller and a giveaway of her MG The Search for the Shadowsoul

Wednesday, September 18th I have a guest post by Carol Lynch Williams from Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers

Monday, September 23rd I have an interview with debut author Dionna Mann and a giveaway of her MG Mama's Chicken and Dumplings 

I hope to see you on Wednesday, September 4th!


On Writing a Series and for Different Age Groups: Interview With Author Julie Abe and Tessa Miyata Is So Unlucky Giveaway

Happy Monday Everyone! Today I’m super excited to have Julie Abe here to share about her new MG fantasy Tessa Miyata Is So Unlucky. Julie has been a long-time follower, and I’ve enjoyed watching her career grow since she was a debut author in 2020. I loved Eva Evergreen Semi-Magical Witch and Eva Evergreen and the Cursed Witch. I just started the first book in the series and am really enjoying it. 

Here's a blurb of Tessa Miyata Is So Unlucky, book 2 in the series, from Goodreads:
In this thrilling new adventure, Tessa Miyata and her best friend Jin must battle the gods... and win. With magic abound and stakes higher than ever, this is a perfect pick for fans of Amari and the Night Brothers!  After her first adventure in Tokyo, Tessa Miyata is having the best summer of her life with her best friend, Jin. Still, she wonders if she'll ever see Kit, the mythical Unlucky God that Tessa and Jin freed, or the last magical city again. 

Then, Tessa and Jin get magical, talking invitations informing them that they've been chosen to attend the Academy of Gods– to battle immortals on behalf of the Unlucky God! Win, and they'll be given the gift of immortality. Lose, and they'll forget everything they learned about the magical city and Kit will cease to exist. Tessa and Jin may be God Blessed, but they’re mortals amongst gods... Can they defeat the other clans? or will they lose Kit forever?

Follower News

Before I get to Julie’s interview, I have Follower News to share. C. Lee McKenzie has a new YA release Because No One Noticed. Here’s a blurb: Five juniors at Las Animas High have a long history together. They love, dislike, or tolerate each other depending on the day. Occupied with class assignments, career choices, family disharmony, and the usual teen turbulence, none of them thinks seriously of the danger lurking in their near future or how fragile and temporary life is.


Because No One Noticed explores the complexities of teenage life, personal struggles, and the profound impact of a tragic event on the characters' lives. It also touches on themes of self-discovery and the consequences of actions.


Inspired by real-life tragedy, the story unfolds in alternating points of view as the characters explore the resilience of their hearts and their ability to rebuild their lives after a shattering tragedy. And here’s a few links:

Buy Links:


Interview With Julie Abe

Hi Julie! Thanks so much for joining us.

1. Tell us about yourself and how you became a writer.

Thank you so much for having me back!

It’s been quite a journey! Years and years ago, I was working at my first job out of college, thinking there must be more to life than this… there is… right? As I searched for meaning in my days, I remembered how much I loved books, and how reading books were an escape… But, I began to wonder, what if I tried to write a book, too?

It took many, many, many attempts. I wrote and shelved so many books, but, at the time that I was going to give up, a character popped into my head. She was a girl with not a lot of magic, but she wanted to pass her witch’s test—because if she didn’t pass it, she’d lose her magic forever. Later, after writing her story, I realized she was quite like me—I needed an agent to pick me, and she needed her witch’s license.

That character was Eva Evergreen, and that story I wrote became my first published book in 2020: Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch (Little Brown Young Readers/Hachette).

2. Where did you get the idea for the Tessa Miyata series and Tessa Miyata Is So Unlucky?

When I was young, I went to visit my grandparents in Japan during summer break. It was, honestly, rather boring. I would wander around by myself since I had no one to hang out with, and I didn’t have a lot of money so I couldn’t do much. Well, those boring summer vacations sparked an idea. What if Tessa was stuck in Japan, just like me… but there were evil samurai gods? What if she had a really annoying neighborhood boy who had been told to hang out with her… but they set that evil samurai god loose in Tokyo… And they have to be the ones to sort things out—before Tokyo goes into flames?

All of those wishful thoughts to have a more-fun summer vacation truly came to life in the Tessa Miyata books!

Your Writing Process: Writing a Series and for Different Age Groups

3. That’s cool how your summers as a kid inspired this story. Tessa Miyata is your second series. How did you plot it out and did you know the storyline for Tessa Miyata Is So Unlucky when you wrote Tessa Miyata Is NO Hero?

I wish I could say that I knew everything from the beginning—but, no. It takes time. Kind of like an onion, but it’s like growing an onion. I start with a nub of an idea and I add layers and layers. Sometimes I have to take layers off, edit, adjust them… For Tessa Miyata, I didn’t know exactly what the second book would be like until after I polished up the draft for the first book. But, I’d have flashes of scenes or words and phrases pop up in my brain, and I’d have to scramble to scribble those down. Many of those scribbles and images—blood on snow, a fight in Tokyo Skytree, the dormitory’s restaurant that changes to a different spot in Tokyo every meal, friendship that stands the test of time and of the gods—are now part of Tessa Miyata Is So Unlucky. And, like an onion, after many layers added, removed and edited, I am so happy that both books of the series are now out.

4. What are some of the challenges you found when writing your middle grades series? How did you solve the issues that came up?

One of my biggest challenges was creating the training arc of Tessa Miyata is So Unlucky. Tessa and her friends must become stronger in order to fight the gods, but I was struggling with a way to make them stronger, but also make the training interesting. I had to talk a lot with my critique partners as a sounding board, and go through all of my ideas to make it an arc that was fun for readers as well as truly made it feel like Tessa was developing over the book. When in doubt, talk it out with a trusted critique partner!

5. My critique partners have helped me out like that too. What advice do you have for other writers who want to write a series?

Plotting. 100%, plotting. As much as a pantser as I can be for a first book, a series requires strong plotting to make it really shine. Read other series books and see how the stories connect and yet grow from book to book. One of my top series recommendations is Lockwood & Co by Jonathan Stroud. The writing just pulls you in immediately, and the plot and twists keep me reading one book after another—and then when I finish all five books, it makes me want to read them all over again.

6. I’ll have to check out that series. One thing that impresses me about you is how many books you’ve sold since you debuted in 2020. Besides these two middle series, you’ve also published a MG fantasy Alliana, Girl of Dragons and two YA contemporary romances with a touch of magic, The Charmed List and Our Cursed Love. What made you decide to branch out and write a standalone fantasy and YA romance? Do you think writing in different genres and for different age groups has helped your career as an author?

Oh my gosh, it’s been so busy! So, Alliana, Girl of Dragons is a book I’d been longing to write. It’s actually a prequel, featuring the girl that becomes the queen in the Eva Evergreen series. I did envision that as a series, but my publisher acquired it as a standalone.

For my YA romance—I love, love, love romance. I am so in awe of how romance authors are able to create such chemistry between characters—not just the main couple, but side characters that burst to life. I’d always wanted to write a boy-next-door romance, and so The Charmed List was an absolute joy to write. Our Cursed Love was another book that was so much fun to write because it was about two best friends who seem cursed to fall apart—even though they love each other with all their heart. It takes place in snowy Tokyo, and was a dream to write (with a dream of a cover, too!)

I’m always very curious about learning more about writing, and writing in different genres and for different age groups has made me a stronger author.

Your Journey to Publication

7. Sarah Landis is your agent. How did she become your agent and what was your road to getting published like?

Sarah is absolutely wonderful. She manages the business side of things for me so well, negotiates on my behalf not just for the contract, but so much more. I queried Sarah years ago with Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch. She was the first to offer among multiple agents, and her passion for my story, as well as her editorial background and enthusiasm for my future books, swayed me to choose her. It’s been more than seven years now, and I’m very grateful for each year and every one of my seven (and counting!) books we’ve worked on together.

Promoting Your Book

8. How are you planning to promote Tessa Miyata Is So Unlucky? How has your approach to marketing changed as you’ve published more books?

Promotion is a strange thing. I lean on my publisher to help with the promotion, because there is only so much I can do out of pocket on my own. For me, my focus is on promoting through social media as much I can, going to in-person events to promote my book, but most of all—writing the next book. And, coming over here to Literary Rambles to say hi, of course! 😊
9. What are your favorite social media platforms? Has the way you’ve posted on them changed as you became a more experienced author? If so, why?

I used to love being on Twitter—it’s where I found a lot of author friends in the beginning. Over time, I’ve moved over to Instagram. It’s such a wonderful place. I’ve connected with my wonderful audio narrator of the Tessa Miyata books, Sura Siu, over Instagram. Recently, she was recording Tessa Miyata is So Unlucky, and posted about how it made her cry! I felt so awful to make someone cry from my books—I always want my readers to have happy tears! But, hearing how she was moved by my story would’ve never happened without Instagram, so I’m so very grateful for its existence. And, I’ve met so many readers on Instagram, and their comments cheering me on, their posts sharing love for my stories and characters have often picked me up after a rough day, and have kept me writing.

10. What are you working on now?

I am working on six different books over the next few years, so it’s going to be even more busy. I can’t say much yet so stay tuned to my Instagram/newsletter for updates, but I am so very, very excited for what’s to come!

Thanks for sharing all your advice, Julie. You can find Julie at www.instagram.com/julieabebooks or sign up for her newsletter at https://julieabebooks.com/newsletter.

Giveaway Details

Julie’s publisher is generously offering a hardback of Tessa Miyata Is So Unlucky for a giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower of my blog (via the follower gadget, email, or bloglovin’ on the right sidebar) and leave a comment by August 31st. If your email is not on your Google Profile, you must leave it in the comments to enter the contest. Please be sure I have your email address.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog and/or follow me on Twitter or follow Julie on her social media sites, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry for each. You must be 13 years old or older to enter. This book giveaway is U.S.

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday is hosted by Greg Pattridge. You can find the participating blogs on his blog.

Upcoming Interviews, Guest Posts, and Blog Hops

Monday, August 26th I have a guest post by debut author A.Y. Chan and a giveaway of her MG The Legendary Mo Seto

Wednesday, September 4th I have an interview with author Natalie Lloyd and a giveaway of her MG The Witching Wind and my IWSG post

Saturday, September 7th I’m participating in the Holiday Kick Off Giveaway Hop

Monday, September 9th I have an agent spotlight interview with Alex Brown and a query critique giveaway

Monday, September 16th I have an interview with debut author Callie Miller and a giveaway of her MG The Search for the Shadowsoul

I hope to see you on Monday!



Old School Giveaway Hop

Happy Friday Everyone! Today I'm excited to participate in the Old School Giveaway Hop hosted by MamatheFox. It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over. It’s been a pretty good summer for me overall this year. I’ve been staying busier this year, which is good. And I’ve been carving up more time for reading, which I always enjoy. I just finished Breaking Dark, a superhero mystery by Lisa Jewell that I couldn’t put down. I’ve gotten back to reading audiobooks too.

Book of Your Choice or Amazon Gift Card

I am offering a book of your choice that is $20 or less on Amazon or The Book Depository. I’m looking forward to seeing what books everyone is looking forward to reading. If you don’t have a book you want, you can win a $10 Amazon Gift Card.

Giveaway Details

To enter, all you need to do is be a follower of my blog (via the follower gadget, email, or bloglovin’ on the right sidebar) and leave a comment by June 30th telling me whether you want a book, and if so, which one, or the Amazon gift card and your email address. Be sure to include your email address.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media sites and/or follow me on Twitter, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry for each. You must be 13 years old or older to enter. The book giveaway is U.S. only and the Amazon gift card giveaway is International.

Upcoming Interviews, Guest Posts, and Blog Hops

Monday, August 19th I have an interview with author Julie Abe and a giveaway of her MG Tessa Miyata Is So Unlucky

Monday, August 26th I have a guest post by debut author A.Y. Chan and a giveaway of her MG The Legendary Mo Seto

Wednesday, September 4th I have an interview with author Natalie Lloyd and a giveaway of her MG The Witching Wind and my IWSG post

Saturday, September 7th I’m participating in the Holiday Kick Off Giveaway Hop

Monday, September 9th I have an agent spotlight interview with Alex Brown and a query critique giveaway

Monday, September 16th I have an interview with debut author Callie Miller and a giveaway of her MG The Search for the Shadowsoul 
I hope to see you on Monday!

And here are all the other blogs participating in this blog hop:


MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.